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Добавлено: 29 янв 2010, 12:51:33
Author of translation - MOPKOBb

Originally posted 3 weeks ago.

Holidays are over. We are about to embark upon a trip to get the core of luminosity. Before this adventure we are going to conduct preparatory exercises. First of all, dreamers need the art of intending the right subject of dreaming - a dream plot, a necessary sequence of events and/or dreaming environment for events to unfold. This is a very important aspect of Controlled Dreaming. I have been slowly acquainting you with how to intend dream\'s subject. Now we begin intensive practice that will break through several obstacles to consciousness.
So, Exercise 1. Air ticket.
We complete this exercise by intending a dream in which you consciously or unconsciously acquire an airline ticket. It does not matter, where the flight goes or if you are the one to get the ticket. You just need an abstract ticket to an abstract flight. How do you intend the subject of a dream?
There are several methods for different types:
1) Try to recall the subject during the day(for people with good dream memory)
2) Ask the Spirit to help you and rely on it(for those who have a clear link with the Spirit)
3) Wait, knowing that you are waiting and what you are waiting for(for ambitious people confident in their abilities)
Reports write here on a condition that it will be one report per day in this topic. How long should this exercise last - 3 or 5 days. If we make it long, it will lose effectiveness and intensity of the practice.
You have 3-5 days to compete the task- depending on your feedback

Добавлено: 29 янв 2010, 12:55:23

The Dolphin

I completed the task. Arrived from St. Petersburg in the morning read the task and decided to dream. As a result, slept almost 7 hours - effect of too much shamanic celebrating. Inorganic beings where strongly hindering my progress and couple of times sleep paralysis was in the way, but in conclusion i was able to teleport to my room and find tickets to Madrid and Lisbon where i am planning to go in two weeks.


Today i became conscious on a Northeastern Border of the city, in a very interesting basement. I was exploring it and almost forgot about the ticket. Almost got to the airport and suddenly received a waking push - i hear that children are singing Christmas songs. How untimely. I have to act quicker. I run into the building nearby close to downtown. It is empty. Big windows, table in the middle, my classmate, i recognize him and tell him: \"Give me an airline ticket quickly, does not matter where\". He i slowly reaching for some magazine and replies:\"Ok wait a minute. They are bringing your ticket\". Some people came in, but i had to wake up. When i got asleep again, i wanted to come back for the ticket, but thought perhaps it is not that important and started walking through objects.


I succeeded in finding a ticket using 2). I read the task yesterday, went to sleep at 4 and asked the Spirit to help. I got into either Controlled Dreamor LD(don\'t know the difference). I was in a room. I flew around a bit, recalled about a ticket, got to a night table in which they started to appear. I saw two tickets, noted their appearance and almost immediately ended up in a regular dream.


Upon becoming aware in a dream, i fly into the first house (thinking that i need to buy a ticket in time). It turns out that it is hospital clinic. I run to the registration desk and announce: \"One ticket to Paris!\". Women-sprites were a little confused by my statement, then one girl told me \"There you go!\". And she reached tickets from the table drawer. She put some stamps on them and gives them to me. Tickets are pretty cool, like in movies, but i don\'t care. I reach for the money, get 500 rubles(that\'s all) give it to the lady. I ask her \"Is it enough\", she nods. I think that i should have given her just 10. Then i ask her \"What is the date?\" - She says - 12th. I leave feeling fully content.


Used the third method. It worked. I dreamt about buying a ticket to Andorra, and then by train to Spain(supposedly it is cheaper this way than directly to Spain). Overall, dreams were brighter and more memorable than usual.


Method 1. Remember 9 dreams, no ticket. Dream environment is similar to ancestor\'s.


I awoke in a dream and recalled the tasks. i looked for that ticket to norway,sweden, liechtestein in the whole astral world. first i tried to find it in a school where i was. then in desperation i flew to wherever i thought the airport had to be. could not find it. then i tried to go through the wall using it as a transit to the post office where i could buy a ticket. transit worked but i got kicked out of my dreams, or so it seemed - i went into the ordinary dream, but i am not sure.


I used methods 1 and 2.

All dreams on the verge of being consciousness. In one i even practice telekinesis. Theme of tickets throughout. In my former school - i was trying to get my friends to go get some tickets. I associate tickets with railway and i got to the railway station. However, no luck getting or buying a ticket.


I got to the airport immediately after falling asleep. All night i spent looking for ticket counters. I did not find them. In my dream i recalled that i had dreamt of the airport at least thrice and i had tried to buy a ticket in a sales booth. But for some reason flight attendants brought it to me from the service entrance. It was the entrance to the right from the central one on the second floor. All night i tried to repeat that dream. I am not sure if i did buy it or was it a previous dream. should i try again. Don\'t remember where.


Yay! All night i tried to find, steal, demand two tickets. Why two - no idea. I finally came through in the morning - to go and buy them. I bought them. Each 100 rubles. They are worth it!


Right away there was a long CD, in which i bought two tickets to Moscow in a local and surprisingly semi-demolished airport. No hint of the ticket in all other dreams.

Does it count as a success?


Became conscious on a metro station, some sport events where taking place there. Realized that i needed a ticket, got to the clothes cabinet, opened it. There was a tweed suit, no ticket. I said - I am in a dream so i will find the ticket. Put my hands in the jacket\'s pockets and here you go - ticket to London, flight #488



Woke up in a room, approached a wall and made two dents in it, in which something was sparkling violet. They disappeared in a moment. Then i went looking for the exit from the rooms in order to find the ticket. There were many halls and transits. I steadily rememberd about the ticket, but could not exit the rooms. After all in one of the rooms i met a short man who said that he is a structure that helps me dream and whenever i will have enough strength, i will be able to create environment by myself. He left me an airline ticket in a drawer which i took. I thanked him and woke up.
Used method #1..


All day and half the night was persisting in the first method, in parallel trying to remember my rusty link with the Spirit. In the morning there was an unconscious dream about buying a ticket in a ticket counter. Can\'t remember which mode of transportation. Remember the line and remember paying with a credit card.


Till 7 in the morning i was talking to Ravenna, can\'t remember what about. Then i fell asleep repeating to myself that i need to buy airline ticket - dreamt of the forest

covered in sand by the tree tops.


Woke up feeling gay. I was inside the airport, it was raining outside and wet square; i bought 3 tickets from a booth. Walked around and was surprised having read the new task. Consider the task done.


All night i dream of a road, buses, trains. I was leaving by myself or meeting visiting friends. I got conscious only in the morning in some room. Recalled the task and so i would not forget, on a white paper i printed \"Buy tickets to Kiev\". I got relieved but could not get the tickets.


Today in an unconscious dream i was in one of the autostations. I asked about the last bus home, could not remember to ask about a ticket. I rarely dream that auto station. Method 1.


This might be an off top, but not sure where it is appropriate to ask. I lied down to dream for a short while, got conscious. Since i have already bought the tickets, decided to look for the airport. In the last two CDs i failed, because i was looking for the airport and could not find it. This time i decided to find a high building that supposedly can become an airport. Especially since i know where it is located in my dream world. It was there, even a bit closer. I get to it thinking about the airport - and voila - it is the airport. I walk inside, recall that i should go to the right. I look for the baggage storage but it is not there. Just a hall, small stores, ATMs, a lot of sprites. I went back and forth, nothing, i feel that i am starting to panic. Then i notice little drawers on the walls, just like baggage storage compartments. I think maybe it is the storage room, but it looks differently. Recall teh escalator - turn around - there it is going down. I approached it, it was absolutely empty and does not look slippery. I tried to glimpse what is below(looking for the crocodile) but did not see a thing - it was looping to the side, you can\'t see what\'s down there and i did not dare to step on it. Recalled that i should go further right from the escalator. I noticed couple of little stores. One is open, but i was not dreawn to it. The second one was closed, a line of sprites at the entrance, they are waiting for it to open. I come closer, wedge through them and go inside. All the shelves in the store are filled with christmas tree decorations(balls). I think to myself - does my core of luminosity look like a ball? There are a million of them, which one should i choose. I ask the Spirit to help, to give me a sign. I look around and see that one of the shelves near the ceiling starts to flicker. I run to it and see that it is not the balls that are lighting up. There is a tree light hanging from a celing and one bulb is flickering. I started reaching towards it and feel as my dream starts to fade away, the picture start to vanish. I feel that i can\'t grab it in time. Finally, i change the shape of my dreaming body, i grow tentacles and wrap the flickering light with it and draw it towards myself and wake up. A question - did i get the core? Or was i in the wrong place. Some of the details coincide some don\'t. I am not sure what is supposed to happen, but i did not experience any horrors.

Добавлено: 29 янв 2010, 12:58:38

First of all we are exploring our possibilities and learning how to enrich them. If some of you can\'t fulfil a task, you should not get disheartened. This project was conceived for all - your problems are taken care for. Stay in the flow of the project, it will take off. On the other hand, you gain an opportunity to see your obstacles. Why is that, that you can\'t do it? Find your barriers. To do this task, you needed to guess your type and find a method that\'s appropriate for you. Have you tried all 3? I doubt it. Have you really given it all you got? Probably not. Where did you lose your way?
How did it happen? This is how you look for the hindrance that led you to failure. Try to look at your situation objectively. Perhaps you were expecting easy pickings.. Perhaps your attention was drawn to something else? You can feel like a loser or you can turn your failure in a search for the next mental block. Do you remember the Key Master from the Matrix. There is always a way out. From every situation. There is always another door. The second exercise in intending the dream plot includes searching for the mode of transportation and your choosing the way to reach the airport. The task is considered done if you get to the airport from your house using some type of transportation. Don\'t look for the airport. Look for the transportation that will get you there. And when you are on the way, put a hand in your pocket, check if the ticket is still there. Even if you don\'t think that you got it in the first part of the exercise, it might happen to be there.

Nika, no rush. You already saw how the tall building can turn into the airport. So can your room take a different shape. you are not ready yet to meet \"Aaron\'s razor\". Don\'t rush.

Добавлено: 29 янв 2010, 13:02:08


From many transitions between waking state and reality i can\'t remember where i got the tickets, i was just walking through the city with two tickets, but what those were, i have no idea...


Short CD, got the roundtrip tickets.. but when i was about to buy it, forgot that i needed airline tickets, when they brought them, i recalled it but could not exchange. Ended up buying tickets to a water taxi:)


I used the words of Power today, semiconsciously manipulated the weather, i was reminding myself about tickets all the time whenever i would wake up. Finally, i got the tickets by taking them from some sprite. But i could not concentrate on them, taking them for some plain papers, although i specifically googled them to see how they look(never flew in my life). The funniest thing is that in the last dream i was trying to get to the airport with my friend\'s relative which were trying to see something new, trying to talk them out of it. Our transport was the open arbor on wheels, which looked like a self-propelled wood-stove. Never got to the airport. Method 1.


Interestingly enough, i used 4 different modes of transportation taxi-bus, car, subway and electric train. As soon as i got on the train, i was asked for the ticket. It was in my hand. Nevertheless, i did not no where i was going. Did not remember the airport.


Ravenna is right, this task is for you to see how your consciousness works..


I intended to get a ticket and i was waiting with a large crowd in a building that was either the airport or the train station. Then we went on a bus to the port passing my old house and they even let me drive it and when we finally approached the boat the right way, we exited the bus. At the entrance to the boat, woman was passing tickets and i wanted to buy one from her, but she let me go through without it. In the next dream i was trying to get the tickets through a travel agency, but i forgot about them while talking to the female manager there...


In one of the dream fragments i had two tickets. They looked more like tram tickets, with symbols, letter Z and some other zigzags. I never flew and have no idea how the airline tickets look like.


Success again! Just bought it in the airport


No luck, but i met Don Juan. Black charcoaled face hardly looked human. That entity had sombrero covering the head. It was performing strange \"purifying\" procedures. Dense metallic liquid was slowly flowing into my ear(looked like mercury), it was flowing out as a very thin and quick stream. Sniffer?

No ticket. First night - method 3. The other 2 - i was asking the Spirit. Bought tickets to the movie theater. The reason see in attention distracted by old habits/problems that all of a sudden became solvable.


I am re-reading the Tales of Power by CC - and dare to cite:
I told Don Juan that the command to look at my hands seemed to be, quite often, insurmountable. He had warned me that the early stage of the preparatory facet, which he called \"setting up dreaming,\" consisted of a deadly game that one\'s mind played with itself, and that some part of myself was going to do everything it could to prevent the fulfillment of my task. That could include, don Juan had said, plunging me into a loss of meaning, melancholy, or even a suicidal depression...
\"Each warrior has his own way of dreaming. Each way is different. The only thing which we all have in common is that we play tricks in order to force ourselves to abandon the quest. The counter-measure is to persist in spite of all the barriers and disappointments.\" He asked me then if I was capable of selecting topics for dreaming. I said that I did not havethe faintest idea of how to do that. \"The sorcerers\' explanation of how to select a topic for dreaming\" he said, \"is that a warrior chooses the topic by deliberately holding an image in his mind while he shuts off his internal dialogue. In other words, if he is capable of not talking to himself for a moment and then holds the image or the thought of what he wants in dreaming, even if only for an instant, then the desired topic will come to him. I\'m sure you\'ve done that, although you were not aware of it.\"


I did not succeed. The main reason is probably that i have never flown on a plane, and have no idea how does the airport look and finally never ordered or even saw the airline ticket.


Salt what you quoted, is a very exact descriptio of my state yesterday. I could not fall asleep using method 3. During the second hour, melancholy and depression started settling in. I start thinking - why do i need it? I lived normally like everyone else, no worries but food and shelter. And all of a sudden decided to become a sorcerer. And then other thoughts like: Why don\'t you be a milk-cow like everybody else, why don\'t you like it? I was out of sorts which is quite surprising considering my usual calmness.


In an unconscious dream i was at the unknown railway station waiting for the electric train asking \"When is the last one home?\". Finally decided to stop waiting and go by bus. No memory of ticket or airport.


Twice i got on the bus, taking long rides along the rural road leading to the beautiful rural landscape(flower, meadows, chicken..etc..). The landscape was charming, but i knew it was not the airport. Found a bun and a purple marker in my pocket instead of the tickets. I will continue looking..


I found out about the task only yesterday. Decided to do both the initial exercise and the addition to it. Kept trying to remember about it during the day. In dawn hours during the regular dream( walking and talking to my university teacher in the university) i realize that it is indeed a dream and then i shuld by an airline ticket. I sharply turn around, and look for the ticket booth. In one of the corridor\'s walls there is a window - ticket counter. I get through there by my waist, from the dreawer with empty paper forms i take one ticket, write down my full name. I got a ticket. Now i need to get to the airport. I get outside. I get into a car parked outside, turn the ignition, get on the road, go to the airport. Entering the highway, i tried to avoid collision. At that point, controlled dream had ended, and it became a conscious one - one part of me knows that it is a dream , but i act by the rules of a foreign plot. Don\'t remember a transit but i find myself in a big gloomy buidling under the very roof, where there is a source of power of our clan(vampires?). We get through to another tower that belongs to a different clan, i climb on a roof - there is nothing left from their source either...


I was looking for transport but all the roads were for walking only..


I already have 3 tickets, anybody wants them?


Yes! I did it. I was riding a bus. Leaning in a sleepy stupor on a handle. I became conscious when the ticket controller entered. I showed him my airline ticket and woke up in disbelief


Read the task yesterday. Used Method #1. I dream that i am in a boarding line with two friend. We are going to Europe. Ticket was already in my hand. Then i started looking for passport in my bag. Of course there were lots of passports but my own. The weather did not cooperate and i had a foreboding of danger. When it was our turn, controller looked at the date on a ticket and told us that there was a mistake and we can only fly out tomorrow. Then we spent hours getting our luggage back.


After a long session of recapitulation I asked the Spirit. I saw bright yellowish balls coming out of \"head between the eyes. They flew straight and to the left shrinking. At the moment of falling asleep I had to catch my inner dialogue which was about to take me into the senseless dream. There was a bright, vivid dream in which i found some aero mobile to the airport. The ticket seemed to have been inserted in it. The aero mobile jumped, flew, passing by the familiar places. But i woke up before it reached the airport.


I found the ticket in some bags in a tent. Not sure where. Letters looked like letter on documents from my workplace.


I an unconsious dream i got on the \"requested\" train, but it took me to my school instead..

Uncle A

Got a motorcycle and money to buy tickets. I did not get to the airport - ran out of gas, and nobody could tell me where is the gast station, so i went to the movie theater.

With a gang of thugs i was going to the airport but never got there.


I succeeded the second time. I did a meditation with books, then performed the exhalation of a fog of unconsciousness and reached clarity. Then modified a technique of sticky glance and used \"sticky attention\" focusing it on falling asleep. Through images i ended up in a post office where i was behind the counter. I decided to play a role and accepted couple of letter, stamping each of them. Then i put my hand in the pocket i pulled an elongated ticket out of there. It was made out of several pages with image of an airplane. I got outside. There were couple of taxis waiting. Taxi drivers seemed suspicious but i decided to go for it and told one of the \"to the airport\". On the way, in order to shorten the trip - closed my eyes and relaxed. When i opened them i saw familiar supermarkets. Taxi driver pulled over by the stores and on my question \"Where is the airport\" showed towards a clearing between the houses. My search did not succeed,because i got to the unending network of doors and rooms. Decided to wake up. The second try was more rewarding, taxi driver got me to a huge buidling which looked like it was made of gold in the sunset hours. It seemed dark to me. I asked the driver to get me to terminal B. He rounded the corner of the building and stopped and i noticed that he looked scared. His said goodbye to me like he saw me for the last time. I felt uneasy by the building and tried to look around to relax. There was empty space around, i saw the brink of dawn in the distance. I turned around to find the entrance and started entering through an old fence gate. There were steps behind and i fell through the darkness and small steps became three big steps. I even thought that there is no light in the airport. There were two escalators in the building. One that was going up was not moving so i walked up by myself. Not knowing where to go i decided to trust the Spirit and ended up to the moving escalator in the floor. The moving line was getting lower and lower and i lied down so i don\'t bump my head. In order for ceiling to stop getting lower i closed my eyes. Then i felt an impulse to open my eyes. I was in a room to which i got through the beautiful sliding doors. There were two faces - male and female. The story of the room was - a girl gets to her past and looks at herself from the ceiling. The one down feels somebody\'s presence and hears a sound made by the one from the future. The one from the future remembers when it happened in her past that she heard the sound and remembered somebody\'s presence. Past and future merge together. The one from the past looks through the window and yells \"Who is watching\" and then asks herself couple of questions , but she takes those questions as her own thoughts.
In the next Controlled Dream- i flew over the garden through the village houses and park street and got to the city. Waited for the trasport at the stop so i can get to the end station of the railroad from previous tasks, but the trolley-bus came with a sign \"Airport\". Decided to go there again. There was so many people that it was hard to breathe. After couple of stops i got pushed out from the CD. I don\'t know if i found my luminosity but i found myself full of energy and light in the morning. I experienced that childhood feeling when you run around the house and play, with no worry in the world, just unconditional happiness.

Добавлено: 29 янв 2010, 13:05:55


Tried getting to the airort twice. The first time - i remembered the ticket and symbolically bought it at some bus station. Jumped in a car and drove for a while until i got thrown out of that dream. The second time, i tried to find the transport, nobody wanted to give me a ride until i talked my friend into it. I went to the nearest store but bought a blanket insteady of the ticket for 382 rubles. Got in the car and ended up in a different dream.


I was walking in a crowd and met my friend. I borrowed a bicycle but because my lucidity was waning it disappeared. I got to the fitness center which in my dreamworld border the airport. Airport is a spiral highrise where i buy and wait for tickets. This time i did not remember the tickets.


After finding my hands in a dream and having recalled the task i turned to face the bookshelf because i decided to look for a ticket i seemed to have at home. First i took a book from a shelf hoping that i put a ticket there. Nothing. Then i looked through the shelf and found a bunch of papers with Aeroflot tickets sticking out. I got the ticket, looked at it, it is the same as the train ticket only blue-green and without the Aeroflot sign.So i got the ticket now to the airport. I went outside and went looking for possible transportation. Then i got distracted by the noise outside and woke up. Next time i woke up at the same intersection as in the previous dream. I got on the first bus and asked a driver if he will take me to the airport. He said yes. I sat down facing the direction opposite to where the bus was going and for couple of meters i was moving in the right direction but then movement changed direction. I had to change my orientation and concentrate on required direction. In a way concentration acted against the fulfillment of the task, because now i was intending to just go instead of going to the airport.


I am joining the practicum, if it is not too late. I put airport pictures on my doors before going to sleep yesterday. Somewhere in the middle of a corridor in a semi-dream, i saw an airplane in a hangar, and recalled that i had seen it before. Got up to check my dreaming diary. I found 5/12/2009 - boarding the plane. I buy a ticket, go through glass doors and get into a hangar made from glass and concrete.. Daylight is seeping through huge aluminum windows - it is day. In the left cornere there is a small silvery plane of a smooth aerodynamic shape. I climb on its wing, they say it is not my plane - mine is next.


Today in a dream i waited for a bus to the bus station. A sprite told me that today is New Year and buses are off. I got disappointed and went to my university to celebrate. I saw a gloomy building next to it - walked around it and woke up.


Woke with a feeling that i saw the airport, but i can\'t remember dreaming about it.


I accomplished one half of the exercise. I woke up after a short Controlled Dreamand continuing lying down motionlessly i noticed that i could move my energetic body. I tried to roll myself to the side, but could not.I tried to stand up - success. It was dark around me, could barely remember about ticket and airport. Found the ticket inside my pocket. Looked at it and woke up.


I was inside a highrise, many ticket counters on the first floor and people were crowding along the high glass walls. I remembered the ticket and bought two tickets after standing in line. Every time it is two. There was a job offer on a ticket window. When i got outside, the bus came and we drove away from the building among the endless fields. The bus stopped several times and people exited. I decided to get to the end, but when the bus stopped next to a forest and the driver said that there won\'t be another chance to get out, decided not to risk it and got off...


I took a horse carriage ride. Got to a museum. Large halls like in an airport - high ceilings, glass doors, but museum content. Will try again.

The Dolphin

I dream that i was driving up a steep hill on a car without the front wheels. Tried walking to no avail. Got conscious, remembered the dream - asked the sprite-passer-by where is the airport. He said - it is in the basement inside this hill. I decided to leave for another time.


I decided in my dream today - that first thing that i will encounter i will take to the airport. A white car appeared from around the corner. Taxi. Great! I took it for a quick ride. Symbolically. There is no point in wasting awareness on a car trip. Got off and the car disappeared. I flew above the city to see the airport. City kept mutating under my concentrated glance. Woke up again, did the same thing - this time i saw plane on a runway,but could not see the airport. On a third time, everything looked completely different - the city was lit up, buildings bunched up very realistically. Finally the airport was where it was supposed to be. Did not go there. I got close to it and started walking around - and came across two churches - Orthodox on the river bank and a strange one covered in blue patterns. They stood together shining in the rays of the dream Sun.


Don\'t quite remember how i got there - but \"being close to the airport, i got the ticket from my pants, looked around and found my jet. I got on board and flew away (even got to fly it).


I just remembred my last dream - it was unconscious. I was at home and noticed that the building across from me is noticeably deformed, there was a hole caused by a large round object. I went there to investigate and ended up in an airport.


I dream of a movie theater, or something in between internet cafe and lecture hall. Each spectator has his own computer with a fairly large monitor. tall brunette is next to me that is meant to accompany me on my work trip to USA, conference or what not. I am at home, one hour till departure. Airport is close by, road is to the left from my house, had to run to get there on time. I bought a pizza on my way, exchanged some money, bought some checks. A huge guard at the terminal started questioning where was my ticket. What is the purpose of my trip to USA. I showed the ticked - told him about my purpose, conference and all, i am flying with someone. He does not believe me. I look at the watch - 15 minutes till departure. He takes the watch off - it is metal , prohibited. A girl that is supposed to travel with me approaches. He blocks her way - he comes to me and gives me back my watch. Finally the guard believed us, but asked to show the travel check which were in my back pocket. I got either a phone or a pocketbook while thinking to myself \"Ticket, road, airport\" -this is the very task!


There was a Controlled Dreamin which i calmly boarded a bus and got to the airport looking the view change outside, my consciousness was subserviently feeding me the images from a real road to the airport(to the minute details which is unusual). Checked the ticket - in place - going to Khabarovsk. I realized that i have no idea what to do, when i got there. I went inside and bought another ticket. Started boarding.The end.


I can already thank Ravenna and the project - a huge barrier showed up in my dreams - i was boarding the aero express and was thrown off by a sequence of non-linear associations..Woke up during the night realizing how much control does the past have over me. The rest of the night was fooling the guard that is in charge of it. It worked!

Добавлено: 29 янв 2010, 13:06:54

We start a new task - \"Supplies\" (see the New Ravenna Tasks topic)


I was taking my mother to the airport. On a car - my friend driving - everything looked very real. Don\'t remember much else.


Third \"airport\" dream. With an unknown guy we walk towards the airport and all of a sudden earth collapses from underneath and my unknown friend goes down. Brown river flows around a little isle with different sized round rocks. It flows around it perpendicularly, there is only one river bank next to the isle and only endless emptiness on the other side.


Airport. I am on a deserted road. It goes alogn a barbed wire fence. Airport is behind it. I see a sun setting and the red sky.


I accomplished the task. But can\'t remember how.


I caught myself on a contradiction in a dream and \"awoke\". Remembered the task about the transport to the airport. There were couple of sedans around and tram rails. Decided to go by tram, walked to the stop. The tram came, i got on. There was no route, but i was sure it was the ride i needed. I saw a mirror on a tram and decided to look in it recalling the \"dark eyes\". Face was not mine, human eyes at first but the more i looked the more they were becoming big black holes. I felt being thrown out of a dream and turned around trying to look at passengers to hang in, but was still kicked out.
1. I only found you tonight guys. In an unconscious dream we were travelling through Germany. Good company, one guy from a famous russian rock band(he was providing a sound track for our dream). Enroute, we had to travel on a super-fast rail express to another German town. The guy who bought tickets for the entire group was claiming that it departs at 18-05 and we were in no rush looking at our silvery train from a passenger bridge. To our surprise it moved and disappeared leaving us dumbfounded. Only then we looked on the tickets and arrival time was 17-40, departure at 18-05.


I intended gypsies, as a result traveled on an airplane to an airport. Again, unconsciously.


Hello, i am in! Tonight i bought an airline ticket. Three times in three different ticket sales offices. Yay! The first night. Don\'t remember what preceeded it, but i remembred that i had to buy a ticket and ended up in a lucid dream. I used methods 2 and 3.


The first thing that i waned to do in the morning - write a report. Have no money on my phone internet account. During the day i happened to be in a remote location in the city completely blocked off by traffic jams. I decided to come back home using a long way, using beltway. I kept thinking that i wasted many opportunities to pay for the internet. So how do i write a report and find the second task? Seemingly there is only one solution - go back to the city, which does not seem reasonable for the traffic. And then - a savior though - two kilometers away there is an airport - there must be a specific ATM that can accept internet payment. I go to the airport and walk through two halls.
1) ATM does not give change and i have to buy something useful(so i bought a cell phone)
2) We have a huge airport - it was recently reconstructed - few people, cafes, stores, and huge spaces.. I really like walking in that vast emptiness.


I remembered that i was curiously observing a huge office with a sign \"Airline tickets\". Without no connection to the practicum. There was an office - Travel agency to the right.


I had a lucid dream where we went to a dance club, where something like a talent competition was taking place.. We decided to dance, but the woman was all in white and only accepted those who had white shoes. I ran to the car and while i was changing, 2 guards 10 times asked me whether i have tickets. I woke up.


Today i recalled the task. There was a bus going to the airport right away. I pulled the ticket out of my pocket, put it back and.. woke up..
This time i dreamt of my school. I walk around it. Remembered that i have to go the airport. I walked towards the road, got on a bus. Went a little further than last time, but still woke up half-way.


I spent half of a dream on a stairwell in some multi-storied building(at first it was a school). Then a vague feeling that i had to do something became clear \"Ticket!\". I carefully reach for my left pocket - it is empty. Look in my right one - success. A little crumpled and wrinkled. I get outside - there is a vast parking lot, i look for transport. There were couple of cars at first, but they left very quickly. On the other side of the road, there was an ambulance, the driver seat was empty and two EMS workers in the white. With a thought \"This is my dream, what can they possible do to me\", open the door, get the wheel and press on gas, but EMS workers get control of the wheel and i get thrown out of the dream...