Questions and Replies
- Сообщения: 119
- Зарегистрирован: 07 сен 2009, 18:57:31
Questions and Replies
Author of translation - МОРКОВЬ
Edited: DarkLight
(Originally posted 3 weeks ago)
Let\'s leave the old topic in the old year. If you have new questions, ask them in this topic.
The question is old but still relevant for me. If I am a very mediocre Dreamer, should I try to go along with the group or should I start from mapping and dreamjournaling and join after I get some results?
So far, I have been able to follow the tasks for everyday life(from Power Incubation topic) but when it comes to dreams and dreaming...
I think you should still try to participate in the dreaming project. Even a streak of bad luck has an end. Perhaps it will work out.
Ravenna, some time ago I broke my CD player, having played the audiobook all night long. Since then, it has problems playing CDs - it works for 5-10 minutes, and then stops. Two years ago intuitively I tried to influence it by tensing and relaxing the lower part of my abdomen. And it reacts until now, without me having it fixed. So whenever there is a sound that signals the problem - I activate that same point just below the navel often mentioned by CC, and CD players keeps playing smoothly. But as soon as I relax my attention - it stops and often completely shuts off. Sometimes I react fast enough and launch the process anew, but sometimes I don\'t do it in time. If I don't use above mentioned tricks, the CD-player works badly. How would you explain it?
From your description, you encountered a defect that was caused either by \"dry joint\" in soldering or dried up elelctolytic condenser. Dry joints you can find visually or by tapping the electric circuit with the pencil\'s blunt end(\"blond\'s method\"). Dried electrolyte you can find with a tester. You measure the resistance - in one direction than in another. There should be a large difference and the Om-meter\'s indicator will show the decreasing value. If resistance is the same, condenser is dead and should be replaced. The rest of the methods - pure indulgence, it is like healing a bad tooth by whispering magic words - it will still rot to the root and you will lose it.
I left a message for you on about a month ago but I still have no reply. Why?
I don\'t go there anymore. If you have questions - ask them here. If they are very confidential find an abstract way. Women often use \"I have a friend that has this problem\"
Ravenna, please tell us about #2 – "Ask Spirit to help and rely on it (for people that have a strong/pure link with the Spirit)".
I met many interesting people. but the most interesting was Masya. She had a particularly clear link with the Spirit. She played with Him like with a child and played for Him as for the main director of her life. Spirit responded to her requests immediately and almost every time. Any desire, even the most incomprehensible was magically fulfilled. Despite her troublesome character, Masya had strong Faith. She had faith in the Spirit. He led her and she lived for him. What was Spirit for her? I don\'t know. That depth of initiation is unknown to me. For Masya the concept of the spirit was closely related to impeccability. With impeccability of the part that person has to play at a given moment. Usually people play 2-3 parts. For example a mix of a stringent father, whining husband and passionate lover - and all at the same time. Or the mix of cynical guy always shy virgin and the oppressor of all the weaklings. But when person observes, himself he start putting on different hats. Many different hats. And every part he plays impeccably, not using Stanislvasky\'s system, but plays it for the Spirit to judge, a witness of his life. They say \"Death is beautiful when you are watched\". Think if you are always watched - you are always being observed by a very respected being. And you put all you got in performing your part for It, every moment of your life. All the pettiness disappears. What appears is the nobility of actions and Beauty. You don\'t just life like everybody else. Every second of your life you in real Drama. You give it 100%. You burn, you light up, you enjoy your play. Because you feel the Spirit being there, enjoying you. Usually, people are not interesting for Him. We are all the same - pale and gray. In our actions there is so much self-interest and cheap imitation that Spirit- turns always and yawns at own sight. His attention can only be drawn by the sincere and impeccable play with really courageous and interesting moves. That\'s what Masya used to tell me about Spirit.
Ravenna, please respond how to use Sniffer in a dream. In one of the older posts you promised to teach us how.
During their attack, sniffers launch a program of fear in us. Rather it is better to say that these programs have a fear subroutine in them. If you have some experience and desire to experiment with sniffers, there is a way to disconnect the call to the subroutine of fear and give it another input like laughter or a different emotion: tender love, annoyance, insistence of a stringent boss. It will cause a disruption in sniffers program. It will try to annul, to disappear. And here you will have to catch it with a sticky glance. Sniffer will start throwing masterpieces of stalking, trying to divert your attention. With some experience you will be able to hold on to it. That\'s when it will take you to the Central Programming Hub. They way you will see that center depends on you and your awareness. There is a lot to do there - for example you can find “yourself” and make some corrections -heal yourself, improve your countenance, program important events in your life, etc.
Please recommend a method of stopping the Inner Dialogue and is there a right way to do it. Walking the way Castaneda advises it in his books I can not yet practice. Second question - should we try practicing using your Practicum at Will there be results?
Ravenna, what is the difference between a Lucid dream and Conscious Dream. I heard many different definitions including the one that until the explosion of the dream memory, all conscious dreams are lucid and after that you can get Conscious Dreams. Is it true?
In reality they are the same. The notion of “lucidity” was introduced by western dreamers. “Conscious” dream” is a result of senseless Eng-Rus translation of Garfield, Laberge, etc. Lucidity is a more exact definition. In order to call any dream “Conscious” dream is silly. The moment of awareness is so short, that it cannot be an indicator of the whole dream. It is more proper to call it a dream with a moment of awareness. Lucidity is better, because it is the transparency of being conscious. Each dream has its own degree of lucidity. For example, you can recall that Ravenna asked you to perform the “Ticket” task. However there is no 100% awareness in it. Sometimes there is 100% awareness but you don\'t remember the task about tickets. Hackers decided that this whole business is worthless for practical use. If you want to use lucidity option, you need completely controlled dream. What is a controlled dream? It is a dream, in which you can enter intentionally while retaining some awareness. It is a dream that you can “order” beforehand. It is a dream where you can change time of day, location and other attributes. Then your “user status” will change. Then your dreaming will gain a new quality. What is wrong “Lucid Dream” (translated as “Conscious Dream” into Russian)? First of all, spontaneous moment of consciousness aree too short and depend on psycho-emotional state and life conditions. Too short, too vulnerable at crucial moments of transit from one dream to another. They are not subject to planned wishes, only local reflections of intention. That\'s why for development of Lucid Dreaming into something substantial, we need special programs - like Monroe\'s or Laberge\'s. Only very determined people can go through those programs and still they are subject to limitations. It is not acceptable for hackers. We like Castaneda and his controlled dreaming. In the original text - controlled dreams is mentioned 8 times. And there is no mention of lucid dreams. Also CC gives definition of controlled dreams where there is control over locations, time of day and the dreaming scenario.
The following question:
I have a very good friend who is unfortunately in the army now and I got excited about an opportunity of dreaming together without the other person\'s active participation because it is problematic to have Conscious Dreams while in the army. The only scheme of teleportation in somebody else\'s dream through Medici\'s Patience that I came up with are two sequences:
First experiments were pretty successful, but is there a way to exclude the second sequence? Or both?
There won\'t be any critic. Try both ways, find a better one and generalize your findings in an easy to understand article.
Edited: DarkLight
(Originally posted 3 weeks ago)
Let\'s leave the old topic in the old year. If you have new questions, ask them in this topic.
The question is old but still relevant for me. If I am a very mediocre Dreamer, should I try to go along with the group or should I start from mapping and dreamjournaling and join after I get some results?
So far, I have been able to follow the tasks for everyday life(from Power Incubation topic) but when it comes to dreams and dreaming...
I think you should still try to participate in the dreaming project. Even a streak of bad luck has an end. Perhaps it will work out.
Ravenna, some time ago I broke my CD player, having played the audiobook all night long. Since then, it has problems playing CDs - it works for 5-10 minutes, and then stops. Two years ago intuitively I tried to influence it by tensing and relaxing the lower part of my abdomen. And it reacts until now, without me having it fixed. So whenever there is a sound that signals the problem - I activate that same point just below the navel often mentioned by CC, and CD players keeps playing smoothly. But as soon as I relax my attention - it stops and often completely shuts off. Sometimes I react fast enough and launch the process anew, but sometimes I don\'t do it in time. If I don't use above mentioned tricks, the CD-player works badly. How would you explain it?
From your description, you encountered a defect that was caused either by \"dry joint\" in soldering or dried up elelctolytic condenser. Dry joints you can find visually or by tapping the electric circuit with the pencil\'s blunt end(\"blond\'s method\"). Dried electrolyte you can find with a tester. You measure the resistance - in one direction than in another. There should be a large difference and the Om-meter\'s indicator will show the decreasing value. If resistance is the same, condenser is dead and should be replaced. The rest of the methods - pure indulgence, it is like healing a bad tooth by whispering magic words - it will still rot to the root and you will lose it.
I left a message for you on about a month ago but I still have no reply. Why?
I don\'t go there anymore. If you have questions - ask them here. If they are very confidential find an abstract way. Women often use \"I have a friend that has this problem\"
Ravenna, please tell us about #2 – "Ask Spirit to help and rely on it (for people that have a strong/pure link with the Spirit)".
I met many interesting people. but the most interesting was Masya. She had a particularly clear link with the Spirit. She played with Him like with a child and played for Him as for the main director of her life. Spirit responded to her requests immediately and almost every time. Any desire, even the most incomprehensible was magically fulfilled. Despite her troublesome character, Masya had strong Faith. She had faith in the Spirit. He led her and she lived for him. What was Spirit for her? I don\'t know. That depth of initiation is unknown to me. For Masya the concept of the spirit was closely related to impeccability. With impeccability of the part that person has to play at a given moment. Usually people play 2-3 parts. For example a mix of a stringent father, whining husband and passionate lover - and all at the same time. Or the mix of cynical guy always shy virgin and the oppressor of all the weaklings. But when person observes, himself he start putting on different hats. Many different hats. And every part he plays impeccably, not using Stanislvasky\'s system, but plays it for the Spirit to judge, a witness of his life. They say \"Death is beautiful when you are watched\". Think if you are always watched - you are always being observed by a very respected being. And you put all you got in performing your part for It, every moment of your life. All the pettiness disappears. What appears is the nobility of actions and Beauty. You don\'t just life like everybody else. Every second of your life you in real Drama. You give it 100%. You burn, you light up, you enjoy your play. Because you feel the Spirit being there, enjoying you. Usually, people are not interesting for Him. We are all the same - pale and gray. In our actions there is so much self-interest and cheap imitation that Spirit- turns always and yawns at own sight. His attention can only be drawn by the sincere and impeccable play with really courageous and interesting moves. That\'s what Masya used to tell me about Spirit.
Ravenna, please respond how to use Sniffer in a dream. In one of the older posts you promised to teach us how.
During their attack, sniffers launch a program of fear in us. Rather it is better to say that these programs have a fear subroutine in them. If you have some experience and desire to experiment with sniffers, there is a way to disconnect the call to the subroutine of fear and give it another input like laughter or a different emotion: tender love, annoyance, insistence of a stringent boss. It will cause a disruption in sniffers program. It will try to annul, to disappear. And here you will have to catch it with a sticky glance. Sniffer will start throwing masterpieces of stalking, trying to divert your attention. With some experience you will be able to hold on to it. That\'s when it will take you to the Central Programming Hub. They way you will see that center depends on you and your awareness. There is a lot to do there - for example you can find “yourself” and make some corrections -heal yourself, improve your countenance, program important events in your life, etc.
Please recommend a method of stopping the Inner Dialogue and is there a right way to do it. Walking the way Castaneda advises it in his books I can not yet practice. Second question - should we try practicing using your Practicum at Will there be results?
Ravenna, what is the difference between a Lucid dream and Conscious Dream. I heard many different definitions including the one that until the explosion of the dream memory, all conscious dreams are lucid and after that you can get Conscious Dreams. Is it true?
In reality they are the same. The notion of “lucidity” was introduced by western dreamers. “Conscious” dream” is a result of senseless Eng-Rus translation of Garfield, Laberge, etc. Lucidity is a more exact definition. In order to call any dream “Conscious” dream is silly. The moment of awareness is so short, that it cannot be an indicator of the whole dream. It is more proper to call it a dream with a moment of awareness. Lucidity is better, because it is the transparency of being conscious. Each dream has its own degree of lucidity. For example, you can recall that Ravenna asked you to perform the “Ticket” task. However there is no 100% awareness in it. Sometimes there is 100% awareness but you don\'t remember the task about tickets. Hackers decided that this whole business is worthless for practical use. If you want to use lucidity option, you need completely controlled dream. What is a controlled dream? It is a dream, in which you can enter intentionally while retaining some awareness. It is a dream that you can “order” beforehand. It is a dream where you can change time of day, location and other attributes. Then your “user status” will change. Then your dreaming will gain a new quality. What is wrong “Lucid Dream” (translated as “Conscious Dream” into Russian)? First of all, spontaneous moment of consciousness aree too short and depend on psycho-emotional state and life conditions. Too short, too vulnerable at crucial moments of transit from one dream to another. They are not subject to planned wishes, only local reflections of intention. That\'s why for development of Lucid Dreaming into something substantial, we need special programs - like Monroe\'s or Laberge\'s. Only very determined people can go through those programs and still they are subject to limitations. It is not acceptable for hackers. We like Castaneda and his controlled dreaming. In the original text - controlled dreams is mentioned 8 times. And there is no mention of lucid dreams. Also CC gives definition of controlled dreams where there is control over locations, time of day and the dreaming scenario.
The following question:
I have a very good friend who is unfortunately in the army now and I got excited about an opportunity of dreaming together without the other person\'s active participation because it is problematic to have Conscious Dreams while in the army. The only scheme of teleportation in somebody else\'s dream through Medici\'s Patience that I came up with are two sequences:
First experiments were pretty successful, but is there a way to exclude the second sequence? Or both?
There won\'t be any critic. Try both ways, find a better one and generalize your findings in an easy to understand article.
- Сообщения: 119
- Зарегистрирован: 07 сен 2009, 18:57:31
Ravenna, about Lucid Dreams:
A standard exchange between dreamers starts with a question: “how often do you have lucid dreams” - as an indicator of experience and proficiency. Before that I was too under the impression that DH techniques are about that moment of awareness in a dream.
Many DH techniques are directed towards activations and prolongation of moments of awareness. This is a basic path of every dreamer. But there are always roundabouts and tricks. These tricks are directed towards gaining control. Judge for yourself: So you see lucid dreams - very often. Now what? Dream scenario is not planned by you. Every intention is only local - it is conceived at the moment of becoming aware. Yes, you will fly and be able to use telekinesis, but it will all be inside a program in which you have no control. Compared to regular dream “users”, you will sort of have a cool dream program, which will be controlling you. This will just a be a wonderful tool for fun and games, just like a computer game or cartoons. On the other hand, controlled dream let you complete large strategic adventures. Their applications are countless - from finding your own blocks to unimaginable magic. Can you imagine - can you do a quest of traveling to Duat in a Lucid Dream? Can you explore the whole dream world? You can do it in a Controlled dream - that is the main difference.
So, Ravenna, by practicing Lucid dreams, we are actually walking the wrong path? So how do I make a transition from Lucid dreams to Controlled Dreams?
If you want to jump from Lucid Dreams to Controlled dreams - learn how to inject elements of control. For example - plan the dream ahead. (That\'s by the way what we are after in our Airport and Tickets quest). Learn the elements of control in a dream - change the time of day, learn the words of power, flying, finding the necessary locations. Learn how to enter dreaming through the symbol of your liking - you visualize it, fall asleep(dissolve) in its light and voila! Controlled dream. Later when you get proficient, we will have to make a long and difficult journey West and North. On the North, you will get to the “Path of the Dead” described in a Book of the Dead. In CC description it is the sliding of the Assemblage Point down. Go West and you will find many obstacles(described by Grant, Fort and Cunningham). In fact, you will walk down the rightmost edge of the human emanations. It is a horrible, magical, attractive and blood-chilling place, from which body shakes in ecstasy. Don Juan called the “slums of humanity”. Or you can go south - especially since that place is fairly small. You will be in Heaven, with God, angels and saints. CC advised that human mold is stored there. Southwest - over a bridge, through a narrow gap, in the end of which there is that hole that CC talked about - covered by a flapping skin. You will meet your helper - not a horned demon, but yourself - the one living in a different world. And your unification will become the Commencement of the Great Work, which was mentioned in Kabbalah. Beginning of collecting of the parts of Adam Kadmon. All other 7 worlds, and 7 helpers are awaiting you and your helper(who can be a man a woman a child, or some deformed ugly creature). And when you all get together, and become one - there will be only one step left - a step into indescribable and unknowable Abstract.
Will I be able to join you this late into the game? Should I start learning everything posted before?
We are not competing in power-lifting. This project is about exploring uncharted territories of both real and dream worlds. Who knows, maybe you are the One who is sent to us for an unprecedented indescribable enlightenment? Maybe you are the chosen one, the nagual? Neither of us knows. So,welcome. Every neophyte is a black box. Nobody knows what will come out of it.
Ravenna, about Lucid Dreams:
A standard exchange between dreamers starts with a question: “how often do you have lucid dreams” - as an indicator of experience and proficiency. Before that I was too under the impression that DH techniques are about that moment of awareness in a dream.
Many DH techniques are directed towards activations and prolongation of moments of awareness. This is a basic path of every dreamer. But there are always roundabouts and tricks. These tricks are directed towards gaining control. Judge for yourself: So you see lucid dreams - very often. Now what? Dream scenario is not planned by you. Every intention is only local - it is conceived at the moment of becoming aware. Yes, you will fly and be able to use telekinesis, but it will all be inside a program in which you have no control. Compared to regular dream “users”, you will sort of have a cool dream program, which will be controlling you. This will just a be a wonderful tool for fun and games, just like a computer game or cartoons. On the other hand, controlled dream let you complete large strategic adventures. Their applications are countless - from finding your own blocks to unimaginable magic. Can you imagine - can you do a quest of traveling to Duat in a Lucid Dream? Can you explore the whole dream world? You can do it in a Controlled dream - that is the main difference.
So, Ravenna, by practicing Lucid dreams, we are actually walking the wrong path? So how do I make a transition from Lucid dreams to Controlled Dreams?
If you want to jump from Lucid Dreams to Controlled dreams - learn how to inject elements of control. For example - plan the dream ahead. (That\'s by the way what we are after in our Airport and Tickets quest). Learn the elements of control in a dream - change the time of day, learn the words of power, flying, finding the necessary locations. Learn how to enter dreaming through the symbol of your liking - you visualize it, fall asleep(dissolve) in its light and voila! Controlled dream. Later when you get proficient, we will have to make a long and difficult journey West and North. On the North, you will get to the “Path of the Dead” described in a Book of the Dead. In CC description it is the sliding of the Assemblage Point down. Go West and you will find many obstacles(described by Grant, Fort and Cunningham). In fact, you will walk down the rightmost edge of the human emanations. It is a horrible, magical, attractive and blood-chilling place, from which body shakes in ecstasy. Don Juan called the “slums of humanity”. Or you can go south - especially since that place is fairly small. You will be in Heaven, with God, angels and saints. CC advised that human mold is stored there. Southwest - over a bridge, through a narrow gap, in the end of which there is that hole that CC talked about - covered by a flapping skin. You will meet your helper - not a horned demon, but yourself - the one living in a different world. And your unification will become the Commencement of the Great Work, which was mentioned in Kabbalah. Beginning of collecting of the parts of Adam Kadmon. All other 7 worlds, and 7 helpers are awaiting you and your helper(who can be a man a woman a child, or some deformed ugly creature). And when you all get together, and become one - there will be only one step left - a step into indescribable and unknowable Abstract.
Will I be able to join you this late into the game? Should I start learning everything posted before?
We are not competing in power-lifting. This project is about exploring uncharted territories of both real and dream worlds. Who knows, maybe you are the One who is sent to us for an unprecedented indescribable enlightenment? Maybe you are the chosen one, the nagual? Neither of us knows. So,welcome. Every neophyte is a black box. Nobody knows what will come out of it.
- Сообщения: 119
- Зарегистрирован: 07 сен 2009, 18:57:31
Ravenna, is it effective to do dreaming and stalking simultaneously. I am also going through your 2004 practicum.
Will I be able to join you this late into the game? Should I start learning everything posted before?
We are not competing in power-lifting. This project is about exploring uncharted territories of both real and dream worlds. Who knows, maybe you are the One who is sent to us for an unprecedented indescribable enlightenment? Maybe you are the chosen one, the nagual? Neither of us knows. So,welcome. Every neophyte is a black box. Nobody knows what will come out of it.
Ravenna, thanks! This is a completely new vector, different perspective. Now I have a different goal in dreaming. Before I would just get these short-lived moments of awareness from which I would quickly awake. There is a chance now that I am not hopeless, I just never paid attention.
Ravenna, a little elucidation please.. Does Chains of events (COE later) show up in an unconscious dream? If yes, then how - by the progression from one bubble of perception to the next, or by the events in each of the bubbles?
We could have looked for COE in dreams, and that was my idea when I had suggested to repeat the way of the Egyptians to Duat. In order to discuss it we need a shared experience which is not here at the time.
Ravenna, should I do the recapitulation if I am accentuating dreaming in my practice, not stalking.
Does it matter if my sleep time is only 5 hours long
1.Recapitulation is of utmost importance - do it no matter what. By the way - dream mapping is the recapitulation of dreams. That\'s why dreaming is the extension of recapitulation.
2. Lack of sleep is detrimental for dreaming. There are two effective modes of sleep:
1) Sleep deprivation - intentional stoppage of sleep for a prolonged period of time- interesting for exploring dream mechanisms. Bad for your health.
2) Usual regime - 7-9 hours of sleep
3) Da Vinci\'s regime - 4 hours awake, 20-30 min. sleep, etc..
Hello, Ravenna. I love playing different computer games. In each game I am trying to find some secret cache with a unique weapon, shield, etc.. This lets me have an advantage. Finally I will know all the secret zones and possibilities of my action character, I will become a POWER USER. One day I decided to look not in the game itself, but in the system folder of the game. As a result I found a lot of interesting stuff. I was able to change characteristics of my character or even characteristics of my enemies and the whole game. I became a POWER Hacker. If you look at dream forum topic, you could see that almost everyone wants to become a power user - increase the number of Lucide Dreams, find secret places,etc..I was moving along the same road. Recently I decided to rethink my tactics. Instead of trying to get more Lucid Dreams, I am trying to start dreaming from a waking state(so not be dependent on the factors in a dream). This is much harder and that\'s why many people quit trying. Finally, the question: Who are we trying to become “Power users” or “Power Hackers”? And which road to take?
Look at discussion with Soledat.
Ravenna, is there a true story of DH on the web? Will it ever be there?
Masya is trying to write the true story in her book. If she does not finish - I will write my own version.
Ravenna, is it effective to do dreaming and stalking simultaneously. I am also going through your 2004 practicum.
Will I be able to join you this late into the game? Should I start learning everything posted before?
We are not competing in power-lifting. This project is about exploring uncharted territories of both real and dream worlds. Who knows, maybe you are the One who is sent to us for an unprecedented indescribable enlightenment? Maybe you are the chosen one, the nagual? Neither of us knows. So,welcome. Every neophyte is a black box. Nobody knows what will come out of it.
Ravenna, thanks! This is a completely new vector, different perspective. Now I have a different goal in dreaming. Before I would just get these short-lived moments of awareness from which I would quickly awake. There is a chance now that I am not hopeless, I just never paid attention.
Ravenna, a little elucidation please.. Does Chains of events (COE later) show up in an unconscious dream? If yes, then how - by the progression from one bubble of perception to the next, or by the events in each of the bubbles?
We could have looked for COE in dreams, and that was my idea when I had suggested to repeat the way of the Egyptians to Duat. In order to discuss it we need a shared experience which is not here at the time.
Ravenna, should I do the recapitulation if I am accentuating dreaming in my practice, not stalking.
Does it matter if my sleep time is only 5 hours long
1.Recapitulation is of utmost importance - do it no matter what. By the way - dream mapping is the recapitulation of dreams. That\'s why dreaming is the extension of recapitulation.
2. Lack of sleep is detrimental for dreaming. There are two effective modes of sleep:
1) Sleep deprivation - intentional stoppage of sleep for a prolonged period of time- interesting for exploring dream mechanisms. Bad for your health.
2) Usual regime - 7-9 hours of sleep
3) Da Vinci\'s regime - 4 hours awake, 20-30 min. sleep, etc..
Hello, Ravenna. I love playing different computer games. In each game I am trying to find some secret cache with a unique weapon, shield, etc.. This lets me have an advantage. Finally I will know all the secret zones and possibilities of my action character, I will become a POWER USER. One day I decided to look not in the game itself, but in the system folder of the game. As a result I found a lot of interesting stuff. I was able to change characteristics of my character or even characteristics of my enemies and the whole game. I became a POWER Hacker. If you look at dream forum topic, you could see that almost everyone wants to become a power user - increase the number of Lucide Dreams, find secret places,etc..I was moving along the same road. Recently I decided to rethink my tactics. Instead of trying to get more Lucid Dreams, I am trying to start dreaming from a waking state(so not be dependent on the factors in a dream). This is much harder and that\'s why many people quit trying. Finally, the question: Who are we trying to become “Power users” or “Power Hackers”? And which road to take?
Look at discussion with Soledat.
Ravenna, is there a true story of DH on the web? Will it ever be there?
Masya is trying to write the true story in her book. If she does not finish - I will write my own version.
- Сообщения: 119
- Зарегистрирован: 07 сен 2009, 18:57:31
When I meet people who are conscious in their dreams they see me with black eyes, it is the usual expression of nagual. All conscious dreamers have black eyes. This fact is so scary to dreamers that they get the hack out of there right away. I have no time to even ask them anything.
(Answering Prnss question about location of hell):
Hell as we know it from literature has two locations. One is on the far West beyond the Yondo desert. Between the Twin cities there is an area populated with horrific creatures with terrible manners. The second location is in before the entrance to the world of Fire. When a Christian gets there, he perceives the Guard as the Prince of Darkness. He was the one that Jesus struggled with. That struggle usually leads to physical death In our reality. But you can make agreements with him. Everything is filled with awe. But the world of Fire is described by our fellow traveler as world of light - more beautiful and evolved than ours. There is another path to that world through the gap on the SouthEast. There will be a thin layer of tonal with 6 gates to different worlds and one will lead to the world of Fire.
Is there an underground in the dream world? I often would find myself in tunnels and caves in my dreams.
There are many underground places in a dream world. Certainly you can get there and become conscious. When dream is aware, labyrinths represent serious danger. Labyrinths are the realm of inorganic beings, and conscious dreams make people very vulnerable, because we lose many defenses in Conscious dreams. Inorganics can trap you in the labyrinth. Then, by appealing to your emotions they can merge with you. It seems innocuous, but not always. Some malign and benign tumors, lipomas, etc. etc. It is hard not to bite. Sergey Izrigi told us how neo cornered him in a labyrinth. Very narrow corridor started getting filled with adhesive entities. There were throngs of panicking sprites running around. He was about to become a fly trapped in amber. But then the niche opened in a wall and the most beautiful lady took him to a small cave. He was so grateful and she was so wonderful, beautiful, tender and enticing. The feeling was so strong that they immediately embraced on the floor. Sergey thought that they will have sex, but inorganics have no sex organs. He was too late to understand that they have their own way of copulating. Inorganic being just merged him and stayed in his body all his life.
I have to questions - according to CC, there are 4 enemies on becoming a warrior one of which is fear. Does fear disappear after you conquer it? So you stop being afraid of anything? Or it is just about the fear of difficulty of learning? Is Stopping the World connected to the victory over Fear?
On a certain stage, fear stops being a motivating force. Person is still afraid, but nothing can cause blinding panic. During danger, different defense mechanisms get turned on - cold reason and super-fast reaction. Fear becomes indicator of a given situation not something that controls you. Stopping the World has a cumulative effect - it breaks the shell around your mind. Person can never forget what he lived through during the moment of Stopping the World. He can\'t say - oh, it was just a mirage. SW - is when you really understand the illusion of the assembled world, opportunity to assemble a different world, different from ours - and the very fact of existence of other worlds. You stop being human and turn into another being without fear, because that was part of the world that had been stopped.
Can I meet you in LD or CD? I tried once but was thrown out to reality. Is it worth communicating to other dreamers - does it evolve our dream body? Can an experienced dreamer give newbie a push? Teach someone to get conscious better?
I am scary for those who see me in Conscious dreams. Not by defects, but by expressions of nagual - horrible scenario, black eyes, and inhuman form. Their bodies shrink and shrivel in nagual\'s presence. Trust me, when you become conscious in a dream, you have the same scary look. Something bright with dark holes for eyes. Only dreaming together allows to keep your usual countenance. But even than eyes are still black. Nothing good ever came out of it. Most of the time dreamers body erases the mind about the contact. Something happened - not sure what.
I have never seen an airport in my dreams. But you said that a high rise and the airport are one and the same? I saw a high rise several times - it was different but there were always stairwells. Several times it looked like a huge theater with an exit to subway or cathedral. Is this it? Should I intend going there instead of the airport. Also, I don\'t really know how I get there, should I intend some abstract way?
Certainly, our goal is not airport or transport, but learning how to intend the dream scenario. Nobody will tell you how you do it. I gave you several examples and there are probably as many. But you intuitively know how to formulate intent. People in their own way form scenarios from those intentions. I can come up with tasks like that every minute. They are not important. What is important - for you to find your own unique way of intending and master them perfectly. I have put quest component in order to generate your interest to the project, but again it is not important, only a secondary detail.
Ravenna, I am intrigued by your hell stories. Where else can I read about it. Also, how do you perceive JC stories, you talk about Christ here as he was a dreamer. As I understood, DH don\'t give a damn about religions?
You often say - “Dreamers need this or that, dreamers see me as such and such. Do you consider yourself a dreamer? Are there any other categories?
Have you seen how small the Heaven is? Can you take religions seriously after that? I met God - wonderful creature. But it is as disappointing as the Garden of Eden. I only told you my impressions -Dante wrote about it, Baggio, Ashton Smith. By “dreamers” I mean those who practice dreaming, including myself.
In a conscious dream I saw a sprite woman(old aged but not old) and something made me approach her, she was nearing the gates, but then turned around and looked at me. Her black eyes frightened me to death, I thought she was death - and she tells me - open the gates. I could only say “No” and woke up. Can sprites have dark eyes as well? About inorganic beings: if it catches you in a labyrinth and merges with you, can it ever become your ally?
That's exactly what I was talking about - another conscious dreamer looks like death. Sprites don\'t have black eyes - those are the expression of nagual. There is a mix-up when people talk about allies and helpers. I often call ones the others. Allies - are inorganic beings. Helper is another aspect of you living in a different layer of tonal. To get an ally is not a problem. Problem -is to get rid of it. Every magical creature that can make dreams come true is an ally. Crayon, the one who lives in a cat, a house-ghost, an evil spirit, John Dee\'s daemon - they are all allies. Depending on an agreement they can be good or evil, informative or active, but they all need something from us - specific emanations. Some people like such symbiosis, some are appalled by it. A year ago Masya conducted a training in creating magical creatures. That project is archived on the forum.
Is it possible to recapitulate in a dream?
Do you recapitulate yourself and how do you do it?
In a dream you should do dreaming. Dream mapping is something like dream recapitulation - it is analogous to life recapitulation. I do it once a year for 10-15 days.
There are more and more questions which get us further from our project. Let me remind you about our plan. We are preparing for a visit to penumbra\'s heart. It is somewhat of a quest, but you don\'t have to complete it.. However it will give you some good opportunities to learn couple of tricks such as “setting up dreams”.
Can a transit be a bubble of perception and vice versa?
Do you mean airplane? No, this is also a bubble of perceptions that can play a role of the object activating the transitive connection.
I read somewhere that GRU officers were setting up a trap for Ravenna, is it true?
I moved three times this year. I live in a different country. But “hand of Moscow” can still be felt. Everything can be bought just as it is in Russia.
Lately after stopping inner dialogue the world around me starts changing - before it was just a 2d effect, now it is becoming a 3d effect- it starts breathing, and there is an increasing high pitch noise in my ears(stronger in my right ears). I am afraid to experiment - afraid of unknown. Should I try?
You described the state of Altered Perception. In order to explore you need to stop being afraid. I can tell you - you are not crazy. Don\'t tell anybody about it but don\'t be afraid. Newbies cannot usually get to places of no return. And you need to collect power for a larger shift of assemblage point. So don\'t be afraid, keep your rationality and remember that If you cling to your mind, nagual won\'t bother you.
When I meet people who are conscious in their dreams they see me with black eyes, it is the usual expression of nagual. All conscious dreamers have black eyes. This fact is so scary to dreamers that they get the hack out of there right away. I have no time to even ask them anything.
(Answering Prnss question about location of hell):
Hell as we know it from literature has two locations. One is on the far West beyond the Yondo desert. Between the Twin cities there is an area populated with horrific creatures with terrible manners. The second location is in before the entrance to the world of Fire. When a Christian gets there, he perceives the Guard as the Prince of Darkness. He was the one that Jesus struggled with. That struggle usually leads to physical death In our reality. But you can make agreements with him. Everything is filled with awe. But the world of Fire is described by our fellow traveler as world of light - more beautiful and evolved than ours. There is another path to that world through the gap on the SouthEast. There will be a thin layer of tonal with 6 gates to different worlds and one will lead to the world of Fire.
Is there an underground in the dream world? I often would find myself in tunnels and caves in my dreams.
There are many underground places in a dream world. Certainly you can get there and become conscious. When dream is aware, labyrinths represent serious danger. Labyrinths are the realm of inorganic beings, and conscious dreams make people very vulnerable, because we lose many defenses in Conscious dreams. Inorganics can trap you in the labyrinth. Then, by appealing to your emotions they can merge with you. It seems innocuous, but not always. Some malign and benign tumors, lipomas, etc. etc. It is hard not to bite. Sergey Izrigi told us how neo cornered him in a labyrinth. Very narrow corridor started getting filled with adhesive entities. There were throngs of panicking sprites running around. He was about to become a fly trapped in amber. But then the niche opened in a wall and the most beautiful lady took him to a small cave. He was so grateful and she was so wonderful, beautiful, tender and enticing. The feeling was so strong that they immediately embraced on the floor. Sergey thought that they will have sex, but inorganics have no sex organs. He was too late to understand that they have their own way of copulating. Inorganic being just merged him and stayed in his body all his life.
I have to questions - according to CC, there are 4 enemies on becoming a warrior one of which is fear. Does fear disappear after you conquer it? So you stop being afraid of anything? Or it is just about the fear of difficulty of learning? Is Stopping the World connected to the victory over Fear?
On a certain stage, fear stops being a motivating force. Person is still afraid, but nothing can cause blinding panic. During danger, different defense mechanisms get turned on - cold reason and super-fast reaction. Fear becomes indicator of a given situation not something that controls you. Stopping the World has a cumulative effect - it breaks the shell around your mind. Person can never forget what he lived through during the moment of Stopping the World. He can\'t say - oh, it was just a mirage. SW - is when you really understand the illusion of the assembled world, opportunity to assemble a different world, different from ours - and the very fact of existence of other worlds. You stop being human and turn into another being without fear, because that was part of the world that had been stopped.
Can I meet you in LD or CD? I tried once but was thrown out to reality. Is it worth communicating to other dreamers - does it evolve our dream body? Can an experienced dreamer give newbie a push? Teach someone to get conscious better?
I am scary for those who see me in Conscious dreams. Not by defects, but by expressions of nagual - horrible scenario, black eyes, and inhuman form. Their bodies shrink and shrivel in nagual\'s presence. Trust me, when you become conscious in a dream, you have the same scary look. Something bright with dark holes for eyes. Only dreaming together allows to keep your usual countenance. But even than eyes are still black. Nothing good ever came out of it. Most of the time dreamers body erases the mind about the contact. Something happened - not sure what.
I have never seen an airport in my dreams. But you said that a high rise and the airport are one and the same? I saw a high rise several times - it was different but there were always stairwells. Several times it looked like a huge theater with an exit to subway or cathedral. Is this it? Should I intend going there instead of the airport. Also, I don\'t really know how I get there, should I intend some abstract way?
Certainly, our goal is not airport or transport, but learning how to intend the dream scenario. Nobody will tell you how you do it. I gave you several examples and there are probably as many. But you intuitively know how to formulate intent. People in their own way form scenarios from those intentions. I can come up with tasks like that every minute. They are not important. What is important - for you to find your own unique way of intending and master them perfectly. I have put quest component in order to generate your interest to the project, but again it is not important, only a secondary detail.
Ravenna, I am intrigued by your hell stories. Where else can I read about it. Also, how do you perceive JC stories, you talk about Christ here as he was a dreamer. As I understood, DH don\'t give a damn about religions?
You often say - “Dreamers need this or that, dreamers see me as such and such. Do you consider yourself a dreamer? Are there any other categories?
Have you seen how small the Heaven is? Can you take religions seriously after that? I met God - wonderful creature. But it is as disappointing as the Garden of Eden. I only told you my impressions -Dante wrote about it, Baggio, Ashton Smith. By “dreamers” I mean those who practice dreaming, including myself.
In a conscious dream I saw a sprite woman(old aged but not old) and something made me approach her, she was nearing the gates, but then turned around and looked at me. Her black eyes frightened me to death, I thought she was death - and she tells me - open the gates. I could only say “No” and woke up. Can sprites have dark eyes as well? About inorganic beings: if it catches you in a labyrinth and merges with you, can it ever become your ally?
That's exactly what I was talking about - another conscious dreamer looks like death. Sprites don\'t have black eyes - those are the expression of nagual. There is a mix-up when people talk about allies and helpers. I often call ones the others. Allies - are inorganic beings. Helper is another aspect of you living in a different layer of tonal. To get an ally is not a problem. Problem -is to get rid of it. Every magical creature that can make dreams come true is an ally. Crayon, the one who lives in a cat, a house-ghost, an evil spirit, John Dee\'s daemon - they are all allies. Depending on an agreement they can be good or evil, informative or active, but they all need something from us - specific emanations. Some people like such symbiosis, some are appalled by it. A year ago Masya conducted a training in creating magical creatures. That project is archived on the forum.
Is it possible to recapitulate in a dream?
Do you recapitulate yourself and how do you do it?
In a dream you should do dreaming. Dream mapping is something like dream recapitulation - it is analogous to life recapitulation. I do it once a year for 10-15 days.
There are more and more questions which get us further from our project. Let me remind you about our plan. We are preparing for a visit to penumbra\'s heart. It is somewhat of a quest, but you don\'t have to complete it.. However it will give you some good opportunities to learn couple of tricks such as “setting up dreams”.
Can a transit be a bubble of perception and vice versa?
Do you mean airplane? No, this is also a bubble of perceptions that can play a role of the object activating the transitive connection.
I read somewhere that GRU officers were setting up a trap for Ravenna, is it true?
I moved three times this year. I live in a different country. But “hand of Moscow” can still be felt. Everything can be bought just as it is in Russia.
Lately after stopping inner dialogue the world around me starts changing - before it was just a 2d effect, now it is becoming a 3d effect- it starts breathing, and there is an increasing high pitch noise in my ears(stronger in my right ears). I am afraid to experiment - afraid of unknown. Should I try?
You described the state of Altered Perception. In order to explore you need to stop being afraid. I can tell you - you are not crazy. Don\'t tell anybody about it but don\'t be afraid. Newbies cannot usually get to places of no return. And you need to collect power for a larger shift of assemblage point. So don\'t be afraid, keep your rationality and remember that If you cling to your mind, nagual won\'t bother you.
Re: Questions and Replies
So, here's the thing. In the last few days I noticed increased number of dream flashbacks - memories of locations or events from past dreams. They occur regardless of what I'm doing and they don't seem connected with it in any way. Sometimes they appear "static" (like a postcard or a photo of some location), another time they are like any other everyday memory (memory of some event or discussion or something else).
As far as I can tell they don't seem to be connected (i.e. next to one another on dream map) but rather scattered along the dreamscape and possibly even on different levels. I have to admit that I gave up dream mapping quite some time ago because of a problem I couldn't solve - I had a lot of different locations that just wouldn't fit together but they were so detailed that if I wanted to create a map of only my "home town" it wouldn't fit on any size of paper.
Has anybody experienced anything similar? And more importantly - is there anything I can do with those images/memories since they're on my mind more often than other thoughts?
As far as I can tell they don't seem to be connected (i.e. next to one another on dream map) but rather scattered along the dreamscape and possibly even on different levels. I have to admit that I gave up dream mapping quite some time ago because of a problem I couldn't solve - I had a lot of different locations that just wouldn't fit together but they were so detailed that if I wanted to create a map of only my "home town" it wouldn't fit on any size of paper.
Has anybody experienced anything similar? And more importantly - is there anything I can do with those images/memories since they're on my mind more often than other thoughts?
Re: Questions and Replies
Saso, there's a trick: you need to continue keeping and locate your dreams. And that's why. Flashbacks - it's good. Maybe it say: your assemblage point doing micro-shift to a new position. Dreamhackers tell us about the X-moment, when you remember the most dreams of your life! It's unbelievable!
So. It's ok, that you can't connect some locations. Some places dream map looks like your reality, but the pieces may be connected the other way. Let them go. Later everything will be good.
The map it's a trick.
Be an explorer
So. It's ok, that you can't connect some locations. Some places dream map looks like your reality, but the pieces may be connected the other way. Let them go. Later everything will be good.
The map it's a trick.
Be an explorer

Re: Questions and Replies
There is no goal in trying to combine all parts of your map together. The main task is to have intention to do that. That's the trick. Your dream memory will awake more and more, you will remember in you dream that you have a special task - to remember a landscpe, to create a map. This will help you to have lucid dreams. However it's just a trick. One day quantity will transform into quality and you will have an insight - you will at once, in a series of instantaneous flashbacks recollect all your dreams even those you never known. Besides there will be no need in you map 'cos you will just know it from A to Z - just in one moment and forever. That's the power of mapping technique.
Re: Questions and Replies
Thanks for your comments, фёдор and D.K.Meron. 
Yes, I noticed that the mapping task crosses into the dream somehow - I had a couple of (lucid) dreams in which I was trying to find the southern border. But as you said - most of it was just quantity and very little (if any at all) quality.
Is there any other trick like mapping? Since I am no good at drawing, I am currently working on a systematization - I search for connections between elements of dreams to determine the recurring elements and relations between them but it doesn't seem to give desired results.

Yes, I noticed that the mapping task crosses into the dream somehow - I had a couple of (lucid) dreams in which I was trying to find the southern border. But as you said - most of it was just quantity and very little (if any at all) quality.

Is there any other trick like mapping? Since I am no good at drawing, I am currently working on a systematization - I search for connections between elements of dreams to determine the recurring elements and relations between them but it doesn't seem to give desired results.
- Psychonaut
- Сообщения: 1157
- Зарегистрирован: 18 фев 2010, 16:49:29
Re: Questions and Replies
Saso, you don't need to be a good painter to practice dream mapping. You can do it just schematically, so that you could remember your dreams, looking at your map.
There is a special programm for dream mapping - "First gate". You can download it here:;dl=item9
Unfortunately, it's interface is russian only. But the programm is very useful and convenient.
There is a special programm for dream mapping - "First gate". You can download it here:;dl=item9
Unfortunately, it's interface is russian only. But the programm is very useful and convenient.
Re: Questions and Replies
Hey, Psychonaut.
I am familiar with the "First Gate" program but I never found it to be too usefull. I guess that the interface language is the main barrier - I know a bit of Cyrillic but unfortunately not enough. I will give it a second look though I don't think that I will enter all the dreams - it took me over three months to rewrite around six years of dream diaries to a computer file.
Thanks for the download link.
I am familiar with the "First Gate" program but I never found it to be too usefull. I guess that the interface language is the main barrier - I know a bit of Cyrillic but unfortunately not enough. I will give it a second look though I don't think that I will enter all the dreams - it took me over three months to rewrite around six years of dream diaries to a computer file.
Thanks for the download link.

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