New Ravenna's workshop "Removing implants"


New Ravenna's workshop "Removing implants"

Сообщение D.K.Meron » 18 авг 2011, 09:28:23

OK, let's start. All of us have two ways of entering "silver way".
1. If you remember any dream with a lift gate (crossing keeper) try to have this dream again. It should not be just a lift gate but a secure, guarded location. So you should visit this place, look around, remember details.
2.If you do not remember these dreams go to place which is transforming constantly. For example: pool, then it is a basin, a road streaked with big cracks. This transformation zone is located to the north of your House and occupies a great territory. So you should get to this place and go to the east - to a single, old, deserted road - there will be a lift gate.

You have 4 days to complete this task. Don't worry if you fail to find this location. Some of the guys will get there and will drag the whole "stream" in the right place. That’s the joy of group work. You may just be present in the group but say that you toil. Or you may prove to be a good dreamer and help others in hour of need.
Write your reports, please, in a special topic: Here will be only tasks.


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