About a cartography
About a cartography
© Ravenna, October 4, 2003. (quotation with indication of the source only)
About a cartography of dreams: why? how and what's new?
Well then I, as usual, will suit with traditional questions. (that to be, so to say, in a course of a general party line.)
1. Sense (that is drawn a map) and aim (that it is planned to get) of mapping (as a method, that it is not necessary to talk about the sense of life, sense of the lucid dreaming, etc.).
About an aim it was necessary to hear such opinions:
a) That an aim is development of memory, that is saw in a dream something registered, the man says, "Aha!" and turn on the awareness. The eventual stage of the development of memory is remembering of all dreams.
b) That an aim is releasing from "undesirable" (do not fit into the map) images and cultivation of "desirable" (fit into the map) images, which will lead:
-in opinion of one, to the ability to fix the assemblage point in in some one area of dream and navigate through it;
- in opinion of other, to the development of dreaming double (apparently here logic reverse: if dreaming double developed, dreams world is stable, then on condition sustainable dreams world expected development of dreaming double);
- in opinion of the third, to the construction of the artificial world for the needs of the dreamer (quick search of special places);
- in opinion of some, to the construction of the artificial world for the needs of Dreamhackers (it can not discuss).
c) That an aim is some recapitulation, clearing of the subconscious and search for hidden links etc.
About what and how to map also there is no unity:
a) all dreams;
b) unconscious dreams;
c) only the most vivid dreams.
Thus to inflict them:
a) on a flat map with the parties; orient or on the sensations, or by location of objects;
b) a three-dimensional map/ layered map etc.;
c) an abstract map, where not taken into account the location of objects, states, and drawn only associative connection and transitions between them.
2. What is the cartography – doing or not- doing? Or at some stage replaced by one to another? As far as absorb energy creating a map (primarily in the head) and related images.
3. What is the dream for the Dreamhackers (refers to that has been mapped)?
a) a kind of inner peace, the ownership structure of the unconscious, illustrations of internal processes;
b) another side of shared everyday reality, place of interaction of hidden forces, reflected in reality;
c) one of projection of something global, the other projection is everyday reality;
d) one of the real worlds, available to man, or a gap between, intersection;
e) a combination of the previous or something different.
JD, somebody from the Dreamhackers amounted program for diary of dreams, conjugate with dream map. But I don’t know where to find this program. Its essence was as follows: users pulled out of the basket ball of a certain color, wherein appeared window diary. He was doing there records and was putting the ball on the circuit map. When you click on this cell of program, entries corresponding to this place on the map appear. Balls can be rearranged from place to place and edit map. Perhaps it was the final DefaultMap, because I have not seen mention of other developments later.
Killer, if your map does not coincide with hackers, do not worry about. You make up your map for yourself. So, to continue to perform the procedure and the result in the end, will be positive.
Last Insect, I’ll explain my own opinion. First of all, cartography of dreams is not-doing dreams. This exercise develops both conventional and dreaming memory. And we have said, that the development of memory is directly related to the development of attention with its sprawl in the "second attention". This is the main objective of cartography. But if we were to stop there, very few people would engage in mapping. For the people the words of the "second attention" would have remained words. Remember chatter on nagualism: “We have to go in the “third attention”!!! Yes, already go!!!” And all! And stumped!
To encourage the person to duration of employment, Dreamhackers come up with a bunch interesting assignments, trixies, lures, which gradually unfold before for beginners dreamer and all the time give it signals of progress. This is very important!
Let's look at some of them.
1. The first thing that starts to make the user, he spent a few weeks or months in good faith remembers dreams and describes them in a dream journal. There is a rule of the wise: the habit of works enough for a month and removed within three. So, after a month consciousness user learns a new task and turns it into a habit - that is, introduces automatic execution. If, in the early days, the user hardly remembers seen dreams, then after a month memory itself presents information. On an energetic level, we fix a new set of emanations of the cocoon, which allow us to work with dreams.
2. Further, from the first day to the user a question - how to orient spheres of perceptions and position them relative to each other. There are two ways - intuitive placement and "addition" spheres to each other (in case of the common territories). This task is developing a new feature of consciousness - orientation on certain grounds. At the level of the energy body, we again fix a new set of emanations. Mind stumped! How can to fix spheres of perception? The mind does not understand it. Yes, sometimes there are adjacent spheres, but by and large it is nonsense for the mind. And then comes into play "second attention". It gives us an understanding of "likeness". Seeing in a dream dry foundation pit, I suddenly realize, that I saw it before like the lake, and even earlier like the school pool. But I k_n_o_w that it is the same place. This knowledge is not given by reason, but a new sense of orientation. We are slowly beginning to adjust to "second attention".
3. Our constant fixation on cartography begins to manifest in dreams. In the midst of a dream I suddenly recollect, that I need to remember the terrain for the map. At the same moment a simple dream turns into a lucid dream. Our cartographers intention increasingly pushes out the user to a lucid dream. In addition, the memory of dreams begins to wake up. Being in some dream, we suddenly remember that were here before and recall the circumstances of those visits. On the energy level, our assemblage point starts to move deeper into the cocoon. The new position gives us those layers of consciousness, which were covered with a load of time and past experiences. Now we open them again. Among these memories are more and more cases, when our assemblage point back to the far position.
4. In order to encourage the user and give him additional impulse to the practice of dreams, he is given the task to investigate some areas of the "world of dreams". But what is "Dreams world"? The artificially created space for the construction of which we spent a lot of time and the forces? Nonsense! This is part of our tonal - part of which we have structured and have put in order. Gradually adding spheres of perception - our responses to mysterious mechanism of the human dream - we create a base for further development of our abilities. We create a springboard that will throw us up!
5. Investigation of various places of the "world of dreams" has the following results:
a) the user begins to get acquainted with the various personifications of the forces of the universe: the so-called guardians, allies, protected places, giant structures, mazes, zones transmutations and instability zones, forgotten worlds and many other interesting places. Here, users are beginning to focus on the tasks to which they are prone. Someone starts to search the library to further develop reading in a dream. This brings him to such phenomena as the voice of dreams and dreaming emissary.
b) others rush to the boundary limits - in the south-east and north where are located walkways to the "other side". Walkways are protected. They are increasingly faced with the Voladores and the inhabitants of labyrinths. (This is also the personification of certain universal forces, but when dealing with them, users master the science of survival in a predatory universe).
6. At the same time, users are offered technique for the development of the energy body. These techniques mainly consist in fixation different sets of bodily sensations (for example, by passing the walls, during flights or telekinesis). Practiced ways of moving in space, compression techniques and extensions of themselves, how to manipulate with a spheres of perception. This technique is reflected in the real world. At times you have manifested these abilities, but in reality. While this reality more like a dream. In your life begin to arise a situation of "being out of time" - a situation of "time of double".
7. It should be noted that the cartography in a sense, is a "recapitulation of dreams". At some stage this recapitulation creates a moment X - when a person is going through an "explosion of dreams memory." I can not describe the event, but I think, it fixes the assemblage point to some new position. Because from this moment a person starts to live in a dream-in-reality. He could easily go from reality to dream or from a dream into reality. The border disappears. By the time dreamers usually already go through the stages of travel with scouts on other worlds. They have already learned the sacraments of visible in a dream and dreamer, able to go from dream to dream and from dream of a certain spheres perception of the real. From that moment on a person's life turns into an endless journey through the mysterious world.
a) need to map all the dreams that you can remember. Let them be vague or incomplete - to map all;
b) write it down in a notebook of dreams the summary of sleep, his chips and consecutive number. There you draw a map of this dream. Then, on a piece of paper draw a roundels with numbers - as you see fit. Later, gradually begins to fold a map. It's nothing that will be holes and inconsistencies. Later, all smoothed out and will merge. Dream map is reminiscent the real terrain. But they can fold differently than in real life. My city, for example, consists of a dozen real cities - or rather their pieces. That is, sometimes in a dream the space may be larger, than in reality and sometimes much smaller. In your house can be a room that really no, and the doors can lead to the apartment, which in real life is in another city. In fact, the map itself is not important. This is decoy, by which we deceive your mind and force it to allow us to change the current description of the world. However, the maps of dreamers has archetypical features (common to all). This allows a novice to use DefaultMap to setting his orientation, to find interesting places (such as home of teachers or places where you can find allies).
c) Map is a kind of reflection of the tonal for me. That's the way our mind describes the part of the tonal, which we perceive in a dream. Probably do not need to call these maps "circuits of consciousness", but that some real phenomenon imprint. This is imprint of mystery - our reaction to its impact. And this imprint has a lot of information about the mystery of mysteries. When the dreamer controls the dream - that is firmly fixes the sphere of perception, which move apart by adding the other spheres of in the huge space - we can speak of a "new world". But this "new world" is increasingly merges with reality - with the world of everyday reality. A really new worlds available to us by scouts. I was told that Dreamhackers have passed to "the other side" and found another huge sphere of perception, the same powerful and large-scale as a "dream world". It also relates to a tonal and represents an another layer of the real world. It's hard to explain.
Verineya, cool places are in the corners of the maps. Paradise is located in the southwest corner. But it have to search to find. It is so beautiful and magical place that I want to stay there forever. It is surrounded by lots of spiky mountains, similar to shark teeth. To get to it necessary to pass to the bridge and wait for the terrain begins to change. The main thing is to have time to be at the place, which will be raised.
In the southeast corner is the bridge to the "the other side". From there, the trail goes to the "Flapping portal", which Castaneda wrote about. Further journey can bring you to another conglomerate tonal - another layer of reality.
In the northeast corner is a terrible phenomenon - metaphysical hole, in to the which is leaking slowly a tonal of individual man. This is some analogue of death. I was told that one of the dreamers decided to study this phenomenon and went on a raft into this hole. And he is physically gone from the world - was missing.
In the northwestern corner there is a bridge too, but there are very angry guardian, and no one has yet managed to get past him.
About the "idiocy" of women can say the following: women - congenital dreamers; men are not kept up with us; from envy they talk about a weakness and foolishness of women; actually Don Juan said that where a woman will pass and will not blink an eye, men need to persist.
The most interesting places on the map, I think is the house of teachers (from the city in NW) and about the same place is Witches forest, where there are a relatively kind allies. Meeting frightens terribly with them, but afterwards teaches to the great deal.
Lesley, as I understand, conversation goes about industrial part of city. It's hallmark is some deepness - as in a cavity or large foundation pit.
Last Insect, Pipa. On the top page of this theme I reported about the tasks of cartography of dreams. It is not necessary to invent superfluous - especially fairy-tales about group synchronization, sucking of energy from poor dreamers and other. If such frightful histories are interesting you, then open the division and frighten each other to old age.
Naturally, cartography, as well as mathematics, both physics and funny anecdotes, is understood by not all. Here, guys, I by nothing can help you. Try to appeal to Ksendzyuk and guys with nagvalizm.ru There your fairy-tales will be met with an enormous desire.
Sly Fox, at one time there was a big debate about five underground worlds. As I recall,the first differed in a luxury and mystery. After dreamers watch there. Second and third the worlds were wonderful and fairy-tale. Fourth and fifth – frightful. If you will rummage in materials of DreamHackers, you will find a lot of information about it. Upper worlds seems to be are three. If there are many tailed and relict creatures in the lower worlds, that in the overhead worlds creatures prevail with wings or transparent bodies.
Very strange worlds dreamer sees in trips with a scout. By the way, your magical cat or rabbit Alice - this is the scouts. They can not always pick up. For example, Tambov advised to catch them at the bait. Instead of hook, you need to tie anything marvelous - for example, rubber bust of Lenin.
About a cartography of dreams: why? how and what's new?
Well then I, as usual, will suit with traditional questions. (that to be, so to say, in a course of a general party line.)
1. Sense (that is drawn a map) and aim (that it is planned to get) of mapping (as a method, that it is not necessary to talk about the sense of life, sense of the lucid dreaming, etc.).
About an aim it was necessary to hear such opinions:
a) That an aim is development of memory, that is saw in a dream something registered, the man says, "Aha!" and turn on the awareness. The eventual stage of the development of memory is remembering of all dreams.
b) That an aim is releasing from "undesirable" (do not fit into the map) images and cultivation of "desirable" (fit into the map) images, which will lead:
-in opinion of one, to the ability to fix the assemblage point in in some one area of dream and navigate through it;
- in opinion of other, to the development of dreaming double (apparently here logic reverse: if dreaming double developed, dreams world is stable, then on condition sustainable dreams world expected development of dreaming double);
- in opinion of the third, to the construction of the artificial world for the needs of the dreamer (quick search of special places);
- in opinion of some, to the construction of the artificial world for the needs of Dreamhackers (it can not discuss).
c) That an aim is some recapitulation, clearing of the subconscious and search for hidden links etc.
About what and how to map also there is no unity:
a) all dreams;
b) unconscious dreams;
c) only the most vivid dreams.
Thus to inflict them:
a) on a flat map with the parties; orient or on the sensations, or by location of objects;
b) a three-dimensional map/ layered map etc.;
c) an abstract map, where not taken into account the location of objects, states, and drawn only associative connection and transitions between them.
2. What is the cartography – doing or not- doing? Or at some stage replaced by one to another? As far as absorb energy creating a map (primarily in the head) and related images.
3. What is the dream for the Dreamhackers (refers to that has been mapped)?
a) a kind of inner peace, the ownership structure of the unconscious, illustrations of internal processes;
b) another side of shared everyday reality, place of interaction of hidden forces, reflected in reality;
c) one of projection of something global, the other projection is everyday reality;
d) one of the real worlds, available to man, or a gap between, intersection;
e) a combination of the previous or something different.
JD, somebody from the Dreamhackers amounted program for diary of dreams, conjugate with dream map. But I don’t know where to find this program. Its essence was as follows: users pulled out of the basket ball of a certain color, wherein appeared window diary. He was doing there records and was putting the ball on the circuit map. When you click on this cell of program, entries corresponding to this place on the map appear. Balls can be rearranged from place to place and edit map. Perhaps it was the final DefaultMap, because I have not seen mention of other developments later.
Killer, if your map does not coincide with hackers, do not worry about. You make up your map for yourself. So, to continue to perform the procedure and the result in the end, will be positive.
Last Insect, I’ll explain my own opinion. First of all, cartography of dreams is not-doing dreams. This exercise develops both conventional and dreaming memory. And we have said, that the development of memory is directly related to the development of attention with its sprawl in the "second attention". This is the main objective of cartography. But if we were to stop there, very few people would engage in mapping. For the people the words of the "second attention" would have remained words. Remember chatter on nagualism: “We have to go in the “third attention”!!! Yes, already go!!!” And all! And stumped!
To encourage the person to duration of employment, Dreamhackers come up with a bunch interesting assignments, trixies, lures, which gradually unfold before for beginners dreamer and all the time give it signals of progress. This is very important!
Let's look at some of them.
1. The first thing that starts to make the user, he spent a few weeks or months in good faith remembers dreams and describes them in a dream journal. There is a rule of the wise: the habit of works enough for a month and removed within three. So, after a month consciousness user learns a new task and turns it into a habit - that is, introduces automatic execution. If, in the early days, the user hardly remembers seen dreams, then after a month memory itself presents information. On an energetic level, we fix a new set of emanations of the cocoon, which allow us to work with dreams.
2. Further, from the first day to the user a question - how to orient spheres of perceptions and position them relative to each other. There are two ways - intuitive placement and "addition" spheres to each other (in case of the common territories). This task is developing a new feature of consciousness - orientation on certain grounds. At the level of the energy body, we again fix a new set of emanations. Mind stumped! How can to fix spheres of perception? The mind does not understand it. Yes, sometimes there are adjacent spheres, but by and large it is nonsense for the mind. And then comes into play "second attention". It gives us an understanding of "likeness". Seeing in a dream dry foundation pit, I suddenly realize, that I saw it before like the lake, and even earlier like the school pool. But I k_n_o_w that it is the same place. This knowledge is not given by reason, but a new sense of orientation. We are slowly beginning to adjust to "second attention".
3. Our constant fixation on cartography begins to manifest in dreams. In the midst of a dream I suddenly recollect, that I need to remember the terrain for the map. At the same moment a simple dream turns into a lucid dream. Our cartographers intention increasingly pushes out the user to a lucid dream. In addition, the memory of dreams begins to wake up. Being in some dream, we suddenly remember that were here before and recall the circumstances of those visits. On the energy level, our assemblage point starts to move deeper into the cocoon. The new position gives us those layers of consciousness, which were covered with a load of time and past experiences. Now we open them again. Among these memories are more and more cases, when our assemblage point back to the far position.
4. In order to encourage the user and give him additional impulse to the practice of dreams, he is given the task to investigate some areas of the "world of dreams". But what is "Dreams world"? The artificially created space for the construction of which we spent a lot of time and the forces? Nonsense! This is part of our tonal - part of which we have structured and have put in order. Gradually adding spheres of perception - our responses to mysterious mechanism of the human dream - we create a base for further development of our abilities. We create a springboard that will throw us up!
5. Investigation of various places of the "world of dreams" has the following results:
a) the user begins to get acquainted with the various personifications of the forces of the universe: the so-called guardians, allies, protected places, giant structures, mazes, zones transmutations and instability zones, forgotten worlds and many other interesting places. Here, users are beginning to focus on the tasks to which they are prone. Someone starts to search the library to further develop reading in a dream. This brings him to such phenomena as the voice of dreams and dreaming emissary.
b) others rush to the boundary limits - in the south-east and north where are located walkways to the "other side". Walkways are protected. They are increasingly faced with the Voladores and the inhabitants of labyrinths. (This is also the personification of certain universal forces, but when dealing with them, users master the science of survival in a predatory universe).
6. At the same time, users are offered technique for the development of the energy body. These techniques mainly consist in fixation different sets of bodily sensations (for example, by passing the walls, during flights or telekinesis). Practiced ways of moving in space, compression techniques and extensions of themselves, how to manipulate with a spheres of perception. This technique is reflected in the real world. At times you have manifested these abilities, but in reality. While this reality more like a dream. In your life begin to arise a situation of "being out of time" - a situation of "time of double".
7. It should be noted that the cartography in a sense, is a "recapitulation of dreams". At some stage this recapitulation creates a moment X - when a person is going through an "explosion of dreams memory." I can not describe the event, but I think, it fixes the assemblage point to some new position. Because from this moment a person starts to live in a dream-in-reality. He could easily go from reality to dream or from a dream into reality. The border disappears. By the time dreamers usually already go through the stages of travel with scouts on other worlds. They have already learned the sacraments of visible in a dream and dreamer, able to go from dream to dream and from dream of a certain spheres perception of the real. From that moment on a person's life turns into an endless journey through the mysterious world.
a) need to map all the dreams that you can remember. Let them be vague or incomplete - to map all;
b) write it down in a notebook of dreams the summary of sleep, his chips and consecutive number. There you draw a map of this dream. Then, on a piece of paper draw a roundels with numbers - as you see fit. Later, gradually begins to fold a map. It's nothing that will be holes and inconsistencies. Later, all smoothed out and will merge. Dream map is reminiscent the real terrain. But they can fold differently than in real life. My city, for example, consists of a dozen real cities - or rather their pieces. That is, sometimes in a dream the space may be larger, than in reality and sometimes much smaller. In your house can be a room that really no, and the doors can lead to the apartment, which in real life is in another city. In fact, the map itself is not important. This is decoy, by which we deceive your mind and force it to allow us to change the current description of the world. However, the maps of dreamers has archetypical features (common to all). This allows a novice to use DefaultMap to setting his orientation, to find interesting places (such as home of teachers or places where you can find allies).
c) Map is a kind of reflection of the tonal for me. That's the way our mind describes the part of the tonal, which we perceive in a dream. Probably do not need to call these maps "circuits of consciousness", but that some real phenomenon imprint. This is imprint of mystery - our reaction to its impact. And this imprint has a lot of information about the mystery of mysteries. When the dreamer controls the dream - that is firmly fixes the sphere of perception, which move apart by adding the other spheres of in the huge space - we can speak of a "new world". But this "new world" is increasingly merges with reality - with the world of everyday reality. A really new worlds available to us by scouts. I was told that Dreamhackers have passed to "the other side" and found another huge sphere of perception, the same powerful and large-scale as a "dream world". It also relates to a tonal and represents an another layer of the real world. It's hard to explain.
Verineya, cool places are in the corners of the maps. Paradise is located in the southwest corner. But it have to search to find. It is so beautiful and magical place that I want to stay there forever. It is surrounded by lots of spiky mountains, similar to shark teeth. To get to it necessary to pass to the bridge and wait for the terrain begins to change. The main thing is to have time to be at the place, which will be raised.
In the southeast corner is the bridge to the "the other side". From there, the trail goes to the "Flapping portal", which Castaneda wrote about. Further journey can bring you to another conglomerate tonal - another layer of reality.
In the northeast corner is a terrible phenomenon - metaphysical hole, in to the which is leaking slowly a tonal of individual man. This is some analogue of death. I was told that one of the dreamers decided to study this phenomenon and went on a raft into this hole. And he is physically gone from the world - was missing.
In the northwestern corner there is a bridge too, but there are very angry guardian, and no one has yet managed to get past him.
About the "idiocy" of women can say the following: women - congenital dreamers; men are not kept up with us; from envy they talk about a weakness and foolishness of women; actually Don Juan said that where a woman will pass and will not blink an eye, men need to persist.
The most interesting places on the map, I think is the house of teachers (from the city in NW) and about the same place is Witches forest, where there are a relatively kind allies. Meeting frightens terribly with them, but afterwards teaches to the great deal.
Lesley, as I understand, conversation goes about industrial part of city. It's hallmark is some deepness - as in a cavity or large foundation pit.
Last Insect, Pipa. On the top page of this theme I reported about the tasks of cartography of dreams. It is not necessary to invent superfluous - especially fairy-tales about group synchronization, sucking of energy from poor dreamers and other. If such frightful histories are interesting you, then open the division and frighten each other to old age.
Naturally, cartography, as well as mathematics, both physics and funny anecdotes, is understood by not all. Here, guys, I by nothing can help you. Try to appeal to Ksendzyuk and guys with nagvalizm.ru There your fairy-tales will be met with an enormous desire.
Sly Fox, at one time there was a big debate about five underground worlds. As I recall,the first differed in a luxury and mystery. After dreamers watch there. Second and third the worlds were wonderful and fairy-tale. Fourth and fifth – frightful. If you will rummage in materials of DreamHackers, you will find a lot of information about it. Upper worlds seems to be are three. If there are many tailed and relict creatures in the lower worlds, that in the overhead worlds creatures prevail with wings or transparent bodies.
Very strange worlds dreamer sees in trips with a scout. By the way, your magical cat or rabbit Alice - this is the scouts. They can not always pick up. For example, Tambov advised to catch them at the bait. Instead of hook, you need to tie anything marvelous - for example, rubber bust of Lenin.
Re: About a cartography
Iveta Lee
Dedicated to Alla Derio, Olgerd, Keshunchik, Al, clan of hakeros and Mages Guild.
Zero level of danger
1. Preliminary analysis
2. Primary conclusions
3. "Breaking" of the program of dreams
4. Map
а) basic elements
b) cartography of ancient
5. Bonuses
… preface…
1th level of danger
1. Sprites and creatures of dreams
2. Places of contactees
3. Search of luminosity
4. Labyrinths
5. Bonuses
… preface…
2nd level of danger
1. Trail of the Taoists
2. Bridge to the other side
3. Black pools
4. Universal "vacuum cleaner"
5. Bonuses
… preface…
Level one over
This book is written for those, who are not lucky to have met with the teacher, getting to know the secrets of dreams and reality. It targets at those simple people that reading the works of Monroe and Castaneda, felt the call of unknown spaces and traction to researches of enigmatic aspects of human existence. Whoever of us dreamed about trips to another worlds, contacts with forces of universe and cognition of spiritual truths? Whoever of us did do attempts to realize itself in dream or soaring out of body? Those who are looking for was a lot, but the results have only a few. Unfortunately, their achievements in most cases dissolved in the stream of everyday events, leaving for people a longing for the wonderful and bright, but exceptionally rare experiences.
And we want there - to the seventh gates of dreams. We want to get to know those verges of life that esoteric texts narrate about. . Really we can’t adjoin with unlimited knowledge that is inherent to our consciousness initially. Really we are not able to find a source, providing with wisdom and inspiration of the greatest thinkers and visionaries of the past?
I believe that it is in our forces. Isaia prophet and Nostradamus were the same people as we are. In principle, they are different from us only one thing - another worldview. We can say, that they described the reality of the other programmatic language, elements of that allow them to predict the future. The ancient Toltec had special methods for the development of lucid dreaming. Modern scientists use for this purpose computers with biofeedback. The difference of worldviews led to the creation of a new ritual, but essence of search remained former: people still seek to unravel the secrets of the consciousness. Nothing changed. Nothing was added and not taken away. Each of us the same set of possibilities is accessible, possessed by the ancient and the new seers. Why are we so far from their achievements?
Now dominant version of esotericism insists on a sad thesis: "Without a guru (teacher, the nagual) no spiritual path." If you start objecting to such discrimination, you will be reminded, that a teacher appears only when the disciple is really ready to know the truth. This stipulation appears at first glance insulting and unfair. However, it is also true, as any little wisdom and gives us the choice of action: wait until the mysterious guru will count up us ready for the revelations; or hit the road on the searches of knowledge, that somewhere on distant paths to meet a deserving mentor.
I offer to you the second variant - journey to the first gate of dreaming, which Castaneda wrote about. If you have already achieved them using traditional search of hands in a dream (or if you are convinced that you are a connoisseur of lucid dreaming), then you is not necessary in this book. Congratulations. I wish you good luck and success. My book is intended for beginning researchers: for those who are just learning to take control of the dreams and reality. If you consider yourself to beginners or are not sure in your skills of dreaming and stalking, welcome to my company. I'll introduce you with exciting and effective method of self-knowledge, which was developed by a group of young and older people, united by a common purpose.
As you already understood on the title of the book, this group is called "Dreamhackers". Many are frightened by such word-combination. Respectable part of humanity refers to the hackers adversely, considering them the robbers of banks and peddlers of computer viruses. However jars are robbed by criminals and computer viruses spread or by teenagers, that try to assert oneself, or by solid corporations that produce software. I have no doubt that the level of knowledge would allow hackers to do something like that. But it does not need them. They have a set of rules, no less sublime than the code of the samurai.
For an explanation of some of the topics I'm going to use excerpts from articles and books by various authors. These inserts will be marked in italics and the frame. As an example I bring the fragment of the typical article of modern psychologist, studying subculture of hackers.
"Portrait of the ordinary hacker"
The most common personal characteristics of hackers are high intelligence, unbelievable curiosity and propensity to the abstract ideas. Most of representatives of this group belong to category of "neophyls", whose incentive and an assessment of work is the innovation (especially in the intellectual sphere). Their important feature is the ability to absorb and retain large amounts of seemingly "meaningless" details that find an unexpected context and sense later. Despite the folded stereotype, hackers don't limit themselves to narrow specialization. They are interested by any themes that can give an intellectual stimulus. They are often very competent interlocutors and versed in many subjects. And about nobleness of their code of honour there are legends. Hackers, as a rule, are not motivated by traditional awards - by social approval or money. They are more attracted by the challenge: complication of task that coming them to decide.
As you can see, hackers don't fit into that prejudiced and frightening image which was created by mass media. Their curiosity, mind and dexterity frighten government officials; interfere with the leaders of the special services to commit crime against humanity. Therefore hackers are exposed by criminals - for example, as Kevin Mitnik who hacked the SAS codes (satellite cellular communication). The guy found a few hidden possibilities on which producers of mobile telephones don't inform buyers. He warned the public about the total listening cellular subscribers and interfering in their private life. For it Mitnik was declared the criminal. He got a prison term. And listening still proceeds.
Speaking about hackers, it is always necessary to remember a call. Exactly the challenge is their motivation. Yes, someone versed in the software protocol can change the appearance of your personal Web page. But hackers don’t need it. He would rather spend time on hacking the database of the Ministry of nuclear industry and, finding out the dates of dispatch of nuclear wastes from Bulgaria in Sverdlovsk, will pass these information on the Russian web-sites Greenpeace. The same applies to the Dreamhackers. They are not interested to enter in your dreams and change their appearance. They don't see the challenge in it. Another thing is breaking one of the greatest "programs" of the human brain - the process of dreaming. Here's an incentive worth the effort!
Permit me to quote you the words of one of my friends: "Describing the modern subculture of hackers, psychologists often call us "obsessed programmers" - by people, that perceive the real world, as some "operating system of universal super computer". This flattering opinion needs a little amendment. Actually we are convinced of the return: every program is the "world", living and acting according to its own laws and principles. Wandering on these "worlds", a hacker finds ability to enter into quite difficult information structures and the protected systems. He investigates them, enjoys beauty and sometimes uses some developments for the personal aims. Nevertheless, the error of psychologists in determination of hackers was perceived by us as a challenge. We decided to crack the programs of this "universal hardware" and look at the brand of his producer".
I will hurry to calm you at once. The text won't be overloaded with a technical slang. For assimilation of information stated in the book you don't need knowledge of computers and program languages. Material is adapted for a wide range of readers. It is a set of articles and messages placed by the "Dreamhackers" on different forums in Network. Here are reports of people who have tested our method on themselves. I weaved these fragments in a single pattern, and they formed the basis of the book.
As our group consists of Castaneda's admirers, I will use his terminology. I promise not to engage in retelling and interpretation of the ideas expounded by great master of intention and word. This common position "Dreamhackers" and it is dictated by two factors: firstly, it is better not be said; secondly, we know, with what disgust Castaneda's followers belong to the interpreters, writing volumes on the themes developed by him.
It should be noted, that "breaking" of dreams appeared a dangerous occupation. Starting research, hackers considered a dream, as the protected software. I think you will agree with their opinion. The chain of reasoning is quite simple: People spend a third of life in a dream. => The last five thousand years dreams were object of scientific researches. => During the same period humanity has accumulated a huge amount of information about the world around them. => However we almost nothing have learned about dreams. What strange disparity!
Dreams - protected "software". As soon as you enter to their worlds, you should come into contact with incomprehensible forces. These active elements of dreams can be perceived from the different points of view depending on religion and ideology. Unfortunately, some of them carry in itself the faceless template of all those guard and repressive structures with that we clash in the real world. Others are so alien to the person that interaction with them leads to tragic consequences. That is why the book is divided into three parts, each of that supposes the own level of danger.
At the first stage of the study, you risk nothing. Here I will talk about the essence of the method, and you will learn how to create an artificial space in your dreams that will allow you to gain control over the course of dreams. Next, we consider the interesting findings of hackers and familiarize with historical heritage of our predecessors. This part takes up almost the entire book. The second and third parts are the summary record of the researchers who faced shattering forces of the Universe. I intentionally limited the volume of such material, because it could serve as the basis for the emergence of various phobias. I hope you will understand me. Personally in you I am sure. But there would be many people who would use this information not for designated purpose.
So, before you the book: a portal to the multidimensional unknown world. You can become the researchers of his unstudied landscapes too. You are waiting for an incredible discovery and adventure, insight of the great truths and comprehension of the deepest mysteries. This world will give you moments of joy and instants of chilling horror. Hackers only charted the way, but further - terra incognita. Be us even thousands or millions, all of us equally could learn only a fraction of mysteries associated with the spaces of dreams. On this way of any of going is the first. And further development of this method depends exactly on you.
However before we will go to a way, I have to warn you about one feature of " Dreamhackers ". Investigating the laws of dreams and reality, they learned to create multi-layered explanations from words. Such texts sometimes look like boxes with false bottoms, and therefore their sense comes to the people gradually. In them "phrases with the clock spring" are put. At the right moment, "spring" shoots, the phrases emerge in memory, and you talk: "Oh, shit! As I didn't guess it earlier!" Do you want an example? Please! I'll tell you about how the first time to meet a real hacker.
Fairy tale (chain of events: the father723 - dreams442- hackers001; the truncated version)
My children's dreams were bright and colourful, as summer day in the country of the fairy godmother. I swam in the sea depths on the back of a huge fish or hovered over the river that flowed out of the clouds and rainbow arc down to the Old Riga. At that time the father's illness was just beginning, and we have not yet felt the impending disaster. He worked in a workshop that made the "articles of cultural and educational profile". It was plaster busts of proletarian leaders, curly poets and Ancient Greek goddesses. They stood on the shelves - rows of white head, with empty and cold eyes - expecting sending to Lenin’s rooms, schools and cabinets of administrative buildings.
Once, the hordes of Marx and armless Venus broke into my dreams. They jumped out of the dark corners, sneaked after me and tried to tire out me in a packing-case. I bravely repulsed their attack. I was helped by the princess of dreams and the ally - laughing fox. When we won the next victory over enemies, he sat down before me, scratched with a hind leg behind an ear and laughed: "Heh-heh-heh! Will know who attacked! It is a pity only that we have never to get rid of them!" Fox was right. Busts were not end. To punish me for rebelliousness and obstinacy, they began to attack my father. Their nimble gypsum tentacles squeezed his chest, and he hoarsely coughed from suffocation. I remember how desperately I opened the way to him; as tipped over shelves and the casting mold. However, the goddess and the leaders were stronger . With children they have problems, but adults they always win.
Sometimes, waking up at peak of nightmares, I heard cough of the father. It happened more and more often. A year later, his asthma complicated by some concomitant illness and he died just two weeks before my eighth birthday.
Several years passed, and gypsum monsters moved from my dreams into reality. They turned into self-satisfied chiefs and mercenary officials, in drunken maypole in alleys and dangerous silhouettes that snuck to me on empty avenues of park. They still wanted to tire out me to the "packing-case", with an intimidating tally: "Iveta, the ordinary person, subdued by circumstances of life". Their oppression made my dreams hazy. The alarms of everyday reality appeared in once colourful visions. Wonders went away from my dreams. Life was filled with questions: "Where can I find a job? How to ensure its existence? What part of a body it is necessary to refuse to survive in the world of plaster busts?"
One day, returning home on the evening train, I got into trouble. Four guys disturbed me. They behaved very roughly and cynically. Passengers hasty dispersed on other carriages. I began to call for help. Suddenly the door of the platform was opened, and there was my savior. I saw a "basement" style of unarmed combat developed in the gangster districts of Saratov. Despite the numerical superiority, brass knuckles and knives, four of the offenders had to run away. And my hero sat down across from me, touched the broken head and laughed: : "Heh-heh-heh! Will know who attacked! It is a pity only that we have never to get rid of them!" It was him- laughing foxes from my fantastic children's dreams. Later, told that his name is Sergey Izrigi.
You think that you have found "the second bottom" of this story? No! In your hands still closed casket. But spring is already cocked. Forward! We are waited by a long way through the worlds of dreams and reality.
Iveta Lee
Dedicated to Alla Derio, Olgerd, Keshunchik, Al, clan of hakeros and Mages Guild.
Zero level of danger
1. Preliminary analysis
2. Primary conclusions
3. "Breaking" of the program of dreams
4. Map
а) basic elements
b) cartography of ancient
5. Bonuses
… preface…
1th level of danger
1. Sprites and creatures of dreams
2. Places of contactees
3. Search of luminosity
4. Labyrinths
5. Bonuses
… preface…
2nd level of danger
1. Trail of the Taoists
2. Bridge to the other side
3. Black pools
4. Universal "vacuum cleaner"
5. Bonuses
… preface…
Level one over
This book is written for those, who are not lucky to have met with the teacher, getting to know the secrets of dreams and reality. It targets at those simple people that reading the works of Monroe and Castaneda, felt the call of unknown spaces and traction to researches of enigmatic aspects of human existence. Whoever of us dreamed about trips to another worlds, contacts with forces of universe and cognition of spiritual truths? Whoever of us did do attempts to realize itself in dream or soaring out of body? Those who are looking for was a lot, but the results have only a few. Unfortunately, their achievements in most cases dissolved in the stream of everyday events, leaving for people a longing for the wonderful and bright, but exceptionally rare experiences.
And we want there - to the seventh gates of dreams. We want to get to know those verges of life that esoteric texts narrate about. . Really we can’t adjoin with unlimited knowledge that is inherent to our consciousness initially. Really we are not able to find a source, providing with wisdom and inspiration of the greatest thinkers and visionaries of the past?
I believe that it is in our forces. Isaia prophet and Nostradamus were the same people as we are. In principle, they are different from us only one thing - another worldview. We can say, that they described the reality of the other programmatic language, elements of that allow them to predict the future. The ancient Toltec had special methods for the development of lucid dreaming. Modern scientists use for this purpose computers with biofeedback. The difference of worldviews led to the creation of a new ritual, but essence of search remained former: people still seek to unravel the secrets of the consciousness. Nothing changed. Nothing was added and not taken away. Each of us the same set of possibilities is accessible, possessed by the ancient and the new seers. Why are we so far from their achievements?
Now dominant version of esotericism insists on a sad thesis: "Without a guru (teacher, the nagual) no spiritual path." If you start objecting to such discrimination, you will be reminded, that a teacher appears only when the disciple is really ready to know the truth. This stipulation appears at first glance insulting and unfair. However, it is also true, as any little wisdom and gives us the choice of action: wait until the mysterious guru will count up us ready for the revelations; or hit the road on the searches of knowledge, that somewhere on distant paths to meet a deserving mentor.
I offer to you the second variant - journey to the first gate of dreaming, which Castaneda wrote about. If you have already achieved them using traditional search of hands in a dream (or if you are convinced that you are a connoisseur of lucid dreaming), then you is not necessary in this book. Congratulations. I wish you good luck and success. My book is intended for beginning researchers: for those who are just learning to take control of the dreams and reality. If you consider yourself to beginners or are not sure in your skills of dreaming and stalking, welcome to my company. I'll introduce you with exciting and effective method of self-knowledge, which was developed by a group of young and older people, united by a common purpose.
As you already understood on the title of the book, this group is called "Dreamhackers". Many are frightened by such word-combination. Respectable part of humanity refers to the hackers adversely, considering them the robbers of banks and peddlers of computer viruses. However jars are robbed by criminals and computer viruses spread or by teenagers, that try to assert oneself, or by solid corporations that produce software. I have no doubt that the level of knowledge would allow hackers to do something like that. But it does not need them. They have a set of rules, no less sublime than the code of the samurai.
For an explanation of some of the topics I'm going to use excerpts from articles and books by various authors. These inserts will be marked in italics and the frame. As an example I bring the fragment of the typical article of modern psychologist, studying subculture of hackers.
"Portrait of the ordinary hacker"
The most common personal characteristics of hackers are high intelligence, unbelievable curiosity and propensity to the abstract ideas. Most of representatives of this group belong to category of "neophyls", whose incentive and an assessment of work is the innovation (especially in the intellectual sphere). Their important feature is the ability to absorb and retain large amounts of seemingly "meaningless" details that find an unexpected context and sense later. Despite the folded stereotype, hackers don't limit themselves to narrow specialization. They are interested by any themes that can give an intellectual stimulus. They are often very competent interlocutors and versed in many subjects. And about nobleness of their code of honour there are legends. Hackers, as a rule, are not motivated by traditional awards - by social approval or money. They are more attracted by the challenge: complication of task that coming them to decide.
As you can see, hackers don't fit into that prejudiced and frightening image which was created by mass media. Their curiosity, mind and dexterity frighten government officials; interfere with the leaders of the special services to commit crime against humanity. Therefore hackers are exposed by criminals - for example, as Kevin Mitnik who hacked the SAS codes (satellite cellular communication). The guy found a few hidden possibilities on which producers of mobile telephones don't inform buyers. He warned the public about the total listening cellular subscribers and interfering in their private life. For it Mitnik was declared the criminal. He got a prison term. And listening still proceeds.
Speaking about hackers, it is always necessary to remember a call. Exactly the challenge is their motivation. Yes, someone versed in the software protocol can change the appearance of your personal Web page. But hackers don’t need it. He would rather spend time on hacking the database of the Ministry of nuclear industry and, finding out the dates of dispatch of nuclear wastes from Bulgaria in Sverdlovsk, will pass these information on the Russian web-sites Greenpeace. The same applies to the Dreamhackers. They are not interested to enter in your dreams and change their appearance. They don't see the challenge in it. Another thing is breaking one of the greatest "programs" of the human brain - the process of dreaming. Here's an incentive worth the effort!
Permit me to quote you the words of one of my friends: "Describing the modern subculture of hackers, psychologists often call us "obsessed programmers" - by people, that perceive the real world, as some "operating system of universal super computer". This flattering opinion needs a little amendment. Actually we are convinced of the return: every program is the "world", living and acting according to its own laws and principles. Wandering on these "worlds", a hacker finds ability to enter into quite difficult information structures and the protected systems. He investigates them, enjoys beauty and sometimes uses some developments for the personal aims. Nevertheless, the error of psychologists in determination of hackers was perceived by us as a challenge. We decided to crack the programs of this "universal hardware" and look at the brand of his producer".
I will hurry to calm you at once. The text won't be overloaded with a technical slang. For assimilation of information stated in the book you don't need knowledge of computers and program languages. Material is adapted for a wide range of readers. It is a set of articles and messages placed by the "Dreamhackers" on different forums in Network. Here are reports of people who have tested our method on themselves. I weaved these fragments in a single pattern, and they formed the basis of the book.
As our group consists of Castaneda's admirers, I will use his terminology. I promise not to engage in retelling and interpretation of the ideas expounded by great master of intention and word. This common position "Dreamhackers" and it is dictated by two factors: firstly, it is better not be said; secondly, we know, with what disgust Castaneda's followers belong to the interpreters, writing volumes on the themes developed by him.
It should be noted, that "breaking" of dreams appeared a dangerous occupation. Starting research, hackers considered a dream, as the protected software. I think you will agree with their opinion. The chain of reasoning is quite simple: People spend a third of life in a dream. => The last five thousand years dreams were object of scientific researches. => During the same period humanity has accumulated a huge amount of information about the world around them. => However we almost nothing have learned about dreams. What strange disparity!
Dreams - protected "software". As soon as you enter to their worlds, you should come into contact with incomprehensible forces. These active elements of dreams can be perceived from the different points of view depending on religion and ideology. Unfortunately, some of them carry in itself the faceless template of all those guard and repressive structures with that we clash in the real world. Others are so alien to the person that interaction with them leads to tragic consequences. That is why the book is divided into three parts, each of that supposes the own level of danger.
At the first stage of the study, you risk nothing. Here I will talk about the essence of the method, and you will learn how to create an artificial space in your dreams that will allow you to gain control over the course of dreams. Next, we consider the interesting findings of hackers and familiarize with historical heritage of our predecessors. This part takes up almost the entire book. The second and third parts are the summary record of the researchers who faced shattering forces of the Universe. I intentionally limited the volume of such material, because it could serve as the basis for the emergence of various phobias. I hope you will understand me. Personally in you I am sure. But there would be many people who would use this information not for designated purpose.
So, before you the book: a portal to the multidimensional unknown world. You can become the researchers of his unstudied landscapes too. You are waiting for an incredible discovery and adventure, insight of the great truths and comprehension of the deepest mysteries. This world will give you moments of joy and instants of chilling horror. Hackers only charted the way, but further - terra incognita. Be us even thousands or millions, all of us equally could learn only a fraction of mysteries associated with the spaces of dreams. On this way of any of going is the first. And further development of this method depends exactly on you.
However before we will go to a way, I have to warn you about one feature of " Dreamhackers ". Investigating the laws of dreams and reality, they learned to create multi-layered explanations from words. Such texts sometimes look like boxes with false bottoms, and therefore their sense comes to the people gradually. In them "phrases with the clock spring" are put. At the right moment, "spring" shoots, the phrases emerge in memory, and you talk: "Oh, shit! As I didn't guess it earlier!" Do you want an example? Please! I'll tell you about how the first time to meet a real hacker.
Fairy tale (chain of events: the father723 - dreams442- hackers001; the truncated version)
My children's dreams were bright and colourful, as summer day in the country of the fairy godmother. I swam in the sea depths on the back of a huge fish or hovered over the river that flowed out of the clouds and rainbow arc down to the Old Riga. At that time the father's illness was just beginning, and we have not yet felt the impending disaster. He worked in a workshop that made the "articles of cultural and educational profile". It was plaster busts of proletarian leaders, curly poets and Ancient Greek goddesses. They stood on the shelves - rows of white head, with empty and cold eyes - expecting sending to Lenin’s rooms, schools and cabinets of administrative buildings.
Once, the hordes of Marx and armless Venus broke into my dreams. They jumped out of the dark corners, sneaked after me and tried to tire out me in a packing-case. I bravely repulsed their attack. I was helped by the princess of dreams and the ally - laughing fox. When we won the next victory over enemies, he sat down before me, scratched with a hind leg behind an ear and laughed: "Heh-heh-heh! Will know who attacked! It is a pity only that we have never to get rid of them!" Fox was right. Busts were not end. To punish me for rebelliousness and obstinacy, they began to attack my father. Their nimble gypsum tentacles squeezed his chest, and he hoarsely coughed from suffocation. I remember how desperately I opened the way to him; as tipped over shelves and the casting mold. However, the goddess and the leaders were stronger . With children they have problems, but adults they always win.
Sometimes, waking up at peak of nightmares, I heard cough of the father. It happened more and more often. A year later, his asthma complicated by some concomitant illness and he died just two weeks before my eighth birthday.
Several years passed, and gypsum monsters moved from my dreams into reality. They turned into self-satisfied chiefs and mercenary officials, in drunken maypole in alleys and dangerous silhouettes that snuck to me on empty avenues of park. They still wanted to tire out me to the "packing-case", with an intimidating tally: "Iveta, the ordinary person, subdued by circumstances of life". Their oppression made my dreams hazy. The alarms of everyday reality appeared in once colourful visions. Wonders went away from my dreams. Life was filled with questions: "Where can I find a job? How to ensure its existence? What part of a body it is necessary to refuse to survive in the world of plaster busts?"
One day, returning home on the evening train, I got into trouble. Four guys disturbed me. They behaved very roughly and cynically. Passengers hasty dispersed on other carriages. I began to call for help. Suddenly the door of the platform was opened, and there was my savior. I saw a "basement" style of unarmed combat developed in the gangster districts of Saratov. Despite the numerical superiority, brass knuckles and knives, four of the offenders had to run away. And my hero sat down across from me, touched the broken head and laughed: : "Heh-heh-heh! Will know who attacked! It is a pity only that we have never to get rid of them!" It was him- laughing foxes from my fantastic children's dreams. Later, told that his name is Sergey Izrigi.
You think that you have found "the second bottom" of this story? No! In your hands still closed casket. But spring is already cocked. Forward! We are waited by a long way through the worlds of dreams and reality.
Re: About a cartography
SI - Sergei Izrigi (group leader)
Once upon a time there was a crazy hacker who got an idea to "hack" a program of dreams. He was an eccentric person - a wild mix of Don Quixote, Baron Munchausen and lucky adventurer who managed to come across one and a half million bucks of "easy" money! He involved me in business, and I organized six dreaming clubs - In Minsk, in Riga, and in four Russian cities. The guy hired 5 advertising agents and 16 psychoanalysts who enticed people to the clubs and conducted questioning according to a method which was specially developed for the research. The conversations about dreams were recorded on audio and video tapes, and then the tapes were sent to a group of retired military analysts. They compiled their fancy classification, extrapolated common patterns, and sent the results to their employer.
I remember these days. Those were the great days-insane interest in the powerful project, combined with fatigue, irritation, and anger. People were arriving in a never-ending stream. Imagine a large well-lit conference hall, a huge table with food and drink set out in the middle, an atmosphere of friendship and warmth. Casual chit-chat, people meeting people, and of course, flirting. Then the questioning began, and people talked and talked and talked....
Psychologist nodded, asked questions, the tapes were rolling. People likedthe feeling that their knowledge and experience was needed by someone. People liked the feeling that their knowledge and experience was needed by someone. They shared it to the best of their abilities. More than that - it was impossible to stop them. And we got stories about deceaseds on balconies, of chases through old ruins, flying over cities, and so on and so forth.
Two weeks later, I began to wait for a sign to end this social experiment. The sign came in the flesh, , a bodybuilder-type chap with a square face and pood fists and fists bigger than his head.. I had just come to Riga to check on the local Dreaming club and stumbled upon this guy while walking in the hall. He asked: "Is this the Dreaming club?" "Yes, it is" - I answered. And then he shouted: "So You're the one who's sleeping with my wife?!" and his fist sent me flying across the hall. I spat out a tooth and it was quite clear sign, isn't it?
We shut down the clubs, and started the analysis of results. The psychologist wrote up volumes, but the principle finding was simple. The dreams were a bit of talking, a bit of action and a fantastic cliché-the same thoughts, the same plots, the same movements. When talking about hundreds of cases, it seems that the similarity is small. But it was thousands of dreams.
Enormous amount of synchronous dreams are amazing. For example, on February the 3rd 1994, a lot of people were dreaming about playing with children either on a construction site or amongst ruins. What was that? A "dream-movie" broadcast? Or some file, that was stored on the "disk drive" of those people? Was that a correct interpretation of the data that was sent to them? Was it a warning? An instruction? Even now these questions remain unanswered. It is a virgin area for further researches.
Later, in the "Dictionary of the Khazars" by Milorad Pavic, I found the words of the medieval thinker: "The dream - is the garden of the devil, and all the dreams have long been known to human history. Now they only alternate with equally widely used and shabby reality - in the same way as people transmit from hand to hand coins and getting letters general delivery.”
The synchronicity issue had a personal touch. While reading the reports I came across a dream that resembled my own in some detail. A woman described sneaking inside a pyramid where, to her surprise, she found a little hen house. That was funny, a pyramid, ruthless guards, underground labyrinth and-a chicken farm. In my dream there was a cattle fence. It seems that for two cows. But it does not matter.
I met the woman and we became friends. She entered the group of enthusiasts that began forming around me at that time. Her name was Alla-a bright star of a little town in the suburbs of Moscow. Later she became a dreamhacker and broke into the kernel of "dream security" which traces our conscious trips in the world of forces and energies, the world of our private, collective and social personnifications. Alla- a tragic fate, and a rebellious spirit who broke the chains of physical illness. She is the real-life example that a true hacker is a warrior. If I was able to poetize, then would devote an ode to her. But for now let's get back to some analysis.
At that time scientists openly discussed dreams and published their research. The military paid almost no attention at all to the subject. However, in 1995 the situation changed dramatically. Hundreds of files describing the relations between the worlds of reality and dream were removed from the archives.
Some examples of direct correlations:
a) How do the dreams of ordinary people differ from those of rape victims?
b) Dreams of the survivors of concentration camps and those who witnessed mass executions?
c) Dreams of the teens with the symptoms of progressive hearing loss?
d) Influence of sadism and masochism on dreams of people of different age groups;
e) Connection between vestibular activity and the frequency of "transparent" dreams;
f) Influence of the menstrual hormonal circle on the content of dreams;
Some opposing examples:
a) The role of dreams in stress adaptation;
b) The influence of dreams on creativity and the conception of metaphors;
c) Incorporation of solutions from the dreamworld to everyday reality.
d) The influence of different types of dreams on hormonal activity.
However, we made it just in time. All scientific knowledge accumulated by humanity accessible in a that pore to the bibliographers of Russia, England, China and America found its place in files titled "Archives".
I found myself immersed in a sea of theories. Articles praising Calvin Hall and Bergson were followed by critiques of Freud. "The content of dreams is a product of memories randomly chosen by a biological process" reputable scientists wrote. "No way!" others replied. "You forgot to take into account the aspects of creative incubation and the REM-dream function. The brain itself organises the neuron signals, a cogniscent co-relation which creates interruptions and inconsistencies during dreams."
"Nonsense!" other opponents insisted. "We should consider REM-dreams, NREM-dreams and the waking state as the expressions of one undifferentiated state, because EEG graphs clearly show 7 to 9 Hz peaks between the waking state, the NREM-dream, and the REM-dream, in the same frequency that was noted during meditation."
Scorched wasteland of their heated debate alternated with cozy oasis of old traditions:
“Human thoughts and dreams have their keratinous impermeable outer shells, which are as a skin, protect soft core from damage – Daubmannus wrote - Dreams and thoughts in contact with the words fade as quickly as the words in contact with dreams and thoughts. It only remains that could survive this mutual destruction.”
“My brother and I went into the desert. We have painted on the sand the sign of the river and went to dream to catch some fish - Australian aborigine told - We got a big catch. Coming out from dream with a full basket, we went to the village. Suddenly the brother saw the traveler. We went into a sleep again, hid the fish and returned to the world of the desert. The traveler approached. As I thought, he had asked to feed him. Brother said that we have nothing. The man did not believe it. "You caught a lot of fish in a dream. Give me a couple of pieces." "No, - I said .- You remembered our dream not correctly. Goodbye. We have no time to chat with you. " The traveler gave us an angry look, turned and walked away. When we ran into a dream to take away a catch then saw only bones in baskets. We were surprised that one person could eat so much fish. But then the brother noticed that the traveler did it in a moment of short sight. And then we understood that he was a messenger of the ancients. Only the ancient could to control time so freely".
Following this, there was a new wave of modern theories. "Studies of telepathy and dreams" by Stanley Krippner. "Implementation of the senses in dreams." "Stimulation of Lucid dreams with help of technical devices (DreamLight)." A look snatched out paragraphs and phrases :
“As any method of adaptation of the unconscious material, creative dreams can not to bring the desired result, if a person is in a trap some personal complexes”- pupil of Jung wrote - It right and in case that he interested in other things".
"If you have a problem, sleep with it - here American colleague advised - Examples of this thesis can serve as a Mendeleev table, needle for sewing machine Elias Howe, poem "Kubla Khan" by Samuel Coleridge, Robert Lewis Stevenson's novel "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," "Sonata of the devil" Giuseppe Tartini and music pieces of Stravinsky. "
“Sleep and dream images metaphorically explain the emotional state of the dreamer. During dreaming brain secretes the most powerful emotion, and begins to "smooth out" it, reproducing a traumatic situation."
Gong. Quiet chime of bells. Languid and gentle call of the flute.
"And you, and Confucius - it is only a dream, and what I call you a dream, a dream too," - said Chuang Tzu.
"On the threshold of sleep, when he has not yet come, and awakening to the outside has dried up, the mind is freed from prison and becomes free - the creator of Malinivijayottara Tantra asserted.-- This is the best time to enlightenment."
As appeared, dreams were the important phenomenon in all world religions. Discussions about interpretation of dreams are mentioned in Talmud -- of collection of the Jewish religious manoeuvres (200 B.C.- 300 A.D.). The Upanishads - sacred Indian texts (7th century BC) shows a phenomenological description of dreams. In the 5th century BC Ptolemy developed a theory of prediction, based on the interpretation of dreams images.
Having studied the seventh or eighth folder, I realized that the best explanation of sleep sounded in the movie "Aladdin's Magic Lamp": "If you dream about a dream, it is a non-dream. And if you dream about a non-dream, it is a dream." Under the influence of the wisdom of centuries my brain was leaking and spawned a great truth: every theory is just a possibility determined by a set of chosen facts. That is, the number of theories could be infinite, and
all of them could be correct in some way. From reasoning is small to the use. If want a coconut, it is necessary to shake a palm!
At the same time the "creeping silence" was all over Russia. The science was ripped-off down to the last file, hidden away into the back of a dark closet. Professors stole the last of the equipment. Assistants were drinking ethanol and selling the last discoveries. Maybe because of all that, my friend, one rich and crazy hacker said: "Enough is enough! Let someone else make their fortune on the blood of Russian boys and their mothers' tears! I will invest in the development of the science of "controlled dreams", so everyone who's fed up with the nonsense of world leaders can have a place where he can go-the place of dreams and knowledge, a beautiful and mysterious Eldorado".
What was said was done. In a little over a period of one month we collected all the then-available information about Dreams and Dreaming. Our conclusion was that Dreaming was an analogy of accessing a computer text file in "read only" mode Now, some American scientists have come to the same conclusion.
Dreaming is the description, the interpretation of influences which are passed to our consciousness by our brain. The Dreaming world is an illusion, maya. In fact, each dream is a "bubble of perception", embodying the description of some place, the scene, the characters, the emotions and feelings. What we call the "Dreaming world" is just a handful of "bubbles"-a void-within-a-void, separated from chaos by a color film.
American psychologist Patricia Kilroy absolutely agree with me (The Dream as Text, The Dream as Narrative. Dreaming Vol. 10, No. 3, 2000): “Texts have boundaries; as products separated from the stream of continuous experience, they allow us to focus on them extracted from other phenomena. By my use of the term dream I mean ‘the dream once we have experienced it’. To say “I had a dream” is to acknowledge an isolatable experience with temporal boundaries that begins where we can recall it beginning, and it ends where we can recall it ending. Through criteria of form we recognize a dream as a subjective text…”.
Those familiar with computers will know that a data file cannot influence the operating system. However it can become the "lock pick" once you add on macros. Hackers use this trick to break in to any secured system, and we decided to use it to "break in" to Dreaming. This is why Don Juan told Castaneda to look for his hands in dreams - he insisted on remembering about it while Dreaming, in bringing on the awareness, the macro "hands" in the content of the dream, and gradually creating the "worm' in the programming of his conscience.
One might say it's the craziest idea they've ever heard. Well, considering that it came from our crazy hacker, it is not surprising. The important thing is that my friend was rich enough to be able to test his hypothesis.
In order to find a method different from the one used by Carlos Castaneda, our analyst suggested to use a "CAR", a "Creation of Artificial Replacement". This method implies introducing the "active" into the system, which in its turn will create an artificial space, a place for future action. In principle, all techniques breakthrough into the unknown based on hacking techniques - whether it's launching of a space satellite, genetic engineering, or the creation of the energy body.
We decided to replace a handful of "bubbles of perception" with an artificial "controlled" space, or more accurately, with an exact copy of the human conscience matrix which describes the dreaming world for
us. Each of us had to create a map of Dreams, and place all the "bubbles" in one "picture".
Oh, how naïve we were in our vanity of pioneers. After years passed, we realised that we had only been repeating the Toltec technique of Recapitulation, with the only difference that we were recapitulating not our lives, but our Dreams. And do you know what? Those Toltecs were the real hackers.
Tambov (group member)
Do not be amiss to emphasize one detail: the fact that people call the world of dreams is an illusion. In fact, we are dealing with some description of the real phenomenon that slips out from our attention. To know it better, we introduce an artificial substitute. I will give an example from life: Some criminal robbed an apartment and left on a car in unknown direction. What makes a criminologist? He uses a "artificial substitution" and gets (а) the plaster cast of protector; (б) finger-prints of criminal. A few hours later the traffic police set brand of car and Information Centre provides orientation on a Kuz'kin, whose fingers coincided with the fingerprints taken at the scene of the crime.
Conclusion: entering an artificial replacement (map of dreams), we can learn something about the mysterious phenomenon that people call the world of dreams. But we must remember that the Globe - this is not the Earth, and the map - not the world of dreams.
"Then the disciples surrounded teacher and asked:" Tell us about an artificial substitution. What is it? " Having examined the audience, Osho with a smile answered: Artificial replacement? Nothing is easier! This is image of me in the story of Iveta. "
SI - Sergei Izrigi (group leader)
Once upon a time there was a crazy hacker who got an idea to "hack" a program of dreams. He was an eccentric person - a wild mix of Don Quixote, Baron Munchausen and lucky adventurer who managed to come across one and a half million bucks of "easy" money! He involved me in business, and I organized six dreaming clubs - In Minsk, in Riga, and in four Russian cities. The guy hired 5 advertising agents and 16 psychoanalysts who enticed people to the clubs and conducted questioning according to a method which was specially developed for the research. The conversations about dreams were recorded on audio and video tapes, and then the tapes were sent to a group of retired military analysts. They compiled their fancy classification, extrapolated common patterns, and sent the results to their employer.
I remember these days. Those were the great days-insane interest in the powerful project, combined with fatigue, irritation, and anger. People were arriving in a never-ending stream. Imagine a large well-lit conference hall, a huge table with food and drink set out in the middle, an atmosphere of friendship and warmth. Casual chit-chat, people meeting people, and of course, flirting. Then the questioning began, and people talked and talked and talked....
Psychologist nodded, asked questions, the tapes were rolling. People likedthe feeling that their knowledge and experience was needed by someone. People liked the feeling that their knowledge and experience was needed by someone. They shared it to the best of their abilities. More than that - it was impossible to stop them. And we got stories about deceaseds on balconies, of chases through old ruins, flying over cities, and so on and so forth.
Two weeks later, I began to wait for a sign to end this social experiment. The sign came in the flesh, , a bodybuilder-type chap with a square face and pood fists and fists bigger than his head.. I had just come to Riga to check on the local Dreaming club and stumbled upon this guy while walking in the hall. He asked: "Is this the Dreaming club?" "Yes, it is" - I answered. And then he shouted: "So You're the one who's sleeping with my wife?!" and his fist sent me flying across the hall. I spat out a tooth and it was quite clear sign, isn't it?
We shut down the clubs, and started the analysis of results. The psychologist wrote up volumes, but the principle finding was simple. The dreams were a bit of talking, a bit of action and a fantastic cliché-the same thoughts, the same plots, the same movements. When talking about hundreds of cases, it seems that the similarity is small. But it was thousands of dreams.
Enormous amount of synchronous dreams are amazing. For example, on February the 3rd 1994, a lot of people were dreaming about playing with children either on a construction site or amongst ruins. What was that? A "dream-movie" broadcast? Or some file, that was stored on the "disk drive" of those people? Was that a correct interpretation of the data that was sent to them? Was it a warning? An instruction? Even now these questions remain unanswered. It is a virgin area for further researches.
Later, in the "Dictionary of the Khazars" by Milorad Pavic, I found the words of the medieval thinker: "The dream - is the garden of the devil, and all the dreams have long been known to human history. Now they only alternate with equally widely used and shabby reality - in the same way as people transmit from hand to hand coins and getting letters general delivery.”
The synchronicity issue had a personal touch. While reading the reports I came across a dream that resembled my own in some detail. A woman described sneaking inside a pyramid where, to her surprise, she found a little hen house. That was funny, a pyramid, ruthless guards, underground labyrinth and-a chicken farm. In my dream there was a cattle fence. It seems that for two cows. But it does not matter.
I met the woman and we became friends. She entered the group of enthusiasts that began forming around me at that time. Her name was Alla-a bright star of a little town in the suburbs of Moscow. Later she became a dreamhacker and broke into the kernel of "dream security" which traces our conscious trips in the world of forces and energies, the world of our private, collective and social personnifications. Alla- a tragic fate, and a rebellious spirit who broke the chains of physical illness. She is the real-life example that a true hacker is a warrior. If I was able to poetize, then would devote an ode to her. But for now let's get back to some analysis.
At that time scientists openly discussed dreams and published their research. The military paid almost no attention at all to the subject. However, in 1995 the situation changed dramatically. Hundreds of files describing the relations between the worlds of reality and dream were removed from the archives.
Some examples of direct correlations:
a) How do the dreams of ordinary people differ from those of rape victims?
b) Dreams of the survivors of concentration camps and those who witnessed mass executions?
c) Dreams of the teens with the symptoms of progressive hearing loss?
d) Influence of sadism and masochism on dreams of people of different age groups;
e) Connection between vestibular activity and the frequency of "transparent" dreams;
f) Influence of the menstrual hormonal circle on the content of dreams;
Some opposing examples:
a) The role of dreams in stress adaptation;
b) The influence of dreams on creativity and the conception of metaphors;
c) Incorporation of solutions from the dreamworld to everyday reality.
d) The influence of different types of dreams on hormonal activity.
However, we made it just in time. All scientific knowledge accumulated by humanity accessible in a that pore to the bibliographers of Russia, England, China and America found its place in files titled "Archives".
I found myself immersed in a sea of theories. Articles praising Calvin Hall and Bergson were followed by critiques of Freud. "The content of dreams is a product of memories randomly chosen by a biological process" reputable scientists wrote. "No way!" others replied. "You forgot to take into account the aspects of creative incubation and the REM-dream function. The brain itself organises the neuron signals, a cogniscent co-relation which creates interruptions and inconsistencies during dreams."
"Nonsense!" other opponents insisted. "We should consider REM-dreams, NREM-dreams and the waking state as the expressions of one undifferentiated state, because EEG graphs clearly show 7 to 9 Hz peaks between the waking state, the NREM-dream, and the REM-dream, in the same frequency that was noted during meditation."
Scorched wasteland of their heated debate alternated with cozy oasis of old traditions:
“Human thoughts and dreams have their keratinous impermeable outer shells, which are as a skin, protect soft core from damage – Daubmannus wrote - Dreams and thoughts in contact with the words fade as quickly as the words in contact with dreams and thoughts. It only remains that could survive this mutual destruction.”
“My brother and I went into the desert. We have painted on the sand the sign of the river and went to dream to catch some fish - Australian aborigine told - We got a big catch. Coming out from dream with a full basket, we went to the village. Suddenly the brother saw the traveler. We went into a sleep again, hid the fish and returned to the world of the desert. The traveler approached. As I thought, he had asked to feed him. Brother said that we have nothing. The man did not believe it. "You caught a lot of fish in a dream. Give me a couple of pieces." "No, - I said .- You remembered our dream not correctly. Goodbye. We have no time to chat with you. " The traveler gave us an angry look, turned and walked away. When we ran into a dream to take away a catch then saw only bones in baskets. We were surprised that one person could eat so much fish. But then the brother noticed that the traveler did it in a moment of short sight. And then we understood that he was a messenger of the ancients. Only the ancient could to control time so freely".
Following this, there was a new wave of modern theories. "Studies of telepathy and dreams" by Stanley Krippner. "Implementation of the senses in dreams." "Stimulation of Lucid dreams with help of technical devices (DreamLight)." A look snatched out paragraphs and phrases :
“As any method of adaptation of the unconscious material, creative dreams can not to bring the desired result, if a person is in a trap some personal complexes”- pupil of Jung wrote - It right and in case that he interested in other things".
"If you have a problem, sleep with it - here American colleague advised - Examples of this thesis can serve as a Mendeleev table, needle for sewing machine Elias Howe, poem "Kubla Khan" by Samuel Coleridge, Robert Lewis Stevenson's novel "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," "Sonata of the devil" Giuseppe Tartini and music pieces of Stravinsky. "
“Sleep and dream images metaphorically explain the emotional state of the dreamer. During dreaming brain secretes the most powerful emotion, and begins to "smooth out" it, reproducing a traumatic situation."
Gong. Quiet chime of bells. Languid and gentle call of the flute.
"And you, and Confucius - it is only a dream, and what I call you a dream, a dream too," - said Chuang Tzu.
"On the threshold of sleep, when he has not yet come, and awakening to the outside has dried up, the mind is freed from prison and becomes free - the creator of Malinivijayottara Tantra asserted.-- This is the best time to enlightenment."
As appeared, dreams were the important phenomenon in all world religions. Discussions about interpretation of dreams are mentioned in Talmud -- of collection of the Jewish religious manoeuvres (200 B.C.- 300 A.D.). The Upanishads - sacred Indian texts (7th century BC) shows a phenomenological description of dreams. In the 5th century BC Ptolemy developed a theory of prediction, based on the interpretation of dreams images.
Having studied the seventh or eighth folder, I realized that the best explanation of sleep sounded in the movie "Aladdin's Magic Lamp": "If you dream about a dream, it is a non-dream. And if you dream about a non-dream, it is a dream." Under the influence of the wisdom of centuries my brain was leaking and spawned a great truth: every theory is just a possibility determined by a set of chosen facts. That is, the number of theories could be infinite, and
all of them could be correct in some way. From reasoning is small to the use. If want a coconut, it is necessary to shake a palm!
At the same time the "creeping silence" was all over Russia. The science was ripped-off down to the last file, hidden away into the back of a dark closet. Professors stole the last of the equipment. Assistants were drinking ethanol and selling the last discoveries. Maybe because of all that, my friend, one rich and crazy hacker said: "Enough is enough! Let someone else make their fortune on the blood of Russian boys and their mothers' tears! I will invest in the development of the science of "controlled dreams", so everyone who's fed up with the nonsense of world leaders can have a place where he can go-the place of dreams and knowledge, a beautiful and mysterious Eldorado".
What was said was done. In a little over a period of one month we collected all the then-available information about Dreams and Dreaming. Our conclusion was that Dreaming was an analogy of accessing a computer text file in "read only" mode Now, some American scientists have come to the same conclusion.
Dreaming is the description, the interpretation of influences which are passed to our consciousness by our brain. The Dreaming world is an illusion, maya. In fact, each dream is a "bubble of perception", embodying the description of some place, the scene, the characters, the emotions and feelings. What we call the "Dreaming world" is just a handful of "bubbles"-a void-within-a-void, separated from chaos by a color film.
American psychologist Patricia Kilroy absolutely agree with me (The Dream as Text, The Dream as Narrative. Dreaming Vol. 10, No. 3, 2000): “Texts have boundaries; as products separated from the stream of continuous experience, they allow us to focus on them extracted from other phenomena. By my use of the term dream I mean ‘the dream once we have experienced it’. To say “I had a dream” is to acknowledge an isolatable experience with temporal boundaries that begins where we can recall it beginning, and it ends where we can recall it ending. Through criteria of form we recognize a dream as a subjective text…”.
Those familiar with computers will know that a data file cannot influence the operating system. However it can become the "lock pick" once you add on macros. Hackers use this trick to break in to any secured system, and we decided to use it to "break in" to Dreaming. This is why Don Juan told Castaneda to look for his hands in dreams - he insisted on remembering about it while Dreaming, in bringing on the awareness, the macro "hands" in the content of the dream, and gradually creating the "worm' in the programming of his conscience.
One might say it's the craziest idea they've ever heard. Well, considering that it came from our crazy hacker, it is not surprising. The important thing is that my friend was rich enough to be able to test his hypothesis.
In order to find a method different from the one used by Carlos Castaneda, our analyst suggested to use a "CAR", a "Creation of Artificial Replacement". This method implies introducing the "active" into the system, which in its turn will create an artificial space, a place for future action. In principle, all techniques breakthrough into the unknown based on hacking techniques - whether it's launching of a space satellite, genetic engineering, or the creation of the energy body.
We decided to replace a handful of "bubbles of perception" with an artificial "controlled" space, or more accurately, with an exact copy of the human conscience matrix which describes the dreaming world for
us. Each of us had to create a map of Dreams, and place all the "bubbles" in one "picture".
Oh, how naïve we were in our vanity of pioneers. After years passed, we realised that we had only been repeating the Toltec technique of Recapitulation, with the only difference that we were recapitulating not our lives, but our Dreams. And do you know what? Those Toltecs were the real hackers.
Tambov (group member)
Do not be amiss to emphasize one detail: the fact that people call the world of dreams is an illusion. In fact, we are dealing with some description of the real phenomenon that slips out from our attention. To know it better, we introduce an artificial substitute. I will give an example from life: Some criminal robbed an apartment and left on a car in unknown direction. What makes a criminologist? He uses a "artificial substitution" and gets (а) the plaster cast of protector; (б) finger-prints of criminal. A few hours later the traffic police set brand of car and Information Centre provides orientation on a Kuz'kin, whose fingers coincided with the fingerprints taken at the scene of the crime.
Conclusion: entering an artificial replacement (map of dreams), we can learn something about the mysterious phenomenon that people call the world of dreams. But we must remember that the Globe - this is not the Earth, and the map - not the world of dreams.
"Then the disciples surrounded teacher and asked:" Tell us about an artificial substitution. What is it? " Having examined the audience, Osho with a smile answered: Artificial replacement? Nothing is easier! This is image of me in the story of Iveta. "
Re: About a cartography
I ask you to remember what kind of dreams do you know. The nightmares? Right. A prophetic dreams? Okay! A bright and colorful? Nicely! And more? Conscious? Lucid? Controlled? Hmm! Are you an expert in this matter!
In principle, the classification of dreams as much as theories. More precisely, every theory of dreams offers its classification. For example, Ph.D., Patricia Garfield studied the emotional content of dreams. These investigations led her to create the following systematization (The Universal Dreams. Dream Time, A Publication of the Association for the Study of Dreams, 16(1&2), 1999):
1.0 Chase or Attack
2.0 Embrace or Love
2.1 Meeting a Star
2.2 Having a Magical Animal Friend
3.0 Injury or Death
3.1 Healing or Rebirth
4.0 Vehicle Trouble
4.1 Driving Skillfully
5.0 House and Property Damage or Loss
5.1 Losing Valuable Possession
5.2 Being in a House on Fire
5.3 House or Property Improvement
6.0 Poor Test or Other Performance
6.1 Giving an Outstanding Performance
7.0 Falling or Drowning
7.1 Flying Joyfully through the Air; Swimming Joyfully
8.0 Being Naked or Inappropriately Dressed in Public
8.1 Dressing Harmoniously and Handsomely
9.0 Missing the Boat or Other Transport
9.1 Traveling Happily
10.0 Machine or Telephone Malfunctions
10.1 Operating Machine or Telephone Easily
11.0 Disasters, Natural or Manmade.
11.1 Natural Beauty or Miracles
12. Being Lost or Trapped
13. Paralyzed or Stuck or Trapped
14. Discovering New Spaces
15. Finding a New Room in Your House
16. Menaced by the Dead
17. Guided by the Dead
Obviously, you've already caught the essence of the scheme. In this classification the negative or nightmarish form of dream alternates with the positive form. And negative forms are considered to be more frequent cases.
Hackers also invented their own classification of dreams and have reduced it up to four types:
1. Delirious loops. These are very schematized dreams with monotonously repeating plots. People have this sort of dream during periods of illness, nervous breakdown or when worrying about some events. They are consequently easily remembered. In many cases “loops” will repeats all 5 to 6 periods of REM sleep. For beginner dreamers they are practically useless, however hackers use them to transition into controlled dreams and perform application tasks. It should be noted that “loops” has a minimal background environment, with the almost total absence of dream characters (so-called ‘sprites’, which are explained in the next paragraph). We consider this kind of dream to be the equivalent of a debugging program.
2. Chat. Dreams that consist of chatter, monologue and dialogues on 80-90%. They are usually not remembered very well and are take place most frequently in the second, third and fourth periods of REM sleep; with practice dreamers can transform these into the third and fourth types of dreams (see below).
3. Bright dreams. These are dreams that have a vivid and detailed background environment, an intricate plot and picturesque “sprites”. These are most frequently found in the first, fifth and sixth periods of REM sleep. It’s the basic material for the creation of dream maps and other methods of fixation dream history.
4. Lucid (transparent) dreams. They are usually very rare in the initial stages of practice. People remember them almost perfectly, and often interpret them as lucid dreams, because a transparent dream involves moments of realising that you are asleep.. Sometimes these dreams called realized dreams. We will use the term entered by Castaneda.
Hackers consider that the controlled dreams in general are not dreams at all. Naturally, it brings in a small mess. However, our whole life - except for the gap between past and future - is the dream of consciousness. However, people found it necessary to allocate such thing as "reality" and "waking state." Let's do this: We will check for experience, whether hackers are right, and theorists let think above a theory.
Dreams consist of a set of components: subjects and emotions; "characters"; locality/terrain; colour and sound; nonconformities; breaks/ruptures; passageways, and so forth. In contemporary culture, dream-sleeps are usually used for divination, for the prediction of future events. Recalling the pair of "Bright dreams", and "meanings of dreams", you look in a "dream-book" and find their interpretations. Everything is clear and understandable: "to dream of an island indicates the finding of rest, freedom and the deserved appreciation of others, after much anxiety." Or: "to see chains betokens slander and treacherous intentions of those jealous of you." Don't do what I did, that is, don't look in another "dream interpretation" book. Don't make the same mistake, or you will find a different interpretation: "an island: this means changes in your personal life, separation and loss; divorce. And: "a chain is a symbol of undivided faithfulness." As soon as you compare the interpretations of two different dream-interpretation books, the method of divination loses half of its effectiveness. This is its main failing.
Dreamhackers decided to go another way. We wanted to create "technology" which would satisfy all requirements and rules, as described in the books of Castaneda. We conducted serious studies and then arrived at some interesting conclusions:
I ask you to remember what kind of dreams do you know. The nightmares? Right. A prophetic dreams? Okay! A bright and colorful? Nicely! And more? Conscious? Lucid? Controlled? Hmm! Are you an expert in this matter!
In principle, the classification of dreams as much as theories. More precisely, every theory of dreams offers its classification. For example, Ph.D., Patricia Garfield studied the emotional content of dreams. These investigations led her to create the following systematization (The Universal Dreams. Dream Time, A Publication of the Association for the Study of Dreams, 16(1&2), 1999):
1.0 Chase or Attack
2.0 Embrace or Love
2.1 Meeting a Star
2.2 Having a Magical Animal Friend
3.0 Injury or Death
3.1 Healing or Rebirth
4.0 Vehicle Trouble
4.1 Driving Skillfully
5.0 House and Property Damage or Loss
5.1 Losing Valuable Possession
5.2 Being in a House on Fire
5.3 House or Property Improvement
6.0 Poor Test or Other Performance
6.1 Giving an Outstanding Performance
7.0 Falling or Drowning
7.1 Flying Joyfully through the Air; Swimming Joyfully
8.0 Being Naked or Inappropriately Dressed in Public
8.1 Dressing Harmoniously and Handsomely
9.0 Missing the Boat or Other Transport
9.1 Traveling Happily
10.0 Machine or Telephone Malfunctions
10.1 Operating Machine or Telephone Easily
11.0 Disasters, Natural or Manmade.
11.1 Natural Beauty or Miracles
12. Being Lost or Trapped
13. Paralyzed or Stuck or Trapped
14. Discovering New Spaces
15. Finding a New Room in Your House
16. Menaced by the Dead
17. Guided by the Dead
Obviously, you've already caught the essence of the scheme. In this classification the negative or nightmarish form of dream alternates with the positive form. And negative forms are considered to be more frequent cases.
Hackers also invented their own classification of dreams and have reduced it up to four types:
1. Delirious loops. These are very schematized dreams with monotonously repeating plots. People have this sort of dream during periods of illness, nervous breakdown or when worrying about some events. They are consequently easily remembered. In many cases “loops” will repeats all 5 to 6 periods of REM sleep. For beginner dreamers they are practically useless, however hackers use them to transition into controlled dreams and perform application tasks. It should be noted that “loops” has a minimal background environment, with the almost total absence of dream characters (so-called ‘sprites’, which are explained in the next paragraph). We consider this kind of dream to be the equivalent of a debugging program.
2. Chat. Dreams that consist of chatter, monologue and dialogues on 80-90%. They are usually not remembered very well and are take place most frequently in the second, third and fourth periods of REM sleep; with practice dreamers can transform these into the third and fourth types of dreams (see below).
3. Bright dreams. These are dreams that have a vivid and detailed background environment, an intricate plot and picturesque “sprites”. These are most frequently found in the first, fifth and sixth periods of REM sleep. It’s the basic material for the creation of dream maps and other methods of fixation dream history.
4. Lucid (transparent) dreams. They are usually very rare in the initial stages of practice. People remember them almost perfectly, and often interpret them as lucid dreams, because a transparent dream involves moments of realising that you are asleep.. Sometimes these dreams called realized dreams. We will use the term entered by Castaneda.
Hackers consider that the controlled dreams in general are not dreams at all. Naturally, it brings in a small mess. However, our whole life - except for the gap between past and future - is the dream of consciousness. However, people found it necessary to allocate such thing as "reality" and "waking state." Let's do this: We will check for experience, whether hackers are right, and theorists let think above a theory.
Dreams consist of a set of components: subjects and emotions; "characters"; locality/terrain; colour and sound; nonconformities; breaks/ruptures; passageways, and so forth. In contemporary culture, dream-sleeps are usually used for divination, for the prediction of future events. Recalling the pair of "Bright dreams", and "meanings of dreams", you look in a "dream-book" and find their interpretations. Everything is clear and understandable: "to dream of an island indicates the finding of rest, freedom and the deserved appreciation of others, after much anxiety." Or: "to see chains betokens slander and treacherous intentions of those jealous of you." Don't do what I did, that is, don't look in another "dream interpretation" book. Don't make the same mistake, or you will find a different interpretation: "an island: this means changes in your personal life, separation and loss; divorce. And: "a chain is a symbol of undivided faithfulness." As soon as you compare the interpretations of two different dream-interpretation books, the method of divination loses half of its effectiveness. This is its main failing.
Dreamhackers decided to go another way. We wanted to create "technology" which would satisfy all requirements and rules, as described in the books of Castaneda. We conducted serious studies and then arrived at some interesting conclusions:
Re: About a cartography
1. Sleep is a "protected programme":
Look on a table that I adopted from one scientific magazine.
Daily number of hours spent in a dream by mammals
Giraffe - 1.9
Roe deer - 3.09
Asian elephant - 3.1
Keith - 5.3
Man - 8.0
Baboon - 9.4
Cat - 12.5
Lab Rat - 13.0
Lion - 15.8
Eastern chipmunk - 15.8
Bat - 19.9
On average, man spends a third of his life asleep. Each night we participate in some mysterious process, of which we can only recall fragments with great difficulty. Many people assert that they do not generally "dream". This is a fallacy. Science explains that each of us experiences 5-6 dream-sleeps per night. The problem lies in remembering.
This odd forgetfulness in respect of sleep can be explained in different ways. Psychologists say that survival is the primal instinct of man. Since this function, in essence, is achieved in the "waking" state, human consciousness abstracts and removes this secondary role of sleep, and frequently it does not fix or "record" the memories of events we experience in dreams. The severe conditions of life itself are so draining, that sleep becomes a prohibitive luxury for many people. Therefore within a dream they lose their colourfulness and are subverted into dim reflections of everyday concerns. Some scientists are convinced that the process of assimilating sleep is connected with one's living environment. If you live in the city, the variety of "realities" distracts you from the experience of dream-sleep. But there is some value in your succumbing to the lure of the "civilized world", be it your house, a Tibetan Lhasa, or the Sonoran desert. Consciousness changes priorities, and, avoiding boredom, it can bring you to the "internal experience".
Mystics and occultists adhere to another point of view. For them the world of dreams is a special space, in which their own laws of perception are manifest. Special methods for the fixation of one's attention are required for the transfer of information from the world of dream-sleep into the world of "reality". Otherwise, as Mefodius Solunskian asserts, a dreamer will repeat the parable of the emaciated little mouse, that easily slips through a hole in a basket of grain, but after eating his fill, cannot escape back through the hole because of his bloated size. "So it is with the one who "reads" dream-sleep...hungry for knowledge, he will easily traverse the adjacent gap between sleep and waking "reality", but the energy he expends, and the fruits of his labours that he gathers there, will prevent him from returning with his hard-gotten gains, because one can only take away what one originally entered with. Therefore it is necessary either to throw away these gains, in order to return, or to remain there with them forever."
Dreamhackers consider that the system of human perception is similar to a "packing programme", which depicts perceived information in the form of specific symbols and figures. This accelerates data processing. In the state of everyday wakefulness people use one set of "packing", whilst using others in the state of sleep. This difference in the methods of information-processing hampers the process of recollection. Nevertheless, the problem can be solved, partially or completely. We know that the fact of compiling a dream- diary improves recollection of dream-sleep: your attention, which you focus on your records, increases the priority of the "decoding programme", which in turn accelerates fulfilment of this objective. Dreamers and stalkers (Castaneda terminology) generally change the language of description for dream-sleep, and separate "realities" like this make it possible for them to combine two parts of their existence into one-into dream- sleep, or into Dreaming Awake.
Difficulties in the transfer of information are just the tip of the iceberg. We, as users of the "programme" of sleep, are almost completely deprived of any elements of control. People can enter into sleep and be bounced (an analogy of "start" and "log out"). Everything else depends on the "sleep programme". In the everyday waking state, we usually wake up in the same place where we fell asleep. Having relative confidence and trust in the subject of the everyday chronological sequentiality of our "waking" state, our attention clearly records daily events, creating from them a continuous sequential library of action and movement. You can easily describe how and why these events are assembled from point A to point B, although every rule has its exception of course. Alcohol, narcotics, or the consequences of illness and disease are capable of ripping up the continuum of the "waking state". A brick that falls on your head can easily disrupt the fixation of your attention. Nevertheless, in this waking state we usually possess a certain control over the situation, albeit sometimes partial, but still concrete.
Sleep converts us into marionettes, entering into a dream scene that we do not know, in whatever place it may be. The collection of subjects and characters is tied to us by our will. The programme transfers us from one scene to another in a completely illogical fashion. We appear first in the role of spectator, then in the role of participant in the event(s). Sleep monitors us, making it necessary to be subordinated to its commands and rules. Although here there are exceptions. On rare occasions, some people can "order" the subject of a dream-sleep. Others can introduce insignificant elements of control into their dreams. However, any prolonged efforts to "tame" dream-sleep cause "retaliatory attacks". This is one additional criterion of the "protection" of the dream's programme.
Each researcher of dream-sleep will, after a time, encounter "guardians". These "keepers", "defenders ", "monstrosities", can frighten dreamers who begin to study the special features of dream spaces. I have personally known children who, after encountering "guardians" did not sleep for 3-4 days. The fear experienced by them led to nervous disorders and even in one case to a serious disease.
Psychologists assert that "guardians" are the personnification of our problems, the output of our unconscious. Mystics and occultists indicate that these "keepers" and "monstrosities" are astral essences or forces, which can take on the form of terrible and dangerous monsters in-Dreaming. It is interesting to note that in our time the "output of the unconscious" is considered as the more "scientific", but not the "contact with the astral essence". So much so that if you describe the "security" of the dream programme using "personnifications" and the "human unconscious", they will award you any scientific degree you want. But if you address the question of these "astral essences", they will label you as a charlatan, or as a victim of the predilections of the antique. Concerning this question, Dreamhackers have their own point of view, as I will describe later.
The sleep programme possesses one additional level of "protection". At this specific level of study, a dreamer falls under the influence of the "forces of fate". His life becomes confusion. He risks his health and prosperity, and of those who are close to him. This "karma racketeering" can be perceived as a "test of maturity" or as an "obstacle which hardens the spirit". Honestly speaking, this turn of events was a completely unexpected contingency to us. We sustained large losses. But let us become acquainted with some other conclusions of the dreamhackers.
Look on a table that I adopted from one scientific magazine.
Daily number of hours spent in a dream by mammals
Giraffe - 1.9
Roe deer - 3.09
Asian elephant - 3.1
Keith - 5.3
Man - 8.0
Baboon - 9.4
Cat - 12.5
Lab Rat - 13.0
Lion - 15.8
Eastern chipmunk - 15.8
Bat - 19.9
On average, man spends a third of his life asleep. Each night we participate in some mysterious process, of which we can only recall fragments with great difficulty. Many people assert that they do not generally "dream". This is a fallacy. Science explains that each of us experiences 5-6 dream-sleeps per night. The problem lies in remembering.
This odd forgetfulness in respect of sleep can be explained in different ways. Psychologists say that survival is the primal instinct of man. Since this function, in essence, is achieved in the "waking" state, human consciousness abstracts and removes this secondary role of sleep, and frequently it does not fix or "record" the memories of events we experience in dreams. The severe conditions of life itself are so draining, that sleep becomes a prohibitive luxury for many people. Therefore within a dream they lose their colourfulness and are subverted into dim reflections of everyday concerns. Some scientists are convinced that the process of assimilating sleep is connected with one's living environment. If you live in the city, the variety of "realities" distracts you from the experience of dream-sleep. But there is some value in your succumbing to the lure of the "civilized world", be it your house, a Tibetan Lhasa, or the Sonoran desert. Consciousness changes priorities, and, avoiding boredom, it can bring you to the "internal experience".
Mystics and occultists adhere to another point of view. For them the world of dreams is a special space, in which their own laws of perception are manifest. Special methods for the fixation of one's attention are required for the transfer of information from the world of dream-sleep into the world of "reality". Otherwise, as Mefodius Solunskian asserts, a dreamer will repeat the parable of the emaciated little mouse, that easily slips through a hole in a basket of grain, but after eating his fill, cannot escape back through the hole because of his bloated size. "So it is with the one who "reads" dream-sleep...hungry for knowledge, he will easily traverse the adjacent gap between sleep and waking "reality", but the energy he expends, and the fruits of his labours that he gathers there, will prevent him from returning with his hard-gotten gains, because one can only take away what one originally entered with. Therefore it is necessary either to throw away these gains, in order to return, or to remain there with them forever."
Dreamhackers consider that the system of human perception is similar to a "packing programme", which depicts perceived information in the form of specific symbols and figures. This accelerates data processing. In the state of everyday wakefulness people use one set of "packing", whilst using others in the state of sleep. This difference in the methods of information-processing hampers the process of recollection. Nevertheless, the problem can be solved, partially or completely. We know that the fact of compiling a dream- diary improves recollection of dream-sleep: your attention, which you focus on your records, increases the priority of the "decoding programme", which in turn accelerates fulfilment of this objective. Dreamers and stalkers (Castaneda terminology) generally change the language of description for dream-sleep, and separate "realities" like this make it possible for them to combine two parts of their existence into one-into dream- sleep, or into Dreaming Awake.
Difficulties in the transfer of information are just the tip of the iceberg. We, as users of the "programme" of sleep, are almost completely deprived of any elements of control. People can enter into sleep and be bounced (an analogy of "start" and "log out"). Everything else depends on the "sleep programme". In the everyday waking state, we usually wake up in the same place where we fell asleep. Having relative confidence and trust in the subject of the everyday chronological sequentiality of our "waking" state, our attention clearly records daily events, creating from them a continuous sequential library of action and movement. You can easily describe how and why these events are assembled from point A to point B, although every rule has its exception of course. Alcohol, narcotics, or the consequences of illness and disease are capable of ripping up the continuum of the "waking state". A brick that falls on your head can easily disrupt the fixation of your attention. Nevertheless, in this waking state we usually possess a certain control over the situation, albeit sometimes partial, but still concrete.
Sleep converts us into marionettes, entering into a dream scene that we do not know, in whatever place it may be. The collection of subjects and characters is tied to us by our will. The programme transfers us from one scene to another in a completely illogical fashion. We appear first in the role of spectator, then in the role of participant in the event(s). Sleep monitors us, making it necessary to be subordinated to its commands and rules. Although here there are exceptions. On rare occasions, some people can "order" the subject of a dream-sleep. Others can introduce insignificant elements of control into their dreams. However, any prolonged efforts to "tame" dream-sleep cause "retaliatory attacks". This is one additional criterion of the "protection" of the dream's programme.
Each researcher of dream-sleep will, after a time, encounter "guardians". These "keepers", "defenders ", "monstrosities", can frighten dreamers who begin to study the special features of dream spaces. I have personally known children who, after encountering "guardians" did not sleep for 3-4 days. The fear experienced by them led to nervous disorders and even in one case to a serious disease.
Psychologists assert that "guardians" are the personnification of our problems, the output of our unconscious. Mystics and occultists indicate that these "keepers" and "monstrosities" are astral essences or forces, which can take on the form of terrible and dangerous monsters in-Dreaming. It is interesting to note that in our time the "output of the unconscious" is considered as the more "scientific", but not the "contact with the astral essence". So much so that if you describe the "security" of the dream programme using "personnifications" and the "human unconscious", they will award you any scientific degree you want. But if you address the question of these "astral essences", they will label you as a charlatan, or as a victim of the predilections of the antique. Concerning this question, Dreamhackers have their own point of view, as I will describe later.
The sleep programme possesses one additional level of "protection". At this specific level of study, a dreamer falls under the influence of the "forces of fate". His life becomes confusion. He risks his health and prosperity, and of those who are close to him. This "karma racketeering" can be perceived as a "test of maturity" or as an "obstacle which hardens the spirit". Honestly speaking, this turn of events was a completely unexpected contingency to us. We sustained large losses. But let us become acquainted with some other conclusions of the dreamhackers.
Re: About a cartography
2. Sleep: the "bubble".
The "physical" space of a separately-undertaken dream is limited.Actually, this is a definite polygon, which in certain cases is reduced to a commonplace pyramid, with the effect of "flat vision": when, for example, you find yourself located on one apex, and the "dream scene", the "sleep picture", is projected onto the plane formed by the other apexes. However, in lucid dream-sleep the programming is so fixed that the space is described by a very complex structure-an almost perfect sphere. Nevertheless, if you reach its boundaries, space begins to change or to be distorted, and the dreamer (in the majority of the cases) passes into another "bubble"-into another scene of dream-sleep.
Let us assume that I have a dream in which I am Rambo, fleeing from the enemy. Before me appears a low forest, through which must be the swamp, and then our base camp. I hear the snapping of branches behind me. A "shadow" slides first to my right, then to my left, but the lighting does not change. I go another 10 metres, and the terrain suddenly begins to slope upwards. The forest on this steep slope becomes almost impervious. The path disappears under the roots of an enormous tree. The slope of the mountain forces me to turn and go back twenty metres. I turn around and approach a bookshelf, and pull out a book with the name "Physics of the eighth ricochet".
This is a normal dream, where I survive the closure of the "bubble" of the dream. As you can see, there was a complex set of elements: sonic and light formulation, subject, my thoughts and expectations. Then, when I reached the boundary of the dream-space, the terrain was transformed, after which I transferred into another "bubble", with the room, the window and the bookshelf.
As Dreamhackers, we loved the term "bubble". We used it right up to recent times when friends reminded us that this determination of the "bubble of perception" was devised by Carlos Castaneda. He used it in another context, and we seemingly introduced confusion into the already-accepted terminology. We thought it necessary to change this designation. Now we use two separate terms: the "bubble of sleep" and the "sphere of perception". On a personal note, I prefer the former of the two, because the space of a perceived dream-sleep is rarely spherical.
The "physical" space of a separately-undertaken dream is limited.Actually, this is a definite polygon, which in certain cases is reduced to a commonplace pyramid, with the effect of "flat vision": when, for example, you find yourself located on one apex, and the "dream scene", the "sleep picture", is projected onto the plane formed by the other apexes. However, in lucid dream-sleep the programming is so fixed that the space is described by a very complex structure-an almost perfect sphere. Nevertheless, if you reach its boundaries, space begins to change or to be distorted, and the dreamer (in the majority of the cases) passes into another "bubble"-into another scene of dream-sleep.
Let us assume that I have a dream in which I am Rambo, fleeing from the enemy. Before me appears a low forest, through which must be the swamp, and then our base camp. I hear the snapping of branches behind me. A "shadow" slides first to my right, then to my left, but the lighting does not change. I go another 10 metres, and the terrain suddenly begins to slope upwards. The forest on this steep slope becomes almost impervious. The path disappears under the roots of an enormous tree. The slope of the mountain forces me to turn and go back twenty metres. I turn around and approach a bookshelf, and pull out a book with the name "Physics of the eighth ricochet".
This is a normal dream, where I survive the closure of the "bubble" of the dream. As you can see, there was a complex set of elements: sonic and light formulation, subject, my thoughts and expectations. Then, when I reached the boundary of the dream-space, the terrain was transformed, after which I transferred into another "bubble", with the room, the window and the bookshelf.
As Dreamhackers, we loved the term "bubble". We used it right up to recent times when friends reminded us that this determination of the "bubble of perception" was devised by Carlos Castaneda. He used it in another context, and we seemingly introduced confusion into the already-accepted terminology. We thought it necessary to change this designation. Now we use two separate terms: the "bubble of sleep" and the "sphere of perception". On a personal note, I prefer the former of the two, because the space of a perceived dream-sleep is rarely spherical.
Re: About a cartography
3. The programme of dream-sleep has many blemishes, "bugs" and omissions.
Once I sat in Irkutsk airport and was thinking about sudden changes in the landscape in the bubbles of dreams. And there in the airport, it hit me! Yes, it was the same the problem of polygonal texturing! In the three-dimensional graphic for creating virtual worlds two methods are used: voxelic and polygonal. They are distinguished by the method of construction of the graphic. In a voxel graphic, the basic construction unit of a "voxel" is used. (Voxel=Volume of pixel) A volumetric point, or to be more precise, usually a coloured cube. Units are constructed from voxels as if they were cuboid pieces of Lego. The weakness of this method shows in the scale of the object. With an increase in size (by moving closer to the object depicted) the constituents become a mass of squares.
(Need one more picture with enlarged fragment.)
Using a polygonal graphic as a basis leads to a polygonal structure-a polygon in space. In order to create an artificial world, an enormous quantity of polygons is required.
Let us assume we have to build several houses in a virtual space. In the graphics editor we sketch a picture with the texture, and "stretch" it to the flat quadrangular polygons. We stick coloured "wall-paper" on their white walls. As a result, a fraction of a virtual world is obtained.
But all this is theory, and in practice, texture is stored in the memory of a video card. With the formation of an image of each point of the screen there is a selected colour, which corresponds to a "texel"-the fixed byte of texture in the memory. In computer graphics there are several methods of texturing. However, in dreams this process frequently gives distortions, inherent in linear sampling, which is the quickest, but also the most primitive method. This makes it possible to draw a parallel: the strange transformation of landscape in dreams could be explained not by the special quality of sleep, but by certain omissions of "programmers".
One additional omission of dreams is visible in the illumination of polygons (or the bubbles of sleep). At its simplest, we frequently perceive in a "flat" visual manner, where the polygon has only one degree of brightness, or an analogue of the Gouraud System of Shading, with which the apexes of polygons are shown up. In such cases we usually see a darkened centre and vividly illuminated angles. The presyncopal (decreases in blood pressure in the brain) states of consciousness are an example of this second type.
Furthermore, in dreams there are rather poor conditions of "smoothing" (by anti-aliasing). If you try to draw a circle on the earth while you are Dreaming, then you will understand what I mean. And the greater the diameter of circle, the greater you will realize this omission of the "programmers". It seems to me that don Juan knew about this special feature of dreams. For this very reason he forced Castaneda to draw circles around his house.
As soon as I published these findings on certain different Internet forums, dedicated to the techniques of Dreaming, several corroborating posts appeared.
"Hello Sergei!" wrote the eminent russian astronomer Andrei. "Recently in my dreams I flew above the city. I was struck by the sight of a blue sky with snowy clouds. As far as colours and nuances were concerned, everything was OK. But the image? You know, it was just like a voxel graphic! Large rectangular pixels, bricks, as if I were focussing on the picture with a powerful zoom lens. I had read your letter and remembered about what you said about this. Then everything was fine-tuned, the clouds adopted a "normal" mode. But at first, there was actual voxel drawing!"
"Hi, SI. I noticed a certain anomaly in a dream-sleep. It was tied in to the light switch. I could turn off the light, but it couldn't be included"
"HI! I detected something amusing..." wrote a pal. "It is interesting, why is it like this? In the film "The Matrix" this defect would be called a "failure in the system". To explain: I was transported to a house, where I looked for a specific person. Not thinking for long, I decided to peep in the windows. The house had lots of levels. On the street it was late evening. I rose to the level of the second floor and began to inspect the illuminated windows. In the first I noticed the design of the wallpaper, the bed, the shutters on the door, and a cat. I rushed to the next window, and there was the same: wallpaper, bed, shutters, cat... Is that it? A shortage of subjects?"
Here is a letter from a remarkable dreamer:
"In one of my "aware" dreams I set myself the goal to reach the edge of the bubble. The following effect appeared as I approached the edge: the surrounding "reality" semi-morphed into a labyrinth. It was most important for me here was not to give in, and not to change direction. Like, more convenient paths appear, but if you go on them, you will begin to meander and will not have time to reach your objective. Nearer towards the end the terrain had a tendency to slope upwards, and having risen upward a little myself, at long last I saw the horizon. Immediately ,the effect of insufficient texturing "swam" out, the effect about which Sergei Izrigi has written. In the place where the earth "connected" with the sky, the "developers of the programme" had made rather poor resolution, and there was an effect, the same as in a computer game: from a distance everything is normal, but up close appear pixels on a giant screen. After breaking through the "cloth" (bubble), I saw a stream of black liquid. After diving there, I floated with the flow. I had the thought that somewhere/somehow it would carry me out. My sight was turned off immediately-there remained only the sensation of touch, if you can call it such. After two minutes of this "free floating", I felt a "feeler" touching my foot. I stretched out towards it, and groped a creature, like one of those which told Doc (a Dreamhacker) to stand aside. It burnt me with its feelers a few times, and I decided to wake myself up from any further "sin"...
Later, when the dreamhackers mastered group-dreaming, they revealed new "bugs" in the sleep programme:"
a)When you enter into a "controlled" dream (for example in order to absorb another man into the joint dream), then, put simply, you'll be surprised at the roughness and scant nature of the formation of the "bubble". Usually the sleeper is absorbed by some particular part. His attention is fixed on the sense of subject, the sensations and the means. From his "viewpoint", the visitor sees only situation, and it is necessary to say that this is complete hack work. The sleeper can be bathing in gold and be in a wonderful fairytale palace, but this illusion does not act on the visitor. It testifies that the formation of the "bubble" is poor, the subject primitive, and conversations a real absurdity. It has similarities, but the "sleep programme" is not formulated for joint dreaming.
b) If a group of five or more men is assembled in a group-dream, there appears what we have termed a "satellite": a definite personnified force, whose purpose is, to date, incomprehensible. It accompanies the group, sometimes warns about danger, but in essence, just observes. Doc called this phenomenon a "virtual rascal". This "satellite" appears in the form of a girl, a small animal (a dog, or cat) or as a bird. Possibly, this is some failure in the "programme", a type of echo from the joint emanations of our consciousness.
Once I sat in Irkutsk airport and was thinking about sudden changes in the landscape in the bubbles of dreams. And there in the airport, it hit me! Yes, it was the same the problem of polygonal texturing! In the three-dimensional graphic for creating virtual worlds two methods are used: voxelic and polygonal. They are distinguished by the method of construction of the graphic. In a voxel graphic, the basic construction unit of a "voxel" is used. (Voxel=Volume of pixel) A volumetric point, or to be more precise, usually a coloured cube. Units are constructed from voxels as if they were cuboid pieces of Lego. The weakness of this method shows in the scale of the object. With an increase in size (by moving closer to the object depicted) the constituents become a mass of squares.
(Need one more picture with enlarged fragment.)
Using a polygonal graphic as a basis leads to a polygonal structure-a polygon in space. In order to create an artificial world, an enormous quantity of polygons is required.
Let us assume we have to build several houses in a virtual space. In the graphics editor we sketch a picture with the texture, and "stretch" it to the flat quadrangular polygons. We stick coloured "wall-paper" on their white walls. As a result, a fraction of a virtual world is obtained.
But all this is theory, and in practice, texture is stored in the memory of a video card. With the formation of an image of each point of the screen there is a selected colour, which corresponds to a "texel"-the fixed byte of texture in the memory. In computer graphics there are several methods of texturing. However, in dreams this process frequently gives distortions, inherent in linear sampling, which is the quickest, but also the most primitive method. This makes it possible to draw a parallel: the strange transformation of landscape in dreams could be explained not by the special quality of sleep, but by certain omissions of "programmers".
One additional omission of dreams is visible in the illumination of polygons (or the bubbles of sleep). At its simplest, we frequently perceive in a "flat" visual manner, where the polygon has only one degree of brightness, or an analogue of the Gouraud System of Shading, with which the apexes of polygons are shown up. In such cases we usually see a darkened centre and vividly illuminated angles. The presyncopal (decreases in blood pressure in the brain) states of consciousness are an example of this second type.
Furthermore, in dreams there are rather poor conditions of "smoothing" (by anti-aliasing). If you try to draw a circle on the earth while you are Dreaming, then you will understand what I mean. And the greater the diameter of circle, the greater you will realize this omission of the "programmers". It seems to me that don Juan knew about this special feature of dreams. For this very reason he forced Castaneda to draw circles around his house.
As soon as I published these findings on certain different Internet forums, dedicated to the techniques of Dreaming, several corroborating posts appeared.
"Hello Sergei!" wrote the eminent russian astronomer Andrei. "Recently in my dreams I flew above the city. I was struck by the sight of a blue sky with snowy clouds. As far as colours and nuances were concerned, everything was OK. But the image? You know, it was just like a voxel graphic! Large rectangular pixels, bricks, as if I were focussing on the picture with a powerful zoom lens. I had read your letter and remembered about what you said about this. Then everything was fine-tuned, the clouds adopted a "normal" mode. But at first, there was actual voxel drawing!"
"Hi, SI. I noticed a certain anomaly in a dream-sleep. It was tied in to the light switch. I could turn off the light, but it couldn't be included"
"HI! I detected something amusing..." wrote a pal. "It is interesting, why is it like this? In the film "The Matrix" this defect would be called a "failure in the system". To explain: I was transported to a house, where I looked for a specific person. Not thinking for long, I decided to peep in the windows. The house had lots of levels. On the street it was late evening. I rose to the level of the second floor and began to inspect the illuminated windows. In the first I noticed the design of the wallpaper, the bed, the shutters on the door, and a cat. I rushed to the next window, and there was the same: wallpaper, bed, shutters, cat... Is that it? A shortage of subjects?"
Here is a letter from a remarkable dreamer:
"In one of my "aware" dreams I set myself the goal to reach the edge of the bubble. The following effect appeared as I approached the edge: the surrounding "reality" semi-morphed into a labyrinth. It was most important for me here was not to give in, and not to change direction. Like, more convenient paths appear, but if you go on them, you will begin to meander and will not have time to reach your objective. Nearer towards the end the terrain had a tendency to slope upwards, and having risen upward a little myself, at long last I saw the horizon. Immediately ,the effect of insufficient texturing "swam" out, the effect about which Sergei Izrigi has written. In the place where the earth "connected" with the sky, the "developers of the programme" had made rather poor resolution, and there was an effect, the same as in a computer game: from a distance everything is normal, but up close appear pixels on a giant screen. After breaking through the "cloth" (bubble), I saw a stream of black liquid. After diving there, I floated with the flow. I had the thought that somewhere/somehow it would carry me out. My sight was turned off immediately-there remained only the sensation of touch, if you can call it such. After two minutes of this "free floating", I felt a "feeler" touching my foot. I stretched out towards it, and groped a creature, like one of those which told Doc (a Dreamhacker) to stand aside. It burnt me with its feelers a few times, and I decided to wake myself up from any further "sin"...
Later, when the dreamhackers mastered group-dreaming, they revealed new "bugs" in the sleep programme:"
a)When you enter into a "controlled" dream (for example in order to absorb another man into the joint dream), then, put simply, you'll be surprised at the roughness and scant nature of the formation of the "bubble". Usually the sleeper is absorbed by some particular part. His attention is fixed on the sense of subject, the sensations and the means. From his "viewpoint", the visitor sees only situation, and it is necessary to say that this is complete hack work. The sleeper can be bathing in gold and be in a wonderful fairytale palace, but this illusion does not act on the visitor. It testifies that the formation of the "bubble" is poor, the subject primitive, and conversations a real absurdity. It has similarities, but the "sleep programme" is not formulated for joint dreaming.
b) If a group of five or more men is assembled in a group-dream, there appears what we have termed a "satellite": a definite personnified force, whose purpose is, to date, incomprehensible. It accompanies the group, sometimes warns about danger, but in essence, just observes. Doc called this phenomenon a "virtual rascal". This "satellite" appears in the form of a girl, a small animal (a dog, or cat) or as a bird. Possibly, this is some failure in the "programme", a type of echo from the joint emanations of our consciousness.
Re: About a cartography
4. Not every dream is ours.
Hackers have noticed that people often see the dreams that have no relevance to their lives. Suppose a man who have never been by the sea, deftly dissects wave on his surfboard. The inhabitant of the North hunts in a dream at the elephant, and the guy from the Baltic dream a dust storm in the desert. Sometimes men get into women's dreams, and women - to men’s. Sometimes we have dreams of animals.
This phenomenon has not been studied completely. This kind of dream is characterized by interesting and exciting plots. Fixing of attention on the details of dream does not allow to the person to understand that he sees a stranger dream.
There was a strange house, where I was for the first time. Suddenly, everything began to tremble. The walls were shaking and crumbled plaster from the ceiling. Outside, was heard a terrible rumble. I opened the window and saw a few meters away a huge tank. Its tower began to unfold to me. I ran to the bedroom, where a two-year sister slept. Then there was an explosion. The walls have fallen. My leg was crushed, and I was awakened by a terrible pain."
It is ten-year-old Victor's dream - the pupil of orphanage. He knows that a mother gave up him right after birth. Psychologists would say that the boy's dream clearly expresses his longing for the family, and dramatic content is explained by mental bruises of abandoned child. But this dream dreamed not only to Victor. During this period on the Balkans there was a war, and many people woke up in cold sweat from nightmares with tanks and shooting of children.
Whose it is dreams? Who can broadcast them on a long distance? People or collective unconscious? Or our planet?
I found an interesting extract from the "Dictionary of the Khazars" by Milorad Pavic, when was making material for this chapter: “In cases when two persons dream each other and the one's dream builds the other's reality, a small part of the dream is always left over. These are "the children of the dream." A dream, of course, is shorter than the reality of the one being dreamed, but the dream is always incomparably deeper than any reality, so there is always some dross left over, a "surplus of material" that cannot completely fit into the reality of the person being dreamed, but, rather, spills into and attaches onto the reality of a third person, who consequently experiences considerable difficulties and changes. As a rule, this third individual is in a more complicated situation than the first two; his free will is twice as restricted by the unconscious as that of the other two, because the surplus of energy and material that passes from one dream to the other alternately flows into the spiritual life of the third person, who thereby becomes a sort of hermaphrodite and leans toward one dreamer one moment and the other dreamer the next.”
Really dreams of one people can influence a reality of others? Then think who you are? Dreamer, which forms the real world of another person? Or a stalker, who brings to life someone's dream? What occurs when "the children of the dream" collect round themselves opposite couples, and groups of four and more people become teams? For example, the parties of Castaneda or Don Juan? What opportunities are opened by this hypothetical interrelation of dreams and a reality?
So what? Are you ready to "hack" the program of dreams? Then go ahead! We will master this method!
Hackers have noticed that people often see the dreams that have no relevance to their lives. Suppose a man who have never been by the sea, deftly dissects wave on his surfboard. The inhabitant of the North hunts in a dream at the elephant, and the guy from the Baltic dream a dust storm in the desert. Sometimes men get into women's dreams, and women - to men’s. Sometimes we have dreams of animals.
This phenomenon has not been studied completely. This kind of dream is characterized by interesting and exciting plots. Fixing of attention on the details of dream does not allow to the person to understand that he sees a stranger dream.
There was a strange house, where I was for the first time. Suddenly, everything began to tremble. The walls were shaking and crumbled plaster from the ceiling. Outside, was heard a terrible rumble. I opened the window and saw a few meters away a huge tank. Its tower began to unfold to me. I ran to the bedroom, where a two-year sister slept. Then there was an explosion. The walls have fallen. My leg was crushed, and I was awakened by a terrible pain."
It is ten-year-old Victor's dream - the pupil of orphanage. He knows that a mother gave up him right after birth. Psychologists would say that the boy's dream clearly expresses his longing for the family, and dramatic content is explained by mental bruises of abandoned child. But this dream dreamed not only to Victor. During this period on the Balkans there was a war, and many people woke up in cold sweat from nightmares with tanks and shooting of children.
Whose it is dreams? Who can broadcast them on a long distance? People or collective unconscious? Or our planet?
I found an interesting extract from the "Dictionary of the Khazars" by Milorad Pavic, when was making material for this chapter: “In cases when two persons dream each other and the one's dream builds the other's reality, a small part of the dream is always left over. These are "the children of the dream." A dream, of course, is shorter than the reality of the one being dreamed, but the dream is always incomparably deeper than any reality, so there is always some dross left over, a "surplus of material" that cannot completely fit into the reality of the person being dreamed, but, rather, spills into and attaches onto the reality of a third person, who consequently experiences considerable difficulties and changes. As a rule, this third individual is in a more complicated situation than the first two; his free will is twice as restricted by the unconscious as that of the other two, because the surplus of energy and material that passes from one dream to the other alternately flows into the spiritual life of the third person, who thereby becomes a sort of hermaphrodite and leans toward one dreamer one moment and the other dreamer the next.”
Really dreams of one people can influence a reality of others? Then think who you are? Dreamer, which forms the real world of another person? Or a stalker, who brings to life someone's dream? What occurs when "the children of the dream" collect round themselves opposite couples, and groups of four and more people become teams? For example, the parties of Castaneda or Don Juan? What opportunities are opened by this hypothetical interrelation of dreams and a reality?
So what? Are you ready to "hack" the program of dreams? Then go ahead! We will master this method!
Re: About a cartography
So, each night we experience five to six dream-sleeps, each one consisting of one or more scenarios (the so-called "bubbles of dreams"). If one considers that on average we pass through 20 "bubbles" in every night's sleep, then we will experience 7300 of these per annum. Daily, a novice dreamer can recall two to three scenarios. Long practice helps to bring this number to twelve "bubbles". Here are the initial conditions for our study.
But how can we study the phenomenon of dream-sleeps? First of all, we can collect subjects, themes. Or we can try to describe the atmosphere of the scene, and put it into a more complex categorisation. Or we can detach ourselves from thought and supposition, trying to leave aside 'known' interpretations, and thus approach the universal "cosmic language". All of this is worthy of research. But, being dreamhackers, my friends took another route. They decided to focus their attention on the "dream space".
Let us hypothesise that you have a dream in which you meet a friend on some unknown street. You have a conversation about the "Tibetan sharks" and their connection with the Buddhistic Sutra of "Final Enlightenment". Next, four raiders appear, who proceed to rob an adjacent jewellery store. Terrible scenes of shooting occur, but you nonchalantly continue your conversation. The nose of your friend increases in size continually and this confuses you a little. You look to the side, noticing a beautiful monument and a flabby old lady on a bench. Then you look up at the low yellow cloud, and you are in a new scene. A strange rustling noise behind you frightens you. You are taken in, and find yourself back in your old school classroom. Several iron cots are arranged instead of the desks in the room. A rat sits on one of them. It holds a pencil in its claws, and is sharpening the pencil with its teeth. You remember that the Biology office was located here before. Something is not right in this room. It becomes uncomfortable. You rapidly go out into the corridor and find yourself in the hall of a large store. Crowds of people pass by, mocking you with their stares. Suddenly you realise that you are standing in your underwear. The surge of complex feelings and emotions forces you to wake up.
Here we have three "bubbles": "street", "class" and "store". Each of the bubbles has its limited space. Let's try to describe them in more detail.
In the first scene you memorised the street and the landmarks located in it: the bank, the monument, the bench, and so forth. In the second "bubble", the space is limited by the walls of the classroom. In the third, by the boundaries of the hall of the store. "Bubbles" are connected by transition points, or so- called "transits". It should be noted that the association of these three spaces described by us does not create one common continuum. These "bubbles" can be located far away from each other in "dreamland". Transits accomplish an instantaneous transfer of our attention from one scene of sleep into another. Expert dreamers use them as transportation means. But it is far too early to talk about this. Here we examine the method of the "crack" in the dream programme.
The process of describing a terrain seen in dream-sleep is named the "mapping of dreams". I, as you, learnt about this method in a relatively finished form; therefore I can foresee almost all your questions. At the beginning of practice, when I typed about twenty "bubbles", I wanted to to know what to do next and why all of this is necessary. That's what Sergey said:
- The bottom line is this - you have to make Dreams diary. And then you have to place them on a map of your dreams world.
So, each night we experience five to six dream-sleeps, each one consisting of one or more scenarios (the so-called "bubbles of dreams"). If one considers that on average we pass through 20 "bubbles" in every night's sleep, then we will experience 7300 of these per annum. Daily, a novice dreamer can recall two to three scenarios. Long practice helps to bring this number to twelve "bubbles". Here are the initial conditions for our study.
But how can we study the phenomenon of dream-sleeps? First of all, we can collect subjects, themes. Or we can try to describe the atmosphere of the scene, and put it into a more complex categorisation. Or we can detach ourselves from thought and supposition, trying to leave aside 'known' interpretations, and thus approach the universal "cosmic language". All of this is worthy of research. But, being dreamhackers, my friends took another route. They decided to focus their attention on the "dream space".
Let us hypothesise that you have a dream in which you meet a friend on some unknown street. You have a conversation about the "Tibetan sharks" and their connection with the Buddhistic Sutra of "Final Enlightenment". Next, four raiders appear, who proceed to rob an adjacent jewellery store. Terrible scenes of shooting occur, but you nonchalantly continue your conversation. The nose of your friend increases in size continually and this confuses you a little. You look to the side, noticing a beautiful monument and a flabby old lady on a bench. Then you look up at the low yellow cloud, and you are in a new scene. A strange rustling noise behind you frightens you. You are taken in, and find yourself back in your old school classroom. Several iron cots are arranged instead of the desks in the room. A rat sits on one of them. It holds a pencil in its claws, and is sharpening the pencil with its teeth. You remember that the Biology office was located here before. Something is not right in this room. It becomes uncomfortable. You rapidly go out into the corridor and find yourself in the hall of a large store. Crowds of people pass by, mocking you with their stares. Suddenly you realise that you are standing in your underwear. The surge of complex feelings and emotions forces you to wake up.
Here we have three "bubbles": "street", "class" and "store". Each of the bubbles has its limited space. Let's try to describe them in more detail.
In the first scene you memorised the street and the landmarks located in it: the bank, the monument, the bench, and so forth. In the second "bubble", the space is limited by the walls of the classroom. In the third, by the boundaries of the hall of the store. "Bubbles" are connected by transition points, or so- called "transits". It should be noted that the association of these three spaces described by us does not create one common continuum. These "bubbles" can be located far away from each other in "dreamland". Transits accomplish an instantaneous transfer of our attention from one scene of sleep into another. Expert dreamers use them as transportation means. But it is far too early to talk about this. Here we examine the method of the "crack" in the dream programme.
The process of describing a terrain seen in dream-sleep is named the "mapping of dreams". I, as you, learnt about this method in a relatively finished form; therefore I can foresee almost all your questions. At the beginning of practice, when I typed about twenty "bubbles", I wanted to to know what to do next and why all of this is necessary. That's what Sergey said:
- The bottom line is this - you have to make Dreams diary. And then you have to place them on a map of your dreams world.
Re: About a cartography
Extract of a Letter from SI (February 9, 2001 - March 9, 2001)
Historical information about this correspondence.
February 9, 2001 Sergei Izrigi wrote to network in the ToltekDreaming - but this does not arouse the interest of local subscribers because they liked more to disassemble the details of their own dreams. But through this mailing he was found by Andrey Ugryumov - Russian astronomer and great dreamer, and GhostCat - another Russian dreamer who lives in America. Andrey wrote the article "Dreamshackers" to Russian mailing of Zest which Keshunchik became interested, and thanks to her a greater part of correspondence for 2001-2002 year was saved. Keshunchik asked Sergei about dreams mapping and offered to help him in placing material in the Internet. Also she invited Sergei to Zest. In Zeste was published several articles about cartography and labyrinths, which discussed with Maxx, Rey, Nexus. But Sergey left mailing because he didn't accept skeptical tone of discussion and leaving aside from subjects of cartography and labyrinths. He continued a private correspondence with Keshunchik, Andrey and GhostСat. GhostCat invited Sergei to his closed forum e2-e4.com, where they continued discussion about different parts of the dreamworld and bugs in dreams. March 9, 2001, exactly in a month after the appearance, Sergey went to the Altai and he promised to return.
Sergey Izrigi
...Hi, everybody! Do you sleep? Wake up! I'll tell you about a simple way of controlled dreams. This is not the gates of dreams. This is "hole in the wall." The Security Service of dreams yet does not know about this hole. We can sneak into the world of dreams. Forward! But at first answer two my questions:
1) Why Don Juan often forced Carlos Castaneda to pay attention to spatial orientation? Have you thought about it? (Where did birds - announcers arrive from? What connection between the types of allies and directions? Between the types of women warriors and the sides of the world?), Why orientation is necessary in controlled dreams?
2) Can we describe a dream as part of the program of the Big Computer? If "Yes", what file extension you would write after <My dream. ??? …
...We found that ordinary dream – it's a bit of chatter, a little action and fantastic cliches with the same thoughts, stories and activities. We can describe an ordinary dream as a text file in "read only" mode because it is impossible to have active control with a plot of sleep. Those familiar with computers will know that a data file cannot influence the operating system. However it can become the "lock pick" once you add on macros. Hackers use this trick to break in to any secured system, and we decided to use it to "break in" to Dreaming.
This is why Don Juan told Castaneda to look for his hands in dreams. He entered the macro "hands" in the content of the dream, and creating the "worm' in the programming of his conscience. We also used a hacking method of creating an artificial space ("creationofartificialreplacement" – CAR): you take the source text file and replace it on same, but only with the built-in managing directors of macroes. And we have added this method according to the principles of "not-doing."
The highlight of our research - is a compilation of the dream map. We are guessed to combine "bubbles of perception" of individual dreams in a single well-known and controllable space - a kind of matrix, which is a description of the dreams world for us.
Dreaming maps were made by many people before us: by Even and Yakut shamans, Chinese, Tibetan, Egyptian and Babylonian sages. This knowledge of the Ancient Seers. We conducted audit of its.
Our two assumptions:
1. Subculture of hackers is in a great deal similar to the way of warrior.
2. Compiling of map of dreams is a method of achievement of the controlled dreams.
Our little discoveries:
1. The map of dreams is limited by the insuperable areas: by oceans, seas, rivers, mountains. Carlos Castaneda had sand dunes.
2. Parts of the world on a dreams map are turned (and it not randomness):
West --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- East
3. All the cards have the common areas (perhaps we could call them the archetypes): two giant structures; active zone of transmutations; Area of cataclysms; mazes; Other interesting area (Paradise, Witches forest, etc.)
Our greatest discovery: mapping of dreams leads to a recall of former dreams (in all lifetime). At correct approach these remembrances take place in an explosive form. It's a strange feeling as if you're crazy or if you have a daily satori. From this point you become another person. You begin to control dreams. It is the first stage which takes 3-5 years. Of course, this is not a simple task ...
... Our group has a different view about Guardians of dreams. It is more fit in to Castaneda's warning of energetic predators which eat components of our consciousness. This thought is both at Colin Wilson, and at many others. That is our consciousness is muzzled, depriving us of freedom. This imprint is entered to every child, becomes stronger by the system of education and matrix of perception of our world. To reach dark secrets of the dreams world, it should be not studied, and "haсk" - carefully, on the verge of life and death.
And that's why I say that the way of dreamhackers and warriors is almost the same. Beyond the threshold of sleep unknown forces of the universe waiting for us. One our girlfriend they "gobbled up" with asthma. Castaneda became ill with cancer. In my nose bridge appeared a hole - as soon as I found the bridge to the other side of perception.
Don't forget, we created an artificial substitute of reality. Artificial space on which we moved memories of the dreams. Five years you work on it, then it starts to work for you. Almost entirely reflecting matrix of imprint, this space is yours! Meeting forces,energies and their personifikation, you have control, trixes and knowledge of this world. That's the advantage of this method in comparison with the search of hands. But even here we are in danger! ...
...Once upon a time there was a crazy hacker who got an idea to "break in" to the Dreaming world. He was an eccentric type-a wild mix of Don Quixote, Baron Munchausen- a fortunate adventurer who managed to come across one and a half million dollars of "easy" money! His name was Sam Gorbunkov. Or, maybe it was Sergei Izrigi? What difference does it make now?
He organised six dreaming clubs, in Minsk, in Riga and in four major Russian cities. The guy hired 5 advertising agents and 16 psychoanalysts who enticed people to the clubs and conducted questioning according to a method which was specially developed for the research. The conversations were recorded on audio and videotape, and then the tapes were sent to 6 analytical groups. 41 retired military analysts compiled their fancy classifications, extrapolated common patterns, and sent the results to their employer. Those were the great days-insane interest in the powerful project, combined with fatigue, irritation, and anger. People were arriving in a never-ending stream. Imagine a large well-lit conference hall, a huge table with food and drink set out in the middle, an atmosphere of friendship and warmth. Casual chit-chat, people meeting people, and of course, flirting. Then the questioning began, and people talked and talked and talked.
Psychologists nodded, asked their questions, the tapes were rolling. Everyone enjoyed being someone important for a change. People liked the feeling that their knowledge and experience was needed by someone. They shared it to the best of their abilities. More than that-it was hard to stop them. We heard stories of dead people on balconies, of chases through old ruins, flying over cities, and so on and so forth.
Two weeks later, I began to wait for a sign to end this social experiment. The sign came in the flesh, , a bodybuilder-type chap with a square face and pood fists and fists bigger than his head.. I had just come to Riga to check on the local Dreaming club and stumbled upon this guy while walking in the hall. He asked: "Is this the Dreaming club?" "Yes, it is" - I answered. And then he shouted: "So You're the one who's sleeping with my wife?!" and his fist sent me flying across the hall. I spat out a tooth and it was quite clear sign, isn't it?
We shut down the clubs, and started the analysis of results. The psychologist wrote up volumes, but the principle finding was simple. The dreams were a bit of talking, a bit of action and a fantastic cliché-the same thoughts, the same plots, the same movements. When talking about hundreds of cases, it seems that the similarity is small. But it was thousands of dreams.
Enormous amount of synchronous dreams are amazing. For example, on February the 3rd 1994, a lot of people were dreaming about playing with children either on a construction site or amongst ruins. What was that? A "dream-movie" broadcast? Or some file, that was stored on the "disk drive" of those people? Was that a correct interpretation of the data that was sent to them? Was it a warning? An instruction? Even now these questions remain unanswered. It is a virgin area for further researches.
The synchronicity issue had a personal touch. While reading the reports I came across a dream that resembled my own in some detail. A woman described sneaking inside a pyramid where, to her surprise, she found a little hen house. That was funny, a pyramid, ruthless guards, underground labyrinth and-a chicken farm. In my dream there was a cattle fence. It seems that for two cows. But it does not matter.
I met the woman and we became friends. She entered the group of enthusiasts that began forming around me at that time. Her name was Alla-a bright star of a little town in the suburbs of Moscow. Later
she became a dreamhacker and broke into the kernel of "dream security" which traces our conscious trips in the world of forces and energies, the world of our private, collective and social personnifications.
Alla- a tragic fate, and a rebellious spirit who broke the chains of physical illness. She is the real-life example that a true hacker is a warrior. We will meet her later, in the next chapter, but for now let's get back to some analysis.
At that time scientists openly discussed dreams and published their research. The military paid almost no attention at all to the subject. However, in 1995 the situation changed dramatically. Hundreds of files describing the relations between "reality" and the "Dreaming world" were removed from the archives.
Some examples of direct correlations:
a) How do the dreams of ordinary people differ from those of rape victims?
b) Dreams of the survivors of concentration camps and those who witnessed mass executions?
c) Dreams of the teens with the symptoms of progressive hearing loss?
d) Influence of sadism and masochism on dreams of people of different age groups;
e) Connection between vestibular activity and the frequency of "transparent" dreams;
f) Influence of the menstrual hormonal circle on the content of dreams;
Some opposing examples:
a) The rôle of dreams in stress adaptation;
b) The influence of dreams on creativity and the conception of metaphors;
c) Incorporation of "solutions" from the "dreamworld" to "everyday reality".
d) The influence of different types of dreams on hormonal activity.
However, we made it just in time. All scientific knowledge accumulated by humanity over the last 30 centuries found its place in 50 thick files titled "Archives". The work of hundreds of hired specialists who spent their days flying up-and-down the ladders between the racks of tall shelving was not in vain.
I found myself immersed in a sea of theories. Articles praising Calvin Hall and Bergson were followed by critiques of Freud. "The content of dreams is a product of memories randomly chosen by a biological process" reputable scientists wrote. "No way!" others replied. "You forgot to take into account the aspects of creative incubation and the REM-dream function. The brain itself organises the neuron signals, a cogniscent co-relation which creates interruptions and inconsistencies during dreams." "Nonsense!" other opponents insisted. "We should consider REM-dreams, NREM-dreams and the waking state as the expressions of one undifferentiated state, because EEG graphs clearly show 7 to 9 Hz peaks between the waking state, the NREM-dream, and the REM-dream, in the same frequency that was noted during meditation."
However, every theory is just a possibility determined by a set of chosen facts. That is, the number of theories could be infinite, and all of them could be correct in some way. At the same time the "creeping silence" was all over Russia. The "science of dreaming" was ripped-off down to the last file, hidden away, and shuffled into the back of a dark closet. Professors stole the last of the equipment. Assistants were drinking ethanol and selling the last discoveries. Maybe because of all that, my friend, one rich and crazy hacker said: "Enough is enough! Let someone else make their fortune on the blood of Russian boys and their mothers' tears! I will invest in the development of the science of "controlled dreams", so everyone who's fed up with the nonsense of world leaders can have a place where he can go-the place of dreams and knowledge, a beautiful and mysterious Eldorado.
What was said was done. In a little over a period of one month we collected all the then-available information about Dreams and Dreaming. Our conclusion was that Dreaming was an analogy of accessing a computer text file in "read only" mode.Now, five years later, some American scientists have come to the same conclusion.
Dreaming is the description, the interpretation of influences which are passed to our consciousness by our brain. The Dreaming world is an illusion, maya. In fact, each dream is a "bubble of perception", embodying the description of some place, the scene, the characters, the emotions and feelings. What we call the "Dreaming world" is just a handful of "bubbles"-a void-within-a-void, separated from chaos by a thin film of colour. Those familiar with computers will know that a data file cannot influence the operating system. However it can become the "lock pick" once you add on macros. Hackers use this trick to break in to any secured system, and we decided to use it to "break in" to Dreaming. This is why Don Juan told Castaneda to look for his hands in dreams- he insisted on remembering about it while Dreaming, in bringing on the awareness, the macro "hands" in the content of the dream, and gradually creating the "worm' in the programming of his conscience.
One might say it's the craziest idea they've ever heard. Well, considering that it came from our crazy hacker, it is not surprising. The important thing is that my friend was rich enough to be able to test his hypothesis.
In order to find a method different from the one used by Carlos Castaneda, our analyst suggested to use a "CAR", a "Creation of Artificial Replacement". This method implies introducing the "active" into the system, which in its turn will create an artificial space, a place for future action.
We decided to replace a handful of "bubbles of perception" with an artificial "controlled" space, or more accurately, with an exact copy of the human conscience matrix which describes the dreaming world for us. Each of us had to create a map of Dreams, and place all the "bubbles" in one "picture".
Oh, how naive we were in our vanity of pioneers. After years passed, we realised that we had only been repeating the Toltec technique of Recapitulation, with the only difference that we were recapitulating not our lives, but our Dreams. And do you know what I'll tell you? Those Toltecs were the real hackers...
Historical information about this correspondence.
February 9, 2001 Sergei Izrigi wrote to network in the ToltekDreaming - but this does not arouse the interest of local subscribers because they liked more to disassemble the details of their own dreams. But through this mailing he was found by Andrey Ugryumov - Russian astronomer and great dreamer, and GhostCat - another Russian dreamer who lives in America. Andrey wrote the article "Dreamshackers" to Russian mailing of Zest which Keshunchik became interested, and thanks to her a greater part of correspondence for 2001-2002 year was saved. Keshunchik asked Sergei about dreams mapping and offered to help him in placing material in the Internet. Also she invited Sergei to Zest. In Zeste was published several articles about cartography and labyrinths, which discussed with Maxx, Rey, Nexus. But Sergey left mailing because he didn't accept skeptical tone of discussion and leaving aside from subjects of cartography and labyrinths. He continued a private correspondence with Keshunchik, Andrey and GhostСat. GhostCat invited Sergei to his closed forum e2-e4.com, where they continued discussion about different parts of the dreamworld and bugs in dreams. March 9, 2001, exactly in a month after the appearance, Sergey went to the Altai and he promised to return.
Sergey Izrigi
...Hi, everybody! Do you sleep? Wake up! I'll tell you about a simple way of controlled dreams. This is not the gates of dreams. This is "hole in the wall." The Security Service of dreams yet does not know about this hole. We can sneak into the world of dreams. Forward! But at first answer two my questions:
1) Why Don Juan often forced Carlos Castaneda to pay attention to spatial orientation? Have you thought about it? (Where did birds - announcers arrive from? What connection between the types of allies and directions? Between the types of women warriors and the sides of the world?), Why orientation is necessary in controlled dreams?
2) Can we describe a dream as part of the program of the Big Computer? If "Yes", what file extension you would write after <My dream. ??? …
...We found that ordinary dream – it's a bit of chatter, a little action and fantastic cliches with the same thoughts, stories and activities. We can describe an ordinary dream as a text file in "read only" mode because it is impossible to have active control with a plot of sleep. Those familiar with computers will know that a data file cannot influence the operating system. However it can become the "lock pick" once you add on macros. Hackers use this trick to break in to any secured system, and we decided to use it to "break in" to Dreaming.
This is why Don Juan told Castaneda to look for his hands in dreams. He entered the macro "hands" in the content of the dream, and creating the "worm' in the programming of his conscience. We also used a hacking method of creating an artificial space ("creationofartificialreplacement" – CAR): you take the source text file and replace it on same, but only with the built-in managing directors of macroes. And we have added this method according to the principles of "not-doing."
The highlight of our research - is a compilation of the dream map. We are guessed to combine "bubbles of perception" of individual dreams in a single well-known and controllable space - a kind of matrix, which is a description of the dreams world for us.
Dreaming maps were made by many people before us: by Even and Yakut shamans, Chinese, Tibetan, Egyptian and Babylonian sages. This knowledge of the Ancient Seers. We conducted audit of its.
Our two assumptions:
1. Subculture of hackers is in a great deal similar to the way of warrior.
2. Compiling of map of dreams is a method of achievement of the controlled dreams.
Our little discoveries:
1. The map of dreams is limited by the insuperable areas: by oceans, seas, rivers, mountains. Carlos Castaneda had sand dunes.
2. Parts of the world on a dreams map are turned (and it not randomness):
West --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- East
3. All the cards have the common areas (perhaps we could call them the archetypes): two giant structures; active zone of transmutations; Area of cataclysms; mazes; Other interesting area (Paradise, Witches forest, etc.)
Our greatest discovery: mapping of dreams leads to a recall of former dreams (in all lifetime). At correct approach these remembrances take place in an explosive form. It's a strange feeling as if you're crazy or if you have a daily satori. From this point you become another person. You begin to control dreams. It is the first stage which takes 3-5 years. Of course, this is not a simple task ...
... Our group has a different view about Guardians of dreams. It is more fit in to Castaneda's warning of energetic predators which eat components of our consciousness. This thought is both at Colin Wilson, and at many others. That is our consciousness is muzzled, depriving us of freedom. This imprint is entered to every child, becomes stronger by the system of education and matrix of perception of our world. To reach dark secrets of the dreams world, it should be not studied, and "haсk" - carefully, on the verge of life and death.
And that's why I say that the way of dreamhackers and warriors is almost the same. Beyond the threshold of sleep unknown forces of the universe waiting for us. One our girlfriend they "gobbled up" with asthma. Castaneda became ill with cancer. In my nose bridge appeared a hole - as soon as I found the bridge to the other side of perception.
Don't forget, we created an artificial substitute of reality. Artificial space on which we moved memories of the dreams. Five years you work on it, then it starts to work for you. Almost entirely reflecting matrix of imprint, this space is yours! Meeting forces,energies and their personifikation, you have control, trixes and knowledge of this world. That's the advantage of this method in comparison with the search of hands. But even here we are in danger! ...
...Once upon a time there was a crazy hacker who got an idea to "break in" to the Dreaming world. He was an eccentric type-a wild mix of Don Quixote, Baron Munchausen- a fortunate adventurer who managed to come across one and a half million dollars of "easy" money! His name was Sam Gorbunkov. Or, maybe it was Sergei Izrigi? What difference does it make now?
He organised six dreaming clubs, in Minsk, in Riga and in four major Russian cities. The guy hired 5 advertising agents and 16 psychoanalysts who enticed people to the clubs and conducted questioning according to a method which was specially developed for the research. The conversations were recorded on audio and videotape, and then the tapes were sent to 6 analytical groups. 41 retired military analysts compiled their fancy classifications, extrapolated common patterns, and sent the results to their employer. Those were the great days-insane interest in the powerful project, combined with fatigue, irritation, and anger. People were arriving in a never-ending stream. Imagine a large well-lit conference hall, a huge table with food and drink set out in the middle, an atmosphere of friendship and warmth. Casual chit-chat, people meeting people, and of course, flirting. Then the questioning began, and people talked and talked and talked.
Psychologists nodded, asked their questions, the tapes were rolling. Everyone enjoyed being someone important for a change. People liked the feeling that their knowledge and experience was needed by someone. They shared it to the best of their abilities. More than that-it was hard to stop them. We heard stories of dead people on balconies, of chases through old ruins, flying over cities, and so on and so forth.
Two weeks later, I began to wait for a sign to end this social experiment. The sign came in the flesh, , a bodybuilder-type chap with a square face and pood fists and fists bigger than his head.. I had just come to Riga to check on the local Dreaming club and stumbled upon this guy while walking in the hall. He asked: "Is this the Dreaming club?" "Yes, it is" - I answered. And then he shouted: "So You're the one who's sleeping with my wife?!" and his fist sent me flying across the hall. I spat out a tooth and it was quite clear sign, isn't it?
We shut down the clubs, and started the analysis of results. The psychologist wrote up volumes, but the principle finding was simple. The dreams were a bit of talking, a bit of action and a fantastic cliché-the same thoughts, the same plots, the same movements. When talking about hundreds of cases, it seems that the similarity is small. But it was thousands of dreams.
Enormous amount of synchronous dreams are amazing. For example, on February the 3rd 1994, a lot of people were dreaming about playing with children either on a construction site or amongst ruins. What was that? A "dream-movie" broadcast? Or some file, that was stored on the "disk drive" of those people? Was that a correct interpretation of the data that was sent to them? Was it a warning? An instruction? Even now these questions remain unanswered. It is a virgin area for further researches.
The synchronicity issue had a personal touch. While reading the reports I came across a dream that resembled my own in some detail. A woman described sneaking inside a pyramid where, to her surprise, she found a little hen house. That was funny, a pyramid, ruthless guards, underground labyrinth and-a chicken farm. In my dream there was a cattle fence. It seems that for two cows. But it does not matter.
I met the woman and we became friends. She entered the group of enthusiasts that began forming around me at that time. Her name was Alla-a bright star of a little town in the suburbs of Moscow. Later
she became a dreamhacker and broke into the kernel of "dream security" which traces our conscious trips in the world of forces and energies, the world of our private, collective and social personnifications.
Alla- a tragic fate, and a rebellious spirit who broke the chains of physical illness. She is the real-life example that a true hacker is a warrior. We will meet her later, in the next chapter, but for now let's get back to some analysis.
At that time scientists openly discussed dreams and published their research. The military paid almost no attention at all to the subject. However, in 1995 the situation changed dramatically. Hundreds of files describing the relations between "reality" and the "Dreaming world" were removed from the archives.
Some examples of direct correlations:
a) How do the dreams of ordinary people differ from those of rape victims?
b) Dreams of the survivors of concentration camps and those who witnessed mass executions?
c) Dreams of the teens with the symptoms of progressive hearing loss?
d) Influence of sadism and masochism on dreams of people of different age groups;
e) Connection between vestibular activity and the frequency of "transparent" dreams;
f) Influence of the menstrual hormonal circle on the content of dreams;
Some opposing examples:
a) The rôle of dreams in stress adaptation;
b) The influence of dreams on creativity and the conception of metaphors;
c) Incorporation of "solutions" from the "dreamworld" to "everyday reality".
d) The influence of different types of dreams on hormonal activity.
However, we made it just in time. All scientific knowledge accumulated by humanity over the last 30 centuries found its place in 50 thick files titled "Archives". The work of hundreds of hired specialists who spent their days flying up-and-down the ladders between the racks of tall shelving was not in vain.
I found myself immersed in a sea of theories. Articles praising Calvin Hall and Bergson were followed by critiques of Freud. "The content of dreams is a product of memories randomly chosen by a biological process" reputable scientists wrote. "No way!" others replied. "You forgot to take into account the aspects of creative incubation and the REM-dream function. The brain itself organises the neuron signals, a cogniscent co-relation which creates interruptions and inconsistencies during dreams." "Nonsense!" other opponents insisted. "We should consider REM-dreams, NREM-dreams and the waking state as the expressions of one undifferentiated state, because EEG graphs clearly show 7 to 9 Hz peaks between the waking state, the NREM-dream, and the REM-dream, in the same frequency that was noted during meditation."
However, every theory is just a possibility determined by a set of chosen facts. That is, the number of theories could be infinite, and all of them could be correct in some way. At the same time the "creeping silence" was all over Russia. The "science of dreaming" was ripped-off down to the last file, hidden away, and shuffled into the back of a dark closet. Professors stole the last of the equipment. Assistants were drinking ethanol and selling the last discoveries. Maybe because of all that, my friend, one rich and crazy hacker said: "Enough is enough! Let someone else make their fortune on the blood of Russian boys and their mothers' tears! I will invest in the development of the science of "controlled dreams", so everyone who's fed up with the nonsense of world leaders can have a place where he can go-the place of dreams and knowledge, a beautiful and mysterious Eldorado.
What was said was done. In a little over a period of one month we collected all the then-available information about Dreams and Dreaming. Our conclusion was that Dreaming was an analogy of accessing a computer text file in "read only" mode.Now, five years later, some American scientists have come to the same conclusion.
Dreaming is the description, the interpretation of influences which are passed to our consciousness by our brain. The Dreaming world is an illusion, maya. In fact, each dream is a "bubble of perception", embodying the description of some place, the scene, the characters, the emotions and feelings. What we call the "Dreaming world" is just a handful of "bubbles"-a void-within-a-void, separated from chaos by a thin film of colour. Those familiar with computers will know that a data file cannot influence the operating system. However it can become the "lock pick" once you add on macros. Hackers use this trick to break in to any secured system, and we decided to use it to "break in" to Dreaming. This is why Don Juan told Castaneda to look for his hands in dreams- he insisted on remembering about it while Dreaming, in bringing on the awareness, the macro "hands" in the content of the dream, and gradually creating the "worm' in the programming of his conscience.
One might say it's the craziest idea they've ever heard. Well, considering that it came from our crazy hacker, it is not surprising. The important thing is that my friend was rich enough to be able to test his hypothesis.
In order to find a method different from the one used by Carlos Castaneda, our analyst suggested to use a "CAR", a "Creation of Artificial Replacement". This method implies introducing the "active" into the system, which in its turn will create an artificial space, a place for future action.
We decided to replace a handful of "bubbles of perception" with an artificial "controlled" space, or more accurately, with an exact copy of the human conscience matrix which describes the dreaming world for us. Each of us had to create a map of Dreams, and place all the "bubbles" in one "picture".
Oh, how naive we were in our vanity of pioneers. After years passed, we realised that we had only been repeating the Toltec technique of Recapitulation, with the only difference that we were recapitulating not our lives, but our Dreams. And do you know what I'll tell you? Those Toltecs were the real hackers...
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