some of my "tech mishaps" - warning! a boring thread


some of my "tech mishaps" - warning! a boring thread

Сообщение charlila » 30 окт 2011, 19:00:24

i just can't send a PM - i'm trying for dono - wow! its been 3-4 hours! - it says "The requested users to be added do not exist."

they do exist! i send them a PM at noon - before all this began - i just wanted to acknowledge them that the first line in my last PM was mistakenly replaced.
how come? i deleted surplus text (copied by mistake from the word doc where both were written) and clicked "preview"

now - long time (measurred in years) that clicking"submit" in my 2 users operated "preview" , so that if i forget that wierdness, my pm is beeing deleted. a notification emerges -""The requested users to be added do not exist."
so - i clicked "preview" to discover this
other wierdness: the user name typed automaticly on "reply" disappeares on clicking "submit" to brings forth ""The requested users to be added do not exist."

tried to click username and than click "send a pm."
-""The requested users to be added do not exist."

then tried to reply my last pm.

i have to type the names freshly - no other way works.

so, today this trick stopped working too. nothing i can think of make the pm be sent.

so - dear reciepiants, the little bit emberrasing 1st line of my pm - just likely to make you feel uncomfortable - is not my idea. and i dedicated this afternoon to trying to acknowledge you of that, in vain. so - posting it here is all i can do. hope it will help. rather - i hope it will not do things worst...


Re: some of my "tech mishaps" - warning! a boring thread

Сообщение charlila » 05 ноя 2011, 23:03:21

some tech mishaps stuff:
when i entered DH site today, through my book-marks, i saw no new posts at the workshpos's thread ... 4&start=10
2 pages, ending with my last yesterday's post, bottom page saying -page 2 of 2, 17 posts. tried to open the page in different ways -i don't remember the details - just remember i didn't try Google search - (i had a feeling something 's wrong, though i didn't notice which post... or didn't i? at some moment i saw my last post- 1 before Xiximora's 1st report -as last, at another - the post ending with a list of links to prisms.)-
than i got a mail from Osiris' DH's moderator, with a link to a new post by ionneks. that page said - page 3 of 3, 29 posts.

i made a Screen Print of the false page 2- but not of the main page, where the date appears. thinking about it i re-opened the bookarks' link - now it opened correctly, showing ioneks' translation of Xiximora as last post, saying "3 pages, 29 posts".
tried to post the Screen Print - as image - can't- something in my PC says some function is disabled.
got my head dizzy... blurring what was where and when...

left it for later - set to write next exercises.
decided to open Firefox for the Spell Checker (my word is much too problematic - seems it's definitions changes each time i open it. ...last sign moves to left side of the line (my default is Hebrew, written left to right) - which juggled back all right on copy-past - but adding something before or after it wiggles it somewhere unexpected)
usually my Firefox is getting blocked after a while (tabs get unlinked to the net on PettyTyrant''s whim)
copy-pasted the link of the page in which i was writing the post to a Firefox tab -
the page opened with "page 2 of 2, 17 posts"! besides - i was signed in, though i shouldn't have been!
I'm getting too tired to remember all these details - eventually clicked arrow back, and this time the page showed ioneks'es translation of Xixi as last post ;

after spending some hours writing the next exercises, page said "page 3 of 3, 21 (or 22?) posts."
setting to write this post, i went to the false page that was still open on explorer, and it said - 17 posts, page 1 of 2. i had also the Russian page opened - which said "page 3 of 3, 29 posts"
i checked the screen print."17 posts, page 1 of 2"
was i all mistaken?
no. it's not first time such tricks happening. i saw what i saw. no one will ever believe me it's not just plain mistake of mine - can i say i know it's not? almost.

has PT the technology to edit pages like this? or can he\she\ir\them do magician tricks? effect my eyesight\my memory?

i danced on "what are the dangers?" received - no dangers. a clown show of a sort. which was in accord with what i felt.
danced on same question about the issue of the effect on eye sight (this one is quite scary!) - got the same: no dangers, a fanny demonstration of some kind.

i somehow jump to the conclusion - it's time to give him\her\them\these a nickname.

there was time that my ex suggested it as a precaution against the terror certain ex-IBs [=those incarnated as humans] bring forth.
some of our old nicks: Kishkes - Yiddish for bowels; Enema; Suffocate: Torquemada, of course... (that was just his name).
so: i solemnly nick my Petty Tyrant Xelexa -pronounced chelecha - that's Hebrew for Skunk (a person, not the animal).

= my daily work is done.

good night!


Re: some of my "tech mishaps" - warning! a boring thread

Сообщение charlila » 06 мар 2013, 23:28:55

ברק וקשתCA1DM0W9.jpg
it's fading on my PC as well
ברק וקשתCA1DM0W9.jpg (1.42 КБ) 24408 просмотров
hey, look at my beautiful new avatar!

it's fading out.

i don't like this magic!



Re: some of my "tech mishaps" - warning! a boring thread

Сообщение charlila » 06 мар 2013, 23:30:40

neither do i like what happens to my world.

Сообщения: 96
Зарегистрирован: 19 фев 2013, 20:49:08

Re: some of my "tech mishaps" - warning! a boring thread

Сообщение spear » 07 мар 2013, 04:55:39

looks nice :)
"if you are ready to die, then you are ready to live"


Re: some of my "tech mishaps" - warning! a boring thread

Сообщение charlila » 08 мар 2013, 01:14:02

thanks :)
yours looks a bit weird...this sharp-angled spiral - is it the labyrinth?


Re: some of my "tech mishaps" - warning! a boring thread

Сообщение charlila » 08 мар 2013, 03:03:04

at least from yesterday my search for "new posts" shows 1 result.
searched manually... found, so far, magmas' new exercise in her workshop.
+ this. ... 4&start=90
there's more, but time i go to sleep.

Сообщения: 96
Зарегистрирован: 19 фев 2013, 20:49:08

Re: some of my "tech mishaps" - warning! a boring thread

Сообщение spear » 13 мар 2013, 11:30:14

weird? nope, its very simple. its gracie camp logo ))
"if you are ready to die, then you are ready to live"


Re: some of my "tech mishaps" - warning! a boring thread

Сообщение charlila » 13 мар 2013, 17:51:13

do they fight with spears?
on donkeys' back?

Сообщения: 96
Зарегистрирован: 19 фев 2013, 20:49:08

Re: some of my "tech mishaps" - warning! a boring thread

Сообщение spear » 14 мар 2013, 04:39:26

No, but sometimes we all doing that ;)
I prefer fighting only with my own hands ... legs... knees, elbows... and sometimes with couple throwdowns and chokes =)))))
So, "some ppl train to look good and some ppl train to kick ur ass" xD
"if you are ready to die, then you are ready to live"


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