Physical immortality - perfume or muck?

Сообщения: 12
Зарегистрирован: 18 окт 2010, 17:21:26

Physical immortality - perfume or muck?

Сообщение TemporarilyI'mEarth » 19 окт 2010, 22:26:10

qoute the thread' sugestions>general discussions ... 916#p18916
J.R.Tomlin[archive]"] … the possibility of physical immortality
We (in the Saraf tribes) used to call physical immortality "The Eternal Stink.
Stink on, you Crazy Diamond?
No don't! it would spoil all the worlds' perfume!
i'm charlila
eternaly fluid
temporarily blocked
explosively pissed!


(Wow - that deserves being made a signature... providing the rude language will pass strict Russian standards...)

~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~

As for WTF it's all about:
here are some crumbles of one of my online fights. [No physical mortal blows enabled... but anything else is.]
(you'll probably get better results re-searching - MY search is messed with)

"Diamond" is Summerdowne's concept of "stinking eternity".
see link above, BUT - text is Incoherent! For it, particularly my own posts, was edited to enihilate coherance. (by an intruder - unless the admins or\and me are lying. :no: )

Most of my work online got the same treatment.
it seems that all my net users have been broken into (accept perhaps here -"charlila" was blocked by reversing my browser repeatedly to the captcha page; this is at least my ignorant guess; thats all - so far).
Often, it's just my net connection (to any specific page) breaks whenever is convenient to -

i could give you a bunch of nicks, a facebook page or 2...
I'm a guest here...
I might well be using hospitality too much…

~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~
AS for physical immortality:
"Bosem"' Hebrew for perfume, is also Aghur^ah for "essence of love".
Mixed with muck... mummified... it's not so... hmmm... facinating.
immortality is not planned - by Spirit, the creator - to be physical.

it's like the student who was knitting while waiting for a lecture by an eminent psychology professor. The prof. saw her and snapped: "you know knitting is a substitution for masturbation!"
"when i'm masturbatin', i masturbating," said the girl, "and when i'm knitting, i'm knitting."

i mean: when you are physical, don't mess with immortality, and vice versa. Both are to be enjoyed - separately.


it's normal part of evolusion - each creature, during great number of incarnations, developes his high centers (etheric. as well as astral) his higher attentions, and eventually takes off to the journey to the next dimentions field, as did DJ's party.

each one goes either with his partner, or, if he is a tribe-member, with his tribe ["party"].

the problem?
1. we are all stuck, 11'000 or mabe 24,000 years - since earth got into a post-trauma, and all learning and evolution got blocked.
2. there are un-wanted strangerd who are determined to come as stowaways - which would ruin the next dimention field [=glory] as this one is ruined. this is not to be allowed.
3. time is very very short.

3 is a great adventage - it will soon force everybody to use death as an edvisor and fight as impeccably as he possibly can (eccept, of course, physical immortals and petty tyrants).
i'm charlila
eternally fluid
temporarily blocked
explosively pissed!

- well,
- they will
all is so temporary now


Stary Birds

Сообщение byeepo125 » 22 окт 2010, 13:28:47

stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away.
and yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sign.

[edited by moderator]

Сообщения: 12
Зарегистрирован: 18 окт 2010, 17:21:26

Re: Physical immortality - perfume or muck?

Сообщение TemporarilyI'mEarth » 23 окт 2010, 18:17:24

very interesting byeepo125.

what did you want to say?
i'm charlila
eternally fluid
temporarily blocked
explosively pissed!

- well,
- they will
all is so temporary now

Сообщения: 12
Зарегистрирован: 18 окт 2010, 17:21:26

Re: brain eaters

Сообщение TemporarilyI'mEarth » 21 ноя 2010, 04:17:49

"hey, it's me"
"i knew it's you once the phone rang"
"i have some info for you."
"5 brain-eaters were send after you."
"5 what??"
"would you believe you worth someone 50.000$? this is what it cost, plus transportation, plus..."

the price, i was told, is what it takes to have "them" incarnate in a bodey; they are to cacth a person by the disadvantages of his\her character, get him into a state of turmoil, preferably hospitalysed in a mental hospital, where they can eat his brain bite by bite.

this was not very couraging. it was just after i met that young wierdo -

first i have to tell you about my daughter. she had commited suicide. she was 14 1|2. 2 years ago. We, my son amd me, had a tough fight - in court and otherwise - to have her body cremated, not burried. it took 3 weeks. i fasted all 3 weeks, to be able to put aside my grief and trauma and do the struggling. i promised her on the public ritual that her death will not be in vain. that's how come i do survive - i have to, if i want to keep my promise.

so: that young man called my son, who called me, saying he sympathized with us when our story was in the news; that his brother died and he and his mother - a gudje - had a similiar struggle with Zaka (a religious organization who has no business pushing into families' privete decisions at times of grief yet they do) now, just now, they found out that his brother had commited suiside, not died by an accident; he is broken, may he talk to us?

i called him back, told him yes, i'll talk to him, but not (as he tried) by phone. made appointment.

naturally i googled his name. he said he is an intern for psychiatry. one apearanceof his name - a post claiming she (!) is a shrink.

i called the gudje, asked her if he is her son.
"what? no!"
i called the hospital. nada.

than i got a phone call from a court security officer. the gudje asked him to check. he tried to convince me not to go.
i took a friend to the meeting.

he called 3 times when we were on the way. i recognized the impatience. i had a good freind in a mental hospital.
He looked 20, not 32. i got the impression he wanted to skip the coffi-shop, so i led us toa near- by park. we set near the ashes of a fire.
"isn't it a hint that we make some fire?" we did.
he repeated his story once again. show me his brothere's suiside letter - which he previousely red to me by phone.
"dori" (false name), i said eventualy, "this sound perfect, but i called the gudje and the hospital. both never heared of you. now tell me who you are and what you want from us." i looked into his eyes which changed.
"no it's not true."
"than prove it."
i'll prove it next week. i'll come with lot of documents."
"not next week. its now or never. show me identity card. or call your mom or your boss or a coleg, ask them to approve of your identity."

"now i can't .i have another apointment."
"we'll take you there and back. i wan't talk to you unless you tell me who you are and what you want."
long silence. his eyes getting harsh.
"OK, shall we open cards?"
"i was lying about my mom. my real mom just got out of her mind after what hapend. i'm still working in a mental hospital"
which one?"
"it is in the center."
and what do you want from me?"
harshc eyes.
"i can understand you'" he said. i see your eyes. i see fear coming."
"what fear?" i adressed my friend "do you see any fear?"
"well, maybe he sees fear."
"are you afraid?"
"i'll tell you were i see danger" i said. "it's mental. that you keep thinking about us. if you attack me physically - which is also possible under some circumstances - i'll mannage better."
"so... complain about me."
"you didn't do nothing wrong so far - axcept having me travel all the way to meet you - which i'll skip. i have no problem with you. if you promise me one thing. that anything you do about us - my son, my dead daughter and me - including mental actions - do openly. tell me about it first. and i proise the same to you. OK?"
he was silent.
"as for the court security officer - i suggest i'll call him now and let you talk to him, so he can see there is no problem."
"no, do what you want."
"then i'll call him later."
"the fire is put out, the ashes are spread "- i stepped on the little left from the fire and spread the ashes - "our ways split!"

few weeks ago i would have doubt this story strongly... but at this peiod a previous warning helped me overcome a... well... some horror i never seriously consideed existied... and another impossible phenomenas.

it's not at all pinuts... but i intend to win this time too.

the place of danger for me is the hall with the crocodiles described by Ravenna, particularly the tree from wihch you can release some of your luminosity: in this area i could use some help!

"thanks" is dull... hope i'll have a chance to do more than that.

i'm charlila
eternaly fluid
temporarily blocked
explosively pissed!


~ ~~ ~~~time is very very short.~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~
i'm charlila
eternally fluid
temporarily blocked
explosively pissed!

- well,
- they will
all is so temporary now

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Зарегистрирован: 09 мар 2014, 19:08:50
Откуда: Россия
Контактная информация:

Physical immortality perfume or muck

Сообщение Geonoic » 12 мар 2014, 09:04:57

I am currently taking physical science online. Its not too hard, both midterm and final are proctered. Each week there is a discussion board, and at least one lab to watch you tube then be quizzed on it.


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