FAQ, composed of Ravenna posts

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FAQ, composed of Ravenna posts

Сообщение Artur » 31 дек 2014, 14:24:20

CC - Carlos Castaneda
SI - Sergei Izrigi
DH - Dream Hackers
Lucid dream - LD
Controlled dream - CD

Can I join your workshop, even if I do not own lucid dreaming ? If so, I need to study the accelerated pace of everything your have learned here? Or go with your?

We are not competing. This project aims to study the unknown spaces - both the real world and the world of dreams. Who knows, maybe it was you who sent us forces for an unprecedented and indescribable inspiration? Suddenly you are elected or nagual? Neither I nor others do not yet know. Therefore join.

Ravenna, where to start? And what kind of things can be in the house, which stands in the old cemetery? Or maybe they have something to hurt me if they aggressively tuned?

In the world of dreams and all sorts of different things. In fact, dreams - it's part of a predatory universe. If you want to be in this world fully armed, learn the words of power, different ways to move fast. We researchers. If you want an adventure, learn how to operate and fly. Learn how to stop the word and look horrible Fiends your subconscious.

When dreams are getting better remember and awareness itself literally falls into the hands; head automatically start lining up some plans (that tomorrow I will do it in his sleep, and then it) and as a result within a few days there is a rollback: awareness is reduced and more difficult to remember dreams. Is this a consequence of the fact that the plans to build?

You have only to investigate this cyclical increasing awareness and decreasing in dreams. Then you will be able to compare the cyclical understanding with any timeline. This will help organize your personal time for dreams and for actions in waking.

Ravenna, I want to ask: Note that when there are controlled dreams where I act confidently and skillfully, and every place I know by heart. And just when I sleep and have dreams about these places, you do not know them, and they are constantly mutating. In the plots of ordinary dreams I behave primitive and not guided. Why is this happening?
And: Who we really are and why we are so "cuts" when we wake up or just sleep? If dreamers - we are real, then what prevents us to be like all the time, why are we limited to Reveal?

Prnss, I would like to clarify the concept of "controlled sleep." This is a dream in which we have partial or full control over the elements of sleep - on the plot, over time (day, night) on movements, on characters and so on. Lucid dreaming mistakenly called conscious, because consciousness in it 0.005%. Controlled dreams do not always involve a process of awareness. Rather, they are more concerned with the properties of memory and intentions. And that "circumcision" in the transition from one state of consciousness to another - an action program memory. Crack of such a program is to review autopsy dreams memory, modern methods of memory (which, incidentally, is now very few people are interested in, and they are available in large quantities). Users "limited" in the waking for the reason that they was raised. Accentuated social system to suppress all "unusual". A "normal" just a limited view of the world.

Ravenna, today we snatches collect as many materials DH. Trix with reduction in tonal order becomes more understandable. We all have the same matrix elements of the dream world we all reflect the same values in the world waking. We are not so complex and individual as it sometimes seems. In previous practice, we are convinced of this. Me outline common locations on the found materials. It does not reflect the individual state of things for me, it is common and is a consequence of my understanding based on locations.
Center - house forever unstable combination of all the places of residence. City - between the center and the north.
South (top) is stable and is the boundary of the tonal. Usually there is an ocean (desert, mountains), which is not allowed on.
North (below), in contrast to the south, mobile and changeable. The edges of the north is not. On the way will be a major obstacle.
West (left) is stable, can serve as a desert border.
East (right) is similar to the north, he moves away and transformed. On the way - "white spots".
North-east, if you have enough discipline and effort can serve as the entrance to the nagual. Border incomprehensible and unattainable. On the way - a terrible guards, barriers and fears.
North-west - the Lower Town.
South-east - is full of mazes. On the way - power. Also on the way - Bridge with the guard and the barrier. You need to have the strength to go through it: deep and left, pass through the ravine / mountain gorge, and then the hole with flapping membrane. Can serve as an entrance into a large bowl of perception.
Southwest - the transformation zone, anomalies. Place of meetings with allies, teachers, people. On the way - a place of power - a tall building near the ground, divided by a partition. Near - train trestle-loop.
The place of religion varies, but is found on the way to the northeast, on the edge of town.
Depending on the degree of importance of the objects occupy different locations relative to the center. The greater the role religion plays in the life of (for example), or other areas of activity / interest / world, so it is closer to the center.
Individual bubbles collected me until stacked on the board. Is it possible to improvise here, ie, feel free to post it on the map bubbles until they become ordered and not merge?

This is a necessary thing. DH somehow wanted to create a comprehensive and detailed map of the dream world, but abandoned the idea. Every Dreamer should work itself, because the purpose of mapping in the sequencing of personal tonal. That is, the person who took detailed map will be deprived of the opportunity to streamline the tonal. He has to do it himself.

Ravenna, tell me, in lucid dreaming has a dungeon? Just in a dream, happened, got into some tunnels or caves.

In the dream world, a lot of dungeons. Of course, you can be there and suddenly realized. When Dreamer is in an awakened state, the labyrinth represents a serious danger for him. Labyrinths - home of the inorganics, and lucid dreams make people very vulnerable, as they we lose a lot of boards. That is, inorganics can set a trap and catch you in the maze. Then, spreading your different senses, they can merge with you. It seems that so terrible? An-no! They will need the habitat in your body and it will be benign or malignant tumors, utility bills, watery cavity. It is very difficult not to get hooked.

In the dream I saw in his hand a large jar of coffee and the label was written the word. Magician said that it is now my new name. Ravenna, please tell me how to react to it - it is necessary to change a nickname or a new name to keep a secret? :)

In going through dreams, seen you at least three times. This info, as the teacher's name or your initiation code, it is better not to tell anyone. It is best to act from a position of researcher. Seven times to try once measure. Draw conclusions after repeated testing.

Dear Ravenna. I have a question: what benefit pursue allies from there to working with us? Why would they help us ...

Raziel, when we are dealing with the elements of the world (ask advice, help and effort), we actually call ourselves - that is, personify part of his consciousness and using a focus of attention to increase their capacity of knowledge and activity in the environment. When people are faced with the Allies, in the course are agreed. Allies are connected to human resources, and people use their capabilities. Hackers do not sign the contract. They are "suspended" to the Allies as remora. In exchange for giving up "sticking" allies give us crumbs of knowledge and, in general, we use them only as a means of transport. Not very efficient, but it ensures independence. In short, among the allies is better to be "The Cat Who Walked by Herself," but does not give up feeding and petting.
Последний раз редактировалось Artur 09 мар 2016, 06:07:22, всего редактировалось 4 раза.

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Зарегистрирован: 17 авг 2014, 19:20:26

Re: FAQ, composed of Ravenna posts

Сообщение Artur » 31 дек 2014, 14:25:37

Ravenna, tell me, how people relate to (real) and a sprite, it depicts?

Sprite - a character in the story of the dream. Somehow, the program uses the dream our memories of the real world and puts her part in the plot. Sprites are useless. Of course, you can spend a lot of effort, inflate sprite luminosity and thus attract a man in my dream, and how would it affect the awareness. But it's not worth it. For joint dreams easier to set up a dream to some special locations and realize there. Informed person in the dream is easily recognized by its luminosity - he seemed to shine with an inner light, it is bright in the background sprites.

Ravenna, question a little off topic, when you spent Dreams Workshop, you create a stream. This stream is now in force?

Pseudo-left flow. This workshop stream is only available during the meeting initiated the process.

When we find a place in our luminosity - how do we get it back? How is the process of returning it? - We have to put the subject of this zone, or maybe eat or dissolved in yourself? And at some point, you can wake up - after I left the place, or can be right there?

Luminosity returns automatically when a person comes to a place where he lost this luminosity. Return luminosity accompanied by a huge rise in energy. You wake up in a good cheerful mood. You will work out all that you begin to do. You're lucky. People treat you kindly and fulfill your requests. Familiar cling and call you. Following this, there's some unforeseen situations, problems and challenges of life. This flurry of concern deprives you of forces and licks you all collected luminosity. Because a delicious pie all strive to open rotok. You're getting tasty prey for many creatures - chiefs, inorganics, envy and "good" friends. C'est la vie! You want to live, learn to twirl. Got luminosity immediately Use it in mind. Otherwise, the "use" you.

Ravenna, and the luminosity is lost and replenished only in dreams? Do I need to in the real world to refrain from something, not to lose luminosity gain awareness?

CC states that the warrior's way helps a person to maintain and increase the luminosity. Hackers have found that the luminosity can be restored in dreams. We lose luminosity when dealing with energy predatory creatures. In the old days people were nomikony - lists of entities around us - which describes the characteristics of various beings. Now preserved only Necronomicon - a list of names of entities "dead" or "undead." But we could create neonomikon because something has changed in our worlds. There were a disease that was not there before. There are new conditions - radiation, mutation, gene modification. All this, as told to Kenneth Grant, is a sign of openness to the outside gate and new Ancients. That is, the essence is. We are surrounded by ravenous creatures, the presence of which we are aware of only secondary signs. Some of these creatures eat up our luminosity and make it very elegant - calling us to himself as a siren.
Incidentally, the anecdote! Conversation of two cows in a pasture! One says the other:
- I think I know why we are fed and kept warm in the bullpen. I think we want to milk as it should, and then kill and to put on the sausage.
The second cow says:
- Yes, enough for you to carry this stuff, and then all the flock will laugh at you!

Ravenna, the reports mentioned prison, he remembered a moment. Year and a half ago, pulled out a strange device - something like a hybrid of a regular keyboard and a cash register. He looks like a high-tech display and adding machine with the alphabetic keyboard. Poked, twisted the handle - spilled over into the strange "system" bubble of perception. Darkish space of unknown size, with large "terminals" - almost geometrically correct healthy blocks about 2 meters. Felt rigid information structure. Somehow miraculously managed to get to a kind of control interface, but tired of trying to understand the principle and quickly lost consciousness. You comment?

Prison (or giant structure) is a complex trap attention, established in antiquity and effectively so far. Getting there, we see all sorts of bugs, get gifts illusory, but the result left there its luminosity. Sometimes it seems that you have taken out the lost luminosity, but no! This again is an illusion. Here's a clever trap. Do not rush. We consider in detail its mechanism, and I will tell you a way to break this very interesting patch to a program of consciousness.

Ravenna, can a man unconscious in the back luminosity / normal sleep?
How to use the card again, and knowledge of the whereabouts of the luminosity in different places on it, that is connected with every place luminosity return some "unique" Trix? Or just need to "get" a place where the luminosity is stored? The very concept of "return luminosity" gives the impression that you need "something" to receive / pick up, and whether the "return luminosity" to be something abstract, such as the intricate plot, or anything else "is not a specific"?
Are there any on the map "security zone" where you can just be / remain in the pleasure without the fear that you now will be covered next sniffer?

1. People can return luminosity unconscious dreams. This happens quite often. But the sense usually does not happen, because the resulting luminosity is spent on the banality of reals, or eaten by predators rejoiced energy.
2. Each of the six that I know of places lost luminosity is protected by a guard. Guardians are the Giants, the Scarecrow or scary-looking animals (eg, ten alligators in shallow water). Running away from some other cheating, others simply are not afraid, because you know that the dream - a dream. The only difficult place - prison. But talk about this later, because all the time. Luminosity acquired almost automatically when released into the place where it was abandoned. People come to the Palace Museum and almost certainly take luminosity. They seemed to know where she is. Sometimes the plot of sleep involves the acquisition of a thing of value (books, wand, etc.), and sometimes should just get into protective custody, and luminosity comes back to you. Each in its own way, but the common elements are very similar.
3. The security zones do not exist. We live in a "chicken coop" or, more precisely, on a dairy farm, where after a certain period of time we have "milked". If a man crawled away from the place of the old milking to another territory, for it undertakes new milker. That's all. On the eastern coastal strip has an eerie place - circles with crosses (perhaps you will see them a little differently). They pulled the chain of people. People lie on the cross in a circle above them hangs beast, like a ramp, and there is a fence luminosity. Looks like a lightning bolt. Man climbs coming out of the circle. His place is taken by another. There eats one kind of predators. In the maze of other creatures await us. These process food more slowly. There seems to be that you are in some spacious aisle, and this passage suddenly filled with a viscous liquid air, and you like kristallizueshsya with him. Stiffens like a cockroach on the pin. And sometimes in the maze you supposedly rescued from this fate, dragged into a narrow cave, and you know, it's awfully grateful you saved the essence - beautiful girl with almost no waist or young man, who later turns out to be asexual. And that's what you want to express my gratitude and you have so many feelings! You hold this beautiful creature, immersed in it, and it sinks into you - so sweet sexy absorption of each other. No genitals, no movement - just dive. And in real life it turns out that this creature is in you any malignancy. And since it is unable to live a long time in a real, then it tries to get away from you - or, better to say, pulls you into the pit.
In short, if you want scary bedtime stories - contact me! I have a lot of them!
"Safe Zone" are available only for those who know nothing about the world of dreams. On the other hand, when you know the world of Dreams, you have different ideas about how to get away from danger. A hacker Dreams world - it is an interesting place huge space where you can explore to make exploits, to find vulnerabilities, to move away from the chase, evade danger. It's a lot of adventures!

Ravenna, the question, of course philosophical, but for me it is at the moment counts. If you do not want to answer - I will not be angry. ^ _ ^ You did not think that one builds a world that is real, that the dream in his own image? Someone more it gloomy and full of predators, and someone on the contrary. Speak on this topic can be infinite, to explain it, too, there is so much exercise there. You hackers so much writing about various traps attention. Looking for ways to get around them. But this fight will be infinite. Will receive all the new traps, and need all the new "discovery" and ways of overcoming. And is this not the main trap? Especially the fact that it is exciting, like a computer game? That creates the appearance of activity. Maybe we should not dig consequences, not in those or other events, and go to their roots? I'm sure when he discovered the source, everything becomes much more transparent. Will not have to frantically shake for its luminosity, put protection and so on.

Vvv. You have no idea what you're clever!

-Fenek Fox-
Now re-read the file (refreshing the memory of DH), caught one paragraph, to the point that I never made it, but I thought it was pretty darn important point ... however, to judge you.
SI: "Third, we found that the program is well protected dreams. By and large, the people - it is powerless nick dreams. And we found our" nerds. "At first," hackers "have classified them in three existing categories. I mean flyers, inorganics and custody. But then our further research led us to another conclusion - all these sprites dreams are personifications of histones DNA-tonal. Moreover, we now know that "passes to the other side" (ie natural remedies from a tonal nagual, in the figurative and cartographic aspect), and the place where, as we previously thought, a person recovers its luminosity, are actually histones DNA tonal. "Now many of the participants of the workshop were the first contacts with the guardians. But ... DNA-tonal? Ravenna, if you can answer as histones may be associated with these same guards? o_O

That's right. Guardians - a sub-program of our consciousness, which, like beacons, noted problem areas. Fight them does not make sense, since it will be a struggle with ourselves. Guardians must be overcome. Contact them identify the different fears and psychosomatic complexes (a mixture of emotions and physical sensations). Dreamers can learn a lot about yourself when meeting with the guardians.
As for the DNA-tonal, then let's not discuss this topic. We explore the ancient way, which left only minimal information. For reasons of clarity, we should not modulate it with some preconceptions. They only confuse us and give the necessary freedom. Perhaps, having a little this way, we will create a different theory of the tonal and do without any codons.

Ravenna, I had a question. Please tell us about the "reduction of brains", which we periodically flyers. How to get rid of this possible, where and how does it happen?

View on feeding flyers can be on the shores of East River. Moves from the city to the east. Find steep slope facing the river. Travel in a dream the night. Find some safe shelter that you could not see the top. Stay on the cliff to the time when brighten. When you see a chain and a group of people going somewhere, secretly followed them. They will lead you to the large cross on the beach. If crosses painted on the ground. Sometimes crosses in circles. People lie on one crosses, then get up and go. If you look closely, you can see the beam of energy coming to them when they are on the cross. If still you look closely, you can see the flyers that feed these people. They look like black skates large. It goes so disgusting spectacle that is the real nausea. When you see it, the whole world will turn to you. The whole system of values will change. And to avoid this process can only be two ways - to become a "tasteless food" or run away to the west. To become tasteless, you need to practice the way of the warrior, QC described. To escape, you must first "get away" from the anchor of "pins", which you as a child pinned to a small region of the dream world. I will soon show you how to do it. We explore this "pin" and try to get her.

Ravenna, and injections into the palate, it's too do they do? Tell me more, please, about the "box" in the palate, and about the flying city flyers.

Injections in the palate make sniffers - special subroutine consciousness that "protect" us from new opportunities. We can say that these routines follow the strength of our boards, which is fenced off from the consciousness of the nagual. This peculiar dreams agents of the Matrix. It's best when you meet them escape. In extreme and severe cases can fix their tenacious gaze with intent to steal for a transit to some other ball perception. For some reason they are afraid of transit transfers.
Sniffers are more common in the industrial zone of the city. They are seen by us as a people, shadows, ghosts or humanoids. But there is another kind of sniffers - spines. More precisely, the pylons with spikes on top. They shoot lightning. This species can be found near the runway of the aerodrome. Tambov claimed that they guard it terribly interesting transit, leading far to the west - to the very furthest position of the assemblage point.
A city flyers hovers over a giant structure. Sometimes he even goes down to the top of the structure. Some Dreamer been inside the city flyers. According to them it is a maze. People often get there in dreams with stories about spaceships. Often there Dreamer experience suffocation and sudden increase in pressure. Sometimes people trapped in these dreams, the dream experience apoplexy. I do not advise you to go there. There's no good for us.
Последний раз редактировалось Artur 31 дек 2014, 14:36:41, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

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Сообщения: 434
Зарегистрирован: 17 авг 2014, 19:20:26

Re: FAQ, composed of Ravenna posts

Сообщение Artur » 31 дек 2014, 14:27:15

Ravenna, I have a question: at what age can introduce children to the world of dreams? Thank U.

Preferably after 10-11 years.

Clarify about Paradise, IMHO is the location "My heaven on earth" - that is, at this point appears my ideal landscape design, or is the "paradise"?
About God. IMHO, for a meeting with God I should be able to create their own worlds full, or is it that God (we'm about Your mention of a meeting with God) is the personalization "aspirations of the soul of the believer"?
Thank U.

Locations world of dreams reflect our outlook. We know a lot about the city life, so the city occupies a large area. And what do you know about heaven? The amount of information about paradise is embodied in the size of the place. God in a dream - a pattern of man. All the common features of people - in it. He at once so dear, close, friendly, but ... too familiar and close. This IMHO. Perhaps you will be different. Go, look and check.

Ravenna, I ask for your help in my study. We are talking about the study of the temple in a dream. Feels believe that in my case it alone. He is modified, as well as all around him. He is on different pieces of the map, but in a different environment (ie the bridge next, the hills). I can not connect. I wonder how many churches are usually on the map? Rather, it is very individual ...
Another important question - about the place in which I keep coming back, and which has a special meaning. I often find myself on the ocean-sea. Same place, changes in sleep is not much. There is a break. Often, the water at the time of moving away, leaving the desert, which I will explore as I can. What can I say about this place? What I can not find it? Almost all of my dreams have been clear there. Thank you for all the help.

Our life in the real world consists of megakonstruktsy. For example, the concept of "religion" includes a lot of things - texts, temples, rituals, historical facts, opinions, prejudices, etc. In the dream world, every such megakonstruktsiya takes some location. If you personally for us this megakonstruktsiya not important, the location will be small (undeveloped) and distant. If megakonstruktsiya important to us, it will develop an object and space. There will be a lot of things, and will be a great place. And interestingly, the location will move closer to the center of the map - to our house for the birth, the source of life. Earlier in the place of your dreams religion was observed in one place, and now this location was in a different place, then your attitude towards religion has changed. If the location has become closer to the center of the map, the importance of religion has intensified. If the location is further distanced attitude.
Body of water (lake, sea, ocean), which sometimes turns into a wilderness, in a dry bed or empty quarry, located in the north of the city or on the northern border of the city. When it dries, open cracks and holes through which easily fall into the lower world. Whatever this body of water, it's easy to jump in the air.

Ravenna, my gratitude has no limits! Many landmarks, the data you actually help put the pieces that seemed to go nowhere.
Dreamed of the church - a little. One. Far from the city, on some hills. Was full toon, color and complex, simple and black and white.
There is a problem with the placement on the map. Is it normal that before the card is folded completely, I can not put bubbles in parts of the world? They are connected and there are islands, approximately located. I was alarmed error placement of the ocean ... it was painted in the south - at the top. Was confusion with the object: it was impossible to map appropriately - just a piece of sea-desert in "nowhere", like it of course, but not quite.

I'll reveal to you a secret. For the mapping of cholesterol make fun Trix. They arrange the tonal. Not only that, when fixing the fragments of a dream we create chaos and hash form a stable world of dreams. We are, among other things, drag a bunch of scattered elements of the tonal - oceans, seas, deserts - its small size and fasten them there. Yes, every element of the dream world has its own special meaning in the world of waking, in our minds. This is a huge pile of files scattered on our system. We collect them in separate folders with specific names. You could be the two oceans in the north and south. And there will be one ocean. Two files in the same folder. We skomponuem bunch of religious sites in one location - in a single folder. Which not only streamline the material, but also give insight than religion is for you - what it is exactly for you. Not in general, but specifically. At this stage of life. This arrangement will allow us the world of dreams to make another Trix - it push the boundaries of the dream world. Imagine that half of my life, we hung out in close henhouse. And some of us for some time jumped from stage to stage stairs and climbed higher and higher, increasing the overview area. There, in the henhouse, the world was the size of 10 square meters. m. On the top of the stairs we will see a huge space. There will be seen incredible things that we have never met in the henhouse. Castaneda wrote that we can even fly to the clipped wings and jump over the fence coop - escape to a world full of wonders, predators and unknown forces. That's what we do Trix, sealing and composing our Dreams world.

Ravenna, clarify, please, the situation with the removal of the objects of dreams.
Like, Khazar dream catchers could do it. Somehow going to make a ring, but a voice said that is impossible, since the subject may be some trap (communication with inorganics, for example). In fact, sometimes there is a feeling in his hands when leaving the conscious sleep, if a second before it was holding an object.

I heard that the ancient masters could make the dream of items. To do this, the magician found obedient intermediary - medium. A special reception was introduced into the medium controlled dream, immersed in storage or library, download it and render objects in reality. A good example is the tale of Aladdin and the magic lamp. Something similar fulfill the aborigines of Australia. They forage in dreams and drag it into reality. Because there is no food in the desert. However, there are also hunters sends community. People see the collective controlled dream in which their envoys go hunting or fishing. They are loaded with food, and then the community pulls them into reality. But here is the dreamer himself to take something from the real world of dreams - about this I did not hear.

Ravenna, say, whether in religious places to be part of our luminosity. If so, can it carry out? And can there be such that the transition from one to the other unconscious sleep just to take some of its energy, well, or even any "gift of power" in the form of energy?

Every time drifted off to sleep, as if we start the game over again. Yes, the researchers gradually reveal the "fog of war" and learn features of the territory of the dream world. But the bonuses have to win each time. Can you a hundred times to come to the temple at the bridge, and get over there a hundred times of its luminosity. You can meet hundreds of times injuring getting bonuses. But these awards are very small. They can somehow stimulnut, somehow encouraging, but the real action they are few. How do you get the option to save? How to save and accumulate particles acquired luminosity? To do this, the kernel! Container safe - you can call it as you want. Although I prefer to call it an option to save. The core is in one of the airport terminals. Airport - a very interesting structure. When his search you will notice that it mutates with a giant structure. If you do not look for the airport, you can see a gigantic structure (a man-made hill, tower, incredibly huge building, and so on). But if you're looking for the airport, it is precisely at the site of the giant structure. This element of illusion and we meet in the area of transformation, but the location of the giant building, he expressed a surprising degree. You can look at the giant tower, then remember about the airport, tune into the search, and oops! - Before you aerodrome, and no trace of the tower. There, in the right terminal of the main entrance is like a service department for the storage and sorting of luggage. It is necessary to enter into a service door, you quickly takes down the slippery escalator down - in a large tank of water with a huge crocodile. Everything happens so fast that you do not have time to notice the details of the room. You do not have time to realize that for a large structure located in a wide room to the right of the escalator. And there is the heart penumbra or razor Aaron makes us, magical creatures, in the usual impotent fellows. Without the kernel we are destined for life to start the game again. Collect pieces of luminosity, a slight rise of forces then raid the flyers, the so-called "kickback." And this cycle will continue until death. When you kidnap kernel, - hoo! - All your actions in a dream start to go off. Because the kernel and called the nucleus around him is going to force.

Ravenna! Please answer - how to use a sniffer in a dream.

When attacking sniffers run in the program we fear. Or should I say, these routines are in your scripts reference to a subroutine fear. If you have some experience and a desire to experiment with sniffers, it is possible to interrupt the call to the subroutine instead of fear and a given reaction, for example, to laugh or to issue other emotion - tender love, angry, it is highly strict boss. When this fails sniffer program. He will try to disappear (canceled). And here it is necessary to fix his tenacious gaze. Sniffer starts stalking fabricate masterpieces, trying to distract your attention. But with some experience you will be able to not let him go. And then he will take you to the center of the control programs. In what form do you see the control center will depend on the experience and state of awareness. But there is much that can be done - for example, to find the terminal "you" and make some adjustments - to heal, improve appearance, to program the necessary life events and so on.

Ravenna, I have a few questions. The First. Is it worth doing recapitulation, if in practice, the emphasis is on the dream, not the stalking?
Second. Does sleep time to practice. For example, I sleep about 5 hours a day, it may be necessary to increase the sleep time?

1. Recapitulation around the head! Of course, you do love him. By the way, the implementation of cartography of dreams - a review of dreams. Therefore, the dream can be considered a continuation of the practice of recapitulation.
2. A small amount of sleep impairs the practice of dreams. There are three effective sleep:
a. Sleep deprivation - a deliberate interruption of sleep for a long period of time. Interesting to investigate the mechanism of dreams. But enough is harmful to health.
b. Normal sleep with an average of from 7 to 9 hours.
c. Mode da Vinci: four o'clock wakefulness and sleep for 20-30 minutes. During the day, sleep about 2-3 hours, but it is enough for brief periods of wakefulness.

Ravenna, please tell me whether there is a true story DH on the Internet? Or will be? Or would you describe it superficially?

Grey, the true story of trying to describe Masjanja in the book "The world has fallen in the palm." If it does not finish the book, I'll write his own version.

Ravenna, you have a favorite question of strangers in a lucid dream?

When I meet people who are aware in the dream, they see me with black eyes. This is a common manifestation of the nagual. Realize in a dream people have black eyes. But this fact is so frightening dreamers, they are bullet fly out of dreams. So I do not have time to ask them any question.

Ravenna, so we were looking for paradise. Is there a hell? What part of our being, it expresses and where to find it?

In fact, hell, as it is known to us from the literature, these are two separate locations. The first of these is located in the far west of the desert Yond?. There, between two Twin Cities area is inhabited by horrible-looking creatures with terrible-looking habits. Devils in the thick of rest. The second location is in the run-up to the world of fire. When a Christian somehow gets there, he perceives the world as the Guardian of Satan. It fought with him Jesus. The fight against the Guardian usually leads to physical death in our world. With it, you can make arrangements. In anticipation of this all in Scarlet, all permeated with horror and awe. But the world of fire is described by visitors of our world, as the world of light - quite beautiful and more intelligent than ours. Way into the world of Light or Fire is through the passage to the southeast. There will be a small layer of tonal six gates in different worlds, and one of these passages leading into the world of Fire.

About inorganics, if you get caught in a maze of inorganic and merge with you, it may eventually become an ally?

There is some confusion when talking about allies and helpers on the other hand. I myself often call assistants allies. Actually allies - is inorganic. A helper on the other hand - is you, but living in a different layer of the tonal. Get ally not a problem. The problem - get rid of it after a while. Any magical creature, which is used as an artist desires, is an ally. Kryon, pet living in the cat house, the evil spirit - all allies. Depending on the adopted agreement, they can be good or evil, or informative activities, but all of them need to be fed a special human emanations. Some people like a symbiosis. Others do not.
Последний раз редактировалось Artur 31 дек 2014, 14:38:34, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

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Re: FAQ, composed of Ravenna posts

Сообщение Artur » 31 дек 2014, 14:29:17

Is the so-called "astral" conscious dream? I'm starting to realize that I have, nevertheless, been lucid dreaming, if the answer is yes. This - the most realistic experience. On the way there is the very dark space in which I often realize.
Whether to use any of the DH sexual energy to control and acceleration in dreams? In my dreams sometimes happen orgasms (for yourself - in any dream, even in the worst), which give the awareness, control and input in a dark space. I think that this is not my invention because I ask. Sexual energy - additional steering wheel?

Some call the conscious state in the dream as the astral.
The use of sexual energy in a dream - it is a very dark theme. On sexual techniques built many magical rituals. They all tend to focus on "service to Mr." and this gentleman is usually the inorganics. Personally, I do not see anything wrong with that, some people use the inorganics for their needs. Many people like to interact with inorganics. But again, I do not want to fasten the knot with someone else, because I like to be lonely bird ... or a cat that walks by itself.

Ravenna is the question. A few years ago there was a case, I went to bed as usual, slept, dreamed of some dream, suddenly in the middle of the story, I heard a voice that asked for help, in the same moment the plot of sleep froze as if someone clicked on pause I fell into darkness and found himself at the door of a historic building. From that moment was a lucid dream, the mind was bifurcated: I knew that I was lying on the bed in the room and at the same time I was at the door of the house. Tell me, please, what it was ...

This phenomenon is called "nested sleep." It is discussed in many forums dreams. A rare phenomenon, but registered in the past. Unfortunately, except for ascertaining the fact of its existence, dreamers can not progress in understanding its mechanisms.

In one of the LD that I remember ... I do not know what to do, came up with the stupid idea - check your body for strength. I flew to a height of several meters and hit the ground. Unpleasant sensations, almost physical pain, neck snapped. I was surprised at the result and tried again, why awake. Since such clarity in dreams is not.
Q: I could somehow hurt yourself?

In dreams can cause real harm yourself, if you are in an awakened state. So do not be a fool in a lucid dreams and do not go to the extreme. I suggest you refer to the dream world with respect. This is perhaps the best option behavior.

Wanted to ask Ravenna, is it possible to somehow collect luminosity in real life? That was such a lot of power just for dreaming. Also wanted to ask, is it possible to somehow return to the core of the luminosity in the real world? Again, to quickly move in dreams. In addition to the recapitulation. Thank you in advance for your reply.

Each world has its own chips. The physical world is dominated by physical force. And that physical force us to take employers - mostly. That is, the embodiment of parasites in our world feed our physical strength and attention. The main quality is the implementation of plans or conceived Affairs. Therefore, in the world of Real Madrid, you can build options such as concentration and physical health, and will, as a derivative of realizable power.
In the dream world, you can train will aka derivative intentions, then the second note and the dreaming body.
In the causal world, you can train the will, as a derivative of assembly events, the second attention and the causal body.
And then we can conclude that the luminosity in the real world it is not necessary to look for. You can specify an analogue luminosity for reals - ordered tonal. But then again, the tonal ordered the easiest in the dream - through the study of dreams and the world of chaotic information of thousands of balls in the perception of one stable and the working world of dreams.

DH spoke of sexual energy as an important tool of the dream - this is the only context in which I encountered the concept of this energy. My question was also directed at the way it is used (if at all possible to get an answer). Probably, DH can successfully do without it.

Castaneda wrote about the limited supply of power. He wrote that these forces can be spent on different things, and that dreams need to release a special reserve. If you need a quick progress savings on other matters should be large. Costs of sex are quite large in human life. Therefore affects the sex dream. On the other hand, sex can serve as the foundation for the development of magic tricks - ie second attention. Sex can be converted into a form of not-doing. Sex is possible to deepen meditation, as did the Taoists. Sex can be turned into an incredible game with the Spirit, as did many famous adventurers. Sex can be transformed into an instrument tracking themselves. But, as Lao Tzu, sage understands that all this can be done not only with sex, but with everything else. So why buy expensive powder if you have access to these options at a cheap and economical prices?

Ravenna, hello. I wanted to ask you about the big high-rise building. Seven nights it has a dream to me, and I believe that this is not normal. In my "real life" significantly deteriorated relations with other people, and constantly in a bad mood, impair the ability "to interrupt during sleep," and dreams themselves become heavy and gloomy. This tall building 96 floors, the main element - in my opinion - a lift, there all night, I travel between floors and gets into all trip. Each floor - it is like a separate story of my life, and you're there with a group of dreamers, and my childhood memories, and some prohibitions, and crime, etc. Twice I got in trouble a maze in the basement of the building. In the labyrinth obviously brainwashed great mass of the people and "lecturers" set me unfriendly. That expresses this location, what to do and how you can stop this series.

Tallest building - a bad place. This is one of the presentations "gigantic structure" of which we talked a lot. Part of this structure is related to the foreign patch in our minds. Castaneda suggests that the patch is inserted fliers. In many forums it is discussed as a "rogue installation".

Was obtained with a break of dreams and "out of body". Remaining barriers of fear. Question - Is the buzz (blunted, "electric" or as a huge fly) inorganics? We live far away from people and all that would buzz. Gul is different in tone, there is not every night. Hum vibrates, its location can not be determined, and it moves. He began to bother me, because after my "walking" he following me, growing.
I, just in case, I send him a message that he does not bother me, and nothing to do with him, I do not want to have. But feels fear, you see. For paralysis he perceived louder frightening and powerful.

Described you hum is a common phenomenon with increasing speed perception. Perceptual speed is very vague concept. Sometimes we all quickly grasp - "grasp on the fly." And sometimes "stupid." When the speed of perception begins to grow - we hear the rumble. Upon reaching the threshold states - that is, the transition to a new perception of a stable level - hum reduced to hissing noise. Afraid of this phenomenon is not necessary.


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