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Добавлено: 03 окт 2009, 16:59:02
First of all, hello dear participants. It is good to see, that dreamhack community grows stronger and achieves new heights. The question I wanted to ask could be answered with google or any other search engine, but the deviation in this case I am afraid might me fatally strong.

I want to ask, specially J.R. Tomlin, because of the Ravenna\'s recommendation, about the status of dreamhack communities outside the Russian Federation, because I intend to join one of the groups and help with sharing the public data and articles from russian community and vice versa, in case such help is needed. If not then I wil just continue my dreamer\'s practics somwhere there.

I ask this question here instead of goolgle just because the chances are high to join completely fake comunities and spend awfully a lot of time on it. The second thing is that to tell you the truth I am still not good with Internet and computers, so I choose to request help here.

Thank you, for your answere.

Добавлено: 09 окт 2009, 18:03:50
Hi Glen,
sorry it has taken me a while to get back to you. At the moment I would say that here is the main Dreamhacker community for english speakers. You are very welcome to help with sharing information here.
Thank you,

Re: About the foreign dreamhackers community

Добавлено: 07 мар 2014, 11:41:08
I would like to know if there are some foreign or russian dreamhackers that are ready to jump into unknown ? or just talk or any other kind of programming reality.

Re: About the foreign dreamhackers community

Добавлено: 07 мар 2014, 21:25:22
Hi, Xavier, we are here to talk about it :)

Re: About the foreign dreamhackers community

Добавлено: 09 мар 2014, 14:16:39
Why my post got deleted ? It was strictly about dreamhacking... I thought this "platform" is accesible for new, perhaps unknown ideas.

Re: About the foreign dreamhackers community

Добавлено: 09 мар 2014, 14:28:21
Xavier, I am sorry to hear that.
There was server failure, many posts disappeared, we had to restore forum state dated 7th of March.
Could you post it again?

Re: About the foreign dreamhackers community

Добавлено: 09 мар 2014, 18:14:24
Unfortunately I have do not deposit files so I cant as I try to delete my self-importance that is inadvertedly created by traveling through unknown, as our known grows with unknown.

I written about nature of viruses in and using holographic reality and the projector - perception and our awareness in it and mainly realting to body as a computer, I hope that me posting about "safety" nature of all viruses did not caused the server failure, I hope the mystery that was conveyed in that topic was not harmful to overal flow of dreamhacking community as every information inadvertedly refluctuates the flow, direction and angle of concieving our reality.

I will post some material when Spirit gives me a sign, or if you want ask me anything that would be so crazy, that the actualy mystery an topic of knowledge could appear from. :) Have a nice day.