

Сообщение charlila » 25 окт 2011, 19:20:08

Praise for Sapiru, the rabbit warrior

At Taghuwar^
There was a square like this small one
Close to the sea:
Benches, trees
At the center a plan fountain,
Lean down and drink;

But there
The trees were trees
The see was luminous
Was full of life

And now, at this round little square beside the avenue
At the boardwalk of Sant Feliu De Gishol
On my way north
To cross by foot
The Pyrenees
From Spain to French

Once more
I remember you, Taghuwar^
And again
I'm crying.
An amiable old woman asked me:
Porque yo'ras?
Porque vas me amigo, I reply,
With hair-raising Spanish grammar.
Another, dumpy ol' witch, demanding her for explanations
The former explaining my condition in romantic terms
With a gush of talk – her boyfriend have left her… thus she is crying…

Sapiru, marvelous warrior!
When enemy took him over I skipped away, lest he kill me
I returned, followed his footprints
But could not approach.

Had been waiting for him 3 days,
When I realized he was not coming back
I started on my way.

We forgot Taghuwar^
And our right arm dried.

Compare domestic cock
With a wild rooster:
Greater is the difference
Between us then and now.

We forgot what wings are.
We forgot what freedom is.

Some of us are freaking in a narrow cage.
Sincerely thinking
That our condition
Had never been so good.

There is medicine for our sickness.
A savior for our souls.
What else is there to whish?
And here, at this dark
Corrupt forest
Through which
Black streams are burbling
And a labyrinth of fallen trunks keeps leading the traveler towards its heart,

Each step
Than the former,
Intent is here
To cast a sleep on me
From which I'll never wake –

I remember you again, Taghuwar, mother,
But I can't recall
How things had really been.

A veil of mourning wrapped us
And no consolation.
Disguised is Earth
Beyond recognition.
Dulled is the glamour
Shut down the charm,
The magic
Of each thing.

Lax got the hands,
The perfume vanished.
Love been extinguished
And our mouths taste of ash: matchmaking.

For discipline matches us,
Not Heart.

We've been sold to slavery.
Even when not beasts of burden
Or milking cows,
We are pets
Or caged wild beasts.

Just a handful of us, escaping slaves, still
Zigzagging our routs among the roads of the world
Hiding at a road side
At a field or a wood
Ruins or half-build edifice
For all who see us would hand us over.
Would we say: "we are Warriors of Freedom" –
Won't all hearer laugh.

Rocks of blackness
Around which
Wailing storms of wrath
Earthing the thunder
Into the dark sea
Of consciousness
that turned sour.
Then I saw the possibility
That nothing but fighting stands before me
That all my future life will be
Like my 13 days of fighting
Shoulder to shoulder with Sapiru
Having no space to set a foot
With no rest.
Without any consolation
In total solitude
Without my son, without my man,
Seldom briefly greeted by another warrior.

Once a dog jumped on us, wild with joy
His owner, a stout Catalan man, not seeing what got into him, got mad and hit him.
There was nothing we could do.
Once again, same day, we laid in a field at the outskirts of Gerona
When over our heads flew, joy intoxicated, singing praise, all the swallows we just have freed.

Then I accepted.
If necessary, let my life be
only fighting, only fighting.

Such was
Sapiru's fighting style:
Fight after fight after fight,
Never a distraction.

For Sapiru is a rabbit
Not a hunter like us, party of Saraf warriors
Compare to him, we are geeks,
Pampered warriors.
We can't fight without logistics.
Sapiru my apprentice was my teacher
He taught me how to fight
In such a world.

Both of us had been cheated by Aghur^, my Aghur^u
When he promised you that in 2 years
You will be our guest in Israel.
I wonder if he cheated you also
When he promised that I'll be replaced
For fighting at your side
By your beloved rabbit-saqateqa?
Considering my experience ever since, I'm afraid
He did cheat.
Other 5 years passed before I met him,
And even then, from right side of awareness , he remembered nothing
Neither from Taghuar nor from now.
Not even our single night of love .

Giants have fought with me since
And had broken
And rabbit away.
But you, very likely, didn't break
you,If I see correctly, didn't rabbit.

Shall we never meet again
On this earth?

Anyway –
How great the joy will be
When we shall meet!

Are you still fighting?
Are you still roaming the wood unbridled?
Haven’t you got a break yet?
And once in a while,
Are the birds still praising you?

~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~
Proof-reading this translation before posting it, I gave it subtitle: " Are the birds still praising Sapiru?"
Decided to change it –saying it twice turns it sickly sentimental, and anyway it’s a spoiler.

Corrected: Praise be Sapiru…
Which gave me a flesh from another title by me – Praised be Qishut, the enlighten see cucumber, admired Caesar of his universe!

At once I was crying.
My Qishut story is untranslated – here is a link to the Hebrew:

Not much you can do with Hebrew, I guess, but being the dreamers you are –

Maybe you bump into something…

http://dreamhackers.eu/viewtopic.php?f= ... ila#p16268
this is my other poen on this board - about The Witch
Board index ‹ For English speaking users ‹ Work forum ‹ Past/Completed Tasks Weighting Your Powers (task 3.5 - see the second vertion, few posts after the first

edited by me 2 times



Сообщение charlila » 25 окт 2011, 19:56:21

http://www.tapuz.co.il/blog/net/viewent ... 148006&r=1
this is the Hebrew original OF "the transparent laguna" (about Qishut the see cucumber Ceasar)-
http://www.tapuz.co.il/blog/net/viewent ... Id=1778890
The Which in Hebrew
Mainly i wanted to give link to the Hebrew original of "longing for taghuwar" - (same blog as "the trnsparent laguna") - discovered that it was deleted mysteriousely (as quite often happens with my wrightings on line).



Сообщение charlila » 09 ноя 2012, 15:43:33

at the time i put it back there. today looked for the link - it's deleted again.

OK, since recently some lost thing are coming back from their time travel... (mabe i'll better not scare them away...) should i stop being so frantic and just wait? see what outcomes?

another 43 days, 32 minutes, 02 seconds, ia-mana'eek!

("ia-mana'eek", originaly - turkish for "you, maniacs", is a hebrew army slang - soldierd use it whenever they count the time left to the end of their service in the army.) (im bubling - tired - worked all night - if "work" is the right term... anyway, i was awake, writing.)



Сообщение charlila » 22 ноя 2012, 03:39:56

seems, no enthusiasm for this poem?

if i got right the silence - some people got the impression i'm talking about aggressive relationship?
the dynamic was - Sapiru was getting crazy, and i had to get him out of it. whenever i did, he became bright himself at once. antill, eventually, i failed to get him out any more.

i was thinking to write some of the stories. they would be good descriptions of demons and demons-fighting. but... it's not the time.


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