Preliminary Meditative Exersice (Small Demo)

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Зарегистрирован: 28 авг 2009, 17:00:52

Preliminary Meditative Exersice (Small Demo)

Сообщение ancestor[archive] » 05 сен 2009, 12:51:35

Please try this small meditation. This demo is not my invention and is used in many different psychotrainings. It is possible that you have already come across it. So, find a calm place, and adopt a comfortable position either sitting or lying down. Close your eyes and try to remember the contents of your personal library or book collection. Recall the books that you like most of all. Recollect the approximate period of your life when
you were reading each one of those books. What life events were linked with these books? As you proceed with this exercise imagine that you
are throwing each recapitulated book into the fire. Recapitulate the first 8-10 of your most beloved books very meticulously. Say farewell to them and throw them into the imaginary fire. If your personal library is too big then begin to throw armfuls of books into the fire. Keep aware of your feelings, emotions and thoughts. Some people find this meditation to be very brutal. Anyway, I ask you to accomplish it and briefly describe your feelings and thoughts. I especially emphasize that this exercise should be done as a meditation. Do not burn any real books. There is no need to build any real campfires. Your books will be useful to your children, relatives and friends. The burning of your books is only IMAGINARY!!!’

Сообщения: 37
Зарегистрирован: 28 авг 2009, 17:00:52

Сообщение ancestor[archive] » 08 сен 2009, 18:41:42

After you’ve accomplished this small exercise there are two options available to you. The first leads to recapitulation – you may continue using this technique by paying attention to different objects in your house and local environment. The second option is more brutal. Some of you have noticed there is a certain unwillingness to burn the books. Let’s call this unwillingness a “barrier” which you were forced to overcome. I offered you a ‘soft’ exercise to achieve this. If you were unable to sense this barrier then try to imagine burning more important stuff. Beloved pets and close friends used to be focused on in this way for people at the training courses of military parapsychologists.

What are these extreme measures for? They are used so that you can sense the ‘barrier’ of consciousness. Buddhists say that the adept must “kill Buddha” in order to reach enlightenment. It is considered to be the highest overcoming of the main barrier of consciousness. But first they have [to ‘kill’ – not literally of course] gods, mother and father, sisters and brothers.

We are the dreamhackers and that’s why we’ll be considering this ‘barrier’ as a special program of consciousness which corrects our behaviour. Any program can be equipped with additional stuff which will allow you to use this program for your own needs. Two days remain until the beginning of our research. Try another small meditation. Repeat, with your imagination, the exercise that was given to CC (Carlos Castaneda) by don Juan. Imagine that you have caught a rabbit in your trap – an innocent and beautiful animal. You must ask it to forgive you and deprive its life in some way. Your specific task is to locate the ‘barrier’ – the feeling of unwillingness and pity. You don’t even need to imagine killing this rabbit. Just sense the barrier and enter this program. Locate all the nuances which this program creates in your body and consciousness. Spend some time and energy on this and get the barrier studied. We will need this for further research.’

Yahoo [Bot]
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Зарегистрирован: 11 фев 2010, 14:31:46

Сообщение Yahoo [Bot] » 09 сен 2009, 21:27:39

I think, the demo turned out to be small and efficient. For those, who haven\'t found
the barrier, I will just give a hint, that your \"missing barrier\" is a barrier,
burdened by the complex of \"peculiarity\". This means, it will be more difficult
for you to master the material. The complex of peculirarity makes you fight,
unconsciously disguise the obvious. This is not an accusation, but a chance for
deeper self-stalking.

Commenting on the feedback of other participants, I wish to notice, that the
core of the barrier is still the fear. Fear of different levels and quality. If
you focus on stalking, on overcoming the first enemy - these barriers will
become your control points in self-cultivation. Barriers cannot be evaded, they
cannot be wrapped in comfortable rubbish. Barriers are to be overcomed. Fear of
height? Do a bungee jump, or a parachute jump. Fear of water? Try diving. Fear
of animals? Get yourself a pet, take the whole responsibility for it. And so
on. Purposeful and permanent overcoming of the barriers will cause irreversible
process in the program of consciousness, which so-called extremals are very
familiar with. But extremals have a lack of coverage in consideration of this
interesting process - breakiing of all barriers. Me and you are the hackers of
a special kind. That\'s why I\'m asking you not to throw the whole of yours into
extreme, but to approach consciously to overcoming of every barrier you find in
your mind.

A very good example was given by Don Juan, when he talked about his
misadventures in a woman\'s dress. Such an extreme for Mexico, where one could
be easily killed if such cross-dressing is noticed. Your life is also full of
possibilities of extreme. But, I repeat, it must be CONSCIOUS. Furthermore, the
process must be PERMANENT. This is about two or three years.

I am not calling you to take this exact path. We\'ve conducted a small demo of the
possibilities you always have on tap - recapitulation and overcoming of fear.
Our next task and research goal is improving dreaming, namely, crossing the
second gates... but in the hackers\' way, of course.

Yahoo [Bot]
Сообщения: 65
Зарегистрирован: 11 фев 2010, 14:31:46

Сообщение Yahoo [Bot] » 11 сен 2009, 00:11:03


Barriers are linked directly with way of life which we learn from babyhood. For some nations animal killing is common act. Farmers and farmworkers kill livestock almost every day just because they have to eat something. In childhood my brother shot sparrows with slingshot and brought trophies home with hunters pride.

Everyone of us has his own barriers which are archetypal with barriers of other people though. For instance, you are not afraid of being photographed. But there are nations in Far North who consider that photo deprives a part of soul from them. Appearance of photographer provokes unpleasant bodily senses for those people. At the same time they easily cut reindeers like you cut bread.

Core of barriers is fear wraped in layers of views, belief, habits, rules of behaviour…

Yahoo [Bot]
Сообщения: 65
Зарегистрирован: 11 фев 2010, 14:31:46

Сообщение Yahoo [Bot] » 12 сен 2009, 17:46:00


It’s provided to be hard to kill. I’ve visualised dears, relatives, friends and have burned them. It was painful to see this. They suffered. Then I asked myself same question as khronos(it’s a nickname) did.
Why not burn myself? I have burned myself. It’s seems to be easier. But maybe we mix up something? Ravenna, there are no nations in world who kill relatives, maybe we fight something more serious than just attachment behavior, not necessary dependencies and stereotypical thinking… something that lies in human nature… and if thoughts considered to be material can it be true that good visualisated meditation will affect reality.


I haven’t asked you to kill humans. I’ve even told you that it’s not necessary to kill imagined rabbit. It’s sufficient to have a sensation of barrier! It doesn’t matter for programs of consciousness how you disrupt directive line – with fixation of attention, with imagined killing or with real slaughter. There’s a block of comparison further in program – if “yes”, then => action one; if “no”, then => action two. You can jump from tenth floor or just silently smile in order to overcome barrier. It’s said in zen that weak master draws sword from sheath and strong master will reflect blow with smile. I suggest that warriors way consists of understanding this “small things”.

But we have been doing small demo. It’ll show you later whom you were. I hope that our further researches will advance you in understanding your barriers. Possibly after a couple of months you will read your own posts and see a difference between you from past and those whom you will become.

Сообщения: 119
Зарегистрирован: 07 сен 2009, 18:57:31

Сообщение DarkLight[archive] » 12 сен 2009, 22:26:39

The self appearing task of “killing animals” which has been done by so many people here, still, has helped many of them feel the barrier of pity. If to work with this barrier you can reach the “non-pity” space.

I’ve not really killed anybody meditating - all this “burning” is done in Revision.
But the feeling is like after the burning books meditation. This is the breaking useless ties feeling.

- * - * -

Such meditation technique makes me feel familiar feelings close to Revision ones and breaking the feeling of self importance which often appears in fears and pity.
Breaking it you get fragments which then you “delete from the program”. It’s important not to miss them.

Mosquito seems to have bigger importance than an elephant. Tender body of a kitten makes people feel more pity than an old body of a street cat. Close people seem to have much bigger importance than the ones we’ve never known just because no energetic connections have been formed with them. These same connections “escape” from consciousness unless you begin to “untangle” them Revising patiently, researching.

I try to improvise.
Meditating I accept Death. I realize that all who seems so important will die and so shall I. All importance exists relatively us while we cling to things.
The closer we are to realizing Death and equality of things in the universe the less we cling, gradually stop to pity and suffer.

It’s amazing how complicated and complex the feeling of self importance is and how many faces it has.

- * - * -

Degree of detachment is what matters.
The longer it is saved and deepened the stronger we are against the barrier. This detachment stands beside non-pity (don’t confuse it with cruelty).
Breaking the barriers with power, you feel unusual lightness and freedom.
You just want to get rid of all and float never regretting or pitying anything.
You feel happiness of some new freedom.

Travelling you “get untied” from habitual life and family, you see them soberly and without indulging. You also leave many people “behind” understanding how meaningless it is to waste power for keeping energy taking relationships.
Travelling you get rid of all what ties and what is not really needed.

The big barrier is the barrier of our comfort zone. Around this zone-core our values and affections stand which illusionary seem much more important than the ones of the others. The higher this barrier is the harder it is to leave home, routines, habits, people, things etc.

I’ve “burned” affections/possessions.
Feelings are next: the wish to burn more, the wish to just get rid of all comes and wanting to go to the new journey.

I’ve “burned” people (not in fire, this act is close to revision).
Feelings are light.
Feelings of freedom and equality of things arrive. Yes, this is that detachment.
The main thing now is not to lose it returning “home”, contacting your past, family. But those will be different people and their words will echo somewhere far away, phantasmal images of known and unknown people will play the same slow movie which used to have huge meaning for us and now reminds of an old spoiled videotape.

Such movie is much easier to notice traveling.

Fears will want to take control over you as soon as you lose the detachment. Feeling of falling, losing the balance and peace in soul will follow. This is when “all collapses”.

We need to be always on the alert. You build the dam and look after it not to get holes in it.

Yahoo [Bot]
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Зарегистрирован: 11 фев 2010, 14:31:46

Сообщение Yahoo [Bot] » 13 сен 2009, 13:14:45

DarkLight that was some excellent and thorough insight into the task.

The main two things I became aware of when doing these \'barrier\' tasks, was firstly the almost physical sensation that I was up close to some sort of barrier, the feeling of a wall in front of me when I would attempt to enter into the barrier \'program\'. Also, preceeding this I noticed how distracted my thoughts became. It seemed to take ages to just visualise myself throwing the books in the fire.

Сообщения: 34
Зарегистрирован: 09 сен 2009, 09:00:51

Сообщение J.R.Tomlin[archive] » 13 сен 2009, 13:16:05

Forgot to log in again, that was me ;-)

QUOTE ( @ 2009-09-13 12:14:45)
DarkLight that was some excellent and thorough insight into the task.

The main two things I became aware of when doing these \\\'barrier\\\' tasks, was firstly the almost physical sensation that I was up close to some sort of barrier, the feeling of a wall in front of me when I would attempt to enter into the barrier \\\'program\\\'. Also, preceeding this I noticed how distracted my thoughts became. It seemed to take ages to just visualise myself throwing the books in the fire.

Сообщения: 14
Зарегистрирован: 11 сен 2009, 15:54:06

Сообщение Field9[archive] » 14 сен 2009, 05:19:20

I sensed this barrier that Ravenna was speaking of. It was a definite resistance that I felt. When I faced the resisitance I was able to delve deeper into the structure and see how each one of the books felt like it had an invisible root and each root attached in such a way to the next. As the memories flowed there was also a tendency to lose site of the books and other thougths come in to distract from the purpose. While doing the exercise today I also noticed how my mind wanted to wander off drift and lose focus, it was more apparent this time of doing it. Each one of the early memories had showed me how important I felt at the time and how my importance grew more and more. The more recent the books the more I noticed I didn\'t want to let them go as easily and toss them in the fire.

Сообщения: 2
Зарегистрирован: 15 сен 2009, 00:22:35

Сообщение Araknida[archive] » 16 сен 2009, 03:10:54

The more joyful the memories about the book were or the more the important the persons affiliated with those memories were, the more intensively I felt the \"barrier\". When I first felt it I tried to examine it further and see what it was really about.

There was some reluctance to burn the books I recapitulated. It wasn\'t because of the fear of letting go or losing memories or anything like that. It was more about emotions... the books that included very intense emotions were the hardest ones to burn. With those books I took the most time hanging the book over the fire before dropping it in it. I have burned many bridges before, very important ones too and it has become somehow an easy act to me but this wasn\'t any of the kind. It wasn\'t sadness I felt when doing this, not remorse or sorrow. Something like a mix between melancholy and nostalgy. This was more about my memories of emotions than the actual happening memories. It was about myself and how I define myself, through emotions and those moments where I have felt them.

The next question was... Why was I reluctant to burn those books with the most intensive emotions included? I couldn\'t find out the answer and thus I threw the first book into the fire clearly feeling the \"barrier\" that urged me to pick the book up from the fire and save whatever was left from it. I didn\'t, and with every book I threw into the fire the \"barrier\" became more and more clear but still I was unable to realize what it truly was that kept me hesitating while feeding the fire with books I had emotional ties with.


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