challenging power at sunset


challenging power at sunset

Сообщение charlila » 14 сен 2010, 14:35:16

a new vertion at the next post (terying to avoid the peculiar tendency of my posts to regress to uneditted vertions)


Re: challenging power at sunset

Сообщение charlila » 17 сен 2010, 05:32:53

I woke and saw a tall strong eye-glassed middle aged man approaching. He said they left their turf with Asakat and now came to build their pavilion. It was folded massily near Asakat's tent. I gave them their turf and a hammer and lay back on the mattress, outside the tent, facing the sea. Tired. Closed my eyes and saw kaleidoscopic visions: on a square at the middle of my sight field ran a fast "clip" – first, beautiful piece of broken flowered yellow glass (I found it on the sand the day after) – developed into rapid procession of abstract shapes – artistic, great artwork. Was it "the align" from my align dream? http://spiritualitydiscussiongroup.yuku ... dream.htmlIt seemed his presence - some robotic presence as well - same one? another? my private hacker? Other times I recognized other presences (but who said how many there are?)
The visions stopped abruptly. Opened my eyes – sunset. When the sun was nearly half way gone I got up, walked few steps to the wet send and began doing Carlos', or DJ's, exercise for sunset - with stretched strait open fingers, lifting my arms sideways than taking them all the way down to the sides of my body.

Carlos was instructed to do it running on one spot - "as if running towards the setting sun". I never did it running - just lifting my knees high. But this time I ran. Was surprised to find myself running lightly, effortlessly.

"be careful not to bend your fingers, unless you intend to challenge power, for you sure will" (quoting from memory) said DJ to Carlos, I recalled, remembering the one time in my life I spontaneously intended a challenge - which did bring forth a fight: Marc, my boyfriend at the time, insisted we accept the invitation of the young drunk Turk whom we met in a bar, to sleep at his hotel room (though we found earlier a splendid spot for sleeping, under a small fishing boat on the beach. Marc was spoiled and naive); the Turk suggested - demanded – mumbled - all kind of things to shock Marc, who should by that time know better. The Turk fell asleep. We stayed awake and quarreled. Next day when our fairy landed at Roods, the border police decided to kick Marc and me back to Turkey; the Turkish sailors where great, they gave us their dormitory at the ship bottom and slept on the deck - they also gave us some time on shore, for which they got scolded by the local policeman. I struggled hard to get a phone-call for my embassy at Attains, then to get the embassy stuff stop scratching... eventually, just when we were told to walk back to the fairy, to be taken to turkey, the head of customs signaled me "common". I got from the consulate of my country a lone, guaranteed by my dad, of some 40 drachmas, to buy a ticket to Athens. I never saw Marc again. This was 30 year ago.

"shall I fold my fingers?" I surprised myself thinking - than I did. Stiff fingers in 90 degrees to the palm, like picking the sun – just once, than back to soft fingers aligned with the palm, flattened next to the quarter of a sun.

"it worked, whatever you were doing" - said one of the pavillon's builders – a stout compact man - "your aura have changed from Bordeaux to strong green. Green is earth, development, life."
"what does it supposed to mean?"
"bourdeaux is power, passion. No - this is red, bourdeaux is - what? Lover, what is red mixed with to make bourdeaux?"
"black" I said
"violet" said Lover, the man I have met, who was working on the other corner.

I was pleased "violet is my color." (But thinking again - bourdeaux is red+brown, or green.)
"ok - whatever it was, it worked", said he.
He left me a lunch cooked by his German (Austrian?) friend's wife. Excellent omen.
I visited briefly all my neighbors – total of 3 tents in the whole beach. That was about security towards the coming fight – but I also was invited by nice youngsters for a second, excellent, stew, meat.

The fight - a dream:
On a long landing, outdoors, second floor, between 2 rows of stairs, a big, strong, shaved haired, Moroccan looking guy tells me: "don't go to the edge, for he [referring to the enemy] might drop you down." for demonstration, he lifts me and walks to the railing. "Ok, I know", I say, and then comes the enemy - (everybody [who?] is running away screaming) he attacks someone, a female, than me. He wears glasses, has a dark blond forelock, looking "nerd", yet very strong. We are struggling physically. He strokes my forehead, chick and - chest? In order not just to crush me, but also to steal my identity, to make me become not- me, something likes that.
"what, you won't even stop existing?" He is asking loud. (Like - the easiest possibility between some) "No!" I scream, realizing I can't win.
[guess I got out by switching to another dream - but it's only a guess] again I'm with the "Moroccan" at the landing, he is saying again: "don't go near the railing, don't let him drop you down", lifting me and walking to the railing. "Ok ok" I'm saying - wondering - isn't it scary? Do I trust him that much? [I guess this was "the IP of no fear".] But he, still carrying me, walks past "the enemy" and on, thus gets me out of there to safety. END
Note: I think the Moroccan is one of those being mentioned in this site as appearing like Gypsies.
Edited 1 time by me


Re: challenging power at sunset

Сообщение charlila » 23 сен 2010, 19:57:13

Few nights later on waking from a dream I recognized the current DC as the same Moroccan:
A beach – things I had to do there [trying to remember more I got instead flashes of previous dreams – location-linked - something with Allenby street beginning at early last century]
A fat Moroccan in brown Caftan [just after waking I recognized him as the one from the dream described above] invites everybody (?) for a meal. A table is set outside, in a patio? A yard? on the bare ground. I'm full and can hardly tolerate him yet I get tempted – strong odor of roasted meats. A thin antipathic waitress (thus now it's a restaurant) has an orange smudge on her shoulder – not shit, but… some excreta? It's texture is like fish eggs salad. She is told to go wash it.
I say "wait for me" (or "save me some) and go to the toilets first. There is a stain of that orange creamy thing that fell from the waitress' shoulder and I step in it (barefooted) mistakenly, resenting her. Thinking I'll wipe it on the ground outside. (Washing it in the row of sinks doesn't occur to me for some reason.) At the threshold I step on another orange stain. Then I walk along a – path? A ditch? on spongy, a bit fluffy dirt, wishfully thinking it would clean it.
Meal was over, the Moroccan offers me to travel with him to another meal in Bait Shemesh (another town), I accept. We discuss transportation – he says let's take donkeys (a wagon?) from Katamonim (a neighborhood) I say no, what? It's so very slow, let's take buss number (?) from (?). we argue, eventually he says "donkeys are the most (nice? Beautiful?) way to travel" I agree, (now I like him) (it really seems nicer than the ordeal of busses…) than he suggests that we go directly to... (?) in the north and skip the other meal. I agree feeling relived, I really don't need another meal now, my stomach is too full, and we go north. ~end~
Woke early feeling my stomach full – untypically, with no apparent reason.
Next day I saw Ravenna's exercise of asking the element of earth to be one's teacher for few days – and said: bingo! That's who the Moroccan is! Mentioned in "dreamhackers" site, but not one of the "gypsies" as I thought.

Accept that I never asked him to be my teacher…
But it is regular with my dreams to mention future events as it does with past events – so it probably means I will.
I see already what the meal refers to – but it is still in the future.

Сообщения: 12
Зарегистрирован: 18 окт 2010, 17:21:26

Re: challenging power at sunset

Сообщение TemporarilyI'mEarth » 19 окт 2010, 00:17:19

[i'm charlila - just can't accsess my user. not for lack of password - i just got a fresh one; but i keep being asked to feel an infinit procession of ceptchas... surprisingly registring in a new nick worked.]
charlila писал(а): I see already what the meal refers to – but it is still in the future.
My dreams often mention - inspired by - future events, as well as past events. I remember thinking, at my Freudian era (age 12? 16? 19?) - Wow, if this was from the past it could be indicating subconscious!"it never occurred to me that dreams quoting future could be un-coincidental!
Anyway: "the meal", as I have guessed when writing the last post, was the Mabon (=autumn equality day) celebration of a local Wicca community.

I exit the city just on nightfall, following my instructions - cross a walking bridge, get into a field, find a caravan, from there on follow the Rujum (=piles of pebbles) placed to show the way to the big tree.
On the upper turn of the stairs up to the bridge, a graffiti symbol was placed strategically, with an arrow towards the passage. It felt weird. I recognized whatever it summoned as the cause for the awkwardness I felt on my way. I imagined some other symbol on top. Not enough!
Crossing the bridge I saw - hey, this was the site of my dream's fight!
I recognized that place, inside the dream, as "Batey Ungarin" [=Hungarians' houses] opposite to my grandma's window in the black" [=orthodox Jewish] neighborhood M'ea She'aarim. These houses had long verandas with open staircases at regular distances. The only difference – in the dream there was only one landing - as here on this cement generic bridge. The fight being fought and won in the past was a comfort.
I got to the caravan and didn't find the first Rujum. Decided to hide my heavy rucksack and try again comfortably. Returned to the caravan, found the first Rugum right away and soon got to the tree.
For the strong traffic noise from a nearby highway, I noticed them just from few meters away - fire, silhouettes -
"Hey, SonOfLilit's mom!"
We hugged long.We had a long talk wonce.
All were young people.
Some introductions. Most said they were "eclectic wiccans".
"Do you want to drink something? Eat? There is still little time until the ritual."
"Then I'll go fetch my rucksack".
"Won't you ask one if the boys to carry it?" Asked aHodaya.
"no - but if someone volunteers, I won't refuse."
"I'll come", said a timid young guy.
Off we went.
He said he was new to paganism, not that new in the country, despite a strong accent.
We used a shortcut and got to my hiding place in few minutes. I got under the bushes and removed the pile of leaves that covered the sack.
"You know - when you want to hide an object, by spreading some dry leaves or some sand on top of it, you signal the spirit of the area that you ask him to keep it for you."
He put it on and we started back.
"If you are in good terms with him, he will. In order to keep good relations with spirits of areas, accept those who got corrupted or insane by humans corrupting there area, you have to keep the low stricly. They enforce low, like police. Not necessarily human low – wolves pissing around their territory is a low as well as a fence. Hey! Are we on the shortcut? The way we came?
"Shit. I planned to go to the caravan and walk by the Rugum. Got distracted by preaching. Do you know this way?"
"No, I followed you."
"And when you first came?"
"I came with other people."
""well - it can't be far away.

Eventually it became evident that we were lost.
"Look - we can either go back to the hiding place and then to the caravan to follow the Rugum, or follow my weird method of leading –" (I showed him how it's done)" takes time, I can't guarantee how long, but eventually would take us there." < I intended to put a link to "my method", but any attempt to enter "Warriors' Assemblage Point" (see link in charlila's signature) takes me to Yuku's login page. If you can go there, reader, search a thread called "Ayeti", or did I transliterate it "aiety"? And, for the record: if you get into any adventures while trying to enter this link, please tell me! Thanks. The board is called "Genaro's Hat">
"But it takes some patience. Once you are thru, you can always go back and find the Rugum. No obligation."
10 minutes later he said - "stay here for a minute, I can move much faster, I'll find it and come back."
"no prob." Off he ran.
I heard people talk and was sure he got there, so I put on my rucksack and followed, But met him running back. He found other people who had no idea where the tree was, and told him instead where the beach was, which was no help.
Now our footprints were all over, all cardinal signs – the road, the trees, the electric lights, the moon – shifted directions few times, and we couldn't tell which way was what.
I repeated – " you can go your Way any time, you have no obligation whatsoever".
I got us on a trail which zigzagged that area all over, curving to and fro, going up and down... then back.
A night bird called.
"What is she trying to tell us?"
"She's warning us from a mistake, but I don't see which…"
Then I turned backwards.
He said " OK. I'll try the other way. I'll go for the caravan."
"But do you know how to get there?"
"I'll find."
"No prob. Give me my rucksack."
" I'll take it."
"Or we can hide it again and walk free."
"I'll take it to the camp."
"Ok, see you later."
Now, without the worry of giving another the round-around, I was peaceful, , effort-fully lifting each foot in turn to follow dreamily my lead to another big tour around the area – up hills this time - and back to the hiding place, from where I found immediately the Rugum and followed them to camp.
"Lillith! We called the police! We called your son!"
"Did the other guy arrive?"
"he arrived a moment ago, and went with some others to look for you."
"O no!"
"but they got a cell phone."
"We thought, Adam and a paganism gathering…who knows what could possibly happened…"
"But modesty was strictly kept!"
They came soon.
A bunch of people got up to leave. It seemed the ritual was canceled. "Maybe in the morning." But then, very late at night, it was performed.

I was asked to be one of the elements. "Which element would you take?"
"fire, of course."
"no! I am fire", said someone.
I knew what was coming, but waited.
"Would one of you be ready to take another element?"
"OK, then I'll be earth."

The ritual was for healing acquaintances. I chose healing earth – which is equal to opening karma.
This is when I performed Ravenna's exercise and asked the element of earth to be my teacher for 3-5 days. Beit Shemesh and the Moroccan manifested the next day. The travel to the north is yet to come – it is the sawin [Halloween] celebration at the house of my surprising new pal, the fearsome voodoo priest Arden. I still have to explain about the art of bishbush - leaving false footprints (complementary to the art of stalking.)

[edited once by me]
i'm charlila
eternally fluid
temporarily blocked
explosively pissed!

- well,
- they will
all is so temporary now

Сообщения: 12
Зарегистрирован: 18 окт 2010, 17:21:26

Re: challenging power at sunset

Сообщение TemporarilyI'mEarth » 21 окт 2010, 19:24:05

Ravenna exercise: ... it=element(took me some time to find)
Yahoo [Bot] писал(а):Ravenna:

1. Find a place in your everyday world where you could find friable fertile ground – i.e., park ground, lawn, in your courtyard. {We’ll separate earth into four categories – mud(earth+water), fertile ground (earth+earth), dust (earth+air) and stone (earth+fire).} It’ll be better if there's nobody near you. Loosen ground with spade, stick, hands and with all the seriousness, loud and aloud ask earth to become your teacher for 3-5 days. (You’ll sense another barrier. Overcome it!) Ask with convince or earth won’t agree. Ask not just earth but the BASIC ELEMENT of our world. It’s ancient and powerful force. It’s those space where the most important part of our consciousness is located, so called golem – basis of voodoo, mummification and other magical extravagancies.
3. During established 3-5 days try to recall in your dream about your temporary connection with teacher. Try to see him in your dream in appearance of an oldman or old lady. Try to remember teachers advices.
i'm charlila
eternally fluid
temporarily blocked
explosively pissed!

- well,
- they will
all is so temporary now

Сообщения: 12
Зарегистрирован: 18 окт 2010, 17:21:26

Re: challenging power at sunset

Сообщение TemporarilyI'mEarth » 23 ноя 2010, 15:09:48

[keep this post empty for the next chapter of previous story, to come]
i'm charlila
eternally fluid
temporarily blocked
explosively pissed!

- well,
- they will
all is so temporary now

Сообщения: 12
Зарегистрирован: 18 окт 2010, 17:21:26

Re:clouds reading

Сообщение TemporarilyI'mEarth » 23 ноя 2010, 15:22:20

(this is a remark i left at Facebook about an hour ago -- now is 14:11 my local time)

hey people! stop whatever you'r doing for a sec and look at the sky! a magnifiscent clouds-riding! and the sun has it's big ring around! and spots of all-colored light on the clouds' as if broken by a prism!

*i'll tell you what i see (it's 12:40 my local time): a line of opening clouds [=soft, consist of dynamic emenations - like curly threads coming out in different directions, crearing amazing patterns] like a river of fire beginning south-west, curving to lead to south east; (i click "send for the ring is almost gone - go wacth it! it's rare!)
about an hour ago · Like

WONDERS AND MIRACLES! there was (gone already) also a body - like - dono - need to draw it - like a petal-less tulip flower, with trail of flame-like clouds emanating out of it to - north east' it was.

if you see this comment - can you loo...k at the sky and than describe the cloud (+directions if you can manage)? mark place and time? thank you!
big ring of the sun means - that the 3 gates (to pass to the next dimensions field, what Castaneda calls "pass upon the eagle to freedom" or "to infinity") are aligned - meaning: it's possible to pass thru them!
did soemone pass? who? i have no clue.

now THE CLOUD READING - INTERPRETATION: some spirit woke - it look similar to spirits of area when waking, but i think it is one of the 6 spirits of directions: Bedolach [=clear crystal] the northern, Elgavish [=foam-like crystal]south, Sa'a^r [-storm] west, Matar [=rain] east, Og [=circle] (upwards) and Ziclon [=twirl,as hurican] downwards.
it's Ziclon, which Castaneda names "the rolling force" or the like, which disintegrate all living when their time comes to die. the district of dead is greatly cleansed!
looked again - most of the river drained off' the ring is visible just when it crosses clowds - on spots - but the whole river changed direction' it starts north and goes - wow, i never saw such a riding! all the way back north! drowing nearly a whole circle (a bit sparse between north-west and north' but quickly feeling, with amazing patterns too) (o i need a camera and don't have one - can someone take some pics?)
there were 2 lines like jet-plan (maybe there were) north- northeast, and they also opened - burst into flame-like emendations all along!
some horror blockage of the district of the dead is been removed, and now A WHOLE CIRCLE - the 3 gates to Luminosity [= Zohar, Grace] (south east, north east and north west)+death's gate (south west) is - bingo! all is open!

sounds too good to be true, or too unstable - but is it?
~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~

admins of this site - is my use of this platform in accord with you? unless you approve, i'll lower profile.
i'm charlila
eternally fluid
temporarily blocked
explosively pissed!

- well,
- they will
all is so temporary now


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