

Сообщение D.K.Meron » 23 фев 2011, 17:45:37

Here I'll post some translations of the FAQ of this site.
The new translations will appear here from time to time.
Check for updates.



Сообщение D.K.Meron » 23 фев 2011, 18:32:41

1. Who are Dreamhackers?
The DreamHackers' concept pertained to Doc.
Sergey Izrigi (SI) and Tambov decided at fist to go to Chile to a Russian colony.
When I became acquainted with them these guys just had no idea where to invest "easy money". KGB spied on them everywhere
willing to take their money. Doc and Tambov met by chance. You may say that Doc had a relation to KGB's courses for extrasensorics and
had among general officers swore friends and knew some interesting data. He had warned Izrigi and Tambov about danger. But
Sergey did not pay attention to his advice. KGB laid their conditions to Sergey Izrigi. Later they killed Sergey's fiancee and wound her father.

Sergey had sheltered in Belorussia for 1.5 year. And Tambov at that time met Doc and later - Spam. It was that time when
a concept of a research team was created. Later SI returned. He was a bit alienated, so Doc asked me to look after SI. For
some time we were the best friends. So at the time of Dreamhackers' creation I was in the center of this mess. I think that
the founders of Dreamhackers' movement were Sergey, Doc, Tambov, Spam and me. You may check this by reading the first data that is in the Net.
At that time I used nickmane "Iveta". Now only I visit forums. Sometimes Tambov appears, but very rare and with spite.
Lot of things were against his own ideas.

There were about 40-50 persons among first Dreamhackers. You may have heard about some of them. They were: Imbecilla, dreamer Bella, Masyanya,
Verificator, Node, Loth, a bit later - Vach. The movement was expanding, new people joined us. Some of them have separated to their own groups, the work was humming.
Then a second generation of DH has appeared, nurtured by Masyanya. Vigo and Verineya, Caetana and Nicol and other guys - all of them were here. They they left us, used someway Dreamhackers' brand, sometimes becoming our foes. I think it always happen with any arising movement. I think as well that for the new ambitious guys who desire to be the leaders of DH is very important to destroy, liquidate me. I am a mastodon of the movement, you may say an "old school", in
some sense Nadezhda Kroopskaya - a trouble for mercantile youth. Some of them create paid courses based on "Ravenna Training" and ... suddenly it is me who come here and held a free investigation. Weinie!
That's why they explore information about who I am, what I have said, why she couldn't be the person claimed. Guys, I understand your troubles. For instance, Strannik (Stranger) has published four volumes of "Idiot's notes" and hosts paid seminars. And you are still in delay. What a trouble! They have already shown me this disadvantage. I don't even know how to help you. You may go to Kesha. You will join his "washtub". "Neman and Co. Paid phone consultations".

Looking back I can say that the many of expectation of the DH founders did not come true. Russian Dreaming Society was not united. On the contrary now it is an amassment of totalitarian sects and fobiatic groups. It seems to me that the only way is to create a team-oriented research group, based not on the principles of church with priest and priestess, guru and his favourite concubine but on laboratory principles. Briefly: time will show, what happen. (Ravenna)



Сообщение D.K.Meron » 31 мар 2011, 14:21:37

2. What is the meaning of life?
What is the life? Evidently, it is the multiuser Net game with an active interface and great possibilities wherein each character can play his own role based on his own script . What is the death? Elimination from game. People use their time limit or do not accomplish there mission or die acting as heroes. Death is the cleanup of the frame from the "used" characters. But in the games their bodies disappear in the air and in the life dead people are buried or cremated. What is the meaning of life? Of course it is not in trees planted, houses built and children brought up. This is a typical line and people do not take bonuses for it. The meaning of life is in the mastery of passing through! It is in the expression! In the levels of perfection! (S. Trofimov "I.B.I.")



Сообщение D.K.Meron » 02 апр 2011, 12:05:24

3.Tell me please if there is a complete and authentic history of Dreamhackers' movemnent in the Internet?
The authentic history Masyanya has tried to describe in her book "The world fallen on the palms". If she doesn't finish that book I will write my own version. (Ravenna)

*-excerptum of the Ravenna Leya's book can be found in a DH Creative Workshop (boutique) (in the section "The Beauty of Madness" in one of the last topics).



Сообщение D.K.Meron » 02 апр 2011, 12:22:36

4.Why DH do not have their permanent site, why they always create new sites? And why they have so negative attitude to 'Ves' Publishing House?

The frequent changes of our sites are connected with the activity of oversight power-wielding structures and literary thieves - that means there are a lot of provocations, robbery of our materials and unpunished plagiarism. We use .eu zone with hope that people as Reutov-Medvedev and publishing houses as 'Ves' will not be able anymore to use our materials for illegal publishing under borrowed names. To my mind previous Ravenna's training must belong Ravenna but not people who copy subjects from Aworld site. I think that on the book of First Gates there should be the name of the real author and not the name of Michael Fortune. That's why
we are trying to defend the copyright of our next projects with the laws of civilized world. That's the reason for changing Russian zone for European.


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