Is this comment meant for me (i.e. regarding my observation about tingling pressure) or for all the participants in general?ioneks писал(а): ... =50#p37617rawneyo писал(а): Interesting.
It's worth mentioning, that my proceedings recessed. And I feel blunt recently. Maybe it's such period.
I have a question about the practice - do I understand correctly that all the participants are experiencing some kind of illness/disease? The thing is that I too am in the middle of some kind of "disease". I put "disease" in quotations because it is not a typical illness - I mean, usually before I get sick, I get some kind of warning sign from the body that something is coming my way and this time there was no warning and besides, I can't even say that I'm really sick. The symptoms resemble those of cold or flu - occasional sore throat, dripping nose, coughing and alike, but they come and go seemingly random. If I take into consideration that it is winter time and that there are all kinds of viruses around, it is even harder to say that any of this has anything to do with the exercises. But then again, it is also impossible to say, that it doesn't...
ioneks, thanks for your notes. I am familiar with the DH concept of world-description tables. I also heard of Hackers' trigon too, but since I only remember to read about it in Reutov's books, I didn't know if the information was valid. And besides, it was very limited. Do you by any chance know where I could read more about it?ioneks писал(а):notes by ioneks:
* Dreamhackers' term, to describe Assemblage Point mechanism in terms of computers. Assembled world is considered as a result of resonance between the Abstract and one's set of so called world-description tables, which are the basis of one's world-view.
** Hackers' trigon or the trigon of intention is one of Dreamhacker's conceptions. It states, that to be successful and complete any action must contain three components: big goal, stated goal and an action. In real life two of the three components must be strong and one — weak. In the dreaming one of the three components must be strong and two — weak.
This is not directly related, but... in Reutov's book there was a mention about PM - the meanings of cards and colors. Do you know where I could find the basics about PM? The thing is that now when I can see more topics when logged in, the problem appears - google translate doesn't translate automaticaly so I have to translate index first, then the topics and so on and therefore it is a bit complicated to search for stuff.
Again, your help is priceless. Thanks a lot!
