By the way - I think you posted my last reply in the wrong topic...

Thanks again!

I've noticed that myself. I actually find it easier to flow with the stream than to work by myself. And it is more fun that way, too.D.K.Meron писал(а):... Well, actually I do not have a partner but our collective energy tuning that we practice from time to time produce a good effect!
I think that in some ways it helps to make our intent stronger, so energy will move within a particular way.
I understand. I guess I'm just trying to figure out how to combine the dreaming practices with some sort of work/income to cover the expenses.D.K.Meron писал(а):Going to work is something that usually makes us tired and we waste energy here. However it is just a question of strategy.
During my work day I try to practice stalking, I try to save energy and strenghten my intent, even I do some tensegrity passes or yoga!
I suppose that work will not influnce you dreaming practice if you perform this work with love and acceptance. We just re-view our position to life and consider everything as a possibility to practice.
At the same time Ravenna once said that if we want to become a magician or sorcerer our way should be outside family, hard physical work and social engagement.
I vaguely remember reading Izrigi's "to catch a soma" exercise, but it's been a while so I should have to refresh my memory about it.D.K.Meron писал(а):I have no info about the way of Doc's healing however I've read that he helps people to get of labyrinths that symbolises illness.
He can see a personal pattern then he enters labyrinth. There is a possibility to see this pattern, Izrigi wrote about it once (exercise "to catch a soma").
And there an easy way to heal somebody - you make a "crazy loop" in you dream, find sprite of someone you need and again and again try to heal him or her with different amulets or charms.
I see. According to what you say it feels familiar - I'm getting what appear to be random(?) dream flashbacks on several occasions throughout the day, but I still haven't figured out what to do with them. It is kind of hard because they always appear in "sets" (3-10 at the time) and they change so fast that it seems impossible to even "catalog" them (write them down), not to say describing them.D.K.Meron писал(а):"Did you experience the explosion of dream memories?".
I did not have this experience. Ravenna said that after this explosion something changes - you can freely enter dream from awaking state - there are no restraints, you can throw away your map because there is no need in it - you know you dream world from A to Z... everything becomes clear, you recall all your dreams but not at once: it may take a month or a year to unzip all your recalling data.
Aren't OBE's considered to be astral travels to other worlds as well? Or is it just about using dream body in real world? I've been trying to figure out "bridging" for a while now and as far as I understand using your dream body in physical reality is considered to be 5th Gate of Dreaming?D.K.Meron писал(а):OBE (=AP) happens when your dream body enters real world. If this happens you can say that you have passed "third gate" of CD.
Of course you did!D.K.Meron писал(а):Well I hope I answer your questions
Thanks.D.K.Meron писал(а):P.S. If you have some interesting and unusual experience we would be glad to read about it at this site.
Or may be you perform some researches/experiments or have some ideas about it: by all means there are dreamers who will join!
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