Cubus\' theory

Сообщения: 14
Зарегистрирован: 06 сен 2009, 16:37:35

Сообщение ioneks[archive] » 25 окт 2009, 09:23:21

By Cubus (

Why often we do not remember dreams?

I think, that someone is consuming them. For example, the Eagle upon someone\'s death consumes his whole luminance, all his memories, all the fragments of his knowledge and experience. And as above, so below, ancients said. Maybe, next to people predators are nesting, and doing the same thing as Eagle, but in smaller doses and on permanent basis. Maybe, they eat our knowledge, experience and memories. But even a mosquito prior to biting injects an hypodermic anesthetic. Even the Eagle gives something to a man prior to taking him. And our \"neighbours\" give us something, when taking things from us. Like tenant, for example. In short, I think succubus and incubus yet exist, but they don\'t get us fucked in dreams, but only take away the fat parts of a dream, leaving just a small piece, not to get the Eagle mad. Our dream practice isn\'t fraught with the Chang disease, but with us depriving these predators of prey. Then they, gathered into a pack, kick our asses. And we think, that it\'s a \"rollback\" of the practice, someone\'s machinations and experiments. I think, that Ravenna opened the Bestiary topic to a good purpose, and later we\'ll know something new about the dreamworld neighbours.

Сообщения: 14
Зарегистрирован: 06 сен 2009, 16:37:35

Сообщение ioneks[archive] » 25 окт 2009, 09:30:52

Reply by Ekvinoks:

This theory seemed for me to be appeared because people are inclined to blame, to see the reason in others, circumstances, but not in themselves. I also used to suffer from being unable to remember what I was dreaming of, but I\'ve read Laberge, made conclusions - and everything is OK.

Сообщения: 14
Зарегистрирован: 06 сен 2009, 16:37:35

Сообщение ioneks[archive] » 25 окт 2009, 09:58:57

Reply by Cubus:

I dislike such approach. My mate died from the Nord-Ost act of terror, and I see the reason of his death \"in others, circumstances, but not in themselves\". But, let\'s not talk about the sad.
Our \"neighbours\" share with us some Eagle emanations. Their assembly point assembles their world. We assmble ours. And in some part these worlds merge to shared fragments. Their parts are present in our bodies. We exist in their life. But to distinguish who is who can only the one with the higher level of consciousness. Due to difference between the worlds we and the \"neighbours\" perceive the same phenomena in different ways. It\'s easy for us to create memories, emotions, to accumulate the luminance. For them it\'s hard. But then they are able to consume our \"products\", and we do not even realize our \"neighbours\". And even when we start to realize, we get a salvational thought - we need to see the reason in ourselves, not in others; we have to read Laberge, and everything will be OK!
Considering this the thought appears: all the occultism is based on agreements, contracts and interaction with \"neighbours\" - call them the way you want - from UFO to devil. I mean, some of people had puzzled out, how to get profit from this \"neighbourship\" and said: why the heck would I give them what they take - for free? Many medieval scientists had daemons, allies and other \"neighbours\". But yet don Juan dissuaded from such agreements, although he himself hat at least three allies. So whom should we believe, and how not to make a mess of things?

Сообщения: 14
Зарегистрирован: 06 сен 2009, 16:37:35

Сообщение ioneks[archive] » 25 окт 2009, 10:19:18

Reply by Cubus:
When a man is doing a recall - of a real world, or of a dream world - he is sort of declaring his memories. He\'s kind of labeling them \"For the Eagle\". And other \"neighbours\" then don\'t dare to encroach on this prey. If the recall reaches a very high level, the whole man becomes covered with \"For the Eagle\" labels. None of the predators dares to attack him. The man becomes divine for them. While fissing human\'s consciousness, Eagle is normally thankful for small remains, left from the other predators. And now it sees a heap of fat emanations. As a gourmet the Eagle rejects it, and the man passes by the Eagle. This description is the same as \"turning soar\". So, the protection from the \"neighbours\" is a recall in dreams and in reality. Fast self enrichment with forgotten memories. And here, draw your attention, the fixation of memories is important. Not only to recall the events, but also to mark them as remembered. KK allowed to do this with breathe and special rithual of getting oneself\'s emanations back, and getting rid of foreign emanations, stuck in one\'s body. But I think, the process of fixation can be different.

Сообщения: 4
Зарегистрирован: 30 окт 2009, 00:22:44

Сообщение blu129[archive] » 30 окт 2009, 00:30:29

hi im kinda new to all this. i read the dream searchers books and am really keen to meet ppl and talk about i dunno, stuff. manipulation of INTENT oooh i bet thats a hot one! but anyhow what attracted me to the books was their good energy and i really want to speak to others who may have some knowledge and findings from exploring the universe selflessly. like they mentioned in the books about how their pictures captured the spirit of flying or something. well, i want to be able to do that. could someone show me a painting or something!! who anwers these posts ravenna??

Сообщения: 11
Зарегистрирован: 08 мар 2010, 20:49:03

Re: Cubus\' theory

Сообщение J.R.Tomlin » 08 мар 2010, 21:46:08

Thanks Cubus for sharing your thoughts on recapitulation. Although I'm not sure if it
works like that, it's a very interesting idea that simply the act of remembering, along with our attitude to that remembering, is the key to true recapitulation.


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