The Second Cycle - Ravenna's Tasks - Controlled Dream Tuning


The Second Cycle - Ravenna's Tasks - Controlled Dream Tuning

Сообщение DarkLight » 26 фев 2010, 00:40:15

Welcome to the new forum!

Here Ravenna will teach you to enter the controlled dream. This topic is only for the new tasks (the new cycle which began since the 25th of February).
If you have any ideas, reports, feel free to post them in the "Your Topics" section either in the Reports topic or your own topic.
Thank you.

The main problem of many dreamers who wish to work with controlled dreaming is in intended and certain entrance into a dream with exact amount of consciousness. Accordingly, we can work this aspect out in our small online training. At first we'll work upon the methodics of entering and then we'll try to increase the charge of consciousness.

The new cycle begins from the 25th of February. I'll give you easy tasks and with your wish and intent you'll understand how to enter conscious dreams without problems.

1st task.

(Author of translation - МОРКОВЬ)

-The Tinsel Task-

I suggest series of exercise that will allow you to go deeper and deeper into dreaming while keeping a certain degree of awareness. The first exercise is called “clutter”.

1) You go to bed. Get your body in position, close your eyes. Hypnogogic images appear on the internal screen – metamorphosis of dark and light shapes.

2) Concentrate your attention on a given fragment of a lighter shape. Metamorphosis keeps going on. Everything changes next to your fragment, but you fix your fragment not allowing it to change. Then you let it go and cling to the fragment of a darker shape. Don’t concentrate on it for too long. Don’t go jumping from one to another. Find your own rhythm. Under no circumstances start counting time. Your attention should be completely on the exercise. If there are some external thought occupying your head – get calm, put them aside and go back to the exercise. We need your undivided attention.

3) Repeat this exercise time and time again. Lighter fragment, darker fragment, etc… Don’t try to shape your fragments into something. Don’t put meaning into them. Even if they will start transforming into something familiar, don’t’ pay any attention. Your goal is to fixate attention on darker and lighter fragments, one after another.

4) This exercise is given until the 5th of March. When you get some experience after 2-3 days of trying, start shifting your attention to fragments farther away – first concentrate on the fragments closer to center; later shift to fragments on the edges of your visual field

5) Don’t push yourself too hard. Maximum time estimate for the exercise – 5 minutes per attempt. Maximum of 3 attempts in 24 hours. You can do just fine with one attempt .

Given exercise will help you create introductory stage of entry into the controlled dreaming. You will spend several days on it now. Later it will take you seconds. I hope this task is not too difficult for you. I also hope that despite the seeming simplicity of the exercise, you will take it seriously.

2d task

The next level presumes works with images. In this task, just like in the previous one, you stay a witness but not participants of the process.

1. Start with the "tinsel" – 30 seconds, not more.
2. Let the images appear. What does "let" mean? Before something in you searched for the tinsel and asked for it and now you give inner allowance for the images to appear. Trace this type of inquiry.
(The images will appear really on the other level of perception. If you are attentive you'll see that they appear not only visually but also with a connection of some other program. This program uses scanning so called "shedule of mental images". This is a very interesting program for research but for now I only mention its existence. With some practice you'll be able to catch moments of turning the images of "on" and "off".)

3. When the images will begin to appear just slide upon them. Your drill is not to get stuck to them. The image will appear, you'll watch it and simply wait for another on. As soon as another picture appears you lightly go to it and wait for another one to arrive, watching it. Or you go to the first one. Etc.

4. Use from 3 to 5 minutes for the exercise. Maximum number of attempts is 2-3. Snoring could be a good indicator of success. If you can hear your own snoring during the exercise then you succeed. But don't intentionally check it, your attention must be full on the task. If you hear it – good, if you don't – it's not a problem.

5. This exercise is not simple. Actually, you should come close to dream on the distance of an arm and leave it. You tease dream. It moves to you but you slide over it parallely. Here you'll understand what "parallel sliding with dream" means. You have time until the 20th of March. If you succeed in this task then the magic gates of controlled dreaming shall open in front of you.


Re: The Second Cycle - Ravenna's Tasks - Controlled Dream Tu

Сообщение DarkLight » 21 мар 2010, 00:01:27

3d task
Exercising the previous task, you got near the border of the two worlds – the dream world and the waking world. You noticed how easily our attention is drawn by both of these worlds. How all the resources of our awareness are drowning in them.
People with significant potential of personal power did enter into Controlled Dreams but even they mentioned the difficulties of maintaining the dream awareness.
Usually, on this stage of learning, dreamers are advised to accumulate as much personal power as possible, to put the tonal in order, save sexual energy etc. Also, teachers and advisors tell their apprentices that further process of learning Controlled dreaming will take a long time. But the dream hackers have their own approach, that's why we're not going to wait for our powers to collect. We are going to use a trick that I called “Space Suit “.
There will be three exercises, each 3 days long. These drills will help you to create a type of capsule which will free you from the pressure of the waking and dreaming worlds. You'll have at your possession an analogy of a plane-submarine which will let you go either high in the air or deep into the sea. That is to say, it's as useful to use the "hazard suit" in waking reality as in dreaming.


Re: The Second Cycle - Ravenna's Tasks - Controlled Dream Tu

Сообщение DarkLight » 21 мар 2010, 00:17:43

The "SUIT".

1st drill
a) Imagine an "eye" in front of you, which closes almost all your view. It is like it's invisible but you keep it in your view observing the outside world through it. Hold this invisible eye for several minutes.
Get used to this exercise.
b) Walk among people keeping the eye in front of you. Watch the world and people through this eye. Make a habit of not getting distracted to what world throws at you. Don’t overextend yourself. When it becomes too hard to divide your attention between the looking at the world and visualizing the eye, stop the exercise.
c) While talking to a person hold the "eye" in front of you. Get used to dividing attention between the conversation and the visualization of the eye. Sometimes the eye will become visible, sometimes you'll catch its edges. It's good. But don not try to make a perfect image. It's enough to have it invisible. The most important thing is to use part of your attention for creation and maintaning of the eye.

You have 3 days for this task. Use waking world for it. Don't use it for dreaming yet. First we need to make our space or scuba diving suit and only then we can dive. How much time you devote to the exercise depends only on you and your circumstances. But the more you work the better. But again, don’t overdo it. We don’t need extra efforts.


Re: The Second Cycle - Ravenna's Tasks - Controlled Dream Tu

Сообщение DarkLight » 24 мар 2010, 13:56:07

The "SUIT"

2d task
Use "the eye" for entering a dream.
At first fix your attention on the tinsel and then on images. As soon as they become clear and start to draw you into a dream plot turn pulling you into a dream, turn on the “eye”. Then intentionally enter the dream scenario. If the dream pulls you too strongly, redirect your attention to the eye and then come back to the dream scenario.
The use of the “eye” is somewhat similar to finding your hands. During the transit into dreaming, your assemblage point is shifting. You need to fix its new position. So don’t be in a hurry to follow the dream, or get greedy paying attention to the dream world that appears. Tease your dream! Stay in place and increase the awareness of yourself in a dream, staying within the dream scenario. It is not easy and calls for dexterity which comes with experience.

3 days for this exercise.


Re: The Second Cycle - Ravenna's Tasks - Controlled Dream Tu

Сообщение DarkLight » 27 мар 2010, 00:15:04

The previous exercise was a very valuable demonstration. You have a real technique for controlled entry into dreaming, but nothing works. You knock on the first gate of dreaming, but they are still shut. What a great challenge! What prevents us from entering the Controlled Dream? We are going to solve in the near future. Until then – do the 3rd exercise.

Cleansing you body.
In the next 3 days, drink flax seed. You can buy it at any supermarket. You make it in proportion of one table spoon of flax seed per glass of boiled water. Let it brew for 3-4 hours. Drink the decoction with the seed in it – 3-5 glasses a day. It has a laxative action. It cleanses the liver and the intestines. Experienced dreamers use flaxseed 2-3 times a month, because dreaming affects the liver as much as alcohol does. Do physical exercises in the morning. If you are not used to it – start small, and add a little more every day. Exercise helps storing personal power, shapes up you will. Don’t drink any alcohol, even beer.

After these 3 days you are going to get a lesson for the left side of your consciousness. I need you energetic, purified and ready for what’s coming next.


Re: The Second Cycle - Ravenna's Tasks - Controlled Dream Tu

Сообщение DarkLight » 30 мар 2010, 20:38:07

What to do exactly, you would ask me.
Continue going to the controlled dreams through the tinsel and images. Catch on scences coming to live, turn on your "eye". In your daily life use the warrior's path. Approach everything with a kind of scales: "Do I really need it?". Grow your ratings and status of controlled dreaming, never mind conscious dreams. Conscious dreams are quite trivial. Only controlled entrance into dreams has a real value. If you want to become a sorcerer, become one. You have methodics. You have chances. You only need to work with yourself, with your consciousness. If you really want to become a sorcerer, save your set and don't leave the warrior's path.

Сообщения: 11
Зарегистрирован: 08 мар 2010, 20:49:03

Re: The Second Cycle - Ravenna's Tasks - Controlled Dream Tu

Сообщение J.R.Tomlin » 07 май 2010, 15:28:37

Hi DarkLight,

just wanted to say thanks for translating and posting these tasks. I am about to start the flaxseed purification.

Kind Regards,


Сообщения: 11
Зарегистрирован: 08 мар 2010, 20:49:03

Re: The Second Cycle - Ravenna's Tasks - Controlled Dream Tu

Сообщение J.R.Tomlin » 07 май 2010, 22:08:43

Hi again DarkLight,

in your last post you said:

"If you really want to become a sorcerer, save your set and don't leave the warrior's path."

What did you mean by "save your set"?



Сообщения: 7
Зарегистрирован: 17 фев 2010, 19:24:13

Re: The Second Cycle - Ravenna's Tasks - Controlled Dream Tu

Сообщение MOPKOBb » 12 май 2010, 06:46:30

J.R.Tomlin писал(а):Hi again DarkLight,

in your last post you said:

"If you really want to become a sorcerer, save your set and don't leave the warrior's path."

What did you mean by "save your set"?


What was meant : If you really want to become a sorcerer - maintain your intent to stay on the warrior's path.

Сообщения: 11
Зарегистрирован: 08 мар 2010, 20:49:03

Re: The Second Cycle - Ravenna's Tasks - Controlled Dream Tu

Сообщение J.R.Tomlin » 13 май 2010, 12:01:34

Thanks for explaining MOPKOBb :-)
MOPKOBb писал(а):
J.R.Tomlin писал(а):Hi again DarkLight,

in your last post you said:

"If you really want to become a sorcerer, save your set and don't leave the warrior's path."

What did you mean by "save your set"?


What was meant : If you really want to become a sorcerer - maintain your intent to stay on the warrior's path.


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