The Second Cycle - Ravenna's Tasks - Controlled Dream Tuning

Сообщения: 51
Зарегистрирован: 17 фев 2010, 22:36:22

Re: The Second Cycle - Ravenna's Tasks - Controlled Dream Tu

Сообщение Saso » 20 июл 2010, 18:57:10

DarkLight писал(а):Cleansing you body.
In the next 3 days, drink flax seed. You can buy it at any supermarket. You make it in proportion of one table spoon of flax seed per glass of boiled water. Let it brew for 3-4 hours. Drink the decoction with the seed in it – 3-5 glasses a day. It has a laxative action. It cleanses the liver and the intestines. Experienced dreamers use flaxseed 2-3 times a month, because dreaming affects the liver as much as alcohol does. Do physical exercises in the morning. If you are not used to it – start small, and add a little more every day. Exercise helps storing personal power, shapes up you will. Don’t drink any alcohol, even beer.

I'm trying out this body cleansing technique at the moment and I have a few questions.

Is 3-4 hours the right time to boil? I used approximately one liter of water, adding five full tablespoons of flax seeds. I boiled it for about 4 minutes and in that time it got all slimy like some kind of jelly.When it got cold it became so dense that it is impossible to drink. Is it supposed to be that way or am I doing something wrong?

Does it have to be hot when I drink it? Is it better to prepare a fresh dose (i.e. one glass/cup) each time or to prepare a larger dose like I did and rehear it again and again?

What gives the cleansing effect? Is it flax seeds or the brew itself? Is there any other way of preparation, i.e. mixing whole flax seeds with yoghurt or even chrush them before mixing? Is there any way of improving the taste?

Thank you in advance.


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Сообщения: 1157
Зарегистрирован: 18 фев 2010, 16:49:29

Re: The Second Cycle - Ravenna's Tasks - Controlled Dream Tu

Сообщение Psychonaut » 21 июл 2010, 11:13:14

Saso, I suppose, that flax potion should be more liquid, not like jelly. But slime around seeds is ok.

About 3-4 hours - it was not correct translation. Not boil, but infuse for 3-4 hours. After water had been boiled.

Fresh dose each time - will be a better choice, I suppose. But it's not so significant, I think.

Сообщения: 51
Зарегистрирован: 17 фев 2010, 22:36:22

Re: The Second Cycle - Ravenna's Tasks - Controlled Dream Tu

Сообщение Saso » 21 июл 2010, 13:16:24

Hello, Psychonaut. Thank you for your reply.

So, if I understand correctly - I boil the water, throw in flax seeds and leave it be (and cool off) for 3-4 hours before drinking?

I made an experiment yesterday - I took a glass of cold water and put the seeds in it, then I left it over night. There was some slime around seeds this morning but it was much more liquid than the boiled potion I'm taking at the moment. Is this method OK or does the water have to boil before putting the seeds in?

Thanx again,

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Сообщения: 1157
Зарегистрирован: 18 фев 2010, 16:49:29

Re: The Second Cycle - Ravenna's Tasks - Controlled Dream Tu

Сообщение Psychonaut » 21 июл 2010, 16:27:36

As for me, I don't think there is a need to wait for 3-4 hours. I found a description given by Ravenna several years ago. It differs a bit from the one at this forum. This is it: (see message #5).

Original russian text:

"... советую вам опробовать льняной отвар. Кипятите воду, бросаете туда горсть семян, варите их три-четыре минуты, остужаете отвар и, не процеживая (вместе с семенами), пьете каждые два часа по 50-75 милилитров. На ночь делаете перерыв, чтобы полноценно отдохнуть и заняться практикой сновидений. Отвар немного слабит. На работу можете брать термос. Срок процедуры – 3 дня. Частота процедуры – раз в 3-6 месяцев. Вредных побочных эффектов до сих пор не замечалось. Процедура очищает печень и стимулирует центр второго внимания. "


"... I advice you to try out a flax decoction. Boil water, throw a handful of flax seeds there, boil them for 3-4 minutes, cool down the decoction and, not filtering (together with seeds), drink it every two hours by 50-75 milliliters. At night do a break, to have a complete rest and to practice dreams. The decoction is a bit purgative. You can take a thermos at work. Do this procedure for 3 days. Frequency of the procedure is once per 3-6 months. Harmful side effects have not yet been seen. This procedure cleans the liver and stimulates the center of the second attention."

Сообщения: 51
Зарегистрирован: 17 фев 2010, 22:36:22

Re: The Second Cycle - Ravenna's Tasks - Controlled Dream Tu

Сообщение Saso » 21 июл 2010, 17:01:38

I've seen this text before, but I couldn't remember where it was. Thanks for the link. :)

I guess I'll throw the first potion away and prepare a fresh one - this time a smaller dose with less seeds. Maybe I'll actually be able to drink it without using spoon. :)



Re: The Second Cycle - Ravenna's Tasks - Controlled Dream Tu

Сообщение charlila » 22 июл 2010, 10:48:08


another cleansing method: first, some fasting, water only - (the dose is individual - i would say 3 days in your case, which is about the maximal dose - but you can be on fresh juices for the 1st day, than shift to water only) - than diving, completely naked or quasi-naked (only natural material cloth) 7 times into clear water + 7 times into "wiped" water (as produced by waves or streams).
to strengthen the purifying effect even more, walk to the water barefooted on unpaved ground.

(i think it would count for uncontrolled folly action as well... there is such a thread at the Russian part of the board.)

edit: i tried hard to find that thread and put a link there - but, working with google's translation... didn't find it.

if someone feels like doing it for me - finding the thread about methods of controlled folly actions\uncontrolled folly actions - and lput a link to this post - thank you!

Сообщения: 51
Зарегистрирован: 17 фев 2010, 22:36:22

Re: The Second Cycle - Ravenna's Tasks - Controlled Dream Tu

Сообщение Saso » 26 июл 2010, 10:20:46

Hi, charlila.

Thanks for your advice. :) I've completed the cleansing for now but I'm sure I will try this method (or at least a part of it) next time.


Сообщения: 51
Зарегистрирован: 17 фев 2010, 22:36:22

Re: The Second Cycle - Ravenna's Tasks - Controlled Dream Tu

Сообщение Saso » 05 авг 2010, 11:05:21

It's kinda hard to say. I mean, there is some difference in the way I'm feeling but it's hard to say that it's because of the cleansing ritual since I'm experimenting with more things simultaneously.


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