Formulation of task for first experiment (by Ravenna)

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Зарегистрирован: 11 фев 2010, 14:31:46

Сообщение Yahoo [Bot] » 13 сен 2009, 03:46:40


vvv [nickname]
Take deep salad bowl, lift it above head with bottom of bowl turned to you. Open part of bowl directed to ceiling. Hold it with both hands as if you were hanging on it by hooking with fingers. Let this feeling of hanging on bowl stay throughout exercise. Slowly lift bowl to ceiling. Lift it and strain your muscles at the same time as if you don’t let bowl to lift up. Achieve work of muscles as if you hanging on bowl and lifting it gradually at the same time. If you doing it right then there will be sense of attraction between ceiling and bowl at some moment as if bowl levitates up in air and you don’t let it go further hanging on it. It clearly happens even in wake reality. And in dreaming it will be enough to do several test actions to get bowl attracted to ceiling or wall. Then instead of bowl a broom can be used :)))) And go fly in dreaming world!

Yahoo [Bot]
Сообщения: 65
Зарегистрирован: 11 фев 2010, 14:31:46

Сообщение Yahoo [Bot] » 13 сен 2009, 05:00:05


Ravenna, is it necessary to do something more when we powder earth with pepper (fumigate etc.)? Maybe vocalize anything? Tune up with earth in some way?


Pepper, flowers and fragrance are amplifiers of ritual. It’s a contribution to those program of consiousness which creates contact between us and powers from without. I have found in one grimoar interesing thesis and it says that all humans power distributed to everyday proceedings and shields of attention. Here are quotations.
“Basic principle of magic lies in the fact that human doesn’t possess true power. Power comes from within. Black mage takes knowledge and power from following arts: demonology, summons and necromancy. White mage is expert of defensive and healing charms. Sorcerer – expert in psychic and mental control… blah blah blah…”

To tell it shorter – we have ability to create contacts with outer powers. Some shield of attention demands us to make this action like ritual. Channellers have their own ritual, rabbi have their own, wicca has its own. Hackers know that ritual is secondary program and that’s why they treat with it accordingly. If it is necessary they use it, and if it is not necessary then they skip its using.

Сообщения: 34
Зарегистрирован: 09 сен 2009, 09:00:51

Сообщение J.R.Tomlin[archive] » 13 сен 2009, 13:25:15

Yesterday I started the below task. I went out in nature and did what was asked. Ravenna mentioned we would sense another barrier. I noticed a barrier (not sure if it's the one she meant) when I was about to ask out loud. It was a familiar feeling of doubt and uncertainty, concern as to whether I was 'doing it right'. But I just went ahead anyway and asked. I then sat on a rock and meditated for an hour, linking in with nature, the woodland around me.

QUOTE ( @ 2009-09-11 01:41:56)

1. Find a place in your everyday world where you could find friable fertile ground a?? i.e., park ground, lawn, in your courtyard. {Wea??ll separate earth into four categories a?? mud(earth+water), fertile ground (earth+earth), dust (earth+air) and stone (earth+fire).} Ita??ll be better if there's nobody near you. Loosen ground with spade, stick, hands and with all the seriousness, loud and aloud ask earth to become your teacher for 3-5 days. (Youa??ll sense another barrier. Overcome it!) Ask with convince or earth wona??t agree. Ask not just earth but the BASIC ELEMENT of our world. Ita??s ancient and powerful force. Ita??s those space where the most important part of our consciousness is located, so called golem a?? basis of voodoo, mummification and other magical extravagancies.

2. For strengthening connection with temporary teacher you can visit loosened part of ground daily and powder it with pepper, flower petals and fumigate with tobacco smoke. This point is for those who would like it. Helps to many people.

3. During established 3-5 days try to recall in your dream about your temporary connection with teacher. Try to see him in your dream in appearance of an oldman or old lady. Try to remember teachers advices.

Ita??s kinda general task for nearest 5 days. And following task for further researches:

Recall in your dream about this forum, Ravennas words and try to manipulate your hands. Do flaps, like a bird. Or take large bowl and while slowly bringing it to wall achieve the effect when walla??ll begin to attract bowl. This is passing tasks. Most importantly, persuade basic element to become your temporary teacher. Do not ask about constant connection with teacher. We are researchers. We need to try all possibilities.

Сообщения: 34
Зарегистрирован: 09 сен 2009, 09:00:51

Сообщение J.R.Tomlin[archive] » 15 сен 2009, 15:08:27

I have been visiting the designated area of earth for three days now. While sat with the earth I practice gazing, usually at some tree foilage, or distant trees. The results I have noticed so far are significant, but it is not clear what exactly has triggered them. Basically a change I have wanted to happen for a while, but have found it hard to make that change, has happened very easily. I\'m not sure if this is a result from focusing on the barrier/s, or asking the earth and first element to be my teacher, or both of these. At any rate there is a big change that has taken place, that has created a positive shift in my life in general.

What are you others noticing or experiencing?

Сообщения: 14
Зарегистрирован: 06 сен 2009, 16:37:35

Сообщение ioneks[archive] » 15 сен 2009, 17:59:26

J.R. Tomlin, I guess the reason for this is neither of these two you\'ve mentioned. I guess what triggered those results is the stream or flow of the research. Some things happen just because you participate in it.

I want to share some experience that is also about influence of the stream. The day the task to ask the earth to be a temporary teacher was given I was so busy that I had no chance to perform the task. But somehow an opportunity appeared unexpextedly, and it was better than everything I planned to try. So I talked to the earth.

That was exiting, and I guess it\'s the same stream that helps you and every participant.

Yahoo [Bot]
Сообщения: 65
Зарегистрирован: 11 фев 2010, 14:31:46

Сообщение Yahoo [Bot] » 16 сен 2009, 13:34:20

Hi Ioneks,

that\'s interesting. Yes this flow of research you speak of is probably connected to it. I should imagine at the root of these experiences is any attempt to focus the Intent. The more you put behind it, the more you get.

QUOTE (ioneks @ 2009-09-15 16:59:26)
J.R. Tomlin, I guess the reason for this is neither of these two you\\\'ve mentioned. I guess what triggered those results is the stream or flow of the research. Some things happen just because you participate in it.

I want to share some experience that is also about influence of the stream. The day the task to ask the earth to be a temporary teacher was given I was so busy that I had no chance to perform the task. But somehow an opportunity appeared unexpextedly, and it was better than everything I planned to try. So I talked to the earth.

That was exiting, and I guess it\\\'s the same stream that helps you and every participant.

Сообщения: 34
Зарегистрирован: 09 сен 2009, 09:00:51

Сообщение J.R.Tomlin[archive] » 16 сен 2009, 13:56:37

Forgot to add todays report as well...

Yesterday things did not seem to flow so well, but I stuck with the practice and
also at maintaining the change I wanted (which was harder for some reason yesterday). Did not sleep well last night. Then early hours of this morning had what I call an 'energy body' experience. This does not feel like a normal dream. I get out of bed, realise I 'feel' different and that I am in my dreaming/energy body. To verify I was dreaming I pushed my hand into wall and it went through. Went down stairs and examined the house (nearly always different from how house is really). Then I let myself sink into the wall until it completely submerged me and then I somehow let it catapult me out across the living room. I examined the living room for a few moments, memorising the look of it. There was a table near the front door. The only things that were the same as my real house was the position of the front door and the stairs. Nearly every time I have these experiences the house is different. Beyond the front door there was a conservatory. Then I decided to go outside and examine the territory and get on with my arranged task. However (probably due to the fact I was so exhausted) I forgot to get on with the task and was easily distracted. There were two men who harrassed me. I decided to challenge them (I have found it is usually not a good idea to interact with dream characters at all as the tendency is I get pulled into a more dreamy unaware state) although usually I find it best to avoid them. Today I decided differently. I thought maybe I would confuse them by passing my hands through them, I did this with one but it had the additional effect of extending my arms very very long (LOL a bit like the arms of one of the Mr Men characters 'Mr Tickle'). I carried on pushing the man away with these long arms. I just wanted to get away from them. Just as they were leaving I woke up. I also went up to one dream character and asked them who they were really. Who are you I repeated over and over. Then I found myself saying something strange 'who is the dreamer?'. Then I was asking again, who are you really? It felt like I was penetrating towards an answer. Nothing was revealed though. There is a tendency in dreaming books and forums to answer "they are us". "They are all me". Which then leads to statements like "we are all connected" and "you are me and i am you". Which all may well turn out to be true. But mostly these statements are recycled around all new age circuits, conformist chanting rather than charged with any true knowledge. I'm not a conformist (like most of you here are not either, I'm sure) I'm a hacker. So naturally I want real answers that mean something.
QUOTE ( @ 2009-09-16 12:34:20)
Hi Ioneks,

that\'s interesting. Yes this flow of research you speak of is probably connected to it. I should imagine at the root of these experiences is any attempt to focus the Intent. The more you put behind it, the more you get.

QUOTE (ioneks @ 2009-09-15 16:59:26)
J.R. Tomlin, I guess the reason for this is neither of these two you\\'ve mentioned. I guess what triggered those results is the stream or flow of the research. Some things happen just because you participate in it.

I want to share some experience that is also about influence of the stream. The day the task to ask the earth to be a temporary teacher was given I was so busy that I had no chance to perform the task. But somehow an opportunity appeared unexpextedly, and it was better than everything I planned to try. So I talked to the earth.

That was exiting, and I guess it\\'s the same stream that helps you and every participant.

Сообщения: 4
Зарегистрирован: 04 сен 2009, 21:18:40

Сообщение solaris[archive] » 17 сен 2009, 02:51:10

right when ravenna gave us the first exercise, i came down with the flu :(
anyhow, this puts me a bit late, but here is what i want to report thus far:

the barrier i feel is an internal conflict. as a child, i was always outside playing in nature. i was endlessly talking to rocks and plants and trees. my first inclination towards this experiment is naturally a feeling of \"coming home\" again. there is a part of me that will very easily and happily get lost communing so intimately with nature. this part of me is very sensual and immediate, and feels very much like my dreaming self.
on the other hand, there is a voice in me which is doubting my connection to the world in this way. this voice feels judgemental, unnatural... put there as a protection for myself from others who had hurt me long ago. it comes up whenever there is a thought about the self... normally, because of my nature, i can easily put this aside once i am involved in my \"communing\". but, before that, and sometimes after that, that nagging voice is there. and so, my barrier is not so much the voice, but the conflicted intent present because of the contradictory energies involved for me.
i make internal journeys and i sink my arms down into the lush earth. i feel my energy strengthened and supported. i feel the earth\'s energy moving into me - deep, thick, dark, and sensual. i do this every day to strengthen the connection. and yes - my dreams have been full of teachers... though not in human form. last night, i dreamt of huge, thin, jointed insect-like creatures giving me lessons about how to reconstruct my energy in order to survive in their world.

more as it comes


Сообщения: 14
Зарегистрирован: 11 сен 2009, 15:54:06

Сообщение Field9[archive] » 19 сен 2009, 01:39:07

I\'m a bit late getting my post in... When I set out to do this particular task I really did not feel any barriers at first. What I did feel was a deep connectivity with the earthly element as I would stick my hands into the loosened earth. Touching and feeling the earth element I felt and sensed a heavy denseness and blackness, the heaviness of it felt as a wall or maybe a boundary of some type.

In the day and the days to come I encountered quite a few obstacles, setbacks that I guess could be construed as barriers. I really did not let them sway my purpose, inside I held to the thougth that these things were only to get me off track. Since its happened before, mind you, so I knew I must be close to a discovery of some type. I called theese so called barriers my strange run of things while I did the first task and the meditation/recap. It progressed into the next few days, with me having 2 days of sinus problems which brought me even further down but then that just disappeared and next to occur a general blah, not well feeling I felt which seemed to be centered around my solar plexus for next 2 days.

As to dreams, I did not remember much of the details, except seeing the sky and a part about saving materials in a fierce way and the words [Simple Fierceness].

There was something else I dreamed I want to say as I feel its relevant and has been on my mind alot that I should report this is as it almost appears a bit like a precognitive dream about this task the week before. Which like those streams of consciousness as spoken of by others here, shows a connection.

This is my dream. I wrote in my journal this dream was different than most dreams I have had. It had a different atmosphere and I dreamed I had met up with witches and sorcerers. I was outside behind a big house, there were others, (female gender) I was speaking to about how I would talk to the wind and so forth and it would listen to me. I also motioned with my arms back and forth, straight up waving them to and fro towards the open sky.

There was a strange look to the sky, I don\'t know whether I viewed it at this time or in another part of the dream. This sky had clouds with an unusual feature to it. The clouds looked like a straight cut all the way across, flat as a table, hanging almost to the horizon line and going all the way from left to right.

I was back in the house in a large room as I glanced around there was a big room off to the left with all windows in it from floor to ceiling. I was talking to an older man, there was also a younger woman with straight dark hair to her shoulders and more people there. I remember also talking to this same girl as I was laying in a huge bed there I had just punched the pillows and pretended to be asleep while she walked in. We spoke and she told me I would meet another man. We exchanged a few more words about him and then the dream scene changed and then next I knew we were getting ready to go to a party.



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