Removing implants

Сообщения: 51
Зарегистрирован: 17 фев 2010, 22:36:22

Removing implants

Сообщение Saso » 15 авг 2011, 14:15:57


It's nice to see some serious research activity in the public part of the forum again after a long time. :) I decided to try the task out myself but since I use Google translate for translating the instructions, I have a couple of questions to start with.

Is activating the energy center on the hand using a glowe and a stone part of this task or is that a different task?

Is removing the implants task supposed to be done during the day or should the patches be applied before going to bed and kept on while sleeping?

About preparing the patches - should the aloe pieces be just cut on the concave side or should the skin be pilled off completely?

Here's what I did:

I apply the aloe patch at 9:45 am.

At around 10:30 am I feel a little uncomfortable at the area of the upper patches, like a muscle spasm or muscle contraction. A mild headache and a feeling of "heavy stomach" is also present, which was not there before I applied the patch.

At 5:45 pm I fix the patches - I take them off, peel the skin and re-apply the pieces. I keep them on until around 8:00 pm. Almost all the time the patches are on, I feel the twitching and spasms of the muscles.

The only human interaction that I had was with my girlfriend. She was a little moody the whole day, her mood fluctuating considerably after I re-applied the patches. Otherwise, there was nothing special in terms of worlds' reactions.

I look forward to hear your comments.

Последний раз редактировалось Saso 17 авг 2011, 10:07:08, всего редактировалось 1 раз.


Re: Removing implants

Сообщение D.K.Meron » 15 авг 2011, 15:24:31

Hello, Saso!
Answering you questions:
Is activating the energy center on the hand using a glowe and a stone part of this task or is that a different task?
It was another task, but it is the part of the workshop. In the first task we've tryed to take alien stone energy from our palm. Now we are trying to inactivate impant by applying aloe to 4 points.

Is removing the implants task supposed to be done during the day or should the patches be applied before going to bed and kept on while sleeping?
The were no special directions, so all of us have done it at different time - day or night.

About preparing the patches - should the aloe pieces be just cut on the concave side or should the skin be pilled off completely?
Skin should be pilled off only on the concave side.

I will translate the next tasks by Ravenna :)

Сообщения: 51
Зарегистрирован: 17 фев 2010, 22:36:22

Re: Removing implants

Сообщение Saso » 15 авг 2011, 18:28:57

Hello, D.K.Meron,

Thank you for your answers. :)
It was another task, but it is the part of the workshop. In the first task we've tryed to take alien stone energy from our palm. Now we are trying to inactivate impant by applying aloe to 4 points.
Good to know, I'll try that later then.
The were no special directions, so all of us have done it at different time - day or night.
In that case I will apply the patches before going to bed on tuesday and see the difference.
About preparing the patches - should the aloe pieces be just cut on the concave side or should the skin be pilled off completely?
Skin should be pilled off only on the concave side.
I think I expressed myself awkwardly. What I was trying to find out is if the skin has to be peeled off completely from the concave side or is it enough to just make a cut in the skin?
I will translate the next tasks by Ravenna :)
I would appreciate that a lot, thank you. :good:


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Re: Removing implants

Сообщение фёдор » 16 авг 2011, 19:56:55

Saso писал(а):
I think I expressed myself awkwardly. What I was trying to find out is if the skin has to be peeled off completely from the concave side or is it enough to just make a cut in the skin?
Hi Saso!
Yes, you're right. the skin has to be peeled off completely from the concave side. pith of the leaf applying to points about 6-8 hours.

Сообщения: 51
Зарегистрирован: 17 фев 2010, 22:36:22

Re: Removing implants

Сообщение Saso » 16 авг 2011, 20:21:18

After having a day off yesterday I was back to work today. I have to say that I was rather surprised - I was expecting all sorts of potential problems related to this task but it was quite the opposite - all the interactions I had were pleasant to say the least. :) For a moment there I was wondering if I missed the places to put the patches on, but an occassional twitching would imply differently.

I can only remember a single dream from last night: I am standing in a line that goes all the way up a small hill. When I get on top, I see two guys dressed as mechanics. They invite me into a tent that I am about to rent. I stand in the middle of a round room approximately 1.5 meters in diameter and look around. I see some bikes and some other junk and when I ask if I get that too, they reply that it doesn't belong to the package that I chose... The rest was erased by the alarm clock, I think.

Speaking of which, I was wondering if anyone has noticed any effect of the full moon on dreams/dreaming? It seems that a couple of days before and after my dream recall decreases significantly. Any thoughts?

Another thing just crossed my mind. While reading the translations of your reports I noticed that you mention sex/sexuality/sexual energy a couple of times. I couldn't understand the context completely but since you are mentioning it, I hope to clear some things. Does sex influence dreaming and if so, how? Does it affect the ability of dreaming in terms of increase/decrease awareness? What about its' effect on dream recall?

This is it for now. I look forward to see what happens tonight after I apply the patches again. :)


Сообщения: 51
Зарегистрирован: 17 фев 2010, 22:36:22

Re: Removing implants

Сообщение Saso » 16 авг 2011, 20:25:20

фёдор писал(а):Hi Saso!
Yes, you're right. the skin has to be peeled off completely from the concave side. pith of the leaf applying to points about 6-8 hours.
Hello, фёдор.

Thanks for your reply. I will do that tonight and see what happens.


Сообщения: 51
Зарегистрирован: 17 фев 2010, 22:36:22

Re: Removing implants

Сообщение Saso » 17 авг 2011, 10:50:19

I applied the patches at 8:15 pm. After applying the first patch (first from top to bottom) I felt some sort of pressure a few centimeters away from the spot where the patch was. I figured that I missed the spot so I moved the patch to that place and soon after that the twitching stopped. Around 9:00 pm I began to feel a light headache which originated from the left side of the head; it passed in about 15 minutes and after that I felt somehow "light-headed" and unusually sleepy. Also, there was some sort of itching that started around the third patch (again top to bottom), then it moved down the leg and spread all over the foot. It lasted for about 15-20 minutes, then stopped completely.

Went to bed at around 9:45 pm, tried to enter dreaming through tinsel, but no success. As a matter of fact, I couldn't fall asleep at all. I was twisting and turning until around 11:40 pm, then I finally fell asleep. Alarm clock woke me up at 4:15 am and immediately reset my dream recall; I only remember that I was talking to a woman who offered to pay half the price for the phone. (there was one other thing but I can't remember what it was; I will recheck my dream diary after I get back from work) What I find most surprising is the fact that regardless of restless sleep I felt refreshed and full of energy. :) I removed the patches and went back to bed.

It took a while again before I fell asleep, but this time the sleep cycle was not interrupted until the alarm at 6:30 am. This time I could recollect a single, not very pleasant dream which began in the Twilight Zone (place that looks similar to the appartment I live in but slightly different; usually I fave FAs there). Anyways, there was my landlord, just sitting on the shelf near the window, watching us sleep. Of course I get upset, I want to know what he is doing here and for how long was he in the room. He starts to mumble about something and after a while I get the picture - they want us out of there. A couple of arguments with the landlord and his wife, after that I leave for work, while my girlfriend has a chat with the wife about some "power plants" that the neighbors (I call the owners "neighbors") are growing around the house. Their son takes me with him and after a short drive we come to a marketplace at the top of some hill. I leave the car and walk between the tables which seems to upset the sellers - they all start to chase me. I run down the hill, then I wake up.

Until now I still didn't notice any effects of the experiment on the physical world besides that I get unusually friendly reactions from people around me. Which is not bad at all. :D I still feel occasional twitches and cramps in the leg, other than that all is great.

I was thinking about all this and I was wondering how often should this trick be used? If it should be done more than once or twice a year, I will have to buy another aloe plant... By the way - does the age of the plant play any role in this? I am asking because it usually takes 2-3 years before the plant develops its' healing abilities. And how long does it take for the implants to re-activate? Is there any way that someone could explain a bit more about the effects of the implants on physical and dreaming body?

Thanks in advance!

Последний раз редактировалось Saso 17 авг 2011, 12:12:54, всего редактировалось 1 раз.


Re: Removing implants

Сообщение D.K.Meron » 17 авг 2011, 11:45:44

I was expecting all sorts of potential problems related to this task but it was quite the opposite - all the interactions I had were pleasant to say the least.
That's OK. In fact our participants divided into groups of those who have some troubles in real life and those who feel better after application of aloe and whose troubles are rather interesting and mystic :) .
Another thing just crossed my mind. While reading the translations of your reports I noticed that you mention sex/sexuality/sexual energy a couple of times.
Voladors use this aspect of our life to take our energy and luminosity. They may create images in your mind, dreams and/or situations where you will have to spend some energy. That's a trap. Only Warrior way can prevent these losses.
Does sex influence dreaming and if so, how? Does it affect the ability of dreaming in terms of increase/decrease awareness? What about its' effect on dream recall?
Some people are sure there is influence, some say there is no influece. Dreamhackers believe that sex influences dreaming (in the aspect of personal power). However I suppose that only wrong sex practices have such impact.

Сообщения: 51
Зарегистрирован: 17 фев 2010, 22:36:22

Re: Removing implants

Сообщение Saso » 17 авг 2011, 12:09:29

Hello, D.K.Meron,
D.K.Meron писал(а):That's OK. In fact our participants divided into groups of those who have some troubles in real life and those who feel better after application of aloe and whose troubles are rather interesting and mystic :) .
I guess I fall into the second group. :D At least for now... :oops:
Voladors use this aspect of our life to take our energy and luminosity. They may create images in your mind, dreams and/or situations where you will have to spend some energy. That's a trap. Only Warrior way can prevent these losses.
I am familiar with this kind of images / situations. I usually recognize them only after they are over, but sometimes I manage to "keep my cool" and to preserve some energy.
Some people are sure there is influence, some say there is no influece. Dreamhackers believe that sex influences dreaming (in the aspect of personal power). However I suppose that only wrong sex practices have such impact.
I think I know what you mean. I mean, I've been observing this for over a year now but I still can't put my finger on it whether it affects dreaming or not. I keep getting mixed results - sometimes after a longer period of abstinence I only remember bits and pieces of dreams when I should have loads of energy for dreaming while on the other hand I remember several dreams per night in great details after "loosing" energy through intercourse. I guess that 's only a small part of the whole picture...

As you said - Way of the Warrior...



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