Help to understand

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Help to understand

Сообщение ioneks » 17 окт 2011, 16:53:55

Can someone please explain to me, what could this possibly mean?
If all this heavenly hosts of dragons lacked their heads, good fortune would become a fact.
The quote is from an article about I-Ching I'm trying to understand. The word-by-word translation gives me the following (probably wrong) understanding: If the crowd of dragons in the sky would have no heads, then in the world there will be good fortune for everyone.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Help to understand

Сообщение Sideic » 18 окт 2011, 00:22:25

English isn't my native language :) , but I think (suppose) maybe "host" means "master"? If it possible to say "hosts of dragons" = "masters of dragons"?

Поздновато врубился, что вопрос к инглиш-спикинг юзерам :) Хотя... может, предположение имеет смысл :)
Для меня нет правды,
как нет и лжи,
а есть лишь движение сознания,
за которым либо есть энергия,
либо ее нет. (с)

Вспомни, где ты сейчас...

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Зарегистрирован: 17 фев 2010, 22:36:22

Re: Help to understand

Сообщение Saso » 18 окт 2011, 15:48:11

ioneks, as far as word-by-word translation goes I would say that your interpretation is correct. I can also relate to Sideic's interpretation. :)

But, there might be a different interpretation, depending on articles' context. Would it be possible to post at least the whole paragraph?


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Зарегистрирован: 10 мар 2010, 18:23:08

Re: Help to understand

Сообщение ioneks » 20 окт 2011, 10:13:45

It's a poem, which is a description of the first hexagram of the I-Ching. Here it is, from the very start:
Originating from the term, piercing
advantageous, right and firm.

The dragon lurks: it is no time to act.
The dragon's in the field: now make thy pact.
Be active, watchful, using care and tact.
The dragon leaps; a bursting cataract.
The dragon ploughs the sky with pace exact.
Exceed not, dragon; Lest thy force react.

(If all this heavenly hosts of dragons lacked
their heads, good fortune would become a fact.)
Sideic, any help is welcome, even from russians =)


Re: Help to understand

Сообщение charlila » 21 окт 2011, 11:20:06

"host", says Dictionary, is also "lots and lots, a bunch of" - and also someone who "hosts" a parazite.

Well, why focus of petty words? i danced on a question: something like "what's it all about?"
recieved: turning north-east [=direction of being one loves and though physical contact with them was cut - mentaly, or spiritually, it had never been.] both arms extended sideways, palms upwards -[- meaning: seeking contact with Spirit\god\inspiration]. rotating once, untill facing - well - south-west [direction of death] - thouh right hand pointing north-east, palm side-wards inward; left hand bend behind lower back,[=the place of past+past-lives traumas, or bad karma] twisting a little wierd wortex-like move, repeating it 3 times, then whol budy turns south-east [= direction of beginnings - that is, my personal one] hands taking a bunch of fibers of energy [=the attack] body turning north west [this time in its "relative" job as the direction of waste - opposite to the {personal} direction of beginnings]]and throwing it away.

[-all directions have 2 meanings - the "cardinal" - {see north-east as "direction of silver cord" {the cord from mother's - or lover's - heart to child's\lover heart] and "the relative" - relative to one's personal direction, which is 1 of the 3 gates - south-eats, north-east and north-west. thus "my" "relative" death direction is south-west, while someone whos "gate" or "beginning" direction is north-east will have it as south-east.}]
interpretation, in short:
an effort to get connected to Spirit in order to recieve Inspiration is bloked by "the dragons" (whatever they be) by operating a twisted, thickened place in the energy fibers at the area of bad karma behind (little away of) lower back. (this is a cardinal twist - a change in the whole species, probably affects "the human shape" and\or "the human mold" - and possibly also individual.) It repeats 3 times - 3 fixes a cycle. Then I (the one who seek the advice of the dance) turn to my direction and throw away (to direction of waste, of energy transformation) the violation' or attack, then connect to my source of inspiration [=spirit].

than i wonted to know who this dragons are. for caution's sake, i asked: what is correct for me to know about who thse dragons are?

the answer - just interpretation - in short - they are who the Hoppy Indians call "2 hearts", that is - reptilians, including greys. their heart is split - when they give their heart to something\one, the other heart is moving away. their nose is missing - which deprive their anger of focus, and thus make their ruthlesness very very cruel. :x :evil: the twist of karma is something they did at the dawn of history, in order to chain our species, enslave it; and yes, they are in some kind of controll "from heaven" (through our source of inspiration, our link with spirit, which they twisted) over all (? most?) humans.

Hey, what i'm teaching this days is "the long recap" dance - to let past-life key memories emerge.

would you, Dream Hackers, like to take the workshop?

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Re: Help to understand

Сообщение ioneks » 21 окт 2011, 13:14:40

Here's a translation of Charlila's post into Russian
charlila писал(а):
«Host», говорит словарь, это «много-много, пучок чего-либо», а также «носитель паразита».

Что-ж, зачем сосредотачиваться на ограниченных словах? Я станцевала на вопрос, что-то вроде «О чем это всё?» Получила: поворот на северо-восток (=направление, означающее, что кто-то любит, но физический контакт с ним пресечен — ментально или духовно, его никогда не было). Обе руки распростерты в стороны, кисти вверх (означает: поиск контакта с Духом/Богом/вдохновением). Один поворот до положения лицом — юго-западу (направление смерти), хотя правая кисть указывает на северо-восток, кисть ребром вовнутрь. Левая кисть согнута сзади нижней части спины (=место прошлых травм и травм с прошлых жизней или плохой кармы) свивая маленькое странное вихреподобное движение, повторяющееся 3 раза в то время как всё тело поворачивается к юго-востоку (=направление начинаний, моё личное), а руки собирают пучок волокон энергии (=атака), тело поворачивается на северо-запад (теперь во временной роли как направление потери — противоположность (персонального) направления начинаний), и он (пучок) выбрасывается прочь.

Все направления имеют 2 значения — «кардинальное» (см. северо-восток как «направление серебряного шнура», соединяющего сердца любимых или матери и ребенка) и «относительное» — относительно собственного направления танцующего, которое является одним из трёх ворот — юго-восток, северо-восток и северо-запад. Т.о. «моё» «относительное» направление смерти — это юго-запад, а если у кого-то направление «ворот» или «начинаний» на северо-востоки, то это был бы юго-восток.

Интерпретация, в кратце:

Попытка соединиться с Духом с целью получить вдохновение блокируется «драконами» (чем бы они ни были) путём создания завихренного сгустка в волокнах энергии в области плохой кармы сзади (недалеко от нижней части спины). Это кардинальный вихрь — перемена во всем человечестве, вероятно затрагивающий «человеческую форму» и/или «человеческий шаблон» — возможно также и индивидуальный. Он повторяется 3 раза — трижды за цикл. Затем я (та, кто ищет совета у танца) поворачиваюсь в своё направление и выбрасываю (в направление потери, энергетической трансформации) насилие или атаку, затем соединяюсь со своим источником вдохновения (=Духом).

Затем я захотела узнать кто эти драконы. Для предусмотрительности я спросила: «что правильно мне будет узнать о том, кто такие эти драконы?»

Ответ — только интерпретация, в вкратце. Они — те, кого (Hoppy?) индейцы называют «два сердца» — рептилии, включая серых. Их сердце разделено — когда они отдают своё сердце кому-либо или чему-либо, другое сердце уходит прочь. У них нет носа, что лишает их злости от сосредоточения, делая таким образом их безжалостность очень очень жестокой. Вихрь кармы есть то, что они сделали на рассвете истории с целью сковать цепями человечество, поработить его. И да, они в некотором смысле обладают контролем «свыше» (через наш источник вдохновения, нашу связь с духом, которую они исказили) над всеми (? большинством ?) людьми.

Кстати, я эти дни занимаюсь обучением танца «глубокого перепросмотра» [the long recap dance] — чтобы высвободить воспоминания ключевых воспоминаний предыдущей жизни.

Хотели бы вы, Хакеры Сновидений, чтобы я провела вам практикум?

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Сообщения: 2465
Зарегистрирован: 10 мар 2010, 18:23:08

Re: Help to understand

Сообщение ioneks » 21 окт 2011, 14:08:32

Dear Charlila,

That's a very interesting point of view. I've never thought of I-Ching dragons in this way. Nevertheless, it kinda explains, why cutting dragons' heads off will bring good fortune. Thank you for your oppinion.


Re: Help to understand

Сообщение charlila » 22 окт 2011, 02:23:04

my pleasure, and thanks for the bother to translate it.

but - it's not my opinion; it's what i recieved by dance, which i concider to be Spirit's consultation.

of course i don't expect anyone to take my word for it - just to suspend judgment untill data acumulates.


Re: Help to understand

Сообщение charlila » 24 окт 2011, 18:51:36

As for my workshop:

Once the group masters the dance, I want us to perform some common work of opening karma. If you are coming here (recommended!) I'll take you for this somewhere powerful in nature.[ A mountain top +a cave or a deep gorge is about what we need. (1 location viewing far away, another underground.)
[ 1st day is preliminary workshop of finding your personal color (in case you don't know it yet - usually a short procedure) and sewing (and dying, if necessary) a personal suite, by this color, to wear in the workshop. But if you hate sewing, skip it, just bring with you cloths from natural fabric, with no metal and no rubber (skip underwear or create a pair for the purpose!) no black and grey, wide enough to let you move free. Sometimes it takes dying too. The quick ones will prepare ruttle bracelets for all.
I can give some personal lessons while sewing is going on - this would upgrade the rest we will do. i would like to give each student at least 1 personal lesson, better 2. it's about tunning the body to act from a neutral position – 0 surplus effort, 0 stress. By sunset we'll do the first dance lesson, to take it into the night's dreaming.

3 days of 2 daily lessons - sunrise and sunset times. At the break – some swimming, few exercises in water (I can fit the glasses removal workshop into the inevitable long breaks of long recap workshop, if people want to take it.
2 last days – hopefully – are common performing days.

Hey, if you go for it, we can use them to perform The Ceremony of Step-up! (or quickening, or boost) It's some time I know I have to perform it soon – and the time is coming!
It's about advancing toward The Expiration date (hint: it's in the last month of next year) – which is expected to cause everybody to move their ass and frantically consult with death, as DJ used to call it.
For this I have long-awaiting THE CEREMONY OF TAKING OFF MASKS, It is fun, but also emotional great opening…
So: 5 days ,with option to skip most of 1st days, than – the ceremony, which is other 3 days, which you can skip (but this is most of the fun!)
About the mask removal and the ceremony I'll right next time – let me think and get inspired first.

( I can teach it in 4, even 3 days, but I better won't. actually 1 group learned the dance in 2 lessons – total of less than a day - 1 talented girl in 1 lesson. But most students can't do more than 1 hour in one go, and need 2-3 lessons to master the dance. It is pretty exhausting, emotionally. Most people can't dance it more than that. I usually go on until the last student breaks, and I come out quite dizzy myself.)If you want to lower profile, invite me over there and take it as 3 times a week 2 hours 2 weeks workshop – this is also possible. I prefer much the total version.
I never did this workshop with more than 5 people so far – but I believe I'll cope with 15-20. Who said "the human mass"?

translator to russian - the violet paragraghs you can skip tanslating, unless you feel like... and thanks in advance!


Re: Help to understand - workshop

Сообщение charlila » 28 окт 2011, 14:12:06

i just copy-past my reply to D.K.Meron - my time expired.
~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~
7 is a better number to begin with than 6. worth little waiting.

but there is a huge misunderstanding - it is a DANCE workshop - you can't teach dance by correspondence!

i meant - people coming to my country for a 3-7 days workshop - or otherwise orgnizing it in your place and inviting me to come over.

any chance we do?

if you want an on-line workshop...

sure, why not, but not the dance of long reapitulation.
maybe a preliminary - reccollecting intent, tuning together (to prepare for the work we'll do together), knocking on Death's gate (that is, deliberately intending to link to past life memories. )
you have to ask the people again and have them register again (hpoefully the missing 7th too).

Meanwhile i'll post the content of this massage on board.
how is it working with the board? where is the russian vertion? (a link?) is it open to the public? you think it should be? if you ask me, i can't see much advantage in hiding it .

~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~
SO: would you go for real life workshop?

would you take the on-line workshop?
~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


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