Weighting Your Powers (task 3.5)

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Зарегистрирован: 09 сен 2009, 09:00:51

Сообщение J.R.Tomlin[archive] » 15 окт 2009, 13:11:59

>My kundalini yoga teacher says that it is not a break one needs but more practice i.e. >raising energy and storing. That is how you become lucid.
I have to disagree here that raising energy with yoga and meditation is how you become lucid. I have noticed beneficial effects on my dreaming from meditating, but also I have had long periods where I have not meditated and still have lucid and/or controlled dreams and out of body experiences. As researchers I feel it is important to share our observations with each other as this will help discover all the contributing components to good dreaming. A friend of mine had an impeccable meditation regime going on for years. He would dedicate 4 hours a day to various meditation, yogic and other related practice. He hardly ever has lucid or controlled dreams. What he did notice is his dream recall increased by not-doing. As soon as something became just a routine it seemed to lose its edge. I have noticed the same. That\'s not to say that inner silence does not have any effect, that is certainly not the case, it is just it is clearly not the only component. I would say following the warrior\'s way (like what don Juan in Castaneda\'s books spoke of) is the best way because there is so much self-importance related stuff that gets in the way of dreaming practice. And while self-importance rules there can never be great achievements with maintaining inner silence. No matter how much energy someone might raise, if they then go and spend it on maintaining social self importance - what was the point? So imo meditation is just part of the package, to get full benefits from it, other areas need to be addressed.
Would be interesting to see what observations the rest of you have on what contributes to a night of good dreaming attention.


Re: Weighting Your Powers (task 3.5)

Сообщение charlila » 23 июн 2010, 01:04:41

hello Ravenna

i am greately impressed by your work.
Psychonaut[archive] писал(а):Ravenna:
1. I ask you to estimate your desires, strengths, moods and expectations. Does it suit you what I give? Maybe, you would like something else? Maybe, my interpretations, judgements and the course of the project are not convenient for you?
some are inconvenient, that's why i have never joined.
but one day, 2-3 weeks ago, i had a feeling that a massage is awaiting me in DH's site. got here, red the point of entrance task, and said, ok - i'll do this one.

started from tinsel. at that first night i dreamed some elaborate plot in a Russian house of monarchs, most of which i lost, as usual, on waking - saved only this piece:
i am at the top of high (like 3 meters) panel of red curtains, surrounding 2 walls of a bedroom with single beds, along with the father of the family (=the monarch) who is trying to approach his daughter (it's his kid's room) for some urgent crucial stuff - i guess it's life and death on stake, but i don't remember. I'm thinking "how shall we (the king and me) get to her? too high to jump down! and the guard won't let him\us pass through the door now!"
next i'm on a black spot-lighted stag with a group of youngsters. actors? a young very vivid, fascinating girl is acting as freaking out, moving frenziedly; suddenly she is falling backwards out of my sight field - down of a low stage i didn't notice was there, i reckon. someone asks her "are you all right?" she says "no" while getting up, her face quite distorted, i wonder - did she hurt her nape? but she seems to be physically all right. end.

could it possibly be the curtains and the stage of the poe exercise?
"images" happens to me spontaneously for years - just i did try desperately to stick to some images, which regularly causes my quick waking.your advice, Ravenna, to "tease" them and move "equivalently" proved excellent - just after the 1st day of images they stopped appearing! onlybvoices appeared, talk. i said to someone unseen "you are The Lin-ti-joy (or something the like), spokesman of the hexagrams!"
a question: "the witch" - is she who i think she is? (for some reason i'm reluctant to write her\his name. (hint build-in.)


Re: Weighting Your Powers (task 3.5)

Сообщение charlila » 10 авг 2010, 18:57:11

i got it wrong - this witch is not Shoshonapo, it's Hazdel(z)ony!


here is a poem about destroying most of her energy (this is what "killing" is like, concerning demons - they are energy).

i apologize for the very poor translation (from Hebrew) and promise to improve it soon - i feel it's urgent to post it now:
improved poem is moved 2 posts down

edited by me 1 time
2nd edit by me
3rd edit by me
Последний раз редактировалось charlila 13 авг 2010, 04:07:30, всего редактировалось 2 раза.

Site Admin
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Зарегистрирован: 11 фев 2010, 14:31:41

Re: Weighting Your Powers (task 3.5)

Сообщение vachap » 11 авг 2010, 19:07:07

Now Ravenna go to Georgia. She return about 5-10 september.
Grand poem!


Re: Weighting Your Powers (task 3.5)

Сообщение charlila » 13 авг 2010, 03:42:54

my pleasure, vachap

and thanks god - someone does see my posts here!
(some hackers after me, and being tech ignorant i'm quite easy to trick - they do block my comunication.)


Re: Weighting Your Powers (task 3.5)

Сообщение charlila » 13 авг 2010, 03:55:09

here is the improved version:
[a letter in () us thoought - telepathed - but not pronounced, thus
Hazdel(z)ony is pronounced Hazdelony)

Empty cage of gray mist
The witch Hazdel(z)ony
Between mountains and through rocks
Between crackles and shadows
Through cut stems at harvest time
There is a secret dead alley
To the Rumpeltin Palace

Among filth and deep in scum,
Between jerk and frustration
Between glum and desperation
Between rubber and lewdness

Through needles of infusion
She is sneaking in the veins
To bring home her daily lot.

Hazdel(z)ony, the evil witch
Queen of extracted hearts,
Stepmother of the Red Duke and Cinderella.

Between sperm and condom
Between hard-on and dropout
Between alley and blindness
Between toilet sit and shits

Evil, ugly, witchy Witch
Fetch a cuckoo, be a' good bitch!

Between im- and purity
Between scalped crown and foreskin
And more so –
At the very notch between
Ghost of foreskin's stump and crown -

There she built-in a dead end
Leading to the reflection of
The palace of Rumpeltin

~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Well described
By Disney Studios
In a film whose name I forgot
Saw it as a child

She'd been Lashing out at a little chucklish girl, to drop her into an abyss
Morphing at the fervor of chasing From monster to monster to monster
Until through with form, she threw it away as a heavy coat
to become sheer energy: A mound of water… a storm… a sheet of flames…
("Now?" cried Arie'le my cousin
"Not yet!" said Henia, his mom, pulling his head strongly
To her lap, her palm over his eye: "not yet!"
And when the good-guys won:

This is how I saw her:

As bubbles of turbid smoke, as send blowing on one's face
From any direction

When The Pain Of Plucking Hearts Deepened under my ribs, at my back
(After my rebirthing session led by Anama),
Deep phlegm lashed deep at my lungs

I looked to see who was hurting me
And was faced with her:

Seeing me,
She spread at once to hide in the splits
In the cracks between universes
And who will fetch her?

An empty gray mist cage
Was left over to replace her body.
I looked into her eyes –
A bit denser. Smog.

Sheer Energy, yearning to materialize
Clutching at all Splits and Scares, growing her own tissue

Who would collect her from all notches?

Mastectomy and Hysterectomy

Organ transplant,
Breaking the genome,

Between death and liveliness
Moving to and moving fro
To fixate
Transformed from life's to death's

Sterile surgical scalpels
She infects with her effect

To open scars, crackways to her place.

Even the tooth fairy is
Giving her good service
(Terry Pratchet has written it.)

Transgender section

Rubber nipples
Disposable pampers
Frozen babies in cribs
Craving for mom's body


The combat
(It's description been deleted –
The witch stole it
I still remember some bits
Which I'll write)

I fell asleep.
While looking at the fog cage
I looked at her face
Like a hard insect's face,
Than my head was lowered
To face a mirror,
And I saw my face's reflection

My face were wolfing
I could not straiten my neck or remove my eyes
Though I tried with all my might
I changed the direction of my effort
To emerge from fathoms of sleep
To waking.
At my back positioned
(In waking, in my vision)
The heart extracted ones
Who are my dear ones

I thinned the flaming space
Into homogeneous, luminous mild orange
Then they joined my actions
Aimed at curing my dolor:
Ascend on a string –2-3 (equivalently to earth)
Spinning right-2-3
(While lifting a strait arm
From chest aside and backwards
Then folding the elbow
In a strait angle)

Fast somersaults-2-3
(in embryo position)
Surfing from string-2-3
Repeat all to the left.

We repeated seq. 1
Shooting flames by stretching forward an arm
As from a flame=thrower

To destroy bubbles
Which were the witch.

Climbing a string-2 -3
Passing to another string equivalent to earth
On it: spinning right-2-3

(While lifting strait hand from chest backwards

Than folding elbow to strait angle)
Descend to the right, northward, along the string
Fast spinning around it-2-3
On another vertical string descend down to earth

Repeat all 2 to left.

Shoot flames.

Our actions complicated,
Pain ceased gradually
We increased in number
More And more heart-extracted joined

So we chased her bubbles
Out of holes and cracks
All over existence,
Locating and destroying

Before each attack
I returned the thin fire

- Different actions
In a dark, bluish space

I fell asleep.

Street fighting
Once –
The only such case in my life –
She attacked me in the street

While I was
Walking with my little girl-
We crossed a road to get to a cashpoint
After being chased away by shop-assistant
From long, jumpy bored browsing through a book
The "how to get success and friends" type.

While Meitar was scowling
At my sour painful mood,
My attention was suddenly attracted to Hazdel(z)ony
Who was shooting at me –what? –
Sweat covered me –
I summoned the warriors
to the storm of combat
Details I don't remember
(description been deleted)

A hard fight
From which we came intact.

Expiry date
Ever since my youth she's been
Dwelling at My thumb: a large verruca.

a girl who heals with aligns healed it
(Fantastic… but happened)
But then a new tiny verruca grew a bit aside
Right on the nerve leading to the shoulder
This hurt!
I burned it with a red-hot pin,
She grew again
A bit aside, in a less painful place

Ever since
the leech Took root at my spine, My back of neck, some points around my eyes.
Used to burn her strings by imagination,
The burning is felt.
How shall I get her out of there?
No clue

This is her last fortress, I guess
For As long as she's there, the last karma string won't explode.

And Expiry Date is known.

Сообщения: 3
Зарегистрирован: 03 мар 2010, 20:33:11

Re: Weighting Your Powers (task 3.5)

Сообщение Field9 » 15 авг 2010, 06:25:23

Hi Charlila,

I just had to comment that is quite the poem indeed simple and yet complex to the nature of my understanding.



Re: Weighting Your Powers (task 3.5)

Сообщение charlila » 22 авг 2010, 16:55:28

Field9 писал(а):Hi Charlila,

I just had to comment that is quite the poem indeed simple and yet complex to the nature of my understanding.

did you notice that? :D


Re: Weighting Your Powers (task 3.5)

Сообщение DarkLight » 23 авг 2010, 16:24:54

charlila писал(а): and thanks god - someone does see my posts here!
(some hackers after me, and being tech ignorant i'm quite easy to trick - they do block my comunication.)
Be sure that your words are heard.
Your poems are great too, thanks for sharing them!


Re: Weighting Your Powers (task 3.5)

Сообщение charlila » 14 сен 2010, 10:09:31

DarkLight писал(а):
charlila писал(а): Be sure that your words are heard.
are they? wow, a mysterious claim!
Your poems are great too
for it was\is\will be a great combat.
thanks for your compliment!


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