Найдено 12 результатов

19 мар 2011, 13:36:04
Форум: General Discussion
Тема: Penumbra task - the box
Ответы: 2
Просмотры: 22498

Re: Penumbra task - the box


what about someone who avoids sleeping always in the same room?
(they tell this story about the Sultan's mum at the museum that used to be turkish royal palace - that she slept in another room each night, to avoid assasins)
19 мар 2011, 13:18:11
Форум: General Discussion
Тема: Baby steps
Ответы: 2
Просмотры: 20299

Re: Baby steps

what interests you anyway?
does freedom?

whatever does - go for it, it dreams.
23 ноя 2010, 15:22:20
Форум: General Discussion
Тема: challenging power at sunset
Ответы: 6
Просмотры: 26919

Re:clouds reading

(this is a remark i left at Facebook about an hour ago -- now is 14:11 my local time) hey people! stop whatever you'r doing for a sec and look at the sky! a magnifiscent clouds-riding! and the sun has it's big ring around! and spots of all-colored light on the clouds' as if broken by a prism! *i'll ...
23 ноя 2010, 15:09:48
Форум: General Discussion
Тема: challenging power at sunset
Ответы: 6
Просмотры: 26919

Re: challenging power at sunset

[keep this post empty for the next chapter of previous story, to come]
21 ноя 2010, 04:17:49
Форум: General Discussion
Тема: Physical immortality - perfume or muck?
Ответы: 4
Просмотры: 26392

Re: brain eaters

"hey, it's me" "i knew it's you once the phone rang" "i have some info for you." "yea?" "5 brain-eaters were send after you." "5 what??" "would you believe you worth someone 50.000$? this is what it cost, plus transportation, plus..." the price, i was told, is what it takes to have "them" incarnate ...
21 ноя 2010, 01:17:45
Форум: General Discussion
Тема: am i invisible? report if you can read this - thanks!
Ответы: 5
Просмотры: 24316

Re: am i invisible? report if you can read this - thanks!

thanks DarkLight.
i appreciate your answer.

(i'm charlila' can't access my user)
23 окт 2010, 18:17:24
Форум: General Discussion
Тема: Physical immortality - perfume or muck?
Ответы: 4
Просмотры: 26392

Re: Physical immortality - perfume or muck?

very interesting byeepo125.

what did you want to say?
21 окт 2010, 19:24:05
Форум: General Discussion
Тема: challenging power at sunset
Ответы: 6
Просмотры: 26919

Re: challenging power at sunset

Ravenna exercise: http://dreamhackers.eu/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=21&hilit=element (took me some time to find) Ravenna: 1. Find a place in your everyday world where you could find friable fertile ground – i.e., park ground, lawn, in your courtyard. {We’ll separate earth into four categories – mud(earth+...
19 окт 2010, 22:30:38
Форум: General Discussion
Тема: Suggestions
Ответы: 5
Просмотры: 25620

Re: Re:physical immortality sucks!

oops... send the post twice - thus deleted one.
19 окт 2010, 22:26:10
Форум: General Discussion
Тема: Physical immortality - perfume or muck?
Ответы: 4
Просмотры: 26392

Physical immortality - perfume or muck?

qoute the thread' sugestions>general discussions http://dreamhackers.eu/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=36&p=18916#p18916 J.R.Tomlin[archive]"] … the possibility of physical immortality We (in the Saraf tribes) used to call physical immortality "The Eternal Stink. Stink on, you Crazy Diamond? No don't! it woul...