a dream and a future chnge


a dream and a future chnge

Сообщение charlila » 30 янв 2013, 12:36:06

EDIT: again the thread's name is messed-up - should be "A DREAM AND A FUTURE CHANGE"
i should make it a routine procedure to proofread thread's names again before posting. (meaning - i will).

don't know whether this has anything to do with this - http://dreamhackers.eu/viewtopic.php?f= ... 521#p44521
but anyway it's time i write down my dream from tonight... so- dream (not lucid, not conscious):

i'm with my partner, my man (don't remember who he was) in some community - "square" alternative comunity - a Kibbutz? - i am in some public space with little kids ans parents, tell my partner "I've never been in such a good community!"

[dream jump]
i have 2 urgent things to do on my [dream] apartment - 2 rooms arranged like train compartments - one thing concerning a palm of a date tree(?) - don't remember what it was - the other is a corpse of a medium size man, which i have killed (?) that i have to get rid of.
i'm busy with the first (that i can't recall what it was) for long time - than preparing myself to do the second. i (is it me, or somebody else? i'm proud, self-important, unlike me in real life) have no regret or second thought about the killing - i remember nothing of the circumstances, but i feel it was 100% necessary, 100% ok; :evil: also i have no doubt that i can discard it successfully. 8) i'm proud (unlike my real self) and have total confidence in my ability to succeed in whatever i intend to do; which is, now, to carry the corpse, wrapped in something (black plastik?), to one of the big garbage containers spread in Jerusalem. i'm sure noone will see me, noone will suspect or cause any problems. (in reality, no chance i could have lifted it.)

busy with the date palm again for a foggy period

thinking - shall i take it to the big can at the end of Shilo street (where i used to live years ago)? it's big and busy (being Mahane-Yehuda Market's main garbage can), they will not find it so soon there; - no, it's too far and complicated to get to from here (where?), i'll just find one - smaller - nearby.

[dream jump] i wake up there like 3:00 in the morning, before first light, satisfied - here, i woke in time for my mission! do (? don't remember what preperations to go out) than it is already morning, traffic, people moving, talking outside, too late for dumping the corpse quietly - what shall i do now?

i go out from my apartment, into a corridor (i didn't know existed) - turn right, on the left side there is a women cloths shop - elegant wool cloths - (clearly not my style) i think - "i could have taken some money from them, for renting the place - not really renting, it's not mine, but for a permission to have a shop in my corridor".
i see, presented fore sale, a cloth i saw in a previous (forgotten) part of my dream on a woman (one of the sellers?): purple, a strapless shirt+shorts (shorter, smaller than the first) think - hey, it's nice! -but there is a rubber strip around the strapless part - i don't wear rubber; and anyway it's too short and too small. i look around - hey, nice models! thou it's too fancy more my usual style, it's good combinations of purples - but all too small for my size. -end-

woke up disturbed, feeling actual danger, ended up performing a future change (into dream - i vaguely remember some of the first visions, before being fully asleep).

the palm tree exist in reality - it is the main part of a mobile (NOT a phone mobile as ioneks translated once - an "ornamental" {or majical} object, construction of items hanged high, moving in different directions) - it's outside my Husha [hat] here in ras-Shaitan, i fixed it first thing in the morning so the palm (from which the other items are suspending) so it can move free now - make a whole circle - now my purifying aparatus works fine, for the short period EDIT: 'l still be in my Husha...
edited twice by me


Re: a dream and a future chnge

Сообщение charlila » 05 фев 2013, 11:56:42

this is my palm-tree branch mobile, outside my ex-Husha [+hut], in Ras-Shaitan, showing also the little hill above it, into which 3 nights later i thought i heard bullets shoot.
- after 2 nights later Weewee dyed while i breath air into her lungs, trying to save her. in vain. she was a dog and my good friend.

next night, i woke up from what sounded like 14 bullets shut into that hill. it was just fireworks - kids - no real shutting - as i found in the morning - but it took great effort to keep the fear at 1 point only in my body. so when a friend asked me in the morning, after touching my hand, "are you cold or are you afraid?" i was surprised to discover - yes, it was fear! lot of it! but this was AFTWER the arrival of my rescue expedition...
palm branch mobile, Husha and llittle hill. thanks for the photo, my new friend in Facebook and in reality.


Re: a dream and a future chnge

Сообщение charlila » 05 фев 2013, 13:16:02

i dreamed of Weewee the night before she died - something in a 2 train compartments-like apartment, in Tel-Aviv? Cerem Hateimanim? 2 men - criminals? - from above - like in a "window" into the dream (but i was not aware it's a dream - at least not openly aware) a white - animal? show - a white being - animal? dog' than. turned into ?.. - in a second part of the dream it repeated - in a colder, northier place - the dream window, the white dog turning into a bear and - ? - the 2 man's fear from her increased a lot in this part.

recently i woke 3:00 in the morning and went to take a shower (at this hour water are hot for sure) - Weewee was around my Husha, she came to me and played a bit wildly with me.
תמונה 025.jpg
this is me at the public tent, on-line, posting on DH _ What? the date is 30 January...so it's the first exercise of climbing light cords - before checking out and leaving with my rescue expedition to go to the desert.


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