Hi(by Ravenna)
Re: Hi(by Ravenna)
I have been developing a theoretical sketch for a interactive fiction game that has a framework assisting in development of inorganic self with an individual elemental organic aim, in relation to the av@tar game (aimed for millenials) this one would be aimed for an organic progress of generation z and generation alpha.
Re: Hi(by Ravenna)
Djete, could you be a bit more wordy? What do you mean by “assisting in development of inorganic self”, for example? Are you saying that a gamer will have his left-side awareness engaged or what?Djete писал(а): ↑27 фев 2018, 13:09:55I have been developing a theoretical sketch for a interactive fiction game that has a framework assisting in development of inorganic self with an individual elemental organic aim, in relation to the av@tar game (aimed for millenials) this one would be aimed for an organic progress of generation z and generation alpha.
- Robomaster
- Сообщения: 25
- Зарегистрирован: 25 ноя 2017, 09:19:48
Re: Hi(by Ravenna)
.... или спам бот...
Re: Hi(by Ravenna)
May i indulge somebody for a time to write any kind of reaction, preferably, in a private message manner?
- Сообщения: 1274
- Зарегистрирован: 29 ноя 2016, 14:59:19
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Re: Hi(by Ravenna)
it depends on Your questions, I think.
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