Translated Reports About The Sticky Glance Practice

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Зарегистрирован: 11 сен 2009, 15:54:06

Сообщение Field9[archive] » 02 фев 2010, 03:42:45

Thanks Quasar... I think i\'ve gotten the initial feel of doing the practice even with the little success I had. I look forward to doing more of these and the rest of the practices. Thats a very creative idea you have to make them turn as puppets. I like that. Indeed practice is crucial... I\'m attempting to make the most of every situation that presents itself for a chance to practice. Although today I did not fare as well with even my best efforts while in town amongst the shoppers... I can see some definite advantages with your suggestions of the bench and car and I will incorporate those ideas next chance I get while in town. Thank you kindly and Good Luck to you too.

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Зарегистрирован: 09 янв 2010, 17:27:19

Сообщение Quasar[archive] » 02 фев 2010, 06:13:05

No problem, Field9. Leave the shoppers for later and start with just passing by people. Than advance to the shoppers and people who are occupied with some activities. I am not that good at it yet, but I think that pairs in love could be a kind of a pinnacle of this practice. I do not mind to disturb them, if I do sucseed with interupting them, then I\'ll just send some Light abd Love their way ) That is what I am going to concentrate on next, after I\'ll sucseed with the shopoholics and gossiping homemakers ))) Make sure that you practce this exercise as often as possible and it\'s better to do it everyday, make this skill as stable as you can. For now I have a problem with the stability of sucsess. One day I turn them as a puppetmaster and the next day not a single one turns ( But it\'s ok, I\'ll get there.


P.S. Field9, do you think that it will be more useful for you if there will be more reports translated?

Сообщения: 14
Зарегистрирован: 11 сен 2009, 15:54:06

Сообщение Field9[archive] » 03 фев 2010, 04:43:35

Quasar, I believe success will come in it\'s time if we keep at it... strenght will be built with consistency and the stability will be right along with it... so keep at it. I like the way you\'ve expanded your idea to include pairs, thats a great idea. I was thinking to maybe include family members as I do this practice, although I would rather not. Circumstances don\'t always provide the ideal conditions yet if we make the most at the moment or when opportunity shows forth then we gain by the experience of it. I think success is measured by the amount we put it into it... I was patiently waiting many times in the midst of the shoppers to apply myself while I was out today and only had one moment while sitting in the car that came close to a partial success.
I appreciate and am thankful for all the efforts that have gone into to translate the reports, yes I do find them to be very helpful and I hope they will continue as they are very beneficial. Thanks again.
Kind Regards,


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Зарегистрирован: 09 янв 2010, 17:27:19

Сообщение Quasar[archive] » 03 фев 2010, 07:10:35

Field9, family members are no fun cause you know and used to eachother for qite a while ) WIth them you will either have a full sucsess or a comlete failure, IMHO.
In regards to translation - no problem. Once I finish translating Toolset, I will translate all the meaningful comments for the Sticky glance task. By helping you I help myself, translation is my way of not doing the reading of the comments, cause when I translate I have to go deeper into the text than by just reading )))))

Сообщения: 14
Зарегистрирован: 11 сен 2009, 15:54:06

Сообщение Field9[archive] » 04 фев 2010, 03:36:42

Quasar, alright that was only a last resort in my mind to the use of family members, it didn\'t really feel right to me when I thought about it and plus its good to hear your feedback on it.
Superb, i\'m glad to hear that its providing a great outlet to interpet in such a way as a not doing... Sure appreciate and look forward to further translations :)

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Зарегистрирован: 09 янв 2010, 17:27:19

Сообщение Quasar[archive] » 04 фев 2010, 07:20:17

Ok, will do : )

Сообщения: 11
Зарегистрирован: 08 мар 2010, 20:49:03

Re: Your Reports About The Sticky Glance Practice

Сообщение J.R.Tomlin » 14 мар 2010, 15:38:54

Hi DarkLight,

apologies in my delayed response.

Thanks for elaborating more about the darkness in dreaming.

When you said:

"I naturally appeared in this darkness many times, it gave me consciousness to begin a dream."

Do you mean that entering this darkness makes you aware that you are dreaming (i.e. lucid)?

Also regarding what you said here:

"I\'m also one of those who considers astral experiences and real conscious dreams (not lucid ones – they are on the level below) to be the same."

I'd be interested to hear more about what, for you, constitutes a 'real conscious dream' in comparison to a lucid dream - and why you think them to be the same as astral experiences. My personal experience is similar, in fact the awareness dreams (lucids) that I have (that are similar feeling to out of body experiences) I now call 'energy body experiences', because they just do not feel the same as normal lucids. And it's not just because the starting point is my bedroom, as sometimes I am not in my normal bedroom - I'm in some other place. It's the feeling of the experience - a completely different quality and feeling. When you say that lucid dreams are 'on the level below' - what are you referring to? Location or quality?

I want to thank you again for all the help you've given with translations so that English speakers can have the opportunity to try out these exercises. Also, for providing translations of all the Russian participants' reports. I have just finished reading all threads on the English forum. Reading all your reports is fascinating and encouraging. So thank you!

Kind Regards,


Сообщения: 11
Зарегистрирован: 08 мар 2010, 20:49:03


Сообщение J.R.Tomlin » 14 мар 2010, 15:50:46

Hi Quasar,

just wanted to thank you for your efforts with translating the tasks and reports. Really appreciate it! I have just finished reading through all tasks and reports. Some excellent material there. The reports are invaluable and help us feel that we are part of the 'flow of research'. Not to mention how fascinating and enjoyable they are to read too!

Kind Regards,

Quasar[archive] писал(а): In regards to translation - no problem. Once I finish translating Toolset, I will translate all the meaningful comments for the Sticky glance task. By helping you I help myself, translation is my way of not doing the reading of the comments, cause when I translate I have to go deeper into the text than by just reading )))))


Re: Translated Reports About The Sticky Glance Practice

Сообщение charlila » 22 июл 2010, 13:55:37

reading the sticky glance task, i didn't want to do it - it is against my personal code, to force others to yield to my whimsical commands. i am a warrior fighting for freedom, you see - not for power over others.

but one day, standing in a buss station, i saw the back of a robot-like young man, with quasi-shaved head, and for some reason i held the base of his brain and told him "turn! look at me!"
he kind of swayed and didn't turn.

i *saw* that i caused some mess, not to be easily arranged, and said to myself - i'll never do it again.

on the buss, there was a religious man, with the costume of freaks who became religious (long curly sidelocks, white robe, weird hat) reading some holly book. i decided - i can ASK him to turn, instead of commanding. i did. he sticked to his Torah book, but his young good looking wife, who set at his side, turned and set at me a sharp questioning glance. i continued sending him request to turn around. his wife kept glancing at me once in a while. now an old, pious, fat, unkempt woman at the other side of the buss passage glanced sharply at me and started talking in a growing violent manner. i still asked him politely to turn and look at me. he never did. on leaving the buss i looked at his wife's face, sending her kind of apology and "nothing personal".

thus i don't have a statistics.

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Зарегистрирован: 26 июл 2010, 15:58:31

Re: Translated Reports About The Sticky Glance Practice

Сообщение Georg » 22 авг 2010, 22:11:30

charlila, your experience very nice. But I want to comment only one moment (sorry for my ugly-ugly English):
reading the sticky glance task, i didn't want to do it - it is against my personal code, to force others to yield to my whimsical commands. i am a warrior fighting for freedom, you see - not for power over others.
I think that here is so much pathos… You should understand why you doing it. This task directs to manipulating your energy and allows you to more possibilities. Also, and for your fighting. It doesn’t for greedy and selfish people, who think only about profit :evil: I think that this task giving more than just ability to easy manipulation. You will see yourself more cleanly than before it. For me it was a great possibility to look at myself from the other side and see how I will use this force. In Russian forum Ravenna wrote about different “personal codes”, “individualities” and other things. Sorry, I can’t fetch the quote's translation, may be it will do someone else, but the main thought was that all of it - is barrier on our way. You should get over them because you are doing this task not for manipulation people (I hope :) ), but for felling intention. And this is very good exercise!
Sapere Aude


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