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poems thread

Добавлено: 22 ноя 2012, 04:03:42
At Santa Ana Fights are furious
` `` ``` ````` ``````` ``` `` ` ` ` `
The Santa Ana fights
Have never been a dream:
At least not their beginning
And their end.

We were singing songs for the whole night.

The place was crowded,
Many passengers on rows of sits
At the bus stations At the rims of Santa Ana
On the road linking town to desert

A bourgeois, neat station
America being a neighbor
Is seen on Santa Ana.

It all began when SHE appeared, the fancy lady
Wearing a hat and a green dress
The pressure of her presence was compelling
Yasijah and I started singing
In order to resist the pressure.
The children joined.

At once she got formidable reinforcement -
A Mexican macho with a cow-boy hat.
The pressure was unbearable
a monster-clown.
We sang and sang
Elated atmosphere.High fighting moral.
that's all i remember.

Did the kids sleep at all that night?
We, adults, did not.
Neither had we taken any bus.
At morning I remember walking
On the road towards the desert.
where did we go?
how did we leave that town?
to where?
before or after meeting with the guy
who ran on cactus thorns
for his life?

We often mentioned "Santa Ana fights"
But actually didn't say much about them

When we searched who was
El Desafiante De La Muerte
That, yasijah was sure, we met on our way,
Santa Ana fights never occurred to us!
And up to-day, I have no clue
What it was
all about.

Were they Death Defiers?
inorganic beings?
galvanized emissaries?

i'm Just quite sure -
In Santa Anna
Fights are furious yet.

edited once by me

Re: poems thread

Добавлено: 15 янв 2013, 13:52:36
i will never forget
the fights of Santa Ana
though i hardly remember a thing.

i could become
too sentimental

if not the veil of fog
hiding my dreams
from my reality.

it was removed for a sec recently:
but got tightly stretched again:

in a dream
walking on a pavement
a bad guy suddenly
appeared and pushed me of it
it was a bridge - i fell
3-4 meters down

i felt no fear at all
next, my body vaporized
became a sort of fog
(thus never hit the ground)

this was the night
after stepping down
from climbing my hill
at 21 December
at Ras Shaitan,

"oh", i thought, while falling,
" i remember this
for time is REALLY short
and there is so much work still to be done!
this is a kind of prove!

i have to look for
dream situations of personal danger

they will make me remember
what i do in dreams"
but then i woke to the previous dream.

ever since
i challenge power at sunset
as often as i have power

but i remember nothing at all
as is the case
with Santa Ana fights.

Re: poems thread

Добавлено: 06 мар 2013, 20:57:31
on my way to the Block
At a scaffold on a rock
I got a fever

driving my car
I Stopped at a bar
A dwarf was eating half a cake
That was baked on a shore of a lake
By a fake princess.

She's a doll, a figurine
Her tall figure
Is modeled with grey grains

I teared The Time-Space Fabric
One by one I burst the grains
Into blue luminosity
Next time I might
Burst them all at once -
Don't try this on me again!

(were those all
What someone calls
…a fill
of a doll…)
(look at February 14-15 - but be careful! this Super Heroine Fish is very poisonous!)

Re: poems thread

Добавлено: 06 мар 2013, 21:47:02
My virtual golden fish of Babylon
Living inside a cocoon
Feeding on rays of the moon

How come you're so broken, dear little fish?

Oh, my! My magical pet!
Who dared abuse you like this?
Magic is to be respect-
Your reflection
Is not to be fed
To monstrous bad-tempered
Dreaming Ancient Sorcerers!

edited ONCE by me and once more by time-reversing...yet the goldfhish is deleted!
-marix reloaded!
(but why is it reloaded TWICE?
(one more edit... i don't know how to count.
infinite multiplication?)
OK - surplus is deleted!)
(it's clicking "place inline" that copies the file)

Re: poems thread

Добавлено: 06 мар 2013, 21:52:55
all is left by now...
is a broken figurine!

Re: poems thread

Добавлено: 10 июн 2013, 23:38:36
shall i open ceremonies thread?
no, i nominate this thread to be - poems and ceremonies thread.

edited 4 times by me

Re: poems thread

Добавлено: 10 июн 2013, 23:42:22
("you can't be a dreamer as long as you don't shift AP deliberately, as you can't be a future foreteller as long as you don't win gambles - as someone said)

Re: poems thread

Добавлено: 12 июн 2013, 16:37:59
copy-past of the deleted post from SR forum:
Wuwei wrote:
OK so one sees terrible things in dreaming and becomes accustomed.

"Za vsyo tebya blagodaryu ya"
http://sustainedreaction.yuku.com/srepl ... /Twinworld

you know, syn suka, that film by Hitchcock, when a serial killer fakes proof that one of his victim's ex-husband is the killer? and that guy has to become out-low, fight the police and all, to prove he's innocent? and he wins? (well, Hollywood...)

p.s. if it will be deleted again, it will be posted again...ceremony calls of 7 times,1 for each direction

it goes:

EDIT: continue in the next post.
edited 9 times by me

Re: poems thread

Добавлено: 16 июн 2013, 23:04:35

when the true-self meets the slave -
when the true-face separate from the mask -
when the true-mask meets the false -

when all 7 false masks will be removed -

the last string will pop open!

the Impossible will collapse
into Possibility!

without the mask, slave no more - the True Self walks away! the Labyrinth crumbles; the impossibilities splits, stop blocking Possibility, thus the Path's Heart is beating again

True Love
Will meet
True Love

secured by latent oath
delete all False Imprints
recognize The Genuine

Fire to Storm

http://spiritualitydiscussiongroup.yuku ... of-a-bitch#

that's "son of a bitch"thread in "The Knock of the Spirit" Forum at Genaro's Hat board.
http://spiritualitydiscussiongroup.yuku ... cmzItj8n7Y
same forum - thread: Xtrnrgy/WuWeii/Wenceslao/Etc/Etc - "I belong to Carol Tiggs"

Edit: the post keep changing, and i keep editing it back( or rather forward). that's good - ceremony, as i mentioned, calls for 7 times.

- the 1st time was performed in a dream.
it has to be repeated 7 times, for the 7 directions:

swing your mask Up
swing it down
swing north
swing it east
swing south
swing it west
swing it in

swing it to the 4 winds


~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~

edited 3 times by me

Re: poems thread

Добавлено: 17 июн 2013, 18:48:54
Edit: the trigger was a stranger's dream:

edited twicw by me