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Автор Тема: Черное Солнце: Монтокское Наци-Тибетское пересечение  (Прочитано 1180 раз)
« : Мая 01, 2008, 09:22:54 »

Питер Мун

"Черное Солнце: Монтокское Наци-Тибетское пересечение"

четвертая книга монтокской серии


ГЛАВА  1 Монток - Рандеву с Наци
ГЛАВА  2 Внутреннее Пересечение
ГЛАВА  3 Пересечение с Камероном
ГЛАВА  4 Происхождение Камеронов
ГЛАВА  5 Пересечение с Кеннеди
ГЛАВА  6 Наследие Тевтонов
ГЛАВА  7 Дом Оранской династии
ГЛАВА  8 Лайон Гардинер и ведьмы
ГЛАВА  9 Проект Скрепка и Хэммилы
ГЛАВА 10 Немецкое пересечение
ГЛАВА 11 Секрет Иуды
ГЛАВА 12 Доктор Феликс
ГЛАВА 13 Фюрер
ГЛАВА 14 Гитлер жив!
ГЛАВА 15 Побег главы рейха
ГЛАВА 16 Отто Скорцени
ГЛАВА 17 Арабское пересечение
ГЛАВА 18 Загадочные истоки E.M.I. Торнов
ГЛАВА 19 Туле
ГЛАВА 20 Сила Вриля
ГЛАВА 21 Врильские Блюдца
ГЛАВА 22 Брукхэвенское пересечение
ГЛАВА 23 Последствия Войны
ГЛАВА 24 Neuschwabenland
ГЛАВА 25 ОСС в Тибете
ГЛАВА 26 СС в Тибете
ГЛАВА 27 Тибетское пересечение
ГЛАВА 28 Религия Бон
ГЛАВА 29 Мон
ГЛАВА 30 Пирамида Шенсай
ГЛАВА 31 Ковчег
ГЛАВА 32 Белое Золото и оккультизм
ГЛАВА 33 Голубая раса
ГЛАВА 34 Путь Мумии
ГЛАВА 35 Кроули


Черное Солнце продолжает интригующие раскрытия Питера Муна, превосходя ожидания читателей. Он погрузился в загадочные совпадения, делающие его работы так популярными, глубже чем когда либо.

Черное Солнце - приключение в глубины осознания, раскрывающие массивы новой информации, начиная с программы немецких летающих дисков до миссии СС в Тибете. Мы пройдем по маршруту, который даст наиболее полный взгляд, чем когда-либо, на Третий Рейх и святые реликвии, которые были главной целью этих поисков: от ковчега завета до чаши Грааля.

Следуя за Копьем Судьбы и пытаясь разгадать мистический оккультизм нацистов, Питер Мун знакомит нас с лабораторией старинных алхимиков и с особой силой их белого золота, для того чтобы раскрыть секрет заключенный в египетской и тибетской Книги о Смерти.

Большое количество информации еще только поступает в отношении всей темы "Звездных Войн" в целом. Престон Николс был привлечен в этот проект для продюсирования звука и публично рассказывал на лекциях, что в фильме использовались технологии, влияющие на психику, для того чтобы привлечь зрителей к многократному просмотру фильмов.

The Star Wars series itself was based upon George Lucas's Journal of the Will.  Although it has not been publicly released, this journal contained the dreams and inspirations of Lucas, a man who is reported to have lived at Montauk.  The use of the word "will" is a distinct parallel to Aleister Crowley's concept of the will.  When one unleashes the will, whether it is through George Lucas or any other individual, the truth has a way of coming forth.  The truth we are concerned about, lest anybody wonder, is unlocking the secrets of time.

It seems clear that both Duncan and George Lucas were pulling from the same source.  When we consider that Mark Hamill was once a roommate of Duncan, a childhood friend of Preston and eventually became the brother-in-law of George Lucas, their is less room for speculation.  There was an active but unseen influence working on all of them.

It seems that Hamill, Lucas and Preston (who worked as a sound engineer for these movies) all contributed to the Star Wars effort in an attempt to remind the population at large of its ancient legacy and predicament. They were shifting mythological archetypes with this work of art, and there is no question that Star Wars totally revolutionized Hollywood, particularly in regards to special effects technology.  More importantly, it shed a more respectable light on how science fiction would be viewed.  It became mainstream.  Preston, Duncan and Al [Bielek] would eventually take this a step further and release the Montauk information.


Jan [van Helsin] explained to me that after the Berlin wall crumbled, certain information could no longer be contained.  Secret Societies such as the Knights Templar, which had been severely repressed under the East German government, were now coming forward and releasing what had been closely guarded secrets.  Jan proceeded to clue me in on all sorts of information which became the focal point of my investigation....

Secret Societies and their Power in the 20th Century is the title of Jan's book.  It was written in the German language and quickly became a best seller with over 50,000 copies being sold in Europe.  As it became more popular, the book caught the attention of the German government and was banned as being "inciteful to the masses."  The book was primarily about political conspiracy and included only a few chapters on esoteric subjects.

The main controversy which got Jan into trouble had to do with the Jewish issue.  He included The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a document which conventional historians claim to be a forgery.  Conspiracy historians do not necessarily accept this view.  Their main point is that if The Protocols were a forgery, they are an exact methodology through which a group such as the Illuminati would use to control world politics.  Whatever the exact truth of The Protocols is, including them in a book is not going to win support from organizations like the B'nai Brith and the Anti'Defamation League.

....The secret he was unveiling had to do with the Black Knights, a group who trace their origin back to the original Knights Templar.  According to his research, the Black Knights are the legitimate heirs of the Knights Templar who were burned at the stake during the purge of the Inquisition. Jan said that the Nazis, via the Black Knights, had an ancient manuscript in their hands that had once actually belonged to the Templars.  Before that, it belonged to the scribes of Israel.  The precious secret contained in this manuscript is that the Hebrew scribes identified their God as El Shaddai, the outcast Archangel or Satan.  This information might sound shocking to those who are particularly self righteous.  It apparently had the same effect on leading proponents of the Aryan cause and flamed their anti-Semitism.......

The Celtic tribes emigrated from Central Asia and made their way to Egypt. Once there, they lived quite compatibly with the Pharaoh's ruling establishment.  Both peoples contributed to the Egyptian legacy that we know today.  A cultural break during the time of Ramses II is symbolized in the story of Moses taking the Hebrews across the Red Sea.  The term "Hebrews" in this sense actually refers to a potpourri of different peoples which included the Celts.  We also know during this time period that a Celtic man by the name of Niul married the Pharaoh's daughter, Scota.  Their descendants named Scotland in her honor.  The Scottish islands of the Hebrides are an obvious reference to Hebrew or Hebron, a city south of Jerusalem.

While writing this book, I received a letter which revealed another layer of mystery with regard to the Montauk-Nazi connection.  It was from a gentleman who worked on the Star Wars films.  In no undertain terms, he said that those films, as well as the Indiana Jones series, were all produced in England at the facilities of Thorn EMI, the mysterious company already associated with Aleister Crowley and The Philadelphia Experiment.

Raiders of the Lost Ark, written by George Lucas, is of particular interest when we consider the Nazi connection.  Steven Spielberg, who directed this movie, is said to have taken a lot of heat in the Jewish community for his role with Raiders because it popularized Nazis and made them remarkable characters, albeit evil ones.  Some consider this a glorification of the Nazis' so-called mystical powers.....

Different news stories have reported Spielberg or his companies buying defense industry properties on Long Island that are known to contain extensive underground facilities.  The locations and companies reported have varied, but the theme is always the same.  He is bringing his studio to Long Island to make a film about aliens.  Spielberg's connections to the government are legendary.  They begin with his movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind and extend forward to E.T. where he reportedly gave a White House showing...
« Последнее редактирование: Мая 02, 2008, 04:10:52 от Биг ЧСВ » Записан
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« Ответ #1 : Октября 08, 2009, 06:23:44 »

как же всетаки прочесть книгу? не възжаю. Помогите кто может, зарание благодарю!
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