Questions about the practiсe

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Зарегистрирован: 07 сен 2009, 18:57:31

Questions about the practiсe

Сообщение DarkLight[archive] » 18 сен 2009, 20:12:25

This is the thread for your questions to Ravenna and people on this forum.

It contains translation of Russian user's questions and replies to them.


“Remeber about this forum and words of Ravenna in your dreams; try to manepulate with hands. Wave them like a bird. Or take a large bowl and slowly bringing it to the wall achieve the effect when it will start to attract the bowl.”

Could you detail all that a little bit? It seems nobody understood that it’s important.
I guess I understand about waving hands like a bird - it might be for motion in dreams. I, for example, fly in dreams just like swim - I feel tension of space around me, I can jump widely or fly rapidly just like a rocket. But I haven’t tried as a bird. How shall it work?

It’s not clear about manipulations with the bowl. Why to attract it to the wall? Is it for entrance into another ball (of perception)?


- lossa:
This morning I dreamed of riding a deer :))) some magician, the man with black as resin hair and light blue shining eyes. The magician suggested me to straddle the deer - big powerful animal with huge horns. (I understood that it was like an exam - the one who can hold that deer riding was supposed to be the apprentice of the magician). The whole crowds appeared to try and ride the deer but nobody could do it - teh deer either didn’t allow anyone come close or threw down from its back. I was sitting on the ground reading the book . I didn’t have any wish to take part in what was going on - to stand in the queue waiting to be an apprentice. Suddenly I felt breath on my shoulder. The deer was standing beside me. It laid down turning its legs up suggesting me to sit on its back this way. Suddenly the magician appeared near me too. Then I saw a big can of coffee in my hand with name and there was the word on it. The magician said it was my name.


- bezdelnik:
Ravenna, I have questions too.
I wonder about so called “complex of speciality” and breaking the barriers. What are these things? How do they effect us? How to work with the complex? And how does it effect learning?

Сообщения: 119
Зарегистрирован: 07 сен 2009, 18:57:31

Questions about the practise

Сообщение DarkLight[archive] » 18 сен 2009, 20:43:17

Could you detail all that a little bit? It seems nobody understood that it’s important.

I suppose that someone has understood it. :)
Manipulations with the bowl show a few things and lead to big fields of research. Doing this drill, especially in dream, the dreamer learns to redirect attention from the everyday world description to the magic one. According to the laws of the everyday world description a brick wall or a wooden ceiling won’t attract a faience bowl. For doing this drill you need to move to the magic description area. It’s very easy to do in dreams. And there we can learn the way to redirect the descriptions.
The trick is very delicate and almost unnoticeable but having it caught you’ll be able to repeat the magic actions in everyday reality.

Probably, some people got interested in making the framing of dreams itself. What’s the reason of the bowl’s attraction to the ceiling? What are the laws controlling the matter of the dream world? Why is it possible (very slowly and carefully) to penetrate an aquarium with a stick and the construction will save its functional qualities.
It’s the most interesting and almost undiscovered sphere of researches.

Manipulations with hands help us activate this option - to use hands according to our will but not according to fancy of the dream plot. That’s the point. Actually, this is the user’s tuning for own dreaming body.

Another amazing moment is to search for connection between actions in reality and actions in dream. Why does a pair of minutes spent with the bowl in reality create an imprint in dreams? How to bring the units of wished actions to dreams? We’ve been told since childhood that we need to spend long time thinking of something and then it’ll appear in dreams. But this method is ineffective and we see that there’s another one which hasn’t been worked with much. But it exists. This is another huge area of research.

I modestly hope that my prompts will inspire for great feats and discoveries.

Сообщения: 119
Зарегистрирован: 07 сен 2009, 18:57:31

Сообщение DarkLight[archive] » 18 сен 2009, 21:33:54

(to lossa)
The dreams seen by you no less than three times are the ones to take into account.
The information like name of your teacher or your personal code is better not to share with anyone. The best way to act is from the researcher position. Draw not your bow till your arrow is fixed. Make conclusions after multiple checks. And et cetera.

(to bezdelnik)
Each boy in childhood is told that he’s special. Some guys get the complex of “messiah” or Neo, special, unusual. Then life teaches them and breaks of the habit. But not all. And many guys (ladies get rid of it fast) stay with secret feeling of being chosen - the feeling which makes them compete with every authority on their way. These lads need to make fun of a teacher, to pee into a shoe of some excellent pupil, to say a few filthy things to the most beautiful girl in the class. Further more.
Opposition the authority gets more delicate and subtle - it seems to go to the shadow of nature becoming an invisible inner voice which leads the person through life. That’s why the complex of speciality creates the bunch of problems and barriers. Even when a person confesses to himself and to the world that he is as simple as everyone else it presumes some special conditions. For example, “I can forgive mistakes of people. I can forgive better than everyone else! But I’ll never forgive anyone!”
The complex of speciality fulfils important compensating functions. “I’m not very smart but special. I’m not very adventurous but special. I’m not very... BUT...!” It increases the complex and builds a bunch of barriers. That’s why when I ask people to imagine how they enter the door of dreaming I get a reply: “But I don’t have any door!”. Then I understand that it’s another person-messiah in front of me.
But I accept people like this as they are. It’ll just be more difficult for them to overcome their barriers.

Сообщения: 119
Зарегистрирован: 07 сен 2009, 18:57:31

Сообщение DarkLight[archive] » 18 сен 2009, 22:18:59

- Ravenna[color]

About the second drill.
When usual people see pyramids they think they’re the place of buried pharaohs. When scientists think of pyramids they see them as many different forms of knowledge transfer.
When usual people see “The Egyptian book of the dead” they think it’s just some nonsense about the defunct people. I see the metamorphosis scheme in it. I can reconstruct this scheme with help of dreaming practise and meditations. I don’t need ancient forgotten gods. I can find their analogies in modern world. If mathematician looks through the text he’d discover new theorems and would create mathematical theory of metamorphosis. If a chemist read the book he’d discover the alchemy secret. If a mystic worked with the book he’d get elixir of immortality.
But we are the explorers of the dream world, so we use the scheme of the way for our exact goals. Do take into your account that I apply the Egyptian texts for adventure filling. Mastering the ancient way shall be an important but not the main task. Probably, it’s hard for you to understand the abilities which the templet of actions opens for you. But the ancient sages spent enormously much time and power for a reason - to transfer this knowledge. They considered it STUNNINGLY IMPORTANT. And the one who understands it shall get it.

Сообщения: 119
Зарегистрирован: 07 сен 2009, 18:57:31

Сообщение DarkLight[archive] » 23 сен 2009, 23:05:24

– Raziel:
1. “ “Focus” is very delicate and hard to notice but having it done in dreams you will be able to repeat magic actions in everyday world.”
I’ll never forget the impressions from the sensations, when you Leave the conscious dream (OC), holding something in your hands. Process of telekinesis (for example) has been learned by me there perfectly. Trying it waking – zero effect. I think there’s something else to be done for the “focus” to be repeated in everyday world.
2. The pyramid There
I gathered it from stones – what an entertaining work. I noticed only one effect. I felt the flow of energy from it, it’s possible to redirect it to yourself for supporting yourself there. It had been so until I got drawn into another babble (dream). I lost the connection there and some time later I left the dream.
3. Dear Ravenna. Question: what do allies get FROM THERE collaborating with us? Why would they help us…
When we interfere with the elements of the world (asking advice, help and power), we, actually, refer to ourselves – that is to say we personificate parts of our consciousness with help of such focusing of our attention, we widen our comprehensive abilities and activities in surrounding environment.

When people encounter with the allies, agreements are used. The allies get connected to human recourses and people use their abilities. Hackers do not conclude the agreements. They “hang” to the allies like stickers. In exchange to get rid of the “sticking” the allies give us pieces of knowledge. In general, we use them as transport. It’s not very effective but it guarantees independence. To put in a nutshell, it’s better to be free and independent among the allies but accept any knowledge you can get staying free.
- Sumatra

I have a question. Ravenna, tell me, how are the real person and the dream character (sprite) correlated?
Sprite is a dream character in the plot of a dream. Somehow, the program of dreaming uses our memory of real world and inserts its parts into the plot. The sprites are useless. Of course, it’s possible to spend a lot of power to inflate the sprite with luminosity and, therefore, to attract the real person into your dream and effect his consciousness in the dream. But the game’s not worth a candle. For collective dreams it’s easier to tune the dream to some special location and get conscious there. Consciousness of person is easy to recognize according to his luminosity – he somehow shines with inner light, he’s bright against the backcloth of sprites.

Сообщения: 119
Зарегистрирован: 07 сен 2009, 18:57:31

Сообщение DarkLight[archive] » 25 сен 2009, 23:16:41

- Sumatra:
Ravenna, was there Dream Hacker research of connections between the “problem zones” of psychics and the places where the biggest amount of luminosity is left? For example, if in your childhood you were frightened by a dog and had mental trauma, then the biggest portion of luminosity can be found there and there etc.

There was no such research.
- Algis:

I have a question about orientation. We have a very serious drill- to find part of our luminosity by orientating ourselves with some exact places and choosing directions. Ravenna, I have a huge request: please give details about North, East, West and South directions in dreams. Are they mirror reflections of the real ones with North and South swapped, with East - on the right, West - on the left?

Ravenna, is it possible to find luminosity with little experience in dreaming? Sometimes I don’t understand how I can do this or that dream quest but I’m only on the way to the luminosity.

Algis, when I give tasks for the dream world, the coordinates correspond to the dream world. It means that South is above, North is at the bottom, East is on the right and West on the left.


The Castle (quite a big building) is located higher than the city, higher the giant construction (which can appear to be a stadium or an airport), closer to the right river, on the right-hand side from the slums labyrinth, beside the circular railway or tramway loop, close to two squares [Translator’s note: in the meaning of town squares/courtyard squares] separated by a metal latticed fence (for some people it may appear as a school yard).
- defect:

Can the loop of the railways be transformed into a tilted race track? The high building is seen from there. It also has high prominence and has branches diverging from the main tracks which themselves decend down through a hatch to an abandoned room with baths. I don’t know why but I was led there by sprites and they called this place “Voloha” for some reason. In general the locality was industrial - full of concrete buildings and feelings of “abandoned lands”.

Yes! A tilted race track! Very close! Probably, it’s one of the transformations of that place.
- Algis:

Ravenna, thank you for replying to the questions. I have one more.

How do we return the luminosity when we enter the place where it is? How does the process of its returning occur? - Should we take an object from that zone or maybe eat it or dissolve it in us? (And when should we wake up - should we do it after leaving the place or right there?)

The luminosity returns automatically when a person arrives to the place where they lost it. In general, we lost it in childhood. For example, because of the small part of the dream world being mastered we’ve been to the castle-museum hundreds of times - it’s where I’m directing you to in the task. We’ve been there in childhood. The guardian frightened us and took us into captivity. We paid with our luminosity to be free. Now, having grown up we can return what was lost. In that place the usual trick is to use the two staircases. Running from one to another you can confuse the guardian. (It’s because the words of power will almost not help you - on this exact level of the dreaming body development). The main in this task is not to get lost in the dream plot. For example, to save or help somebody, to listen to the sprites’ advice etc. If you just straightly search for the treasury (in the dream we’ll know almost for sure where it’ll be - somewhere on the 3d floor but not in the basement as we’ll be told by the “helpers”), then the drill will be done with amazing easiness. It seems that the meaning of meeting this guardian is exactly in focusing on the own goal!

Сообщения: 119
Зарегистрирован: 07 сен 2009, 18:57:31

Сообщение DarkLight[archive] » 04 окт 2009, 19:03:40


Ravenna, is luminosity lost only in dreams? Should I refrain from anything in everyday reality not to lose the luminosity, to gather consciousness?

Carlos Castaneda stated that the warrior’s way helps human being to save and grow luminosity. Hackers found out that the luminosity can be restored in dreams. We lose it in contacts with predatory energetic creatures. In old times people made nomikons - the lists of beings surrounding us where their characteristics were described. Nowadays there is only one necronomikon existing - the list of beings’ names - the dead. But we could make neonomikon because something has changed in our worlds. Diseases have appeared which didn’t exist before. New circumstances have appeared, such as radiation, mutations, gene modifications. All this, as Kenneth Grant would say, is the sign of the Outer gates opening and the new Ancients appearing. To put in a nutshell, we’re surrounded by predatory creatures the presence of which we are conscious about only according to their secondary indications. Some of these beings eat our luminosity and do it very elegantly - calling us to themselves just like sirens.
By the way, here is the anecdote! The cows’ conversation on the pasture!

One cow tells another:

- It seems I know why we’re fed and are kept in warm stall. I think we’re about to be used hard for milk and then to be killed for meat.

Another cow replies:

- Stop telling this rubbish now, otherwise all herd will laugh at you!

Ravenna, while passing through your practicum I\'ve got the feeling that it’s been familiar to me since long ago. Even now, beginning exersises on this forum I feel the same. I’m like déjà vu. Tell me why it happens.

Time is such a strange thing that, probably, déjà vu is remembering future events.

Ravenna, reply to my question, please. I’ve recently had a few accidents. In the morning I wake up of dizziness; when I got up and walked I couldn’t look down: I felt more dizziness and sickness. I remember that night I had an unpleasant dream.

Sometimes I wake up and realize that attention is dispersed and weakness grows. Is it the loss of luminosity in dream? Or what else can it be and why? How to fight it? How to restore attention?

Periods of morning dizziness and physical weakness can appear for endless number of reasons. For example, small oxygen access to brain, accident over pressing of carotid artery, uncomfortable position of head etc. Sometimes in dreams we become victims of energetic beings’ attacks. Sometimes we’re effected by psychotropic mechanisms. This is our real world where we are mere pawns. But every mere pawn can become a queen. The main thing is to understand the system structure, to hack it and use appearing resources.

How to define that the 3d task has been done? Should it be done in conscious dream? And how to understand whether luminosity is back? How not to lose it later?
If the 3d task of the first hour is fulfilled:

- Is it needed to finish the previous drills (such as the bowl, hands/arms manipulations, voice; first one isn’t done, the voice and arms are used only with high consciousness in dream - one the level of lucid ones).

Thank you.

Returning of luminosity is accompanied with huge rising of energy. You’ll wake up in vigorous mood. You’ll succeed in all you do. You’ll be lucky. People will treat you favourably and will do all your requests. Friends will cling to you and call you. For some time you become the “center of the Earth”. Next to this some unexpected situations, problems and life challenges appear. This storm of business and anxiety takes your power and literally licks your gathered luminosity off. It’s because you become tasty for many predatory beings - bosses, inorganic beings, jealous people or just “kind” friends. C’est la vie! If you want to live learn to survive. If you get luminosity then use it wisely. Otherwise you’ll be used.

1. Ravenna, the prison was mentioned in the reports. About a year and half I drew a strange device from there - somewhat like a hybrid of a usual keyboard and cash-machine. I touched it, experimented and I was thrown into a strange “system” bubble of perception. The dark space of unknown size with huge “terminals” - almost right geometrical huge units of about 2 metres. I felt hard informational structure. By a chance I got to some kind of control interface but I got lost in a search of the way it worked and lost consciousness of the dream. Will you comment this?
2. I saw a strange object in an unusual dream which was more like an abandoned world. The object was located somewhere near the sea bay, there was a city far from the seaside, the bridge going into the distance above the bay. And there was huge tilted shell-hole of white color above all. I still wonder what it was.

The prison (or huge building) is a complicated trap of attention created so long ago which is still effectively working today. Appearing there we see different kinds of hallucinations, we receive illusionary gifts but in result we leave our luminosity there. Sometimes it may seem that you took the lost luminosity from there but no! It’s another illusion. That’s how clever this pitfall is. Don’t hurry. We’ll examine its mechanism in detail and I’ll describe the way of hacking this interesting patch in the mind system.

Ravenna, I have a question about the practise. How do physical exercises and martial art effect consciousness? I’ve been practising aikido for quite a long time and I noticed that many people in the club speak about lucid dreams or ability to control them.

For sure, martial arts raise attention and memory (unless there is a brain concussion).

Сообщения: 119
Зарегистрирован: 07 сен 2009, 18:57:31

Сообщение DarkLight[archive] » 27 дек 2009, 18:05:26

defect (3 months ago)

Today, again, I couldn’t remember anything, even meditation didn’t help. May be it’s because I used to sleep with my head towards the East and now it’s towards the North?

Perhaps, your PA movements are too deep and you cannot reach them in your memories. Or your dream memory has been developed badly. Work hard and you’ll have what you need. Furthermore, two days of meditation aren’t enough. It’s too little. :))
Ancestor (3 months ago)

Ravenna, can anyone return the luminosity in usual dream?

How to use the dream map and knowledge about the luminosity locations on it? I mean, isn’t there any unique trick connected to each place of the luminosity? Or is it enough just to appear there?
The concept “luminosity return” makes me think of something to return or get but can this return be something abstract, for example, some intricate plot or something “not exact”?
Are there any “safe zones” on the map - somewhere where you can just be without any worry that some sniffer (* a creature-program in dream which does different kinds of violent/forced manipulations with you in dream draining you) will attack you?

1. People can return the luminosity in uncontrolled, usual dreams. It happens quite often. But there’s too little use in it because the luminosity you get is wasted for trivialities of reality and is being constantly eaten by gladdened energetic predators.

2. Each of the six places of the lost luminosity known to me is protected by somekind of a guardian. The guardians can be huge, horrible, scary in their appearance beasts (for example, a dozen of alligators in shallows). Some you run from, some you trick, some you’re not scared of because you know that dream is a dream. The only really complicated place is a jail. But it is for later, when time comes for it.

The luminosity is received almost automatically in the places where it’s left. People arrive to the castle-museum and get luminosity almost at once. They seem to know where it is. Sometimes the dream plot includes receiving some kind of a valuable object (books, stones etc.). Sometimes it’s enough just to appear in the protected place and the luminosity returns to you. It’s different for each one of us but the general picture is the same.

3. There are no zones of safety. We live in the coop or, better to say, the milk farm where in exact periods of time we’re milked. If someone “crawls away” from the previous milking place to another then another farmer/milkmaid will work with him. That’s all.

There’s a terrible place to the Eastern coastal stripe - the circles with crosses (probably, you will see them a bit differently). Chains of people reach to them. People lay on the crosses there and a monster hangs above them, it looks like a skate which takes their luminosity. This process looks like a lightning. People get up and leave the circle changing each other one by one. This is how one type of predators attacks. In the labyrinths other creatures await us. They have much slower process of eating. It seems that you’re in a spacious passage which gets filled with liquid viscous air and you are like crystallized with it. Your freeze motionless, like a cockroach on a needle. Sometimes you’re like saved in the labyrinth and taken to a narrow cave where you understand that you’re so grateful to this saviour-creature - a beautiful girl or a boy who later appear to be sexless. And you want to express so many feelings to thank it! You hug this wonderful creature, sink into it, it dives into you - what a sweet absorbing of each other. No any genitals, no motions - only submerging. But in reality this creature will stay in you as a serious disease like cancer. And as it is not capable of living in our reality it tries to leave you, or, to put in a nutshell, quickly leads you to death.

So, if you want scary tales for the night, ask me! I have lots of them!

“Safe zones” exist only for those who don’t know anything about the dream world. On the other hand, when you discover the dream world you get many ideas about how to leave the danger. And for the dreamhacker the dream world is the most interesting place, huge space where you can investigate, travel, explore, find weak places, escape, find paths to avoid danger. It’s lots of adventures!

Сообщения: 34
Зарегистрирован: 09 сен 2009, 09:00:51

Сообщение J.R.Tomlin[archive] » 25 янв 2010, 12:27:25

Hi DarkLight,
many thanks for posting these translations of Ravenna\'s answers to questions. It\'s really helpful understanding how it works with luminosity in dreams.
What are you all focusing on at the moment?
Kind Regards,

Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 2
Зарегистрирован: 31 янв 2012, 21:15:39

Re: Questions about the practise

Сообщение 100one » 04 фев 2012, 00:33:46

Hi to all Dreamers...

First of all, sorry about my bad english... I'm from ex Yugoslavia (Croatia).
I have been expiriencing lucid dreams past 20 years. When Internet ariwe i have found people with same problem (or gift)
But I have question that trouble me from some years :(. I have found dremhsckers real 1st www page. I have been reading these materials and i think is great. Now i'm one of the member DHC (DreamHackers Croatia).
But my question is not answered, recently i have read on some russian pages that SI is dead, is that true? Some people say that DramHacking is just way of making money...
And there been a fight betwen Masyanya and others, i have read Masya texts and teorems and i think is great. But there is so much materials that now i don't know what is right and what wrong...
Enyone knows where is Doc, Tambov or is that a secret...
And where i can find real description of PM ? I have downloaded some hackers calculator but i don't know how to brgin working with PM... Do i must put desire card on the end of the chain, and somehow build chain to recieve CE...

Thanks and Best Regards


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