Preliminary Breath Exersice

Сообщения: 29
Зарегистрирован: 01 сен 2009, 12:29:11

Preliminary Breath Exersice

Сообщение Ligth[archive] » 12 окт 2009, 15:10:18

More and more people complaining about poor dream memory and low awareness in a dream. We pause until November 10. During this break, I suggest you do the following exercise, which will increase your energy saturation and as side effect will improve memory and awareness:
1. Perform exercise before sleep or in moments of leisure. Its better to do, lying down, although you can do it sitting.
2. Fix all your attention on the breath. When you exhale try to create a quiet noise in the throat (loud exhale). The air comes out, as if whistling in the larynx, creating a pleasant gentling feeling. The friction comes from the dimple under the chin to the root of tongue.
3. Attention fixed on exhalation is divided into two parts. A small part of it monitors the air passing in the area of the dimple under the chin to the roots of tongue, fixes the sound of breathing, a pleasant feeling of friction between air and tissues of the body. Main part of attention mentally directs your \"breathing power\" into the body. You filling your arms by exhale, starting by shoulders and ending with fingers. Then fill hte chest up to nippels with the energy. Then abdomen to the bones of the pelvis and then the pelvis and buttocks, then the hips to the knees, then lower legs to the toes. After that enriches yourself with energy on each exhale: exhale, and the wave goes from the throat down to the toes and hands. Hold your hands pressed to the body or place them in the groin area.
4. Continue saturation to the point where the \"resonance\" appears. You will be feeling a wave of the world\'s energy, which rolled forward at you. A noise in the ears, thermal effects. You will not confuse with this phenomenon, when it happens you\'ll know, that you went into resonance. During it, continue to breathe, do not rejoice, do not involved with euphoria, do not do anything. The wave of the world\'s energy comes and goes. Your job is to become soaked with this energy, e.g. the less this process has yours (activities, emotions) the better. Get used to the resonances gradually. In the early times by once, after ten successful times by twice, but no more.
5. Saturation of the energy will allow you to shine(beaming). Effulgence - is the base of real magic. By effort of will you be able to provoke the resonances at any time in life, thereby connecting to the ocean energy. However, it is early to discuss this. At the moment you should become familiar with the resonances and saturate with energy.
6. When during the project you face with the \"influence of our flow on your life\", you show to the world your favorite excuse - \"it is not my fault, but someone else.\" In fact, you face internal barriers, and instead of recognize and realize, you hang your problem on Ravenna, project, or someone else. I understand your human nature, I\'m not blame you, but please grow up a bit. Even if you\'re older than me, you need to grow up. Barriers are into you, but not in the project. Look, while you are not lucid, other people are. While you can not remember, they can. So, it is not project\'s fault, and not Ravenna\'s fault. You need to understand yourself. Everything was started to do this. I will not deal with each of you. The project is designed to ensure that you have found and overcome your problems. At the core of each problem there is a fear and rejection of any knowledge, some part of your life. So, do not handle the responsibility on others. No need to expect miracles and freebies. If you want advance in dreaming, treat the project seriously and responsibly. The main object of our study is not dream world, but you, with lots of internal barriers, with a heap of garbage routines - you are stubborn, awkward, clumsy. And you need to improve, upgrade yourself, become agile and strong. You cannot get through just by lazy meditation lying down on the couch.
7. Don Juan had simple technique of training - he spoke to Carlos: \"when you will be able to do it, then come\". I understand your busyness by routine of everyday life. Besides, you are not my students, but members of the research project, which I coduct with your full agreement. So take a break until 10 November. Accumulate strength and energy, solve your problems, overcome barriers. We will meet after you make a little review of our project, when you accept or reject something uninvolved. When you remove the nipples of your mouths and try to become warriors or hackers or researchers of your internal world. While you complain about \"I\'m not getting\" you have no difference from other people. They also not getting it right. Became a researcher, find out what is no working, where the barriers and how to overcome them. Become a hacker, find tricks and methods. Become a warrior, take responsibility for you life: \"how to live?\" as the herd, which goes to the slaughter and milking, or as a lone bird flying freely anywhere and on it own.

Сообщения: 29
Зарегистрирован: 01 сен 2009, 12:29:11

Сообщение Ligth[archive] » 12 окт 2009, 16:38:50

Sorry! I will translate fourth tack shortly!
Dear Administration! Please, rename this topic!

Сообщения: 12
Зарегистрирован: 18 сен 2009, 10:13:30

Сообщение ChHIA[archive] » 12 окт 2009, 22:17:25

Ah, thanks for the exercise, Ravenna! I\'ve read about the yoga sounding breath - udijati or how is it called. :P Didn\'t have the will to practice it - now I do! A promising technique! Later I try to put a link from youtube where it is beautifuly shown! Darh Vader style! :D

Сообщения: 14
Зарегистрирован: 11 сен 2009, 15:54:06

Сообщение Field9[archive] » 16 ноя 2009, 03:41:51

Dreaming has been much better. I\'ve noticed steady improvements while doing this fourth exercise and increasing the amount of time with my practices. At first I noticed increases in vividness and also memory and then the amount of lucid dreams really jumped up.
In the dreams to follow I had several overlaps of the tasks that we started with ... In part of one of those dreams, I saw that same man from before (the one who was supposed to be the teacher) which I talked about in 1st experiment exercise that sort of precognitive dream...
I have been able to use commands a few times.

I gave myself the command to run. I should have verbalized it, I said it within my mind at the time. In another lucid dream in which I was being threatened by a cobra I shouted a different command out and I felt a force field of energy go out of me like a net to surround and protect me. After I had this dream with the cobra I felt as though I had gained back (luminosity). I had another dream later on that made me feel as though I had been the recipient of gain, I had received an egpytian looking necklace but in a dream a few days later about stolen shoes it felt as though I had some type of loss as well.
I find myself awakening sometimes before I get everything done. I realize this is a dream and then as I am about to state my mission I wake up... Although the last time it happened in a lucid dream I was able to state the task I had in my mind by acting quickly on what I had planned and follow thru with it. Any ideas to prolonging dreamtime?
One other item of interest is that when I have been playing CD\'s while I sleep. I will hear the CD in my dream and this alerts me to awaken that I am dreaming this. It seems to work well.


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