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Re: Removing implants

Добавлено: 18 авг 2011, 09:56:00
Yesterday was a great day all in all - a lot of energy, friendly conversations throughout the day, I even visited relatives I haven't seen in a long time and spent a nice afternoon with them. :) There were some attempts of throwing me out of balance, but I managed to recognize most of them and either avoid them or navigate through them without loosing myself in the events.

Went to bed a little over 11 pm, relaxed a bit, tried to enter sleep through tinsel but lost myself in the process. :oops: Solid sleep throughout the night, woke up in same position I fell asleep in. Unfortunately, no recollection of the dreams.

What I find interesting about tinsel is that instead of going through what I understand is the whole process (first black and white dots and simple shapes, then other colors and more complex shapes, then images) I enter directly into observing two-dimensional images - like watching a photography or remembering some past events or dream memories. After observing them for a while they begin to transform into three-dimensional images but then I usually lose them and fall into unconscious sleep.


Re: Removing implants

Добавлено: 18 авг 2011, 09:58:09
D.K.Meron писал(а):The translation of new tasks: http://dreamhackers.eu//viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1157
Thanks! :good:


Re: Removing implants

Добавлено: 19 авг 2011, 09:42:38
Yesterday was a total opposite to the day before - low energy, intense mood swings for no apparent reason and general tiredness throughout the day. :%)

I woke up around 40 minutes before the alarm today, with no recollection of dreams whatsoever.

Re: Removing implants

Добавлено: 20 авг 2011, 17:43:41
Today intense and vivid dreams, but almost no memory upon waking. Only a few fragments about a group of people somewhere indoors, researching an old, abandoned house.

Re: Removing implants

Добавлено: 21 авг 2011, 09:51:20
Another night with no recollection of dreams. :cry:

What I do remember is the feeling of foreign land, which is present for the last couple of days; I still can't determine whether foreign means unfamiliar/previously unexplored territory or another layer/level of dream world.

Re: Removing implants

Добавлено: 22 авг 2011, 17:26:01
From tonights' dream: A large dining room at some public place, maybe a restaurant; a lot of people sitting around the tables, eating, making small talk. I take a walk around to see what's on the menu then I take a seat. Someone gives me a magazine and tells me to choose two items (some Lego toys). I remember that the place was colored in "bright" greyish/blueish colors.

Dream recall still extremely low, but (hopefully) it's getting better...

Re: Removing implants

Добавлено: 24 авг 2011, 12:41:10
Last nights' dream: I open the door leading to a small storage facility. I see a tall young man wearing blue T-shirt with some sort of logo on the front side, he's looking at something on the shelves. When I enter the room, I see that he is not alone - there is a large brown bear standing next to the man, its' paw approaches him. I start to panic but soon I realize that the bear is not a threat; it shows the man how to make short circuit by sticking its' claws into the electricity socket. :D
I find myself outside. I think there is a house behind me (I didn't look, but it felt that way), in front of me a narrow road, next to the road a hill descending into the valley. The landscape is cowered with snow, there is a group of children riding sleigh downhill.

Today every single detail of the dream was erased by the alarm. :%)

A couple of observations regarding the task and general events in the last two weeks:

It seems that the attempt of removing implants actually triggered something - rather intense mood swings, fluctuations of energy levels, general tiredness throughout the day (a couple of times I had to take an afternoon nap, which I didn't do for more than 5 years), headaches starting out of the blue and nearly impossible to get rid of (the only thing that helps is guarana extract, mixed with orange juice). Also, it feels that dreaming has somehow changed - besides the fact that my dream recall is extremely low (as if it's being rebuilt), there is an intense feeling of new, unfamiliar, foreign locations. I'll see how things progress from here...

While reading your reports I noticed that some of you still apply aloe patches. Is this still a part of the task or did I miss something? I thought that the patches should be applied only twice.

Re: Removing implants

Добавлено: 25 авг 2011, 15:29:13
The only thing that I remember from tonight's dream is me repeating what I need to remember. Unfortunately, I lost everything because of the alarm clock. Again. :evil:

Which makes me wonder - how do you handle this? Do you use the alarm clock or do you wake up naturally? How does that work out with your jobs/other daily activities?

One other thing. Someone mentioned in their report that they applied the aloe patch on their forearm. Is there a picture that shows these points?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Removing implants

Добавлено: 17 окт 2011, 15:03:01
It's been a crazy couple of weeks – a lot of work, unexpected overtime, people wanting something, but not knowing what,… It took me more than two weeks to figure out that it was all just a response of first attention on the attempt to remove implants. After I acknowledged that, things started to gradually change for the better. Or maybe it was the diet with vitamins (B-complex and vitamin C) that I started a little less than 2 weeks ago. Anyways...

In the meantime, I managed to reduce over 1.000 typed pages of dream diaries to around 200 pages of locations and their descriptions. I still have some orientation issues - I can't get rid of the feeling that some places should be positioned north from "home" while they are placed south on your maps. What I'm missing might be the level of dream world, but I'm still not sure.

As far as dreams go - I am glad to say that my dream recollection is getting a little better and further more - I am almost sure that I managed to get to chess forest. Here are some dream fragments:

Dream #1:
... I find myself on a small, rectangular shaped platform, approximately 1 square meter of size, surrounded with a low wall all around it (it feels as if I stand in a sandbox, but the feeling is that the whole place somehow "hangs in the middle of nowhere" - I can't recall anything around or below the place). Above the wall in front of me there is some kind of fog or mist around half of meter in size. When I try to touch it, it changes into a huge raven; it bows its head and waits for me to touch it, then it makes a loud noise and it flies away... After that I wake up.

Dream #2:
... I am walking around on an unusual, very large "platform"; someone else (a female) is here with me. I get to the edge and I find out that it is rectangular in shape and that (again!?!) I can't see the ground below. I get this rather unpleasant feeling that I get sometimes in dreams when I'm high above the ground (like dizziness/vertigo). I walk back to the center of the platform, where I find a hole. I look down and around 10 meters below I see a trunk of a tree with palm-like branches. It is too far away to reach, so I decide to jump. After I touch the branches, the palms grab me and they gently take me to the ground. :) I find it very intriguing and I try to get back on top of this strange tree, but I get kicked out of the dream.

I have a question about a location - I think it is somewhere very near southern border and a bit to the east; a narrow path leads uphill just next to an abyss on the left, there are some forests below but I think it is impossible to go there. On top of this hill there is a castle-like place with sloping floor, below the ground level there is a system of tunnels and mazes. I've seen it in at least two different forms (once as a castle and another time as a large house) but I am almost sure that it is the same place. Does it sound familiar? What is this place?

By the way - I was following your discussions and I don't quite get it - what happened to Anibus?


Re: Removing implants

Добавлено: 17 окт 2011, 15:23:56
Hello, Saso.

It's nice to see, that you're taking your practice seriously. It's a huge amount of work to process 1000 pages of dreams into 200 pages of locations' descriptions. It's inspiring to see such effort.

I don't know where's Anibus, but I think he is OK. Maybe he left the board because he was offended by someone. Maybe he is busy with some dreamhackers' business. I hope he will return some day.